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Force Points

The Force permeates all things. All characters have a Force Point, and Force Sensitive characters start with two Force
Points. As noted above, you may use a Force Point to double all of your Dice Pools; this is known as Trusting the Force.

If you use a Force Point, it is spent forever. If you use a Force Point in a way that uses the Dark Side (i.e. selfishly, or in a
way that calls on the Dark Side of the Force), you regain that Force Point immediately AND you gain a Dark Side Point. If
you use a Force Point in a Heroic Manner, you immediately regain the Force Point. If you use a Force Point in a Heroic
Manner at a Dramatically Appropriate Time (i.e. making the shot that blows up the Death Star), you not only immediate
regain the spent Force Point, but you also gain another Force Point as well. At the GM’s discretion, spending a Force Point
in this way may instead immediately remove one Dark Side point instead of gaining an additional Force Point.

Dark Side Points

Everyone starts with this at 0. These may be accumulated through play, usually through the expenditure of Force Points
in a way that benefits the Dark Side, but any Force Sensitive character runs the risk of accumulating Dark Side points with
EVERY action they take, depending on what they do and why they do it.

Every time you accrue a Dark Side point, the GM will have you roll 1D. If the roll is equal to or less than the number of
Dark Side points you have, you have Fallen to the Dark Side, and your character becomes an NPC. Falling to the Dark
Side is more than just giving in to using the Dark Side; it is succumbing to the call of the Dark Side and embracing it fully.
Be careful!

Dark Side Points MAY be used just like Force Points, to the same effect, but the MUST be used to do something that
would be of the Dark Side, and doing so automatically accrues you another Dark Side point, immediately requiring a
Dark Side Check as usual.

Characters can attempt to Atone and remove a single Dark Side point, but doing so is not easy. At the very least, the
character must not use a Dark Side point to increase their dice pool, or use a Force Point in such a way that it would be Of
the Dark Side, regardless of the circumstances. In addition, all of their actions will be scrutinized, and they must be an
exemplar of the Light Side for a period of time determined by the Game Master. At the end of this time, if they are
successful, one Dark Side point is removed from their total.

Dealing Damage
This is a simple mechanic where you roll the damage dice, and your target rolls its Strength (plus any armor they may
have that applies). The more the Damage Roll succeeds versus the target’s Strength Roll, the more damage is done, as
shown on the following table:

Damage Roll ≥ Strength Roll By: Target is:

1–3 Stunned (-1D for this round and next).
4–8 Wounded (Falls Prone and can take no actions the rest of
the round; -1D until healed); characters may be Wounded
9 – 12 Incapacitated (Falls Prone and is knocked out for 10D
minutes. Can do nothing. An Incapacitated character who
is Wounded or Incapacitated again becomes Mortally
13 – 15 Mortally Wounded (Falls Prone and is unconscious. Cannot
do anything until healed. At the end of each round, roll
2D. If it is less than the number of rounds that the
character has been Mortally Wounded, the character dies. A
Mortally Wounded character who is Incapacitated or
Mortally Wounded again is Killed).
16+ Killed. Your character is dead.
Healing Damage
Character heal in three possible ways in the game.
Natural Healing – This is slower and riskier than Bacta Healing. The character must rest for an amount of time, and then
may make a Strength roll, comparing the result on the following charts:

Roll Wounded Result Wounded x2 Result
2–4 Worsen to Wounded x2 Worsens to Incapacitated
5–6 Remains Wounded Remains Wounded x2
7+ Fully Healed Improves to Wounded

Roll Incapacitated Result Mortally Wounded
2–6 Worsens to Mortally Wounded Dies
7-8 Remains Incapacitated Remains Mortally Wounded
9+ Improves to Woundedx2 Improves to Incapacitated

Medpac Healing – This is the use of a standard Medpac in conjunction with the First Aid skill. Each Medpac may be used
once before it is fully expended. A Medpac may be used on a character only one time per day. No more Medpacs can be
used on him or her for 24 hours. If the issue is forced, each successful use of a Medpac increases the difficulty of the First
Aid roll by one level per each additional use within that 24 hour period.

Degree of Injury Difficulty

Stunned, Unconscious Very Easy (1 – 5)
Wounded, Wounded x2 Easy (6 – 10)
Incapacitated Moderate (11 – 15)
Mortally Wounded Difficult (16 – 20)

Bacta Tank Healing – This is the use of Bacta Tanks and Bacta Packs in conjunction with the Medicine skill. This takes a
longer period of time, measure in hours and days instead of rounds or minutes, such as with a Medpac. Using a Bacta
Tank, regardless of the level or damage the character has, is Very Easy action, with a difficulty of only 4 or 5 (GM’s
Discretion). A successful roll allows for healing of the injured party. If a character who has not spent any Character or
Experience points attempts to use a Bacta Tank, it is instead a Heroic difficulty roll, with a difficulty of 30. Failure on this
roll worsens the character by two levels.

Character Is: Treatment Time:

Wounded 1D Hours
Wounded x2 3D Hours
Incapacitated 1D Days
Mortally Wounded 3D Days

Standard Difficulty Ranges

very easy Easy Moderate Difficult very difficult heroic
1 + 5 6 + 10 11 – 15 16 – 20 21 – 30 30 and up
Point blank Short Medium long

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