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Eduncle posted an Article

August 20, 2019 • 1:44 pm

SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam: List of Important

Topics to Help You Score More!

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Being a candidate preparing for SSC CGL Exam, you all might be
aware that the very first phase, SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam is the most
important phase of the exam that should be prepared wisely.
To make your preparation smooth you might have kick started
your preparation as well. There are a lot of topics to prepare if we
take all the sections together, i.e. Quantitative Aptitude,
Reasoning Ability, English Comprehension and General
You have to prepare all the topics provided in the SSC CGL Tier 1
Syllabus, in order to attempt maximum question that appears in
the exam. But you have to make those topics strong that are
important and also carry higher weightage in the question paper.
Why Should You be Aware About the Import
ant Topics?

While going for the SSC CGL or any other exam preparation, it is
always important to be aware of the important topics. Check out
the reasons below:

 All the topics do not carry equal weightage.

 Some topics covers more part of the questions that appear in

the paper.

 Sometimes the topics that carry least marks, are very lengthy
and the questions consume a lot of time that could be used to
solve other questions.

 In case you have not started your preparation and a few days
are remaining for the exam, you can collect the important topics
and score well.

 Check here SSC CGL Exam Pattern ﴾Tier‐I, II, III & IV﴿
﴾Updated Pattern﴿ !!

Here we are making you aware about the most important topics
of every section so that you can mark more accurate attempts on
those questions, which covers maximum weightage of that
See below the important topics along with their short tricks to
solve them easily without wasting your time.
SSC CGL Quantitative Ability
This is the most important section in SSC CGL Exam. This section
can be the base for the candidate to get into the merit list.
Important topics of the section are:
1. Algebra

 Areas to focus ‐ Algebraic Identities, Factorization &

Simplification of Polynomials and Simplification of Fractions.

 Useful Formulas
  ﴾x + y﴿2 = x2 + y2 + 2xy

  ﴾x – y﴿2 = x2 + y2 – 2xy

  ﴾x2 – y2﴿ = ﴾x + y﴿ ﴾x – y﴿

  ﴾x + y﴿3 = x3 + y3 + 3xy﴾x + y﴿

  ﴾x – y﴿3 = x3 – y3 – 3xy﴾x – y﴿

  ﴾x3 + y3﴿ = ﴾x + y﴿ ﴾x2 + y2 – xy﴿

  ﴾x3 – y3﴿ = ﴾x – y﴿ ﴾x2 + y2 + xy﴿

  ﴾x + y + z﴿2 = x2 + y2 + z2 + 2﴾xy + yz + zx﴿

  ﴾x3 + y3 + z3 – 3xyz﴿ = ﴾x + y + z﴿ ﴾x2 + y2 + z2 – xy –

yz – zx﴿

  If x + y + z = 0, then x3 + y3 + z3 = 3xyz

2. Trigonometry

 You should only focus on basics. There is no need to study


 Grab basic knowledge about “Theta ﴾θ﴿” i.e. sin θ, cos θ,

tan θ, cot θ, sec θ, cosec θ and their relationship.

 Useful Formulas

Pythagorean Identities

  sin2 θ + cos2 θ = 1

  tan2 θ + 1 = sec2 θ

  cot2 θ + 1 = csc2 θ

Negative of a Function

  sin ﴾–x﴿ = –sin x

  cos ﴾–x﴿ = cos x

  tan ﴾–x﴿ = –tan x

  csc ﴾–x﴿ = –csc x

  sec ﴾–x﴿ = sec x

  cot ﴾–x﴿ = –cot x

If A + B = 90o, Then

  Sin A = Cos B

  Sin2A + Sin2B = Cos2A + Cos2B = 1

  Tan A = Cot B

  Sec A = Csc B

 Check here SSC CGL Notifications | Exam Date, Calendar &
Posts !!

3. Geometry

 You should focus on properties of Lines, Angle, Triangle,

Quadrilateral, Polygon, Circle and Concept of Triplet.

 Useful Formulas


  By Sides:

 Scalene – no congruent sides

 Isosceles – 2 congruent sides

 Equilateral – 3 congruent sides

  By Angles:
 Acute – all acute angles

 Right – one right angle

 Obtuse – one obtuse angle

 Equiangular – 3 congruent angles﴾60º﴿

 Equilateral ↔ Equiangular

  Exterior angle of a triangle equals the sum of the 2
non‐adjacent interior angles.

  Mid‐segment of a triangle is parallel to the third side

and half the length of the third side.

Similar Triangles:

  AA = "Angle‐Angle" ﴾two angles are same﴿

  SSS = "Side‐Side‐Side" ﴾All sides are same﴿

  SAS ="Side‐Angle‐Side" ﴾Two sides and one angle is


4. Profit & Loss

 You have to make strong the concepts of basic calculation

and approximation in order to save your time.

 Useful formulas

If there is a Profit

  Profit / Gain = S.P. – C.P.

  Profit % = Profit / ﴾C P﴿ × 100

  P. = ﴾100 + Gain %﴿ / 100 × C.P.

  P. = 100 / ﴾100 + Gain %﴿ × S.P.

If there is a Loss

  Loss = C.P. – S.P.

  Loss % = Loss / ﴾C.P.﴿ × 100

  P. = ﴾100 ‐ Loss %﴿ / 100 × C.P.

  P. = 100 / ﴾100 ‐ Loss %﴿ × S.P.

SSC CGL Reasoning Ability
This section is based on more logical assumption than proper
formulas. See below the important topics that you have to work

1. Syllogism

 It’s a kind of verbal reasoning, where you will be given two

or more statements followed by some conclusion, from which
you have to select the correct one.

 You should draw Venn diagrams for all the statements

sequentially and find out the relation between them.

 Useful Tricks

  All + All = All

  All + No = No

  All + Some = No Conclusion

  Some + All = Some

  Some + No = Some Not

  Some + Some = No Conclusion

If there is a case of “Possibility”, then:

  If All ‘A’ are ‘B’ = Some ‘B’ are Not ‘A’ is a Possibility.

  If Some ‘B’ are Not ‘A’ = All ‘A’ are ‘B’ is a Possibility.

  If Some ‘A’ are ‘B’ = All ‘A’ are ‘B’ is a Possibility & All
‘B’ are ‘A’ is a Possibility.

2. Analogy

 The questions will be based on the relationship between

two elements.

 You will get two elements in the question with some kind
of relationship between them and you have to find out the set
of elements having the same relationship. ﴾Teacher:
Student::Doctor :?﴿

 Useful Tricks

You should practice question based on the following

factors: ‐

  Synonyms

  Antonyms

  Member and Class

  Degree of Intensity

  Part and Whole

  Definition

  Manner

  Function

  Action and Significance

  Pertaining to
  Symbol and Representation

  Cause and effect

  Agent and Action

  Component and Product

 Check here SSC CGL Previous Question Papers with Answer
Keys !!

3. Classification /Odd One Out

 In these question a set of elements will be given to you

and you have to select or classify the odd element among

 It is the easiest topic in Reasoning that needs a little

preparation and can result you with good score.

 Useful Tricks

  The simple way to solve these questions is to mark a

category among the given elements.

  Find the one element that doesn't follow the same

category and there you get your answer.


4. Figure problems

 Question based on figure problem carry a good weightage

in the paper, so you have to prepare well for this particular

 You will see 4‐5 images in the question having some type
of relation among them.

 Either you have to find any missing image in between

them or the next ﴾last﴿ image following the same pattern of

 Useful Tricks

  Find out the manner in which the images or objects

relate to each other.

  Use the logical deduction skills to find out the relation.

  Keep in mind the concepts of symmetry and rotation.

SSC CGL English Comprehension
This section is also very important in order to score well in the
overall exam. But you have to be very careful while attempting
question in this section as chances of negative marking are more.
You have to make your base strong for Basic Grammar.
Following are the topics having higher significance in the exam: ‐
1. Synonym / Antonym

 In CGL Exam you will surely find questions based on

synonyms and antonyms, so, start learning them on daily

 You need not learn very typical words as you will be asked
about only some general vocabulary based question that we
use in common.

 Useful Tips

  Read newspaper daily.

  Try to understand the meaning of the word which you

are not familiar with.

  Write down the word with its meaning, synonyms and

antonyms. You can take help from the dictionary.

  Till the exam you might be having many new words

written with you. Revise them before the exam.

2. One word substitution
 In SSC CGL Tier 1 exam you may find 8‐9 questions related
to one‐word substitution ﴾OWS﴿.

 For making the topic strong you have to increase your


 Useful Tips

  Again the basic tip is to read a newspaper daily and

learn new words.

  Solve as many questions as you can, based on one‐

word substitution.

  Make some tricks on your own while solving these

questions that you can remember at the time of the

3. Spotting errors
 These type of questions play a vital role in the exam that
will test your basic knowledge of command on the language.

 You will be given errors based on spelling mistakes or

grammatical errors. Questions will be divided into a 4‐5

 Useful tips

  While attempting the question you should be careful

about the spellings.

  Focus on the grammatical part like Noun, Pronoun,

Adjective, Adverb, subject‐verb agreement, use of Articles

  In case you are not able to find an error, please read
the sentence individually that is given in partition.

SSC CGL General Awarenes
General awareness section is not only important but also the most
difficult section in the exam. Candidates find it very difficult to
clear this section as the chances of negative marking are very
high. You have to prepare the topics based on 10th class level.
We are mentioning below the important topics that you should
prepare well to score more:
1. General Science

 You will be given 10‐15 questions from this section in the

paper based on Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Computer.

 By this you will be judged on your day to day scientific


 Useful Tips

Focus on the following areas:

  Gravity, Motion, Work, Pressure, Units of

measurement, Sound, Heat, Electronics, and Magnetism.

  Uses, common names, and composition of various

chemicals, Alloys etc.

  Definition based questions on heat, oxidation,

reduction etc.

  Parts of plant and their functions, Parts of the body

and their functions, Basics of the animal kingdom,
Disease etc.
2. Constitution

 Under this topic you will have questions from Indian

constitution and polity.

 You could be asked questions based on static GK or

current affairs.

 Useful Tips

Focus on the areas given below:

  Election, Representation of People’s Act

  Bills and Laws

  Bodies & Reforms

  Judgement & Judiciary

  Internal Security & Police reforms

  Human Rights & Duties

 Check here How to Prepare for SSC CGL 2018‐19 | Books
and Study Material !!

3. History

 You will be asked questions on Indian History only.

 It also includes questions based on the various cultures

followed in Indian states.

 Useful Tips

Focus on areas given below:

  Harappa, Vedic Age, Maurya, Sangam etc. ﴾Ancient

  Delhi Sultanate, Mughals etc. ﴾Mediaval India﴿

  1857 Sepoy Mutiny and Freedom Struggles ﴾Modern


4. Geography

 Question will be asked from Physical Geography and

Indian Geography.

 Question related to World Geography are not asked in SSC

Exams. So, don’t focus on learning World Geography.

 Useful Tips

Focus on areas given below:

  Major Soils of India

  Rivers, Lakes & Waterfalls

  CENSUS‐2011

  Major Highways of India, Railway Zones

  Basics of planets

  Layers of atmosphere & their sequence, Layers of

earth‐core, SIAL, SIMA, discontinuity etc.

The above given important topics will absolutely help you to score
well in the upcoming SSC CGL Exam if you prepare smartly for the
exam with a lot of practice. Practice will help you attempting the
questions with speed and will save your time.
If you find our information and advice worthy, please comment
your views and suggestions below in comment section. You can
also ask any query if you have regarding the exam. We are always

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