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using Some Force Powers untrained

There are some Force Powers that are capable of being used without being trained in them. It is
distinctly more difficult to do so, but it can be done with enough concentration and willpower. And a little
luck. In order to do this, the character MUST be Force Sensitive, and have at least 1D in each of the
relevant Force Attributes in order to attempt this.

When doing so, each base difficulty is increased by 5. So if a power, such as Enhance Attribute, has
a range of 0-13, it instead becomes 5-18. This means that if you get less than 5 on the Control roll, you
cannot activate the power. This is to show that it is harder to do something purely by instinct than it is
once you have been trained in it. If the power has a prerequisite, the difficulty increases by a further 2 for
each power that is required that the character may not have.

This extends to SOME Force abilities that use multiple Force Skills. Just remember the possible Dice
Pool Penalties you can accrue due to doing all of the activation in one single round. Not all powers CAN be
used untrained; the list below encompasses the ones that can be used this way. Powers with an asterisk
automatically cause the user to gain a Dark Side point, no questions asked.

Accelerate Healing. Concentration, Control Pain, Enhance Attribute, Force of Will, Instinctive Astrogation,
Rage*, Reduce Injury, Remain Conscious, Remove Fatigue, Resist Stun

Danger Sense, Life Sense, Magnify Senses, Weather Sense.


Control + Sense

Control + Alter
Control Another’s Pain, Remove Another’s Fatigue, Return Another to Consciousness

Sense + Alter
Dim Other’s Senses

Control + Sense + Alter

Affect Mind, Drain Life Energy*

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