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Exercise 4. Choose any field that is relevant to Quantitative Research.

Find any
professional in your community with the discipline you have chosen, and conduct an
interview on how he/she copes with the pandemic (CoViD 19); how did it affect
his/her work and how did it affect the whole company/institution/sects where he/she is
working at. Have a video recording of your interview, after seeking the permission of
your interviewee. Consider the following in your interview.

1. Determine the purpose of the interview.
2. State the major points clearly.
3. Choose the right person to be interviewed.
4. Consider the date, time, and place of the interview.
5. Outline the interview.
6. Prepare list of questions related to your interview.

Interview Stage
1. Bear in mind the purpose of the interview.
2. Relax and be polite, patient, and considerate.
3. Show courtesy and respect to your interviewee. Do not give your opinions.
4. Thank your interviewee after the interview.

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