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Write up your study findings in scientific paper (3000-4000 words) formatted for the
Glasgow Journal of Sport and Exercise Science & Medicine (see below for formatting
instructions). This will be discussed in the data interpretation and write up session.
Glasgow Journal of Sport and Exercise Science & Medicine
Information for Authors

Manuscripts must be presented as double-spaced text in a single column in 12 point Times

New Roman font. Length should be 3000-4000 words (excluding title page, abstract and
references). Word count must be shown on the title page. In general, your report should be
as short as possible, while retaining all of the relevant information. Spell out abbreviations
on first use.

Manuscripts must be formatted as follows:

1. Title page. Include title, name, matriculation number, main text word count and abstract
word count. Please choose an appropriate title to reflect the content of your paper.

2. Abstract. Maximum of 250 words. Structured to include subheadings: Background,

Methods, Results, Conclusions. Actual data must be presented (not just p-values). Spell out
any abbreviations used. No references.

3. Introduction. About one page in length. Describe the background and rationale for the
study, citing relevant research papers. Finish by stating the aim of the study.

4. Methods. Use subheadings to aid clarity. Describe key characteristics of the study
participants. Describe the methods, apparatus, and procedures employed with sufficient
details to allow others to reproduce the results. Include a section describing methods used for
data and statistical analysis.

5. Results. Present the experimental data using text, tables and figures. Ensure actual data
are presented (not just p-values) and indicate statistical significance of findings. The same
data should not be presented in both figures and tables. Do not repeat all the data that are set
out in the tables or figures in the text; use the text to emphasise or summarise the important
observations. Do not discuss the findings in the results section.
6. Discussion. The results of the study describe the ‘what?’ of the research study; the
discussion describes the ‘so what?’. The purpose of the discussion is to interpret the results
and not just to recapitulate them. In other words, what do the results mean? And why are
they important? It is normally about 4 to 6 paragraphs long and should start with a statement
of the main findings of the study. Always keep the aim of the study in mind when writing the
discussion. Explain your data and its interpretation in the context of other published work in
the area. The strengths and limitations of the study should be discussed. You may wish to
comment on related unanswered questions and possibilities for future research. Finish with a
succinct concluding paragraph.

7. References. Think about the quality of the sources that you reference. Peer-reviewed
scientific journals are the best sources. Avoid referencing websites unless absolutely
necessary. You should aim to cite about 20-30 (relevant) references in your manuscript.
References should be cited in the text using the Harvard (name, date) format. Some
examples: “….. it is well known that blue is a colour (Smith and Jones, 1990)…”, “…this is
in agreement with the findings of Jackson et al (2009)…”, “…. this finding has been widely
reported (Laurel, 1984; Abbott and Wise, 2003; McDonald et al, 2007)…”. All references
cited in the text and only the references cited in the text should be included in alphabetical
order in the References section in the following format:

(for a Journal article)

Pasman WJ, Westerterp MS, Saris WH (1999). The effect of body weight changes and
endurance training on 24h substrate oxidation. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 23, 1223-1232.

(for a book)
Smith B, Jones SA (1990) The history of colours. Blackwell, London.

(for a book chapter)

McMartin W, Withers R (2001) Measurement of maximal oxygen uptake In: Williams D (ed)
Exercise Testing: Principles and Practice, 3rd edn. Wiley, New York, pp 134-151.

8. Tables. Tables are inserted after the references. They should be referred to in the text with
Arabic numerals, e.g. Table 2. Each table should report actual data (not just p-values) and,
where appropriate, indicate the statistical significance of the findings. Standard deviations or
standard errors for the data should be reported. Each table should have its own self-
explanatory title. Each table should be presented on a separate page.
9. Figures. Figures are inserted after the Tables and should be referred to in the text with
Arabic numerals, e.g. Figure 1. Error bars should be included. Each figure should have its
own self-explanatory Legend. Each figure should be presented on a separate page.
MED5537 Exercise Physiology Mini Lab Project

Feedback Sheet

Student name:

Marker Name:

A B C D <D
Abstract: clear summary of
paper, with appropriate detail,
which accurately reflects main
Introduction: appropriate
literature reviewed and rationale
succinct and clear
Methods: clearly described with
sufficient detail for replication
of the study
Results: appropriate data
analysis, findings clearly
described with appropriate detail
Tables and figures: clear and
Discussion: Highlights take-
home message supported by
data, data discussed in light of
other studies in the literature,
References: sufficient and
appropriately cited
Formatting: in line with
requirements for journal

Overall mark (on 22-point scale):


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