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Your Standing: The List

Friday, November 1, 2013 2:27:54 PM America/Los_Angeles

The culture of heaven is founded on celebration! This excerpt from the Mind of a Saint's
Saturday morning session titled "Capturing the Thoughts of
God" will give you about a hundred reasons to celebrate!

“Your standing is who you are in Jesus, your confession of all

that God wants to be for you and all that God wants to do for
you. So your standing is:

That you’re a new creation,

You’re a people for His possession,

You’re a royal priesthood,

You’re alive to God,

All grace abounds towards you,

All sufficiency is in you, through Him,

You’re anointed,

You’re the apple of God’s eye,

As He is, so are we in this earth,

You’re baptized into one spirit,

You’re baptized into Christ and His death,

You’re being perfected,

You are the beloved,

You are blameless,

You’re blessed,

You’re blessed with all spiritual blessings,

You’ve got bold access to the throne of God,

You’re as bold as a lion because you’re born again,

You’re part of the bride,

You’re buried with Christ in His death,

You can do all things in Christ,

You’re chosen,

You’re a chosen generation,

Christ indwells you with all His fullness,

You’re a coheir with Christ,

You’re created for good words,

You’re curse free,

You’re dead to sin,

You’re dead with Christ,

You’re declared Holy,

You’re a disciple,

You’re elect,

You’re enriched,

Everything works in your favor,

You’re enriched in all knowledge,

You’re faithful,

You’re a fellow citizen,

You’re free,

You’re free from sin,

He’s freely given you all things,

You’re a friend of Christ,

You’re fruitful,

You’re gifted,

You’re given all things,

You’re the habitation of God,

You have the mind of Christ,

He’s at work in you,

He is for you, not against you,

You’re healed,

You’re hidden in Christ,

You’re highly favored,

You are His body,

You are His fullness,

You are His possession,

You are His workmanship,

You are a Holy nation,

You’re a Holy priesthood,

You’re increasing in the knowledge of God,

You’re inseparable from the love of God,

You’re a jewel in His eye,

You’re a joint heir with Jesus,

You’re justified,

The Kingdom of God is within you,

You’re a King,

You’re a priest,

You’re a ruler,

You’re known by Him,

You’re lacking in nothing,

You’re the light of the world,

You’re living by faith,

You live by God’s word,

You’re a living stone,

You’re made in His image,

You’re made rich in everything,

You’re more than a conqueror,

You’re a new creation,

You’re of sound mind,

You are ordained,

You are a different people,

You’re the people of God,

You’re the pillars of God,

You are prepared for good works,

You are protected, purified, raised with Christ in resurrection light,

You are redeemed,

You are the righteousness of God in Christ,

You’re a royal priesthood,

You’re a saint,

You’re the salt of the earth,

You’re sanctified,

You’re saved,

You’re sealed,

You’re seated with Him in heavenly places,

You’re a servant of God,

You share His authority,

You’re the sheep of His pasture,

You’re a shining star,

You’re a son of God,

You’re a son of light,

You’re a steward of the mysteries,

You are strengthened by Him,

You are the elect of God,

You are the friends of God,

The fullness of life and godliness belong to you,

You are the righteousness of God,

You are the temple of God,

You’re the temple of the Holy Spirit,

You are transformed,

You are a vessel of glory,

You’re a vessel of honor,

You walk by faith,

You walk in newness of life,

You are a warrior,

You are the wise,

You are witnesses,

And you are absolutely worthy of the Lord!!

The culture of heaven is founded on this kind of celebration. We need to change the
culture of the body of Christ so that this spontaneous outburst of celebration is a lifestyle
for us. What we just came onto right there was the awesome sense of the fullness that
belongs to us. Astonishment started to rise up in us and then we had to do something: we
had to celebrate, we had to stand up, we had to cheer, we had to clap, we had to dance

We had to do something ... welcome to the mind of Christ! This mindset allows us to
disempower our disappointments, forever."

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