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Aquacultural Engineering 82 (2018) 56–62

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Synthetic fibre as biological support in freshwater recirculating aquaculture T

systems (RAS)

Marco Shizuo Owataria, , Gabriel Fernandes Alves Jesusa,
Marcos Estevão Santiago de Melo Filhob, Katt Regina Lapac, Maurício Laterça Martinsa,
José Luiz Pedreira Mouriñoa
AQUOS-Aquatic Organisms Health Laboratory, Aquaculture Department, Federal University of Santa Catarina (CCA, UFSC), Rodovia Admar Gonzaga 1346, 88040-
900, Florianópolis, SC, Brazil
Chemical Engineering Department, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Aquaculture Department, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil


Keywords: The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of synthetic fibre as a biological support for the adhesion of
Rhamdia quelen nitrifying bacteria in an aquaculture recirculation system (RAS). It was developed from three assays over 120
Oreochromis niloticus days. In the first assay, the synthetic fibres used as biological support were introduced in tanks of biological
Intensive farming filtration of the system for posterior respirometry analysis and scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
Biological filter
Respirometry and SEM were performed 10 days after inoculation with nitrifying microorganisms. Water quality
Nitrifying bacteria
parameters were monitored daily, and the respirometry showed that the bacteria in this assay were consuming
the following amounts of ammonium: concentrations [C1]35.369 mg NH3/L, R2 = 0.9912; [C2]51.628 mg NH3/
L, R2 = 0.9883; [C3]79.494 mg NH3/L, R2 = 0.986; and [C4]215.225 mg NH3L, R2 = 0.9934. In the second
assay, a 1920-L tank was stocked with 120 Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, with an initial weight
32.11 ± 7.6 g and a biomass of 3.8 kg. After 60 days, the tank and its contents were assessed to evaluate
zootechnical parameters and physical–chemical parameters of water quality. From these results, a third assay
was developed in which the biomass of fish was increased to challenge the recirculation system. The tank was
stocked with 480 jundiá Rhamdia quelen (initial weight 11.34 ± 2.4 g and biomass 5.4 kg) for 60 days. In both
the tilapia and jundiá assays, the fish were fed four times per day with a commercial diet of 35% crude protein
and 42% crude protein, respectively, at 5% of each individual fish’s body weight. At the end of the zootechnical
assays, the synthetic fibres used showed efficient biological support for bacterial growth, as confirmed by
scanning electron microscopy. The fibres also demonstrated maintenance of the water quality, which allowed
good fish growth in the recirculating aquaculture system, and the maintenance of up to 11.19 kg/m³ of biomass
of fish.

1. Introduction processes, whereby bacteria, under good environmental conditions,

oxidise ammonia to create nitrite. Nitrifying bacteria are mostly che-
The recirculation aquaculture system (RAS) is based on high fish moautotrophic, and they generate their energy from the oxidation of
densities and can use 99% less water than traditional cropping systems. ammonia and nitrite (Liu et al., 2013; Sliekers et al., 2002), known as
It is costly to execute a RAS, and any mistake in the dimensions or epibacterial community, which are needed to support substrate de-
choice of equipment can result in damage to the system. Nevertheless, gradation.
when well built, a, RAS provides great advantages and allows for the The determination of the maximum and minimum nitrification ca-
control of physical–chemical water variables in culture (Nazar et al., pacities of a biofilter is directly linked to its biofilm. This biofilm is
2013). An RAS can be designed to remove undesirable residues in the formed on the surface area available for adhesion of layers of different
water, such as sand filters, sedimentation structures and biofilters (Bijo, populations and associations of microorganisms in the support material.
2007). Media materials, also called filter media, are commonly evaluated and
Removal of ammonia in an RAS is accomplished by nitrifying compared across the total surface area available per cubic meter of

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M.S. Owatari).
Received 29 January 2018; Received in revised form 26 April 2018; Accepted 11 June 2018
Available online 25 June 2018
0144-8609/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M.S. Owatari et al. Aquacultural Engineering 82 (2018) 56–62

media. However, estimating the rates of nitrification based on the (225 mm x 110 mm x 10 mm) as media for biological support.
theoretical surface area can often be misleading because the biofilm
that covers the media is able to modify the characteristics of the media 2.2. Technical characteristics of biological support
and create a new surface area, reducing the area available to nitrifying
bacteria (Guerdat et al., 2010). From this perspective, the efficiency of The biological support used in the assay was composed of synthetic
the biological filter and the nitrification processes in an RAS are directly fibres and abrasive material, a waterproof polyester resin that disable
related to the types of media used as biological support for bacterial the contact of water with minerals. It was designed in a reticulated
adhesion (Lekang and Kleppe, 2000). A variety of both natural and manner like a web constituted of resistant polyethylene.
artificial media can be used in the biological filters of an RAS, and they
must favour the growth and adhesion of nitrifying bacteria (Ridha and 2.2.1. Colonisation of synthetic fibre
Cruz, 2001). For the nitrifying microorganism colonisation assay, the re-
Microbiological characteristics of bacterial biomass that act in the circulating system was filled with 3320 L of previously chlorinated
nitrification process and the associated activity of microorganisms may (5 ppm of sodium hypochloride) potable water, and it was de-
be determined using a kinetic study that involves multiple methods. chlorinated with sodium thiosulphate (1 ppm). Water quality was
Microbiological characteristics are based on variations in the substrate monitored daily with a multiparameter meter (Hanna Instruments
consumption and formation of some products in the environment, model HI 9828) to measure temperature, dissolved oxygen and pH and
which are directly related to biological reactions, dissolved oxygen with a colorimetric kit (Acqua Supre) to measure alkalinity, ammonia
variations, pH, temperature and alkalinity (Timmons and Ebeling, and nitrite.
2010). Respirometry stands out as a rapid and simple technique that During the assay, there was no water exchange, but there was water
can be used to determine the velocity of the biological consumption of replacement (maximum of 1% weekly) for any loss that occurred due to
oxygen under experimental conditions (International Association on evaporation. To generate a degradation substrate for nitrifying micro-
Water Quality (IAWQ), 1998). The present study aimed to use a re- organisms, a broth containing 200 g of a commercial food for fish,
spirometric assay to determine the performance of synthetic fibres as KOWALSKI® (crude protein, 350 g/kg), was used as the initial source of
biological support for biofilters in recirculating freshwater systems for nitrogen. This amount was calculated as adequate to be offered to 120
fish. fish (estimated biomass of 3.8 kg at the beginning of the assay). The diet
was placed in a 400-mL beaker of water until complete the pellets were
2. Material and methods destabilised, which allowed the soluble nitrogenated compounds to
leach into the liquid fraction. After that, 100 mL of the broth, which
2.1. Description of the recirculating experimental system contained soluble nutrients, was added to the system to increase the
ammonia concentration. In total, four pulses of 100 mL of diet broth
The experiment was developed in the AQUOS Laboratory, UFSC, SC, were added over 10 days in an effort to colonise the synthetic fibre.
Brazil (27°35′49′' S, 48°32′58′' W). It involved the use of a circular The first inoculum of nitrifying bacteria was added from a com-
plastic 2,400-L tank that had 1920 L of usable volume. The system had a mercial product (NITE-OUT II®) that contained Nitrosomonas,
centrifuge pump (Eletroplas® model, ICS 50 BV) that was responsible Nitrobacter and Nitrospira. Its basic composition, as provided by the
for the transport of water from an external 200-L stocking tank to the manufacturer, was 40% nitrifying bacteria, 58% water, 1% sodium
internal 300-L reservoir used for water distribution. The system was bicarbonate and less than 1% preservative. A total of 250 mL of the
installed 2 m above the fish tanks, and it had a mean water flow rate of inoculum were added to tanks three and four. For the addition of the
1900 L/h. commercial product, the recirculating water system was stopped for 2 h
Treatment of the water for mechanical and biological filtration re- so that the nitrifying bacteria could adhere on the synthetic fibres in the
quired the use of a settler and four 200-L plastic tanks. The settler re- tanks. The duration of the colonisation assay was 10 days.
moved the larger particles and had a capacity of 120 L and a conical
bottom. The first plastic tank was able to remove the physical solid 2.2.2. Respirometry assay
sediment. The second tank contained previously cleaned and disin- Seven days after use of the system began, when the total ammonia
fected oyster shells to maintain the alkalinity of the system (Summerfelt level and nitrite remained reduced, we began the respirometry assay to
et al., 2015). The third and fourth tanks were used for biological fil- verify the presence of nitrifying chemoautotrophic microorganisms.
tration, and they contained 200 units of synthetic fibre The setup of the equipment was adapted from Spanjers et al. (1996),

Fig. 1. Apparatus used to measure respirometry of the synthetic fibre used as biological support.

M.S. Owatari et al. Aquacultural Engineering 82 (2018) 56–62

and it included a 350-ml Erlenmeyer flask employed as a bioreactor enzyme saturation and the velocity reached a maximum value (Vmax),
(Fig. 1). according to the following equation:
Fig. 1
QO2 max . [N −NH3]
For this assay, one synthetic fibre was removed from the tank, and a QO2 =
[N −NH3] + Ks (5)
smear was made to remove the biomass of microorganisms that had
adhered to the surface. The media was washed with the aid of a specific where,
culture medium for nitrifying bacteria, as described by Campos et al. Ks = the affinity for the substrate mg[N-NH3]/L.
(1999). The final concentration was adjusted to 1 g of total suspended It is important to emphasise that the oxygen consumption that oc-
solids (SST)/L (according to the culture composition reported by curred due to endogenous respiration and degradation of the biomass
Campos et al. (1999)). The sample was washed, and 300 mL of the 1 g substrate was necessary to differentiate the two drops. The QO2X found
SS/L suspension was transferred to the respirometry equipment. After was subtracted from the value of the endogenous drop.
the addition of the bacterial biomass, the system was aerated with an
air compressor, and the pH was adjusted to 7.8–8.0 with a 2.5% (w/v) 2.2.3. Scanning electron microscopy
sodium hydroxide solution (NaOH) and a 2.5% (v/v) hydrochloric acid In order to verify the synthetic fibre structure used as a biological
(HCl) solution. The temperature was maintained at 35 °C and a mag- support and the bacterial colonisation, samples of the fibre were col-
netic agitator was used at 300 rpm during the respirometric assay. lected from the third and fourth tanks (biological filters) at the same
After aeration was interrupted, the determination of endogenous time that the respirometry assay was performed. Samples were fixed in
respiration began. The dissolved oxygen was measured at 30 s intervals 2.5% glutaraldehyde solution, 2.0% sucrose and buffered with 0.1 M
using an oxymeter (YSI 55, Pro 20). The percent saturation was con- cacodylate (pH 7.2) (Schmidt et al., 2010). After that, they were de-
trolled so that is remained above 30% in order to not compromise the hydrated in a graded ethanolic series, submitted to critical-point drying
bacterial activity. After that, aeration was re-established (International in a EM-CPD-030 (Leica, Heidelberg, Germany) equipment, mounted in
Association on Water Quality (IAWQ), 1998). specimen stubs and metalized with gold (Metalizador Blatec, CED 030).
Respiration of the bacterial biomass was determined by using an Photomicrographs were obtained using a Jeol 6390 L V microscope (a
ammonium chloride solution (NH4Cl). First, a pulse of 1 g/L of am- 20 kV; JEOL Ltd., Tokyo, Japan).
monium chloride was made to the system. The aeration was inter-
rupted, and the oxygen was read at 30 s intervals. A total of four pulses 2.3. Fish harvesting in the experimental tanks
of ammonium chloride were used: concentration [C1]35.369 mg NH3/
L; [C2]51.628 mg NH3/L; [C3]79.494 mg NH3/L; and [C4]215.225 mg At the end of the colonisation assay, an experimental unit was filled
NH3/L. with 120 Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). The fish samples were
Ammonia determination followed the Nessler colorimetric method acquired from a fish farm located in the municipality of Presidente
described by Vogel (1981), whereby the Nessler reagent was added to Getúlio, SC, Brazil. The fish in the system had a mean weight of
the sample in a proportion of 1:50. After 10 min, the sample was read at 32.11 ± 7.60 g, which represented a total biomass of 3.8 kg and a
525 nm absorbance using a spectrophotometer (HAC DR 5000). With stocking density of 1.97 kg/m³. During the 60 days of the experiment,
the absorbance value, the ammonia concentration was verified using a they were fed four times per day with a commercial diet (Kowalski®)
standard curve that was obtained from the ammonium chloride solu- that contained 35% crude protein at 5% of the biomass.
tion. The respiratory velocity (that is, the oxygen consumption) caused After analysing the water quality parameters and zootechnical in-
by the substrate degradation was expressed by the following equation: dices obtained from the tilapia, we designed another assay with the goal
of increasing the biomass in order to compare the biological filter ef-
r0 = QO2 X (1)
ficacy. After the tilapia assay, the system was given a sanitary break
where, before the new assay was set with 480 jundiá (Rhamdia quelen). The fish
r0 = respiration rate or oxygen consumption; for this second assay were acquired from a commercial fish farm located
QO2 = specific breathing rate (mg O2/g of cells per hour); and in Lages, SC, Brazil. The fish in the system had a mean weight of
X = cell concentration (g of cells per L). 11.34 ± 2.4 g, which represented a total biomass of 5.4 kg and a
Thus, the mass balance for oxygen in this system was: stocking density of 2.81 kg/m³. During the 60 days of the experiment,
they were fed four times per day with a commercial diet (NICOLUZZI®)
= Kla (Cs−C )−QO2 X that contained 42% crude protein at 5% of the biomass.
dt (2)
All animal procedures were approved by the Ethic Committee on
Where, Animal Use – CEUA/UFSC nº PP00928 and 7119220216.
Cs = concentration of O2 at saturation;
C = concentration in the liquid; and 2.4. Statistical analysis
the term Kla (CS-C) relates to the oxygen transfer.
When the transfer was cancelled by eliminating the aeration, we For the respirometry analyzes, a simple linear regression between
obtained: time and oxygen consumption was performed. The data obtained in the
experiment were analyzed with statistica® 13.0 software.
= − QO2 X
dt (3)
3. Results and discussion
Which resulted in the following integrated equation:
Maturation of the biological filter was observed in the first days
C = C0−QO2 X * t (4)
after inoculation of the microorganisms. The analysis of total ammonia,
Therefore, the linear model between the dissolved oxygen concentra- toxic ammonia and nitrite showed decreased values, which confirmed
tion (C) and time (t) was determined. the nitrification process. The maximum and minimum values of total
With the data obtained, a graphical model of ammonia nitrogen (TAN) during this period were 3.6 mg/L and 0.6 mg/
Michaelis–Menten–Monod kinetics (Monod, 1949) was constructed. L, respectively. Changes to the TAN values were observed due to the
The initial velocity of the reaction was measured using the substrate inclusion of a nitrogen source in the system as a result of the addition of
concentrations as the scale (nominated as [S]); the velocity of the re- the diet broth diluted in the water. Ten days after colonisation of the
action (V) increased as [S] increased. Furthermore, as [S] increased, the synthetic fibres, a reduction was observed in the total ammonia of

M.S. Owatari et al. Aquacultural Engineering 82 (2018) 56–62

Fig. 2. Temporal variation of total ammonia concentration in the first days of the experiment after colonizing the synthetic fibre with diet as biological filter. Arrows
indicate the addition of fluid diet when observing decrease of the total ammonia nitrogen (TAN).

between 35 mg/L and 1.2 mg/L (Fig. 2). addition of the substrate (Fig. 5). This value increased as the ammonia
Kuhn et al. (2010) used a commercial product (PondProtect-L®) for concentration increased in the environment, and through the re-
marine shrimp that was composed of nitrifying bacteria (15 ppm) as the spiratory quantification of the biomass, the capacity to enhance the
initial bacterial inoculum of the biofilter with Kaldnes media. They biodegradability of organic substances could be determined (Urfer and
reported nitrifying activity two days after the product was added to the Huck, 2001).
system. They also reported that total ammonia did not exceed the Fig. 5
concentration of 1.0 mg/L during the 11 days of the experiment. The kinetics of oxygen consumption is an important factor to pro-
Cycles of aquaculture production normally depend on auto- mote more confidence to this test by showing the metabolic activity of
chthonous nitrifying bacterial colonisation in the biofilters, but con- the microbiota present in the environment. A study by Spanjers et al.
siderable time is needed for the establishment of healthy and viable (1996) showed that linearity is normally observed in this process. In
nitrifying bacteria (Kuhn et al., 2010). The use of a commercial product other words, there is a logical sequence between the substrate and
to start the process has shown to be an efficient protocol for media oxygen demand, as supported in the present assay. The results de-
colonisation in the present study. monstrate a linear relationship between the amount of substrate added
Fig. 2 to the system and the oxygen demand.
Costa et al. (2007) described respirometry as a useful tool to eval-
3.1. Respirometry and specific oxygen consumption uate the metabolic capacity of microorganisms because it is practical
and reliable for kinetics studies. Gernaey et al. (2001) used re-
In the respirometry assay, the oxygen consumption over time was spirometry to compare the oxygen consumption in activated sludge
verified after the aeration was interrupted (Figs. 3 and 4). Simple with different concentrations of organic material, and they found a
methods for the use of respirometry have been previously reported; constant linear relation between inclusion of the substrate and oxygen
they emphasise the evaluation of a respirogram (Spanjers et al., 1999) consumption, which corroborated the present results. It would be fea-
and using less sophisticated equipment on a small scale (Gernaey et al., sible to apply respirometry tests to evaluate the characteristics of re-
1997; Spanjers et al., 1996; Xu and Hasselblad, 1996). sidual water from aquaculture systems on the basis of the microbial
Figs. 3 and 4 activity.
In observing our results, the QO2 and an increase in the respiration Colonisation of the synthetic fibres was also verified by scanning
activity of the microorganisms was found to be directly related to the electron microscopy, making it possible to observe different

Fig. 3. Relationship between oxygen consumption along the time in the endogen respiration of the microorganisms removed from the synthetic fibre. The values
were registered at 30 s interval during the respirometry assay.

M.S. Owatari et al. Aquacultural Engineering 82 (2018) 56–62

Fig. 4. Relationship between oxygen consumption along the times by the microorganisms removed from the synthetic fibre with the presence of substrate ammonium
chloride (NH4Cl). The values were registered at 30 s interval during the respirometry assay after included the ammonium chloride ([c]1 = 35.369 mg.NH3 L−1; [c]
2 = 51.628 mg.NH3 L−1; [c]3 = 79.494 mg.NH3 L−1; [c]4 = 215.225 mg.NH3 L−1).

final biomass of 12.6 g and 21.5 g, with specific growth of 1.98 g and
2.29 g, respectively (Table 1). Testing several plastic materials as bio-
logical support for tilapia (120 g), the fish were fed three times per day
with diet containing 36% crude protein in a recirculating system, Al-
Hafedh et al. (2003) observed a mean daily growth of 2 g, similar to
that found in the present study. In the studies of Canton et al. (2007),
fish were fed four times per day and reached a mean weight of
41.10 ± 4.56 g, with a specific growth rate of 1.56% per day and
survival of 80.12%. In contrast, our study showed higher values for
jundiá due to the controlled conditions of the study. In fact, this ex-
plains the best growth performance found in this study when compared
to other studies.
Fig. 5. Oxygen consumption in relation to time with an increase in the am-
After 70 days of the jundiá assay, the parameters of the filtration
monium chloride supply.
system did not show oscillations as occurred at the beginning of the
assay. This was due to the fact that the bioreactors were colonised with
morphotypes of bacteria 10 days after media colonisation. Apart from nitrifying bacteria from the initial inoculum into the biofilter
no measurements of the specific surface area, ramified structures could (Blancheton et al., 2013).
be found, which confirmed the biological support (Fig. 6). Al-Hafedh et al. (2003) described the performance of different
Morphological characteristics and the action of the bacterial co- plastic materials used as biological support (for example, plastic roll,
lonies in the nitrifying process into biological reactors under laboratory PVC pipe and a cleaning sponge) in biofilters of recirculating systems.
conditions was described by Schramm et al. (1998) during a study The Al-Hafedh et al. (2003) study used Nile tilapia at an initial stocking
identifying the nitrifying bacteria as Nitrosospira and Nitrospira spp. In density of 20 kg/m3, and at a final density of 39 kg/m³, and the fol-
the present study, although there was no identification of the micro- lowing conditions were reported: water temperature = 24.36 ± 0.4 °C;
organisms present in the biological surface, our results from the re- dissolved oxygen (DO) = 6.12 ± 0.23 mg/L; pH = 7.77 ± 0.05; total
spirometry assay involving pulses of inorganic nitrogen without the ammonia nitrogen (TAN) = 0.92 ± 0.05 mg/L; and nitrite (N-
presence of organic carbon made it possible to infer that the che- NO2) = 0.22 ± 0.04 mg/L. On the other hand, Guerdat et al. (2010)
moautotrophic process did occur. During that 120 days of the experi- evaluated three biological filter models (including, moving bed bior-
mental period, the efficiency of the biological filter with synthetic fibres eactor, floating bead filter, and fluidised sand filter) available com-
was tested, and results showed that the tilapia and jundiá reached sa- mercially for recirculating systems in aquacultures. The Guerdat et al.
tisfactory weight gain and survival under adequate water quality. (2010) study reported the use of 5000 Nile tilapias at a stocking density
of 18.58 kg/m³ and the following water-quality parameters: tempera-
3.2. Assay with fish in the system ture = 28.9 ± 2.3 °C, DO = 5.8 ± 0.8 mg/L, pH = 7.16 ± 0.14,
TAN = 0.69 ± 0.3 mg/L and N-NO2 = 2.1 ± 1.5 mg/L. In the present
For O. niloticus and R. quelen, in the present study was verified a study water-quality parameters were similar in both assays tested

M.S. Owatari et al. Aquacultural Engineering 82 (2018) 56–62

Fig. 6. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) of the structure of biological media synthetic fibre-like. Bacterial morphotypes adhered to the synthetic fibre (A) and 10
days after colonization (B).

Table 1 tilapia growing under sterile conditions and the primary maturation of
Zootechnical parameters (means+standard deviation) of Oreochromis niloticus the biofilter before the experimental assay. In the assay with the jundiá,
and Rhamdia quelen in the recirculating aquaculture system. the recirculating system was mature, and the water-quality parameters
Zootechnical parameters Oreochromis niloticus Rhamdia quelen were kept more homogenous with no oscillations.

Number of fish (unit) 120 480 4. Conclusion

Initial total biomass (kg) 3.8 5.4
Initial weight (g) 32.11 ± 7.6 11.34 ± 2.40
Total final biomass (kg) 12.6 21.5 The fibre evaluated in the present study was efficient as biological
Final weight (g) 105.53 ± 34.25 44.79 ± 9.38 support in the recirculating aquaculture system for tropical fish. It
Weight gain (g) 73.42 ± 26.65 33.45 ± 6.98 supported a stocking density of 6.56 kg of O. niloticus/m³ and 11.19 kg
Specific growth rate (% day) 1.98 2.29 of R. quelen/m³, and it contributed to the maintenance of good water
Table 2
Mean values and standard deviation of the water quality during 60 days of fish
maintenance in the recirculating aquaculture system (RAS). DO: dissolved
oxygen, T: temperature, TAN: total ammonia nitrogen. The authors thank National Council of Scientific and Technological
Development (CNPq) for research grant and financial support to J.L.P.
Parameters Oreochromis niloticus Rhamdia quelen
Mouriño (CNPq 308292/2014-6) and M.L. Martins (CNPq 446072/
DO (mg L )−1
6.97 ± 1.25 6.70 ± 0.41 2014-1, 305869/2014-0); Chemical Engineering Department (UFSC)
pH 6.78 ± 0.46 7.27 ± 0.33 for respirometry assay; Central Laboratory of Electronic Microscopy
T (°C) 24.41 ± 1.25 28.81 ± 0.83 (LCME, UFSC) for Scanning Electron Microscopy and Alevinos do Sabiá
TAN (mg L−1) 1.45 ± 1.21 0.17 ± 0.15
fish farming for fish donation.
Tóxic ammonia (mg L−1) 0.004 ± 0.003 0.003 ± 0.003
Nitrite (mg L−1) 1.25 ± 0.98 0.56 ± 0.61
Alkalinity (mg L−1) 38.90 ± 21.19 19.35 ± 4.47 References

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