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10 Tips To Help You

Fight Common
Distractions While

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10 Tips To Help You Fight Common Distractions While Working

Life can move loud and fast. There’s always something calling for your attention and

trying to distract you from the present moment. This can prove to be challenging to any

home business. 

The work must get done if you want to keep your business going strong. 

How do you ght the distractions?

Keep reading while we share these 10 tips to help you ght common distractions while


10 Tips To Help You Fight Common Distractions While Working

10 Tips To Help You Fight Common Distractions While Working

1. Stay o the internet

The internet can be a huge distraction.

Here’s how you can successfully stay away from the internet:

First, pick a certain time each day to read your emails and check Facebook for new cat

videos, hehe. Otherwise, stay o . 

This can be a huge time suck if you don't learn to control your time there.

When you must be on the internet, shut down everything except the page you need to be

working on at that time.

This will help you stay focused on your work and prevent you from diverting your

attention elsewhere on the web.

2. Shut the door to your o ce

Have you ever tried this? 

It’s surprisingly e ective. Just put a "do not disturb" sign on the door with the time you’ll

be done working. 

10 Tips To Help You Fight Common Distractions While Working

10 Tips To Help You Fight Common Distractions While Working

If you don’t have a separate room, carve out a space in your home as your “work space”

and explain to your family that the small corner of the dining room (or wherever your

space may be) is your o ce and must be treated as such. 

3. Explain to your children not to bother you

unless it is an emergency 
If your kids are still young, hire a babysitter to come in for a few hours a day so you can

have some uninterrupted time. 

Otherwise, tell your children not to bother you unless an emergency happens, like blood

or broken glass.

4. Leave the house and go to a co ee shop or

the library
Sometimes separating yourself from home to work can help you be the most productive.

It also takes you away from the distractions of home like:

Being tempted to do household chores (laundry, washing dishes, etc.)

 Watching TV

Playing with pets

The library is often quieter but no co ee or snacks allowed.

10 Tips To Help You Fight Common Distractions While Working

10 Tips To Help You Fight Common Distractions While Working

5. Figure out what task you're most avoiding

Uncover what task you dread the most, then do it!

No procrastination, no excuses. Just buckle down, do it and get it done. You can correct

it or polish it up later. 

Avoidance of one task can keep an entire day from being productive. 

6. Don't expect perfection 

Get perfection out of your head. If you expect everything to be perfect, it can cause you

to freeze up or do nothing at all. 

Just start right now and x it later

7. Eat a breakfast with protein and ber

A proteinful and ber-rich breakfast will keep you from feeling hungry in 30 minutes.

This means you won’t be stopping work to look for a snack and if your sugar level drops

low, you'll have a hard time concentrating. 

10 Tips To Help You Fight Common Distractions While Working

10 Tips To Help You Fight Common Distractions While Working

Studies actually show that eating a healthy diet will improve your productivity.

8. Keep plenty of water nearby

Staying hydrated is super important. It helps your physical body and your mental

concentration. Stay away from sugary drinks that send you soaring and then make you

crash an hour later. 

9. Take short breaks every hour

It can be hard to remember to take a break but it’s so essential.

Walk around, go to the bathroom, walk to the mailbox and check the mail, or look out the

window. Then come back ready to work.

10. If it helps, have some sort of white noise or

music playing in the background
This way you won’t be as bothered by outside noise such as the dog barking, the garbage

man crashing cans, or the television in the other room.

Life is full of distractions. But, if you’re going to work from home you have to nd ways

that help you stay focused. There’s no one else there to make you do the work. 

10 Tips To Help You Fight Common Distractions While Working

10 Tips To Help You Fight Common Distractions While Working

Our Take
Your Turn
You’re the boss, the CEO and the worker bee. The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll be


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What tips will you be taking to help you ght distractions while working?

10 Tips To Help You Fight Common Distractions While Working

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