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Aasimars are humans with a significant amount of

celestial or other good outsider blood in their ancestry.
While not always benevolent, aasimars are more
inclined toward acts of kindness rather than evil,
and they gravitate toward faiths or organizations
associated with celestials. Aasimar heritage can lie
dormant for generations, only to appear suddenly in
the child of two apparently human parents. Most
societies interpret aasimar births as good omens,
though it must be acknowledged that some aasimars
take advantage of the reputation of their kind, brutally
subverting the expectations of others with acts of
terrifying cruelty or abject venality. “It's always the one
you least suspect” is the axiom these evil aasimars live by,
and they often lead double lives as upstanding citizens or
false heroes, keeping their corruption well hidden.
Thankfully, these few are the exception and not the rule.
Aasimars look mostly human except for some minor
physical trait that reveals their unusual heritage.Typical
aasimar features include hair that shines like metal,
jewel-toned eyes, lustrous skin color, or even glowing,
golden halos.
Aasimar Names
Female Names: Arken, Arsinoe, Davina, Drinma, Imesah,
Masozi, Nijena, Niramour, Ondrea, Rhialla, Valtyra.
Male Names: Aritian, Beltin, Cernan, Cronwier,
Eran, Ilamin, Maudril, Okrin, Parant, Tural, Wyran, Zaigan.
Playing an Aasimar
 Add 1 to your Willpower ability.
 Pick one of the following ability focuses: Communication
(Persuasion) or Perception (Empathy).
 You have Dark Sight, which allows you to see up to 20
yards in darkness without a light source.
 Celestial Resistance: Cold and Electricity, including
magical attacks, deals half damage to you.
 Your speed is equal to 10 + Dexterity (minus armor penalty if applicable).
 You can speak and read the Common Tongue and Celestial.
 Roll twice on the Aasimar Benefits table for additional benefits. Roll 2d6 and add the dice together. If you get the
same result twice, re-roll until you get something different.
Aasimar Benefits
2d6 Roll Result Benefit
2 +1 Intelligence
3-4 Focus: Intelligence (Religious Lore)
5 Focus: Willpower (Faith)
6 Focus: Dexterity (Initiative)
7-8 +1 Communication
9 Focus: Communication (Leadership)
10-11 Focus: Perception (Searching)
12 +1 Accuracy
Tieflings are humans whose lineage is tainted with infernal blood. Though demonic in appearance, they bear no
predisposition towards evil, and the vast majority are born of two human parents. This fact
is lost on most other races, and all tieflings face racial prejudice and subjugation of some
sort or another. Being on the fringes of society takes its toll, and many tieflings turn to
a life of crime purely as an act of survival, inadvertently fulfilling the
expectations of their oppressors. Still others fight to change the image
society has of them through acts of altruism and virtue.
Tieflings are human-sized, with human skin tones, or less
commonly, reds, oranges, and purples. The most obvious
differentiating feature of a tiefling is a pair of demonic horns
sprouting from her forehead, which can twist upwards or curl
backwards around her head. Some tieflings also have long,
nonprehensile tails, pointed teeth, or solid black or white
eyes. The infernal features that present themselves vary
widely, but the more human a tiefling looks, the less likely it
is to be killed by its parents or the angry mobs that all too
often beat down their doors.
Tieflings mature and age at the same rate as humans.
They are shrewd and suspicious in social situations,
and agile and ferocious in a fight. The world has
taught them to be cynical, to expect that all friendships
end in betrayal or heartbreak. The trust of a tiefling is
extremely rare, and even more valuable.
Tiefling Names
Female Names: Dimhiri, Kiras, Letari, Maki,
Natloth, Rokaria, Valbis
Male Names: Kyros, Malthos, Nephthor, Rafat,
Skaron, Urichar, Xarvir
Playing a Tiefling
 Add 1 to your Communication ability.
 Pick one of the following ability focuses:
Strength (Intimidation) or Dexterity (Legerdemain).
 You have Dark Sight, which allows you to see up to 20 yards in
darkness without a light source.
 Infernal Resistance: Fire, including magical fire attacks, deals half damage to you.
 Your speed is equal to 10 + Dexterity (minus armor penalty if applicable).
 You can speak and read the Common Tongue and Infernal.
 Roll twice on the Tiefling Benefits table for additional benefits. Roll 2d6 and add the dice together. If you get the
same result twice, re-roll until you get something different.
Tiefling Benefits
2d6 Roll Result Benefit
2 +1 Fighting
3-4 Focus: Intelligence (Religious Lore)
5 Focus: Constitution (Stamina)
6 Focus: Dexterity (Stealth)
7-8 +1 Willpower
9 Focus: Communication (Disguise)
10-11 Focus: Perception (Searching)
12 +1 Strength

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