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Jaques Vallée and the UFO phenomena

Vallée proposes that there is a genuine UFO phenomenon, partly associated with a
form of non-human consciousness that manipulates space and time. The
phenomenon has been active throughout human history, and seems to
masquerade in various forms to different cultures. In his opinion, the intelligence
behind the phenomenon attempts social manipulation by using deception on the
humans with whom they interact.

Vallée also proposes that a secondary aspect of the UFO phenomenon involves
human manipulation by humans. Witnesses of UFO phenomena undergo a
manipulative and staged spectacle, meant to alter their belief system, and
eventually, influence human society by suggesting alien intervention from outer
space. The ultimate motivation for this deception is probably a projected major
change of human society, the breaking down of old belief systems and the
implementation of new ones. Vallée states that the evidence, if carefully analyzed,
suggests an underlying plan for the deception of mankind by means of unknown,
highly advanced methods. Vallée states that it is highly unlikely that governments
actually conceal alien evidence, as the popular myth suggests. Rather, it is much
more likely that that is exactly what the manipulators want us to believe. Vallée
feels the entire subject of UFOs is mystified by charlatans and science fiction. He
advocates a stronger and more serious involvement of science in the UFO
research and debate. Only this can reveal the true nature of the UFO

Jacques Vallée attempted to interest Spielberg in an alternative explanation for the

phenomenon. In an interview on, Vallée said, "I argued with him that
the subject was even more interesting if it wasn't extraterrestrials. If it was real,
physical, but not ET. So he said, 'You're probably right, but that's not what the
public is expecting — this is Hollywood and I want to give people something that's
close to what they expect.'
There is a genuine UFO phenomenon, partly associated with a form of non-human
consciousness that manipulates space and time. The phenomenon has been
active throughout human history, and seems to masquerade in various forms to
different cultures. The intelligence behind the phenomenon attempts social
manipulation by using deception on the humans with whom they interact.

A secondary aspect of the UFO phenomenon involves human manipulation by

humans. Witnesses of UFO phenomena undergo a manipulative and staged
spectacle, meant to alter their belief system, and eventually, influence human
society by suggesting alien intervention from outer space. The ultimate motivation
for this deception is probably a projected major change of human society, the
breaking down of old belief systems and the implementation of new ones. The
evidence, if carefully analyzed, suggests an underlying plan for the deception of
mankind by means of unknown, highly advanced methods. It is highly unlikely that
governments actually conceal alien evidence, as the popular myth suggests.
Rather, it is much more likely that that is exactly what the manipulators want us to
believe. The entire subject of UFOs is mystified by charlatans and science fiction.
We need a stronger and more serious involvement of science in the UFO research
and debate. Only this can reveal the true nature of the UFO phenomenon.
Hay un verdadero fenómeno OVNI, en parte asociado a una forma de conciencia
no-humana que manipula el espacio y el tiempo, la realidad, que ha permanecido
activo en toda la historia humana, y parece hacerse pasar en diversas formas en
las diferentes culturas. La inteligencia detrás del fenómeno intenta la manipulación
social mediante el uso de engaño en los seres humanos con los que interactúa.

Un aspecto secundario del fenómeno OVNI implica la manipulación por los seres
humanos. Los testigos de fenómenos OVNI se someten a un espectáculo de
manipulación y puesta en escena, cuya intención es modificar su sistema de
creencias, y, finalmente, influir en la sociedad humana al sugerir la intervención
extraterrestre. La motivación última de este engaño es probablemente un
importante cambio proyectado en la sociedad humana, la ruptura de viejos
sistemas de creencias y la implantación de otras nuevas. La evidencia, si se
analiza cuidadosamente, sugiere un plan subyacente de engaño en la humanidad
por medio de métodos desconocidos y muy avanzados. Es muy poco probable
que los gobiernos en realidad oculten la evidencia extraterrestre, como el mito
popular sugiere. Más bien, es mucho más probable que eso es exactamente lo
que los manipuladores quieren que creamos. Todo el tema de los ovnis ha sido
mistificado por charlatanes y por la ciencia ficción. Necesitamos una mayor y más
profunda participación de la ciencia en la investigación y el debate OVNI. Sólo esto
puede revelar la verdadera naturaleza del fenómeno OVNI.

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