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Rubric for the questionnaire

Task Description: Learners should consider this rubric to design a questionnaire

Criteria weight Exceptional Admirable Acceptable Attempted

Preparation 25% Research is Research is Research not Research

extensive suitable suitable but shows little
shows some knowledge of
knowledge the topic
Understanding 15% Shows in depth Shows Shows basic Little or no
understanding understanding understanding understanding
of the topic but lacks of the topic
Questionnaire 25% Open ended Some open- Few questions All questions
questions questions ended were open required
questions ended yes/no

1. In your own words define SWOT analysis.

2. What does SWOT stand for?
3. How would you use SWOT analysis to help improve your business?
4. Give examples of the following:
- Strengths
- Weaknesses
- Opportunities
- Threats


1. SWOT analysis is an approach that helps entrepreneurs to consider what could

improve their business and make it successful and what could threaten it and a
cause it to collapse.
2. Strengths, opportunities, weaknesses, and threats.
3. I would first consider what are my weaknesses, so that I can find ways to improve
and what are my strengths focus on my strengths and be best at them, grab any
opportunity that will benefit my business and try to avoid the threats.
4. Strengths – I have baking skills; therefore, I can open a bakery.
Weaknesses- I do not have financial skills.
Opportunities- sell my scones to big retailers (Shoprite, pick’ n pay).
Threats- my neighbour opened a bakery also.

1. What is a goal?
2. What is SMARTER- goals approach?
3. What does SMARTER stand for?
4. If you had a business, what kind of goals would you set?
5. Use SMARTER-goals approach to make a 3-month goal setting plan for your business.


1. A goal is something you want to achieve.

2. SMARTER-goals approach is a framework that helps entrepreneurs to se goals for
their business.
3. SMARTER-goals approach stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic,
Timebound, Ethical and Recordable.
4. Amount of profit my business should make every month, and (any relevant answer
from learners.)
Specific- I would like to generate R3000 profit from my hair business.
Measurable- The R3000 can be measured in Rands and Cents.
Achievable- The profit will be earned through selling 3 hair pieces a day.
Realistic- Hairpieces will cost R10 each.
Timebound- The profit will be earned in 3 months.
Ethical- I will not sell counterfeit hairpieces.
Recordable- I will record all my earnings in a journal to trace the profit.
(Any relevant examples from learners.)
Rationale for Lesson Design/Plan

Section 1: Routine information:

• Grade:6
• Section of work: Properties of 2D shapes
• Sub-Topic of this lesson: Classifying triangles (sides)

Section 2: Purpose/objectives

• KEY QUESTIONS: Do all triangles have the same sides

: What makes triangles differ from each other?

• SKILLS: During this lesson learners will know how to recognize and different types of

Understand the basic properties of triangles

• ATTITUDES AND VALUES: This lesson helps learners to distinguish the differences
between triangles and recognize similarities between them.

Section 3: Rationale for key pedagogical choices (methodology used)

Content Knowledge

Triangles are 2D shapes that consist of 3 sides and 3 angles.

Classification of Triangles Based on Sides
Make sure students understand the following definitions. It’s best if they copy down the following
Triangles can be classified in the following three categories based on the length of the sides:
▪ Equilateral Triangle: If all the sides of a triangle are equal then it is called an equilateral
triangle. It can be proved that all the angles of an equilateral triangle are also equal.
▪ Isosceles Triangle: If any two sides of a triangle are equal to each other then the triangle will
be called an isosceles triangle. The two angles, formed by the equal sides with the unequal side
of the triangle are equal.
▪ Scalene Triangle: For these types of triangles no sides as well as no angles are equal to each
Triangle 1 will be Equilateral, 2-Scalene, 3-obtuse, 4- obtuse therefore looking at the sides of the above
triangles you can be able to classify it.

Important vocabulary


I will have students read the lesson topic, classifying triangles.

I will triangles' up on the board and place three bullet points beneath it. I will ask learners to identify
the three basic characteristics of triangles and write them up on the board as they answer correctly.
The three should be:

o Three sides
o Three angles
o Angles must add up to 180 degrees

After they have correctly identified these properties, I will write a second heading up on the board:
'Types'. Place three bullet points beneath that heading. I will ask them to identify the three types of
triangles mentioned in the lesson. The three should be:

o isosceles
o equilateral
o scalene

This method will help learners remember what they learnt from the lesson.


Section 4: Write a detailed sequence of lesson steps that builds a systematic and coherent process of

Describe what will happen in each lesson step

Aim of the lesson Teacher explanations / questions / examples / Learner participation &
step is to… instructions / actions activities

1. Recap From the previous grade learners learnt about Recall properties of
basic properties of triangles I will ask them to triangles.
recall them

2. Engage I will write names of triangles (equilateral, Read the names of triangles
Isosceles and scalene) and draw them on the
board. I will instruct learners to read their names.

I will explain to learners how to classify triangles

3. Explain based on their sides.

I will give learners an activity on the worksheets Complete an activity

4. Evaluate

Write corrections and mark the activity.

Ask learners what they have learnt, and what they Mention important
5. Consolidate found important from this lesson. concepts from the lesson.
Substitute the yards(yd), the feet (ft) and inches (in) with cm


A. Equilateral, scalene, isosceles.

B. Scalene, equilateral, isosceles.
C. Isosceles, scalene, isosceles
Rationale for Lesson Design/Plan

Section 1: Routine information:

• Grade:6
• Section of work: Properties of 2D shapes
• Sub-Topic of this lesson: Classifying triangles (angles)

Section 2: Purpose/objectives

• KEY QUESTIONS: Are all interior angles of triangles equal?

: Can you distinguish triangles by their angles?

• SKILLS: During this lesson learners will know how to classify triangles using their angles.
• ATTITUDES AND VALUES: This lesson teaches learners how to differentiate triangles looking at
their angles.

Section 3: Rationale for key pedagogical choices (methodology used)

Content Knowledge

Classification of Triangles Based on Angles

Triangles can be classified in the following three categories based on angles:

▪ Acute Angled Triangle: When all the angles of a triangle are less than 90 degrees, then
the triangle is called an acute triangle.
▪ Right Angled Triangle: If one of the angles is 90 degrees then the triangle will be called a
right-angled triangle.
▪ Obtuse Angled Triangle: One of the angles for these types of triangle is more than 90

Looking at the above triangles they have special unique properties that make them differ to each other

1. Acute angled triangle- In this type of Triangles all the angles in the triangle measure less than 90° Eg.
45°, 60°, 75°
2. Right angled triangle - In this type of triangle one of the three angles in the triangle measures 90°
Eg.90°, 45°, 45°
3. Obtuse angled triangle - In this type of triangle one of the three Angles of a triangle measures more
than 90° Eg.120°, 30°, 30°

Important vocabulary

Right Angled triangle

Acute triangle
Obtuse triangle

To recap yesterday’s lesson, I will show learners the above drawing and ask them what they remember
and what seems different in today’s drawing than yesterday’s.
Before explaining the content, I will highlight the differences of these triangles using colourful chalk.

For consolidation I will give learners a chance to summarize the lesson

Colour pencils
Section 4: Write a detailed sequence of lesson steps that builds a systematic and coherent process of

Describe what will happen in each lesson step

Aim of the lesson Teacher explanations / questions / examples / Learner participation &
step is to… instructions / actions activities


To recap yesterday’s lesson, I will show learners the

above drawing and ask them what they remember
and what seems different in today’s drawing than Answer recap questions

Engage I will give learners worksheets and instruct them to Colour the worksheets.
use colourful pencils to show which sides are equal
on the triangles. Equal sides have same colours.

I will explain the content of the lesson.

Explain I will use colourful chalks to show learners on the
board which angles are equal in the triangles. Equal
angles same have same colours.

I will give learners an activity

Evaluate Complete an activity

After marking, I will ask learners to summarize

today’s lessons.
Consolidate Summarize the lesson


A. Acute, right angled, Acute.

B. Obtuse, equiangular, Isosceles
C. Right angled, isosceles, obtuse
Rationale for Lesson Design/Plan

Section 1: Routine information:

• Grade:6
• Section of work: Properties of 2D shapes.
• Sub-Topic of this lesson: Sum of interior angles of triangles

Section 2: Purpose/objectives

• KEY QUESTIONS: What is the sum of interior angles of triangles?

: How many angles inside a triangle?

• SKILLS: during this lesson learners will be able to find missing angles in triangles
using the property : sum of interior angles of triangles is 180⁰.

• ATTITUDES AND VALUES: this lesson will help learners find the measure of an angle
in a triangle given the measure of two other angles,
find the measure of an angle in a triangle by determining the measure of the other
two angles from geometric properties,
find an unknown angle related to an interior angle of a triangle using geometric

Section 3: Rationale for key pedagogical choices (methodology used)

Content Knowledge
In this lesson, we will learn how to investigate the sum of the measures of angles in a
triangle and find the measure of unknown angles using the property: sum of angles in a
triangle equal to 180 ⁰. This property will help learners figure out how to find missing angles.
Missing angles in triangles worksheet are a great way to teach students the angle
sum property of triangles and appreciate how the triangle angles are interrelated.

Catch up exercise for learners to work in pairs this will help them to rewind on the two past
learners which I will be using to connect to this lesson.
Section 4: Write a detailed sequence of lesson steps that builds a systematic and coherent process of

Describe what will happen in each lesson step

Aim of the lesson Teacher explanations / questions / examples / Learner participation &
step is to… instructions / actions activities

Recap I will learners a warmup exercise which is a revision Write an exercise in pairs.
of what we did in the previous two lesson.

I will ask learners to explain how they got their

Engage answers. Explain how they
understood the questions.

I will explain the content of today’s lesson.


I will give learners an activity Complete an activity

Evaluate individually.

Learners will write answers on the board, and I will

Consolidate correct their mistakes and misconceptions. Write the answers on the

Q1. A

Q2. Missing angle is 65⁰

Q3. m∠C= 180⁰- 43⁰-74⁰ = 63⁰

Q4. M∠C =90⁰ [ right angle]

Q5. B

Q6. ∠R = 180⁰-74⁰-66,5⁰ [isosceles ]

= 66,5⁰
Rationale for Lesson Design/Plan

Section 1: Routine information:

• Grade:6
• Section of work: Properties of 2D shapes
• Sub-Topic of this lesson: properties of quadrilaterals

Section 2: Purpose/objectives

• KEY QUESTIONS: What are quadrilaterals?

Using information about their sides, how would you differentiate different

• SKILLS: During this lesson learners will learner about properties of quadrilaterals and
will know how to differentiate them according to their properties.

• ATTITUDES AND VALUES: This lesson shows learners that though all quadrilaterals
have four sides it does not mean they are similar therefore learners will be learning
about their properties so that they can now how to differentiate them.

Section 3: Rationale for key pedagogical choices (methodology used)

Content Knowledge

Quadrilateral is any closed four-sided shape. All quadrilaterals are different because they
have unique properties. A quadrilateral is a polygon with 4 sides and 4 corners. The word
‘quadrilateral’ comes from ‘quad’ meaning ‘4’ and ‘lateral’ meaning ‘of sides’. The interior
angles of quadrilaterals add to 360 degrees.Any quadrilateral with 4 right angles is a
rectangle. A quadrilateral with 4 right angles and 4 equal length sides is a square. The area
of a square is equal to the length of one side to the power of two (length squared).
Quadrilaterals with 2 sets of parallel side are called parallelograms.
A rhombus is a quadrilateral with four sides of the same length. A diamond shape is a good
example of a rhombus.

A convex (outward) quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides is known as a trapezoid/
trapezium. In both instances it comes from a Greek word meaning ‘a little table’.

A kite quadrilateral features 2 pairs of adjacent sides that are of equal length (much like a
kite you can fly in the sky).

Important vocabulary


Colour pencils


1. I will instruct learners to Identify quadrilaterals in their daily lives.

2. I will draw and identify quadrilaterals based on descriptions of them.
3. I will display images of the different quadrilaterals: rhombus, rectangle and trapezoid
and ask students what they have in common. Once it is established that they all have 4
sides, explain to students that the term for this is “quadrilateral.” Write the word
quadrilateral on the board and underline “quad”.

I will explain that the word "quadrilateral" comes from Latin and that quadri means
four and latus means side so “quadrilateral” is a way to describe a shape that has 4

4. I will give learners handouts to paste in their workbooks.

Section 4: Write a detailed sequence of lesson steps that builds a systematic and coherent process of

Describe what will happen in each lesson step

Aim of the lesson Teacher explanations / questions / examples / Learner participation &
step is to… instructions / actions activities

Engage To engage learners, I will instruct learners to Identify real life

Identify quadrilaterals in their daily lives quadrilaterals.

Introduce the I will display images of the different quadrilaterals:

lesson rhombus, rectangle and trapezoid and ask students
what they have in common. Once it is established
that they all have 4 sides, explain to students that
the term for this is “quadrilateral.” Write the word
quadrilateral on the board and underline “quad”.

Further I will explain the different properties of


I will give learners an activity to complete.

Evaluate Complete an activity

We will review the activity together and ask individually.
learners if they have any questions regarding
today’s lesson.

Complete the table below

Shape Name Sides Sides Unique

parallel equal property
Opposite All angles
sides are equal
to 90⁰



No parallel One line

sides of
No lines

Shape Name Sides Sides Unique

parallel equal property
Square Opposite All sides All angles
sides are equal are equal
to 90⁰

Rhombus Opposite All sides Both pairs

sides are are equal of
parallel opposite
Parallelogram Opposite Opposite No lines of
sides are sides are symmetry
parallel equal

Kite No parallel Two pairs One line of

sides of symmetry
equal in
Trapezium Single pair No sides No lines of
of opposite equal symmetry
sides are
Rectangle Opposite Opposite Two lines
sides are sides are of
parallel equal symmetry
Rationale for Lesson Design/Plan

Section 1: Include the following routine information:

• Grade: 6
• Section of work: Perimeter, Area, and Volume
• Sub-Topic of this lesson: Volume of 3D Objects

Section 2: Purpose/objectives
• KEY QUESTIONS: What is the difference between 2D shapes and 3D objects?
: Why do 3D objects have a volume?

• SKILLS: During this lesson, learners will learn how to calculate volume of different
3D objects by using their formula.

• ATTITUDES AND VALUES: This lesson help learners to understand that the volume
is the capacity of the object, how much an object could carry inside. This lesson
help learners to understand real life measurements, e.g. the volume of water
inside the bucket.

Section 3: Rationale for key pedagogical choices (methodology used)

Content Knowledge

The measure of a three-dimensional object uses a 3-dimensional quantity, called volume.

In a cube the length (l) is equal to the height (h) is equal to the breadth (b) or width (w), viz.
l = h = b (or w) and by multiplying these measurements, we calculate the volume (V) of the
object. It can also be referred to as an amount of space an object occupies.

Let’s study the area of the faces of cuboids which consists of stacks of regular cubes. Each
face consists of squares which in turn form cubes with six equal faces.
Count the cubes on the cuboid
24 cubes
= 4 cubes ×2 cubes ×3 cubes
=24 cubes
We can also say that the volume of the stack of cubes can be measured by counting the
total amount of cubes.
Another example:
Can you divide this cuboid alongside, into its 3 views Then, by using the faces of the object
as a guide, determine its volume.

Front view

Side view
Top view

Now, use the cuboid to answer the following questions.

1. The number of squares as seen from the:
a) Front view: 20
b) Side view: 12
c) Top view: 15
d) Therefore, the total number of squares is: 20 + 12 + 15 = 47 squares
e) So, the volume of the cuboid is: v= l×b×h
= 5×3×4
= 60 cubes
Remember volume is measured in units cubed.

f) Why is there a difference between answers (d) and (e)

The area is calculated using squares in (d). Volume is calculated by using the length,
breadth (width) and height. The top view is not used in calculating the volume in (e).
Match Box- cuboid
Glue stick- cylinder
Earing box- cube
Important vocabulary
I will draw from their previous knowledge about perimeter and area what we did last week,
and I will give learner an explanation of what a volume is using the above resources as
example of 3D Objects and explain why 2D Shapes do not have volume.
Section 4: Write a detailed sequence of lesson steps that builds a systematic and coherent
process of learning.

Describe what will happen in each lesson step

Aim of the lesson
Teacher explanations / questions / Learner participation &
examples / instructions / actions activities

1. Recap We will do some recap on perimeter and

area. what do learners remember about
these two topics and how do they

2. Introduction I will introduce the volume by first

showing them some examples of 3D
objects and explain what volume means.
Identify 3D objects
Do learners recognize these 3D- objects?

3. Explanation To support the meaning of volume I will

use an example and explain it to leaners
to help them understand volume in 3D
Objects better.

4. Explore I will use another example but this time Participate in an example
around I will engage learners to do it
together with me.

I will give learners another example of Pair work

5. Evaluation volume to complete in pairs

Learners will now be ready to do a

formal activity Individual work
6. Exercise
I will point learners to answer the
questions of the activity on the board, Write corrections as we
7. Consolidate where they seem to be uncertain, I will mark the activity
clarify them and remind them of what
they learnt.
3D Objects Volume formula

1. Find a volume of a cube that has 5cm length.
2. A rectangular prism has a length of 8cm, a breadth of 6 cm and a height of 3cm:
determine the value of its volume.
3. Write the volume of each stack cubes

1. V=s3 / s× s× s
= 53

2. V= l×b×h
= 8×6×3
= 144cm3

3. a. v= l×b×h
= 7×2×3
= 42 units 3

4. b. v= l×b×h
= 5×4×3
= 60 units 3

c. v= 12 blocks – by counting
Rationale for Lesson Design/Plan

Section 1: Include the following routine information:

• Grade: 7
• Section of work: Construction of geometric figures
• Sub-Topic of this lesson: Constructing Angles

Section 2: Purpose/objectives

• KEY QUESTIONS: what do we use to construct angles?

• SKILLS: By the end of the lesson earner should know what an angle is,
- Construct angles
- and know the unit in which angles are measured.

• ATTITUDES AND VALUES: This lesson is meant to equip learners on how to

construct angles by themselves and to show them that every part of an angle has
a meaning is not a free hand drawing.

Section 3: Rationale for key pedagogical choices (methodology used)

Content knowledge
What are angles?

The space between two intersecting lines at or close to the point where they meet

OR The figure formed by two arms meeting at a common end point(vertex).

Parts of an angle:

AP and AP1 are called the arms of the angle Point A is called the vertex.
Different ways of labelling/naming an angle:

N.B The “hat” on the B shows us where the angle is.

Important Vocabulary


To show them on how to construct angles, I will use a ruler to show different angles, as I
construct the angles I will also instruct them to construct angles on their own.
Section 4: Write a detailed sequence of lesson steps that builds a systematic and coherent process of

Describe what will happen in each lesson step

Aim of the lesson
Teacher explanations / questions / examples / Learner participation &
instructions / actions activities

1. Recap Previous lesson was about straight lines, I will ask Share what they remember
learner important facts they remember about from the previous lesson.
straight lines.

2. Introduction I will introduce the topic about angles, what do

they know about angles from grade 6? Tell their partners what
they know about angles.

3. Explain I will explain what angles are and their

Topic lesson is on how to construct I will show
learners what is important when constructing an

4. Evaluate I will give learners an activity to complete. Write an activity


5. Consolidation It is important to remember the size of the angle

is measured in degrees. We say the unit in which
we measure angles is called a degree which is
indicated as ( ̊)
Rationale for Lesson Design/Plan

Section 1: Include the following routine information:

• Grade :7
• Section of work: Construction of geometric figures
• Sub-Topic of this lesson: measuring angles

Section 2: Purpose/objectives

• KEY QUESTIONS: how do we measure angles?

• SKILLS: by the end of the lesson learners should know how to use a protractor to
measure angles.

• ATTITUDES AND VALUES: This lesson teaches learners that angles are not free
hand drawings therefore if measured there must be an instrument used to
measure it.

Section 3: Rationale for key pedagogical choices (methodology used)

Content knowledge

We use a protractor to measure the size of the angles.

How do we measure an angle with a protractor?

Important vocabulary

Textbook (p.39 platinum)

Since this lesson is part of revision, I will let learners do more constructing than myself. I
will give learners a chance to measure angles on their own and where they find
difficulties, I will help.
Section 4: Write a detailed sequence of lesson steps that builds a systematic and
coherent process of learning.

Describe what will happen in each lesson step

Aim of the lesson
Teacher explanations / questions / examples / Learner
instructions / actions participation &

1. Recap We look into what we did yesterday so that we

can link it to today.

2. Introduction I will pose this question

how will you measure a 45º angle? Answer the

3. Step by step I will give learners step by step guidance on

explanation how to measure an angle

4. Explore I am going t o try two examples with learners

on the board to see if they understood what I
was doing

5. Exercise Our exercise is on measuring angles using a Write an

protractor activity

6. Consolidation We mark the exercise

The more angles in a shape, the bigger the sum
of the interior angles
The protractor must be placed on the line to
have an accurate reading.
Measure the following angles and complete the table:
Rationale for Lesson Design/Plan

Section 1: Include the following routine information:

• Grade: 6
• Section of work: Geometry of 2D Shapes
• Sub-Topic of this lesson: Classifying triangles with their properties

Section 2: Purpose/objectives

• KEY QUESTIONS: what are triangles?

: What makes them different from other 2D shapes?
: what distinguishes them from each other?

• SKILLS: learners during this lesson will be learning about the properties of
triangles (Equilateral, Scalene and Isosceles triangle).

• ATTITUDES AND VALUES: This lesson taches learners that triangles are not the
same they vary and differ according to the size of sides and angles.

Section 3: Rationale for key pedagogical choices (methodology used)

Content knowledge

A triangle is a two-dimensional shape with three straight sides and three angles. A triangle
has three sides, three vertices, and three angles. The sum of the three interior angles of a
triangle is always 180°. The sum of the length of two sides of a triangle is always greater
than the length of the third side.

Important vocabulary









I will show learners how the above triangles differ by highlighting their visible differences.
Learners usually want to memorise this, but it is much easier to understand than to try to
cram and remember. Showing them visible differences of the triangles by marking them
with different colours will be the strategy that I will be using in this lesson.
Section 4: Write a detailed sequence of lesson steps that builds a systematic and coherent process of

Describe what will happen in each lesson step

Aim of the lesson
Teacher explanations / questions / examples / Learner participation &
instructions / actions activities

1. Testing I will pose basic questions about triangles to

previous learners to assess what they already know about Answer questions
knowledge triangles.
- what are triangles?
- What makes them different
from other 2D shapes?
- what distinguishes them from
each other?

2. Introduction I will introduce this lesson by explaining what

triangles are.

A triangle is a two-dimensional shape with three

straight sides and three angles. A triangle
has three sides, three vertices, and three angles.
The sum of the three interior angles of a triangle is
always 180°. The sum of the length of two sides of
a triangle is always greater than the length of the
third side.

3. Explain I will show learners different triangles with their

distinguished properties and mark their
Write an activity
4. Evaluate To monitor learning, I will give learners an activity individually
to complete

5. Consolidate As we mark the activity, I will remind learners of

the important properties of triangles.

All of the angles in an equilateral triangle are 60°.

In an isosceles triangle, two of the angles at base
are equal.
The lengths in a scalene triangle are not the same.
1. false
2. true
3. false
4. false
5. true
6. true
7. true
8. false
9. true
Rationale for Lesson Design/Plan

Section 1: Routine information:

• Grade :7
• Section of work: The entrepreneur and the economy
• Sub-Topic of this lesson: Media used for advertising - PART 2

Section 2: Purpose/objectives
• KEY QUESTIONS: Are all media appropriate for advertising?
: Which medium is the most effective for advertising?

• SKILLS: during this lesson learners will learn how different media can be used for

• ATTITUDES AND VALUES: This lesson teaches learners about different media used
for advertising also it makes learners to be aware of its strengths and weaknesses.

Section 3: Rationale for key pedagogical choices (methodology used)

Content Knowledge

Digital/social media
Internet: advertisements can be sent via email or on social media ((insta, Facebook and
video sharing such as YouTube).
Web pages and social networking
Reaches target audience very quickly
Allows creative advertisements
limited market because not everyone has access
very competitive.

Outdoor media

Advertisements can be placed on walls, bus stops or at taxi ranks. Outdoor media includes
billboards often found alongside freeways and roads. Digital/electronic billboards
sometimes have moving visuals or messages.
Long life span and constant exposure
Conveys simple messages very quickly
The content of the message is limited
Limited locations for outdoor media

Important vocabulary
Target audience
The most important thing in this lesson is to make the concepts relevant to the learners, I
want to hear what learners think about media and how is used in business. I will focus on
small group discussions to make content more relevant accessible.
Section 4: Write a detailed sequence of lesson steps that builds a systematic and coherent process of

Describe what will happen in each lesson step

Aim of the lesson
Teacher explanations / questions / examples / Learner participation &
instructions / actions activities

1. Recap Yesterday I introduced the lesson topic: advertising

I want to hear what learners found important from Engage in a talk
yesterday’s lesson

2. Engage Think of different ways you could use to advertise

your business and share with your partner Share views with a partner

3. Explain (Social/digital and outdoor media)

Ask learners if they ever came across
advertisements in the above media.

Looking at the strengths and weaknesses of the

above media which one do you think you could use Discuss with your partner
and why?

Complete an activity

4. Evaluate I will give learners a group discussion so that they Show us what they did in
come up with an advertisement the activity.

5. Consolidate I will instruct learners to show the class what they Present in groups
did in their activity
As a group come up with a product or service you want o advertise on the media chosen in
the previous lesson and design an advert suitable for that kind of media, you can either
draw it or act it, it depends on the kind of media you chose.


Good Okay Well tried

Relevance Advert Advert somehow Advert did not
relevant to the relevant to the match the kind of
kind of media kind of media media chosen
chosen chosen
Research Advert is well Advert research No evidence of
researched and planning to is research and
and planned evident planning
to link to the
kind of media
Content Suitable Content evident Poor content
content to but not suitable
match the kind
of media
Rationale for Lesson Design/Plan

Section 1: Routine information:

• Grade:7
• Section of work: Entrepreneurship: Stating a business
• Sub-Topic of this lesson: Principles of advertising

Section 2: Purpose/objectives

• KEY QUESTIONS: What are principles of advertising?

: What will happen if an advertisement does not follow these principles?

• SKILLS: During this lesson learners will know how to use the principles to create an
advertisement for their businesses.

• ATTITUDES AND VALUES: This lesson empowers learners to be able to follow

principles to create an advertisement that is sure to bring more growth to the

Section 3: Rationale for key pedagogical choices (methodology used)

Content Knowledge

What is the AIDA Model used for advertising?

The AIDA Model, which stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action model, is an
advertising effect model that identifies the stages that an individual goes through during
the process of purchasing a product or service. The AIDA model is commonly used in digital
The AIDA Model Hierarchy

The steps involved in an AIDA model are:

• Attention: The first step in advertising is to consider how to attract the attention of
• Interest: Once the consumer is aware that the product or service exists, the
business must work on increasing the potential customer’s interest level.

For example, Disney boosts interest in upcoming tours by announcing stars who will be
performing on the tours.

• Desire: After the consumer is interested in the product or service, then the goal
is to make consumers desire it, moving their mindset from “I like it” to “I want it.”

For example, if the Disney stars for the upcoming tour communicate to the target audience
about how great the show is going to be, the audience is more likely to want to go.

• Action: The ultimate goal is to drive the receiver of the marketing campaign to
initiate action and purchase the product or service.

Therefore, the AIDA model says that Awareness leads to Interest, which leads to Desire,
and finally, Action.

Let us consider ways to use the AIDA model by looking into each part of the hierarchy.
First Step: Attention

Often, the attention part is overlooked by many marketers. It is assumed that the product
or service already got the attention of the consumers – which may or may not be the case.
In any event, don’t just assume that everyone is already aware of your product. One of the
best approaches to attracting consumer attention is what’s called “creative disruption” –
breaking existing patterns of behaviour through a highly creative message. This can be done
in several ways:

• Creating shock in advertisements through provocative imagery.

• An intensely targeted message. This is also referred to as personalization.

Essentially, the goal is to make consumers aware that a product or service exists.

Second Step: Interest

Creating interest is generally the hardest part. For example, if the product or service is not
inherently interesting, this can be very difficult to achieve. Make sure that advertising
information is broken up and easy to read, with interesting subheadings and illustrations.
Focus on what is most relevant for your target market in relation to your product or service,
and on conveying only the most important message you want to communicate to

A good example of this is Wendy’s “Where’s the beef?” ad campaign that focused on the
fact that Wendy’s hamburgers contained more beef than their competitors’ hamburgers.

Third Step: Desire

The second and third steps of the AIDA model go together. As you are hopefully building
interest in a product or service, it is important that you help customers realize why they
“need” this product or service.

Think about how the content in infomercials is presented – they aim to provide interesting
information on the product, along with the benefits of buying it – benefits that ideally make
consumers want the product more and more. Infomercials do this extremely well by
showing the product being used in several creative situations. Convey to the audience the
value of the product or service, and why they need it in their life.

Fourth Step: Action

The last step of the AIDA model is getting your consumer to initiate action. The
advertisement should end with a call to action – a statement that is designed to get an
immediate response from the consumer. For example, Netflix uses persuasive text to
convince the consumer to try their free trial. Netflix communicates how convenient their
product is and highlights its value, then urges consumers to sign up for a free trial.
Good advertising should elicit a sense of urgency that motivates consumers to take action
RIGHT NOW. One commonly used method for achieving this goal is making limited time
offers (such as free shipping).

Important vocabulary



Through out the whole lesson I will be using examples to help learners to understand these
principles when advertising products and services to the public.
Section 4: Write a detailed sequence of lesson steps that builds a systematic and coherent process of

Describe what will happen in each lesson step

Aim of the lesson Teacher explanations / questions / examples / Learner participation &
step is to… instructions / actions activities

Engage Ask learners what they already know about


What s the main purpose of advertising?

Why is media important for advertising? Answer questions.

Explain I will connect previous lessons with the upcoming

one. Explain to learners by using examples why it is
important as an entrepreneur to follow principles
for advertising.

I will give learners an activity to complete.

Evaluate Write an activity

Ask learners what they found important in from

Consolidate this lesson, what they found difficult or interesting.

Use the principles for advertising to plan how you would advertise your product or services.

Use the below hierarchy model to answer your questions

Principles of


Attention Interest Desire Action


Learners should have this kind of format in their activity.

Principles of


Attention Interest Desire Action

Desire: After the

Interest: Once the consumer is Action: The
consumer is aware interested in the ultimate goal is to
Attention: The first that the product or product or service, drive the receiver
step in advertising is service exists, the then the goal is to of the marketing
to consider how to business must work make consumers campaign to
attract the attention of on increasing the desire it, moving initiate action and
consumers potential their mindset from purchase the
customer’s interest “I like it” to “I want product or service
level. it.”

Learners should explain how they will use these principles to make a good advertisement for
their products or services.
Rationale for Lesson Design/Plan

Section 1: Routine information:

• Grade:6
• Section of work: Properties of 2D shapes
• Sub-Topic of this lesson: Properties of the diagonals of quadrilaterals (Finding
missing angles)

Section 2: Purpose/objectives

• KEY QUESTIONS: What are diagonals?

: Do all quadrilaterals have diagonals?
; What is the sum of interior angles of quadrilaterals/

• SKILLS: During this lesson learners will know how to identify and distinguish
quadrilaterals using their diagonals they can use this knowledge to find missing

• ATTITUDES AND VALUES: This lesson aims to extend the conceptual knowledge
that learners have about quadrilaterals by showing them that different
quadrilaterals have diagonals which differ, and they can use this knowledge to find
missing angles.

Section 3: Rationale for key pedagogical choices (methodology used)

Content Knowledge

Diagonal is a line segment that joins two vertices of the polygon which are not already
joined by an edge of the polygon.
The diagonals are equal in length and bisect each other at right angles. The two diagonals,
and the two lines joining the midpoints of opposite sides, are axes of symmetry. A diagonal
is a straight line that connects the opposite corners of a polygon through its vertices. In
other words, the diagonal of a polygon is a line segment that joins any two non-adjacent
corners. Different polygons may have different number of diagonals depending on the
number of sides of the polygon.

Important vocabulary
Symmetry lines

I will use colourful chalks to highlight equal diagonals and avoid confusion, I will also instruct
learners to use this strategy in their workbooks for clarity.
I will show learners an example before writing an activity this will help me to monitor if
learners understood the concept or I should explain again before I give them a formal

Colour pencils
Section 4: Write a detailed sequence of lesson steps that builds a systematic and coherent process of

Describe what will happen in each lesson step

Aim of the lesson Teacher explanations / questions / examples / Learner participation &
step is to… instructions / actions activities

Engage I will ask learners to highlight the properties of Use colour pencils to
quadrilaterals based on what they have learnt on highlight properties.
yesterday’s lesson.

Explain The first of the lesson I will show learners how

different quadrilaterals have different diagonal

Evaluate To monitor learning, I will ask learners to discuss Discuss in pairs

with their partners differences between
quadrilaterals using their diagonals.

Explore I will continue the lesson by explaining to learners

how they can use the sum of interior angles to find
missing angles.

Evaluate I will give learners an activity to write. Write an activity individually

in their workbook.

Mention key vocabulary

Consolidate I will ask learners to mention the key vocabulary of
this lesson and explain how they understand it in
relation to quadrilaterals.

Provide a statement to find the missing angle and the reason

Rationale for Lesson Design/Plan

Section 1: Routine information:

• Grade:6
• Section of work: Properties of 2D shapes.
• Sub-Topic of this lesson: Properties of circles of circles

Section 2: Purpose/objectives

• KEY QUESTIONS: What are properties of circles?

• SKILLS: By the end of this lesson learners will know the properties of circles.

• ATTITUDES AND VALUES: This lesson teaches learners about the properties of a circle as a 2D
shape. It extends learners ’everyday knowledge about circles to a conceptual knowledge.

Section 3: Rationale for key pedagogical choices (methodology used)

Content Knowledge

A circle is a two-dimensional shape formed by all the points that are the same distance from a centre
point. The distance around a circle is its circumference. The distance from the centre to the circle is
its radius. The longest distance between two points on a circle is the diameter, which is a line segment
running through the centre. A circle is the shape with the shortest perimeter enclosing an area. The
circle is the most symmetric shape because every line through the centre is a line of reflection
symmetry. It has rotation symmetry for every angle around its centre. The full arc of circle measures
360 degrees.
Important vocabulary

Radius Chord
Circumference Diameter
Arc Sector
Segment Radii
Colour pencils

I will use a chart with picture of a circle and its properties highlighted to show learners properties of
Section 4: Write a detailed sequence of lesson steps that builds a systematic and coherent process of

Describe what will happen in each lesson step

Aim of the lesson Teacher explanations / questions / examples / Learner participation &
step is to… instructions / actions activities

Engage I will ask learners to show me real life circles Point circle shapes in the
around the classroom. classroom.

Explain I will use the chart to explain properties of circles

to learners.

Explore I will give learners handouts and use colour pencils Highlight properties of
to highlight different properties on the circle. circles.

Evaluate I will give learners an activity to write. Compete an activity


Consolidate What concepts do you remember from this lesson? Answer questions.

1. Draw a circle and show the following concepts on it:

2. Copy the table and match the parts of the circle and their correct

Parts of a circle Explanation

Radius The distance from the center of the
circle to any point on the circle is
the same.
Chord The distance along the circle.
Centre The distance from the centre to any
point on the circle is the radius of
the circle.
Diameter A chord is a line segment that
connects any two points on the
circumference of the circle.
Circumference A part of the circumference is called
an arc.
Sector The region subtended between an
arc and a chord is the segment.
Segment The region subtended between two
radii and an arc is the sector.
Rationale for Lesson Design/Plan

Section 1: Routine information:

• Grade:6
• Section of work: Constructing geometric figures
• Sub-Topic of this lesson: Construct circles

Section 2: Purpose/objectives

• KEY QUESTIONS: Which instruments are used to construct circles?

• SKILLS: During this lesson learners will learn how to construct circles using a

• ATTITUDES AND VALUES: This lesson transition learners’ informal knowledge

about circles to a more complex conceptual knowledge about circles.

Section 3: Rationale for key pedagogical choices (methodology used)

Content Knowledge
Important vocabulary

Compass nail
I will show learners step by step how to construct a circle
Drawing With a Compass
It is possible to construct circles, arcs, bisect lines, angles bisectors and determine
midpoints using a compass. The steps to draw a circle using a compass are:
• Step 1: Choose a measurement for the arc or circle to be drawn.
• Step 2: We place the sharp point of the compass at the centre of the intended
circle or arc.
• Step 3: Press down the needle, turn the knob at the top of the compass to
draw a circle or arc, and drag the pencil around the centre to draw the curve.
• Step 4: A circle is drawn. You can mark its centre point, radius, or diameter if
Tips to Remember
• Just make sure that the hinge at the top of the compass is tightened so that it
does not slip.
• Do not apply any pressure to the pencil but tighten the hold for the pencil else
the width of the circle will get changed.
• It should be taken care that the pencil lead is aligned with the compass's
• A drawing compass can draw circles on any specific material (wood, metal,
plastic, etc). All you have to do is, put the needle on the surface/ page, on
which the circle has to be drawn, fix it and rotate the other arm around while
keeping the same angle on the hinge.

Resources – compass & pencil

Section 4: Write a detailed sequence of lesson steps that builds a systematic and coherent process of

Describe what will happen in each lesson step

Aim of the lesson Teacher explanations / questions / examples / Learner participation &
step is to… instructions / actions activities

Engage I will ask learners what they remember from the Recall important
previous lesson. information about the
previous lesson.

Explain I will explain t learners how to use a compass to

construct a circle

Explore I will learners a brief exercise on using a compass Write an exercise in pairs.
and let them work in pairs and help each other to
construct the circles while I monitor how they are
Draw a circle with a diameter of 4cm.
Draw a circle with a diameter of 2,6cm

Evaluate I will learners an activity to complete. Write an activity on their


Consolidate I will briefly discuss the concepts of the

construction of circles thoroughly.
N.B. When constructing with a compass, always
keep the needle point from moving.

1. Construct a circle with a diameter of 36 mm.

2. Construct a circle with a diameter of 30 mm.
3. Construct a circle with a radius of 4,5 cm.


Learners construct the 3 circles according to the measurements.

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