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Act 1 Scene 2

Question 6

First, Claudius explains that after the death of his king brother, Fortinbras underestimates
Claudius strength and pasters him with the demands of surrendering the territories that had been

acquired from his father’s loss to the elder Hamlet. Claudius says,” Young Fortinbras,
underestimating my strength or imagining that the death of the king has thrown my country into
turmoil, dreams of getting the better of me, and never stops pestering me with demands that I
surrender the territory his father lost to the elder Hamlet….”

Second, Claudius explains that Fortinbras’s uncle is not aware of his nephew's plans; Fortinbras.
Claudius says, “I’ve written to Fortinbras’s uncle, the present head of Norway, an old bedridden
man who knows next to nothing about his nephew’s plans….”

Question 7

Laertes asks Claudius permission to go back to France, which he had left to come and witness
the king’s coronation. Laertes says, “My lord, I want your permission to go back to France,
which I left to come to Denmark for your coronation. I confess, my thoughts are on France, now
that my duty is done. Please, let me go.”

Question 8

Prince Hamlet is a respectful person. This is evident from line 65 and line 67. In line 65, Hamlet
shows respect by speaking to himself so no one could hear. If he was disrespectful, we would
talk out loud. This would not be good because the king was still talking to him. Also, in line 67,
Hamlet responds to the king in a respectful manner. He says, “It’s not true, sir. Your son is out in
the sun.”

Question 9

Gertrude advises Hamlet to stop being sorrowful and mourning his dead father for what lives
must die. Gertrude advises Hamlet to be strong and focus on what lies ahead.

Question 10

Claudius advises Hamlet that everyone losses his father, and mourning them is good. But
overdoing it is just stubborn; it is not manly; it is not what God wants, and it betrays a vulnerable
heart and an ignorant and weak mind. Claudius says,” … each son has had to mourn his father
for a certain period. But overdoing it is just stubborn. It’s not manly. It’s not what God wants,
and it betrays a vulnerable heart and an ignorant and weak mind.”

Question 11

From Hamlet inner thoughts, we learn that he feels devastated. Hamlet feels offended by her
mother’s actions to marry his husband’s brother, just a short while after the death of her husband,
the father to Hamlet. Hamlet says his father loved his mother so much that his mother should not
have forgotten him so quickly.

The allusion to Hercules means that Hamlet considers himself to be a son of evil parents, a
mother married to his son’s uncle, just like Hercules, who was the son of a king of the gods and a
human woman.

When Hamlet says, “frailty, thy name is a woman”, he means that her mother’s actions truly
depict the characteristics given to women, i.e., weak and vulnerable.

Question 12

Hamlets mean that the bad deed of his uncle and his mother shall be revealed. He means that his
father was not happy with the current situation within the Kingdom.

Identify and explain each f the allusion in Hamlet first soliloquy.


Damn it! It’s like a garden that no one’s taking care of, and that’s growing wild. Only nasty
weeds grow in it now


The kingdom is becoming evil, and the actions of some individuals are not questioned at all.


Such an excellent king, as superior to my uncle as a god is to a beast.


His late father was nice to her younger uncle, such that it was not expected for his uncle to do the
things he did to his late king, like marrying his wife.


I’m like Hercules


Hamlet considers himself to be a son of evil parents, a mother married to his son’s uncle, just
like Hercules, who was the son of a king of the gods and a human woman.

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