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Lesson Plan Topic:

Concentric circles, area of circles using properties of circles

Length of Lesson:

90 minutes


G.10 The student will investigate and solve practical problems involving circles, using
properties of angles, arcs, chords, tangents, and secants. Problems will include finding arc
length and area of a sector, and may be drawn from applications of architecture, art, and

Cognitive Objectives:

Students will use knowledge of circles including properties of angles, arcs, chords,
tangents and secants in order to find area of a circle. Students will apply knowledge to
tangible items in their own life.

Materials, Technology and Advanced Preparation:

Video (made by teacher) on concentric circles,, onions (pre-cut)

Introduction/Anticipatory Set:

Students will arrive in class and have a warm-up assignment on the board. The
assignment will be finding area and circumference of circles.

1. Find the circumference of this circle.

The diameter of the circle is 3.

2. Find the Circumference of this circle. The radius is 2.

3. Find the area of this circle. The radius is 3.

Instructor will go over the answers by asking for student participation.

Lesson Development:

Instructor will introduce the video, found through this link:

During the video, instructor will re-iterate some of the questions asked and
encourage students to write down what they think are important points.

After the video, the instructor will split students into groups of two and give them
pre-sliced onions and have them make examples of what they think concentric
circles are and have them use the onion “rings” to simulate the activity at the end of
video. Allow this to continue for 7 -10 minutes.

In the same groups, have the students sanitize their hands and open their computers
to investigate the properties of circles. Using, have the pairs of
students look up “concentric circles”, noting the information they find to be

Instructor will bring the students back together and go over the most important
points they found on the website. Instructor will make a list on the board and go
over any questions students have.


Instructor will ask students to go over what they thought the most important points
of the class were and will assign the homework due the next class time.


Find the area of the annulus of the following circles where r1 = radius of larger
circle and r2 = radius of smaller circle
r1 = 3
r2 = 1.5 r1= 10, r2 = 3 r1= 14, r2 = 0

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