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Задания для дистанционного обучения

для студентов 5 курса гуманитарного факультета, группы 541-542

(направление подготовки 45.04.02 Лингвистика)
по учебной дисциплине «Практика по языковой коммуникации»
на 12.11.2020

преподаватель: Ивахненко М.Н.

телефон: +380713031822
Адрес для консультаций:
(в теме письма указывайте свою фамилию и группу. Например, Иванов_541)

Assignment on the topic “International Relations: Canada” (Unit 3)

КТ 9 ТМ 3 – Listening


Before you listen and watch the video:

There are multiple dangers our modern society is facing today. One of them is
possessing guns. They are legal in the United States and in many other countries in the
world. Do you think having a gun at home makes you feel safer? Why? Why not?

While you watch and listen:

Fill in the blanks and answer the questions. To be done in writing.
SCENE 1: (0:00 – 1:20)
1. What do Canadians do if they hate somebody?
We don't go to the point of shooting somebody just to get revenge.

2. How many murders have there been in Sarnia in the last three years?

SCENE 2: WINDSOR, ONTARIO (1:21 – 2:07)

3. Who was the gun murder in Windsor committed by, according to the police
It was a guy from Detroit who had a stolen gun from Minnesota.


4. MAN: Canadians don’t watch as many violent movies as Americans do.
FALSE: Hords of young boys all throughout Canada eagerly await the next
Hollywood blood bath.
5. WOMAN I: There’s no poverty in Canada as there is here in the States.
FALSE: The Mayor of Sarnia: Actually, we also have a much higher
unemployment rate.
6. WOMAN II: I think there are mostly white people in Canada.
FALSE: That’s strange, because when I’m in Canada, I see black people
everywhere, and yellow. people, and brown people. Thirteen percent of the
country is non-white.

SCENE 4. TORONTO (3:20 – 5:01)

7. How many guns do both men have altogether? – a dozen
8. Why are there so many guns, according to the Mayor? – Geographically they grew
up with hunting and fishing being a tradition.
9. How many guns are there, according to the man in the car? – 7 million guns
10.What is necessary to get a gun in Canada? – to have a permission
11.What is Michael Moore buying at Wal-Mart? – ammunition/bullets

SCENE 5. SARNIA (5:02 – 5:54)

12.Do they lock their door at night? – No.
13.Have they ever been a victim of a crime? What happened?
MAN: Yes. It was some teenagers, they broke in his house. They stole some booze
and cigarettes
WOMAN: Some people walked into her house while she was sleeping and
vandalized there and stole things from her.

SCENE 6. TORONTO (5:55 – 7:35)

14.Why do Americans lock their doors? They must be afraid of their neighbors.
What about Canadians? Canadians see it more as when they lock the door they're
imprisoning themselves inside. Americans think of it as keeping people out of their

SCENE 7. (7:36 – 8:24)

15.What is the politicians’ main concern? How do you build a good society? Good
society needs proper daycare, to have assistance for elderly people, proper
healthcare, people need to be ensured that they won't lose their business or house
because they can't afford their bills.

SCENE 8. IN THE BAR (8:25 – 9:42)

16. Why is the man surprised? Because he doesn’t know what indigents look like.
17.What does a Canadian slum look like? Like ghetto.
18.How much is the injured man’s treatment bill? He doesn’t know, it was covered by
the hospital.
According to the blonde woman, why do Canadians get scared in the States? Because
they overreacting so much, they don't stop and think. Their first reaction is “I will pull
the gun up, here, on my property”.

SCENE 9. AT THE FAIR (9:43 – 10:08)

19.The man with sunglasses: People are more open-minded, more welcoming here.
(…) The segregation is much more intensified in the States.
20.The American: It’s almost like they just let you be.
FINAL CONCLUSIONS (10:09 – 10:45)
21. Woman in front of Taco Bells: Canada is more like let's negotiate let's work
something out.
22. Man in the car: If more guns made people safer, then America would be one of
the safest countries in the world.

After you watch and listen:

Compare American, Canadian and European lifestyles. To be done in writing (100-150
words). Use the following adjectives:
Safe, peaceful, violent, calm, healthy, cold, and other adjectives you remember form our
previous lessons.
Use the following structures: (not)as…….., more……than, the…..est

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