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The Islamia University of Bahawalpur Pakistan



Class: MCS (3rd Semester) Mid Term Session: 2018-20

Subject: Computer Graphics Code: CSIT - 21302
Time: 60 Minutes Total Marks: 20
Name:________________________________ Roll. No. ________
Question No. 1 MCQs Each Question Carry 0.5 mark.0.5 x 10 = 05
Q. No. 1
1) In scane line pollygon filling perform the following
a) Find intersection b) Sort intersection c) Make pairs d) All of these e) None of these
2) If the number of rows is not equell the number of coloum such matrix is called
a)Square matrix b) Rectengular matrix c) Scalar matrix d) Unit matrix
3) If all of its elements above the principle diagonal are zero
a) Lower triangular matrix b)Upper triangular matrix c) Scalar matrix d) Identity matrix
4) A matrix obtained by interchanging its rows into coloums is called
a) Ractangular matrix b) Unit matrix c) Transpose matrix d) Identity matrix
5) The user does not have control over the graphics images called
a) Interactive computer graphics b) Non-inter active c) Both a&b d) None of these
6) Screen saver is an example of
a) Interactive b)Non-interactive c) Both a&b d) None of these
7) In circle if the point is >0 then point will be

a) Inside of boundrary b) Outside of boundry c) On the boundary d) none of these

8) The operation of most video monitors is based on the standards
a) CRT b) LCD c) LED d) None
9) Paint such areas by replacing a specified interior color instead of searching for a boundary
color value is called
a) Boundary fill b) Flood fill c) Scanline fill d) All
10) 2-dimensional shape form with straight line called
a) Polygon b) closed shape c) Both d) None of these

Answer the shot questions. Each Question Carry 2 mark. 02x04 = 08
I. Define CRT moniters .(2)
II. Define direct view storage devices (2).
III. Define raster scan system .(2)
IV. Differentiate between raster and random scan system.(2)

Q .3 Answer the long question. 07`

. Explain DDA line drawing algorithem . (07 )

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