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L. G. Matthews has C,H, was made approximately two reagent method, we got a heavy black
been employed with hours before the flash with negative precipitate. Since it was not the per-
Union Carbide since results. Hydrocarbons in the conden- manganate color usually associated
receiving B.S.Ch.E.
from Purdue Univ. ser are monitored on a continuous with C,H, there was some question
in 1935. From 1935 basis. They were indicated to be as to whether it was really C2H, or
to 1950 he has around 30 pprn total hydrocarbons. whether something else was interfering
been active in the ANONYMOUS: What do you consider with the analysis. The analysis was
field of production
and distribution of an acceptable maximum in that partic- repeated with the same result. Con-
compressed gases, ular operation? sultation with more experienced
)articularlyacetylene. ln 1950 he7rans- MATTHEWS: I do not recall at the people convinced us that the precipi-
erred to Linde's Safety Codes Depart- moment, but I think the shut down tate was due to C,H, and the black
nent, became Assistant Manager in
,953. and Manager in 1958. He has point on that plant is either 100 or 200 color indicated quantities in excess of
leen active in Gany organizations in- pprn total hydrocarbons. 15 to 20 ppm. We promptly shut
:luding A.1.Ch.E. ACS, CGA, ASA, Ameri- BOLLEN-Dow Chemical of Canada, down the plant and dumped the
:an Welding Society, American Society liquid 0,.
)f Safety Engineers, International Acet- Sarnia, Ont.: This discussion brings
flene Assoc. to mind a near miss at our plant due We believe that during the start up
to high C2H, concentration. Just prior we may have desorbed C2H2 from
Normal total hydrocarbons (around to this occurrence we had shut down the rich-liquid filters and swept it into
i ppm) and C,H2 (less than 0.2 the air plant for a period of 4 or 5 our vaporizer section. It raises the
~ p m )were indicated in the condenser hours as we have done several times question as to whether even short shut
quid just before the flash. It is in the past. On these occasions we do downs should be undertaken without
greed, however, that these analyses not dump the liquid 0, but try to dumping the liquid 0,.
)k condenser liquid are not represen- complete whatever work necessitated WEIGERS-American Cyanamid Co.,
ative of concentrations which could the shutdown and get back on stream New Orleans, La.: If we shut down
>e reached in localized areas of the as quickly as possible. and stay cold, i.e., retain our liquid,
mndenser passages with impaired The shutdown occurred on Friday we make it a practice of starting up
irculation. Samples taken and ana- and we did not analyze for C,H, with a fresh adsorber each time, be-
yzed after the flash showed nothing again until the following Monday cause we're afraid of this desorption
musual. morning. Analyzing by the Los Vey phenomenon.
All operations had been smooth
ind normal, and no unusual atrnos-
3heric conditions were noted. Air S. F. B O H L I ~ N
:ontamination surveys had been run N . 7.Melcog (Holland)
xior to plant erection, and checks
xere run at intervals during operation.
4fter the flash, new surveys failed to
lisclose any unusual situations. With
ninor exceptions, only CH, was de-
Heat exchanger explosion
.ectable, and it varied from 2.5 to
3.0 pprn with occasional peaks at 5.0
at a nitrogen-wash unit
The No. 1 unit had been in satis-
'actory operation for over 10 years
it the time of the occurrence. At the Stringent safety requirements are vital when
ime of the explosion, it had been in considering hazards of the oxides of nitrogen.
)peration 72 days since its last thaw.
Some two years before the incident,
h e unit had been enlarged and fitted
!or high purity N, production.
A N UNEXPECTED EXPLOSION I N THE fur compounds by means of scrubbing
VICINITY of the -130" to -145OC at 17 atm. abs., after which the CO
The rebuilt No. 1 unit was put section of the second heat exchanger is converted.
back in service about three months at the Mekog nitrogen-wash unit oc- A volume of 17,000 cu. m. of gas
after the date of the flash. In the cured on July 13, 1959, causing se- at 1 atm. and 15°C is then passed
rebuilding, a recirculation pump was vere damage. The explosion occurred to a H,O scrubbing circuit (Figure
included in the main condenser and while the unit was working under full 1 ) where CO, is removed. The quan-
silica gel trap assembly. # load after being in normal service for tity of H,O used is 1900 cu. m./hr.,
42 days. Prior to this, the unit had the quantity of make-up H,O every
Questions and answers been completely thawed and washed 24 hr. is about 40% of the H,O inven-
ANONYMOUS: Did you put in a with caustic solution. Despite the great tory. The gas is subsequently washed
cold end gel trap as part of the revi- damage, there were fortunately no with caustic solution after which
sions to this plant? personnel injuries. 10,500 standard cu. m. of gas/hr.
L. G . MATTHEWS: When this plant remains.
was rebuilt after the flash, we put in Process under consideration The gas thus obtained contains 0.1%
cold end and side bleed gel traps. The normal process in the produc- of 0,, less than 5 pprn of unsaturated
ANONYMOUS: Did you say that you tion unit concerned is as follows: A hydrocarbons (mainly C,H,), and 0.1
checked for hydrocarbons normally gaseous mixture is obtained by partial to 0.5 pprn of NO, while C2H2 and
during opertaion and did you find any oxidation of fuel oil using steam and dienes are only present in traces (less
contamination prior to the flash? 0,. Soot is removed by scrubbing with than 0.01 pprn of each). This gas
MATTHEWS: As I recall, a check for H,O, the gas is then purified of sul- passes into the nitrogen-wash unit


which consists of two parallel, inter-
changeable first heat exchangers (+ wmh column blow - off tower
15" to -90°C), one second heat ex-
changer (-90" to -185OC), one
third heat exchanger (-185" to
-190°C), and the wash column.
There are also separators for ice and
liquid fractions between the heat ex-
changers. The heat exchangers con-
sist of vertical-tube bundles, and the
incoming gas flows around the tubes
through a space which is subdivided
by means of horizontal baffle plates.
Because of the recognized danger air
of NO explosions in coke-oven gas
splitters, great care was taken in "2O
operating the unit. The NO content
of the incoming gas was determined
every day in order to maintain an
accumulation of NO less than the 5 Figure 1. Flow through scrubbing unit where carbon dioxide is removed.
kg. limit which was accepted in 1958.
This limit seemed to be completely and were thrown out of the shell, as day before the explosion, as much as
trustworthy in view of the extremely shown in the introductory photo- 0.8 ppm of NO was measured at the
low hydrocarbon content and oper- graph. The twisted part was about inlet; this, however, was considerably
ating experience with coke-oven gas 1.5 m. long. At the break, the tubes less than the maxima which have oc-
splitters of half this capacity, in which were pressed together lengthwise, casionally occurred in the coke-oven
up to 4 kg. of NO repeatedly accumu- indicating an explosion in the space gas splitters (1 to 2 ppm) .
lated. for the incoming gas. During earlier operating periods of
According to an explosions expert, the nitrogen-wash unit there had been
Circumstances of the explosion the general picture indicated the accumulations of 3.8 kg. of NO with
The heat exchanger, which was 8.0 rapid explosive combustion, perhaps a maximum NO content in the gas
m. long, was tom apart laterally and lasting 0.1 to 1 sec., of some 3-5 kg. of 0.26 ppm, of 6.9 kg. of NO with
snapped off. The tubes burst apart of explosive material. At the time of a maximum of 0.6 ppm, and of 4.7
the explosion, 5 kg. of NO had ac- kg. of NO with a maximum of 0.6
cumulated in the unit, the accumula- PPm.
tion having been unexpectedly rapid.
It had been found that on warm Possible explosion causes
summer days the gas desorbed an Available facts indicate that in a
unusually large amount of NO from nitrogen-wash unit for converted gas,
the scrubbing water (i.e., 0.4 to explosions can occur spontaneously
0.6 ppm) as shown in Figure 2. The when 5 kg. of NO has accumulated

Exploded heat exchanger showing where

shell was torn apart laterally and July " August
Sewember X, October
snapped off and where tubes bunt. Figure 2. NO concentrations after water washing during summer months.


crobiologicalactivity. The accumulated
Key: resins must have been derived chiefly
I.$MnC, wlution from compounds of C,H4, etc., and
2. d -nophtylornine solution NO; for the diene content is too low
3.suf onilic ocid solution (0.01 ppm) to fix all the NO (about
43. open to the oir.guorded by 0.5 pprn). It could not be determined
an octive carbon filter whether the accumulated N20, which
6.gIoss filters is present in about the same quantity
Zgloss cocks as NO, was also partly bound to hy-
8.copil lory drocarbons.

459 g.mpil lories and

reogent-mixing vessel spirols
I !.exit KMn04 solution
Preventing explosions
The following steps were immediately
taken to prevent explosions:
12.rotometer 1. Na$r,O, was added to the CO,
3 l3.copil lory wash-water circuit until about 10 mg.
/ IOm. of dichromate per liter was present.
In this way the amount of NO in the
gas was reduced from 0.6 to less than
0.1 pprn in 24 hr. By continuing this,
v 15 in the winter months NO contents of
reagent droin 0.005 pprn and lower were attained
I in the gas.
Figure 3. Flow system for continuous analysis of hitrogen oxide. 2. The sludge was cleaned from
the water tank of the CO, washing
in the form of resins. Considerable 1. By the reduction of nitrate from unit.
amounts of N,O, which seems to have the water as a result of inorganic 3. NO accumulation was limited to
been present, may also have contribu- conversion. Possible sources of the 1000 liters; alternately, as a tempo-
ted to the force of the explosion. nitrate are NH4N03 dust blown in rary measure, the equipment was
A study was made of the absorption from the nearby calcium ammonium thawed and flushed with caustic eveiy
of NO and N,O in the gas during nitrate plant and the nitrate content of three months.
the C0,-scmbbing process in the the make-up water. The reducing 4. A maximum permissible NO
warmer months of the year, Table 1. agent might be traces of H,S from content of 0.1 ppm was fixed and it
Absorption of NO can be explained in the gas and ferrous sulfide from the was arranged that production should
various ways: tank sludge. be stopped if this limit was exceeded.
2. NO can be formed as a result 5. The NO content was continuously
Table 1. Accumulation of oxides of of microbiological conversion of ni-
nitrogen in the nitrogen wash. checked and recorded. For this pur-
trates in the acid medium of the CO, pose an analyzer was developed with
Ocr. JAN. MAY AUG. washing towers by denitrifying bac-
1958 1960 1960 1960 a sensitivity of about a few thou-
teria (1).The presence of these bac- sandths pprn of NO, calibrated by
total gas teria has been proven at Mekog. means of standard sodium nitrite solu-
3. The formation of nitrite by ni- tions and also with a standard gas
trifying bacteria from NH, in the de- with lcnown doses of NO in the range
total NO gassifier. At the time of the explosion,
intake, of 0.006-0.1 ppm.
liter. 5100 <200 409 850 however, there was no clear evidence The analyzer, Figure 3, indicates
total N20 of the occurrence of this phenomenon.
NO by oxidation with permanganate
accumu- The fact that NO accumulation in to NO,, followed by colorimetric de-
late& 1. 7440 100 S8 90
' warm weather does not fluctuate termination with Griess reagent, a
accumu- markedly with the temperature of the
lated mixture of a-naphthylamine and sul-
NzO/cu. H,O, but fluctuates in periods of a fanilic acid. The liquids are passed
m. gas in- few weeks, is a clear indication that at constant rates from flasks by glass
take, the most pronounced NO-peaks in filters and resistance capillaries (to
ppm. 0.24 0.005 0.0014 0.005 summer are attributable mainly to mi- stabilize the flow) to the reacting
spirals. The colorimeter has a compen-
Table 2. Plant conditions for comparing behavior of NO resins.
COKE-OVEN Siebold F. Bohlken .
charge of the lab-
Gas load 10,500 rn8/hr. 5,000 m8/hr. oratory of Mekog at
Pressure 17 atm. 13 atm. IJmuiden, Holland.
Gas composition: Prior to this, he
NO, ppm 0.1-0.5, max. 0.8 0.3-1.0,max. 2.0 joined the Fertilizer
N20 present present Plant in 1936 and
stayed at the Royal
01 0.1% 0.1 % Dutch Blast Furnace
C2Hs 1-7 ppm 1.5-1.8% Plant during World
C3% <0.5ppm 0.1 % War 11. He received a degree itichemi-
C2H2 <0.01 ppm 0.05-0.1 % cal engineering from the University of
Saturated C-H Delft (Holland) and obtained the
excl. C I t 2-7 ppm about 2.0 % degree of doctor in technical science
Max. NO load 5000 g . 4000 g . in 1947.


sating photoelectric setting to reg- dienes in empty reactors before the ing. If such a thing does happen, NO
ister minor extinction differences. coke oven gas plant itself (i.e., the obviously has to be removed, and I
For the future, the possibility is exchanger system). They do that by think low temperature absorption may
being studied of removing the NO permitting the feed gas to go through be practical.
and, if possible, also the unsaturated an empty tower right after the com- In Europe most of the hydrocarbon
hydrocarbons and N,O from the gas pressor. After a period of time the separation units use the front exchang-
at low temperatures by means of an empty reactor is washed down with ers to remove water, in other words,
adsorbent. Molecular sieves and acti- caustic, and these gums are removed. as driers in terms of sequence or
vated carbon are being considered The percentage of NO encountered switch changes. We prefer to use driers
for this purpose. in coke oven gas operation is extreme- ahead of them. While driers are cer-
Behavior of NO resins ly low (0.1 is very high, while 0.05 tainly no cure-all insofar as absorption
is more acceptable). Obviously you of contaminants, we feel that they
It is possible to make a comparison can not afford to shut a plant down may absorb some of the dienes that
of the behavior of NO resins in coke- every several months just to wash it cause trouble. This is no solution if
oven gas splitters and in units for down. With respect to treatment of the NO goes beyond 0.01%.
washing converted gas with N, since other hydrocarbon gases, engineers Acetylene is another problem that
we have operating experience with want to know the quantities of NO, has been looked at for a good many
both types. The conditions in the plant heavy hydrocarbons, and C,H,. In years. If the C,H, content is serious
are shown in Table 2. most cases, the NO, very fortunately, enough, we always recommend that
It is apparent from this table that is extremely low. As far as we are the feed gas be hydrogenated unless,
the gas for the coke-oven gas splitters concerned, we can only afford to ig- of course, there is sufficient C,H, in
contained more NO and much more nore NO if it's magnitude is about the feed gas. In that case, we normal-
unsaturated hydrocarbons than the 0.01%. With concentrations beyond ly put in a special exchanger which
converted gas. Nevertheless, there that, steps have to be taken to treat is nothing more than an C,H, reflw
were no particular difEculties under NO and to remove it. NO can come condenser. We use C,H, to wash out
these conditions in the coke-oven gas into a feed gas which has been pre- C,H, since the two form an azeo-
units, whereas in the nitrogen wash pared by partial oxidation not neces- trope. However, you must have a
unit, a spontaneous explosion occurred sarily through combustion, but through quantity of C,H,, in the order of 20-
during normal operation. external means such as water wash- 25 times the C,H, content.
Without going into details on the
many differences between the two
units, it can be stated that one differ-
ence must be considered fundamental,
namely that in the coke-oven gas
splitters any NO resins formed will J. H. CONKLIN
always be amply moistened by the DuPont Co.
large excess of condensing hydrocar-
bons. In view of the uncommonly low
vapor pressure of the hydrocarbons in
the unit for converted gas, the resins
formed there will actually remain dry.
We now think it probable that this
Nitrogen wash incident
difference is the cause of the greater
unstability of the resins in our nitro- Process safety modifications include replacement
gen-wash unit.
For this reason we believe that for of carbon steel pipe subjected to low temperatures,
gases with a low hydrocarbon content
still more stringent requirements
better instrumentation and control systems.
should be made as regards NO content
and accumulation than in the case of O N THE AFTERNOON OF MARCH 12, After the cold warm-ends had re-
coke-oven gas units. # 1960, approximately 70 ft. of a sched- covered, feed gas was reintroduced
ule 40 carbon steel line containing and shortly thereafter trouble began.
LITERATURE CITED H, at a pressure of 325 lb. was sud- The first symptoms of trouble were
1. Wyier, Delwiche. Plant and Soil, V, NO.2. denly subjected to liquid N, ternpera- cycling temperatures and gas composi-
tures causing the line to rupture with tions from the wash column. As had
Questions and answers explosive violence. Despite the fact
that fragments were thrown in all di-
been done many times in the past,
control instruments were placed in
KERRY-American Air Liquide, N. Y., rections with sufficient force to embed manual in an effort to break this
N. Y.: The problem of contaminants themselves into the lagging of adjacent vicious temperature and composition
in N2 scrubbing units dates back over equipment, no one was injured and cycle that was obviously becoming
thirty years. Although considered only little damage was done to nearby lines more extreme as time went on. Final-
recently in this country, a great deal or equipment. ly, the temperature alarm in the
of published information is available Just prior to the line rupture, the carbon steel piping sounded, which
in Europe where intensive study has operation of the N, wash system had indicated that the temperature had
been done on the reactions of NO or not been stable or satisfactory. In fallen to -20°C.
NTO with dienes. The way they solve fact, only 4 hr. earlier it had been The operator pressed the toggle
them in coke oven gases is to actually necessary to back feed gas out of the switch in the 60 point potentiometer
induce the formation or the chemical boxes because of cold warm-ends on to read the temperature, and found it
reaction of NO or NTO with the the heat exchangers. to be -120°C and falling rapidly. He


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