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1. What will possibly Charlie push to attend the appointment? He will … .

A. omit it

B. erase the message

C. tap Y

D. skip it

2. What does the writer intend to the readers? The writer expects the readers ….

A. tell the last experience

B. remember what he plans

C. remind someone to do

D. describe the actual activity


3. Where will be the tennis course held? It will be held on … .

A. Monday and Tuesday

B. Gladstone tennis and Rob Mc Bean

C. Tennis clinic School

D. Squash Association Courts

4. What is actually Rob Mc Bean? He is … .

A. the school advisor

B. the director of tennis school

C. the school founder

D. the academic manager of school

5. “9.00 AM until 4.00 PM Both Days” can be inferred that … .

A. the program lasts 7 hours each day

B. it will be closed in the afternoon

C. contacting Rob Mc Bean is compulsory

D. 2 days will be more satisfying session

Text for Questions 6 to 8

6. Why does the writer think that the sign is important? Because … .
A. the school is urgently needed for developing education

B. the street is quite crowded particularly in the school area

C. the facilities is available to monitor the latest technology

D. the students have been familiar with the information technology

7. Whom is the sign especially addressed to?

A. The students

B. The parents of students

C. The teachers and the students

D. The street users

8. When will the flash possibly be on based on the sign?

A. 24 hours

B. Mid night

C. When the speed limit 20 is used

D. Mid-day

Text for Questions 9 and 10

9. What is possibly Greg Parker? He is … .

A. the head of Vintage Club

B. the regent of Dallas

C. the man in charge of artist

D. the committee of dining party

10. “The honor of your presence is requested … “The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….

A. guidance

B. attendance

C. connecting step

D. Departure

Text for Questions 11 and 12

11. Who holds the program of the event? It is held by….

A. Central Fair

B. Central High School

C. Central High Science Dept.

D. Grand Junction, CO

12. Which one of the following merchandises is not available on that event? We can’t find ….

A. blankets

B. toys

C. wood turning

D. wall paper

Text for Questions 13 to 15

13. Who will the potential readers be intended by the writer? They are … .

A. the children

B. the infants and adults

C. the parents of kids

D. the play group teachers

14. How do the readers get information of enrolling the school? By..

A. Attending the open house at Feb 17th

B. Asking the certification from the teachers

C. visiting website

D. Bringing this brochure to registration desk

15. What does mostly the students of this school come from?

A. Junior high School

B. College

C. Primary School

D. Secondary School

Text for Questions 16 to 19

My mother is a beautiful person. She is not tall but not short, and she has curly and brown hair. Her eyes are like
honey and her skin is light brown, and she has a beautiful smile. Her weight likes 120 lbs.

She is a very kind person. She is very lovely, friendly, patient, and she loves to help people. I love my mom, because
she is a good example to me. She loves being in the Church, and she loves singing and dancing too.

She is a very good woman, wife and mother. She always takes care of her family. She likes her house to be clean
and organized. She is a very organized person, and all things in the house are in the right place. She doesn’t like
She always has a smile on her face. She is so sweet and lovely. I like when I am going to sleep or when I wake up or
when I am going to go to some places, she always gives me a kiss, and when the family have a problem she always
be with us to help us and to give us all her loves.

16. How heavy is the writer’s mother? She is … .

A. Fifty-five kilograms

B. beautiful woman

C. 120 kilograms

D. an organized person

17. What makes the writer impressed to her mother? She … .

A. is a very good mother

B. loves being in the church

C. All the answers are correct

D. is so sweet and lovely

18. “when the family have a problem she always be with us …” The underlined word refers to … .

A. the writer and her mother

B. the writer and her daughters

C. the writer and sons

D. the writer and all of his/her family member

19. “She always takes care of her family.” The underlined word can be replaced with … .

A. obeys

B. looks after

C. looks on

D. takes on

Text for Questions 20 to 23

There are long rivers, and there are famous rivers. The mighty Nile is the world’s longest and most famous river.
The Nile’s longest branch stretches 4,160 miles (6,695 kilometers) and crosses half a continent. The Nile winds
north from the heart of Africa. Crocodiles and hippopotamuses live in its waters. Gigantic pyramids built by ancient
Egyptians rise along its banks. From its humble beginnings, the Nile flows into Lake Victoria, the world’s second
largest freshwater lake. The Nile draws much of its water from this great lake.

The Nile flows out of Lake Victoria to the north. The river crosses Uganda into Sudan, where it spreads out to form
a massive swamp. At the city of Khartoum, Sudan’s capital, another great river called the Blue Nile joins the White
Nile—the river’s main branch. Together, they form one very powerful river. At Sudan’s northern border, this river
thunders over six waterfalls. From there, it winds through Egypt’s famous Nile Valley before reaching the
Mediterranean Sea. Where the Nile meets the sea, it fans out into a broad river delta that looks like a big triangle.
This triangle is called the Nile River Delta.

Today, the Nile no longer flows free. Many dams rise up along the Nile to capture water. They help control flooding
and provide electricity. But they also have contributed to pollution of the Nile. The largest and most famous dam is
the Aswan High Dam, completed by the Egyptian government in 1970. It created a giant lake called Lake Nasser.

Water from Lake Nasser drives huge engines that make electricity. The dam supplies most of Egypt’s electric
power. Factories have sprung up along the Nile to use this power. Their wastes pollute the river. The Aswan High
Dam controls the flooding of the Nile below it. But it also stops silt from flowing downstream. Egyptian farmers
must now use chemical fertilizers to replace the silt. These, too, pollute the river.

20. Where is the heart of Sudan as the central of government? It is … .

A. Victoria

B. Nile

C. Khartoum

D. Aswan

21. Where is the Giant Pyramid situated? It is … .

A. at the bank of Nile river

B. near the Aswan dam

C. the opposite of Lake Nasser

D. beside the delta of Nile river

22. “Together, they form one very powerful river. (Paragraph 2nd)” The underlined word refers to … .

A. Lake Victoria and Lake Nasser

B. Blue Nile and Lake Victoria

C. Blue Nile and northern border

D. Blue Nile and White Nile

23. “Today, the Nile no longer flows free.” The underlined word is closest in meaning to … .

A. meets

B. runs

C. sets

D. Spreads

Text for Questions 24 to 27

Fishing at the River

When I was in Junior High School, my father once took me to go fishing with him at the river on Sunday morning.
The river lies across our oil palm plantation. We had breakfast first at home and then left early in the morning by

When we arrived in our plantation, my father parked the motorcycle under the hut. He asked me to collect some
dry wood and dry grass or leaves. When I already collected enough wood and dry leaves, my father set a fire in the
center of the fireplace. He said that the smoke from the fire would scare some dangerous animal like bear and
boar to come closer to the hut and so it would make us safer.

After cleaning some wild grass around the hut, my father gave me a hoe and asked me to dig some soil to find
worms. When I already had enough worm, I brought it to my father and we went straight to the river. We put the
worm on the fishing hook as a bait to catch the fish. As a beginner fisher, I cannot apply the worm on the fishing
hook well, and it look like it was about to fall off the hook, but my father said that it was okay. I threw the fishing
hook into the river and wait for the fish to eat the bait, but nothing happened after a while. When I was about to
get bored I saw a big prawn was slowly walking in the water. I placed the fishing hook slowly into the face of the
prawn and move it up and down so the worm seemed alive. I never expected it to happen but suddenly the prawn
moves its hand and grabbed the worm on my fishing hook. I lifted it very slowly and the prawn was still there
hanging tight on the worm until I placed it on the ground and I caught it right away with my hands. My father was
so surprise to see it. Before we went home, we cooked it at the hut and enjoyed it together.

24. What did they use as a bait to catch the fish in the river? They … .

A. used to explore the area of the plantation

B. set a fire to save themselves from wild animals

C. used worm as bait to catch the fish

D. made small fire near the hut

25. How did the writer get the prawn at the fishing?

A. He moved it by his hand on the ground

B. His father was surprised to see it

C. He felt bored in fishing

D. He could not place the bait well

26. Why did the writer’s father ask him to set fire? Because … .

A. there has been available the fireplace

B. to give a sign there was people in a hut

C. to make the dangerous animals afraid

D. to ask the fishes come closer

27. What reason does the writer compose the text? The writer wants … .

A. to explain that he has palm plantation

B. to tell his memorable experience in fishing

C. to amuse the readers with good story

D. to describe the beauty of hut in palm plantation

Text for Questions 28 to 31

There are very clear things can be done to improve results when you need to make an outgoing call for sales.

1. Improve Your Mind, it can be extremely mentally challenging making outgoing sales calls. The reason is we’re
likely calling people which aren’t expecting our call and we will likely face some sort of rejection. This can create
cold call anxiety which is comparable to how a young man feels at a high school dance when he needs to walk
across the dance floor in order to ask a young woman for a dance. We are aware that rejection is possible and this
can cause a level of discomfort in both of these scenarios. There are a few things that can be done to decrease this
stress as well as improve your mental state: Know your value: Your business likely helps customers or clients in
some way. Being aware of the value that you deliver is helpful and having it at the top of your mind when making
outgoing calls. Go through sales affirmations: It is helpful to go through some sales affirmations which summarize
why your company, products and services, as well as you as a sales person are good and possibly better than the

2. Have a Value Statement,Having some sort of value statement is one thing that can be used on every outgoing
call. It is a one to two sentence statements which summarizes the core value that you have to offer the prospects
that you’re calling.

3. Prepare for Objections, On pretty much every outgoing call that you make, you will face objections. We can
easily prepare for these objections by outlining which ones we’re likely to come across and then script out the best
responses that will keep the call going to improve sales results.

4. Cold Call Script, You never really know which direction the call is going to go and that is one of the most
challenging things about outgoing sales calls. Developing some sort of cold call script is one way to decrease this
uncertainty. It doesn’t need to be a lengthy and verbose script which needs to be read word for word. It should be
a type of outline which one can use as a guide and/or a tool to determine which direction to take the call. It can
greatly improve results and make the outgoing call easier.

5. Perform Some Research, when doing some research prior to the call we can always stand to improve outgoing
calls. This could include some research on the company, the individual we’re calling, and on any history between
your company and the prospect. There are various online resources that provide valuable data which can help your
call in some way or another. The information collected during research might enable you to modify the questions
that you ask to make them more tailored to the prospect, which makes your questioning more powerful.

28. What will the readers get after reading the text above? They are expected ….

A. to know how to call short and understandable

B. to make a polite sales call without annoying others

C. to be able to hold the call and forward it

D. to perform as a humble marketer to sell

29. Who will be most interested with the text above? She/he is ….

A. a sales manager

B. the property of sales

C. a sales representative

D. the debt collector

30. What benefit can the caller take from modifying the questions in a call?

A. The valuable data

B. The result of research

C. The company’s prospect

D. The developed script

31. “… a sales person is good and possibly better than the competition.” The underlined word is closest in meaning
to ….

A. always

B. probably

C. usually

D. Surely

Text for Questions 32 to 35

The Maid of the Mist

She lost her husband and her hope at a young age, and the beautiful girl could not find her way through the sorrow
upon sorrow that was her lot in life. So, she stepped one day into her canoe, singing a death song softly to herself,
and paddle out into the current. Soon the canoe was caught by the rough waves and hurtled toward the falls. But
as it pitched over, and she fell, Heno, the god of thunder who lived in the falls, caught the maiden gently in his
arms and carried her to his home beneath the thundering veil of water.

Heno and his sons ministered to the grieving girl, and she stayed with them until her heart healed within her. Then
the younger son spoke words of love to the maiden and they married, to the delight of the god of thunder. A
young son was born to the couple, and he followed his grandfather everywhere, learning what it meant to be a god
of thunder.

The only shadow on the happiness of the maiden in the mist was a continual longing to see her people one more
time. Her chance came in an unexpected and unwelcome way. A great snake came down the mighty river and
poisoned the waters of her people. They grew sick and were dying. Soon the snake would return to devour the
dead until my people were all gone. It was Heno himself who gave her the news, and she begged that she might
return for one hour to warn her people of the danger. The god himself lifted her through the falls and set her down
among her people to give warning about the evil snake that was causing such pestilence among them. She advised
them to move to a higher country until the danger was past, and they agreed. Then Heno came and took the
maiden back to her husband and her home.

In a few days, the giant serpent returned to the village, seeking the bodies of those who had died from the poison
it had spread. When the snake realized that the people had deserted the village, it hissed in rage and turned
upstream to search for them. But Heno heard the voice of the serpent and rose up through the mist of the falls. He
threw a great thunderbolt at the creature and killed it in one mighty blast. The giant body of the creature floated
downstream and lodged just above the cataract, creating a large semi-circle that deflected huge amounts of water
into the falls at the place just above the god's home. Horrified by this disastrous turn of events, Heno swept in
through the falls and did his best to stop the massive influx of water, but it was too late.
Seeing that his home would soon be destroyed, Heno called for the maiden and his sons to come away with him.
The younger son caught up his wife and child and followed Heno through the water of the falls and up into the sky,
where the Thunderer made them a new home. From this place, they watch over the people of the earth, while
Heno thunders in the clouds as he once thundered in the vapors of the great falls. To this day, an echo of the
Heno's voice can be heard in the thunder of the mighty waters of Niagara Falls.

32. Where is the setting of the story above? The setting is ….

A. Australia

B. Netherland

C. China


33. What made the river harmful for the people?

A. Heno

B. The Falls

C. The Snake

D. The mighty river.

34. Why did Heno ask maiden and sons to come away with him?

A. Heno made big mistakes

B. Heno’s voice can be heard in thunder

C. Heno realized his home soon be destroyed

D. Heno was endangered by people on earth

35. “… and she stayed with them until her heart healed within her.” (2nd Paragraph) The underlined word refers to

A. the son

B. the grieving girl

C. the people

D. the canoe

Text for Questions 36 to 39

A snow roller

It is a rare meteorological phenomenon in which large snowballs are formed naturally as chunks of snow are
blown along the ground by wind, picking up material along the way, in much the same way that the large
snowballs used in snowmen are made. They can be as small as a tennis ball, but they can also be bigger than a car.
Most snow rollers are a few inches/centimeters wide.
Alternative names for snow rollers include: snow bales, snow donuts, and wind snowballs. Unlike snowballs made
by people, snow rollers are typically cylindrical in shape, and are often hollow since the inner layers, which are the
first layers to form, are weak and thin compared to the outer layers and can easily be blown away, leaving what
looks like a doughnut or Swiss roll.

The following conditions are needed for snow rollers to form:

· There must be a relatively thin surface layer of wet, loose snow, with a temperature near the melting point of

· Under this thin layer of wet snow there must be a substrate to which the thin surface layer of wet snow will not
stick, such as ice or powder snow.

· The wind must be strong enough to move the snow rollers, but not strong enough to blow them apart.

· Alternatively, gravity can move the snow rollers as when a snowball, such as those that will fall from a tree or
cliff, lands on a steep hill and begins to roll down the hill.

Because of this last condition, snow rollers are more common in hilly areas. However, the precise nature of the
conditions required makes them a very rare phenomenon.

The term snow roller also applies to a horse-drawn implement used in the mid to late 19th century (though
tractor-drawn examples are still in limited use today, mainly at ski resorts) to pack snow. It was mainly used in
areas with high snow accumulation for access for horses and horse-drawn sleighs or wagons equipped with skis or
runners. The implement was essentially, a large, very wide, wooden wheel, weighed down with stone or concrete.

36. When do the people get experience finding a snow roller? It is ….

A. on summer season

B. on winter season

C. on fall season

D. on autumn season

37. What are the shape of snow roller? Its shape is ….

A. triangular

B. cubical

C. diagonal

D. Circular

38. Due to the easiness in flying, some people also call snow roller as ….

A. Swiss roll

B. cylindrical bread

C. snow bales

D. chunks of snow
39. “…to which the thin surface layer of wet snow will not stick, such as ice or powder snow.” The underlined word
is similar to ….

A. depth

B. weight

C. level

D. Degree

Text for Questions 40 to 42


They are objects in outer space that fly around planets in circular paths called orbits. Artificial satellites are made
by people. Thousands of satellites are zooming around our planet right now.

The Soviet Union launched the first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1, in 1957. Sputnik 1 broadcasted a steady signal of
beeps. It circled Earth for three months and then fell back into the atmosphere and burned up. The atmosphere is
the air that surrounds Earth.

They need to reach a height of at least 120 miles (200 kilometers) to orbit. They also need to travel faster than
18,000 miles per hour (29,000 kilometers per hour). A satellite any lower or slower would soon fall back down to
Earth. It takes a rocket to bring satellites up to that height and speed.

Most satellites are launched from the ground. Some small satellites can be launched from high-flying planes. This
uses less fuel.

Other satellites are launched using a space shuttle or other piloted rocket. This way, astronauts on the space
shuttle can make sure the satellite is working and gets into the right orbit.

They are used for a great many things. Communications satellites beam TV, radio, and telephone signals all around
the world. Navigational satellites help people know where they are and get where they are going. Weather
satellites take pictures of clouds and storms from above to help make weather forecasts. Spy satellites look down
and snoop on other countries. Other satellites help scientists to study Earth and other planets.

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40. Which one of the following things is not the benefit of satellite?

A. weather forecast

B. TV and radio broadcasting

C. Locating the position

D. avoiding the natural disaster

41. How long did Sputnik 1 exist in broadcasting signal of beeps?

A. 29.000 kilometers per hour

B. Three months
C. 18,000 miles

D. 200 kilometers

42. Why do most scientists use high aircrafts than ground launching? They take the consideration of …

A. the environment damages

B. smaller petroleum usage

C. feasibility in orbit

D. adapting with atmosphere

Text for Questions 43 to

The Day I Lost Half of My Little Toe

When I was in Elementary School, I went to the city with my father to check the construction progress of our new
house. The location is two hours away from our house in the village. We went there by motorcycle. It was just the
two of us, so my father sat on the front and I sat on the back.

We left the village at 10 a.m. in the morning after having a breakfast with our family. It is my habit to be sleepy
when I am full. Within the first ten minutes of our trip, I already yawn so many times. My father slaps my hand and
remind me to not fall asleep on the road. I tried to do as he said but I just couldn't bear it anymore, so I hug my dad
and I slept. A couple minutes later, I woke up because I felt like my right leg was being dragged down and it hurt. I
scream, and my father stop the motorcycle instantly. It turned out that my foot was stuck in the motorcycle rim.
Blood was everywhere. My father tried to pull my leg slowly out of the rim. After two minutes of effort, we finally
made it to pull my leg out. My father took me to the nearest doctor right away.

The doctor removes my sandal and clean the wound. He then examined the wound and gave it some medicine
after that he cover the wound by using bandage. When it is done, he told me and my father that the one that got
injured was my little toe and because of the accident, my little toe was cut in half, so it may not grow nail anymore.
The doctor also said that I got lucky because the sandal that I wore that day was very thick, so it stops the rim from
cutting more of my foot. After that we said thanks to the doctor and we went back to our village.

43. What made the writer hurt? It was due to … .

A. his life styles

B. he was afraid to doctor

C. his foot was stuck on the motorcycle rim

D. he wanted to see new house

44. What reason did the writer’s father cancel to visit their new house construction?

A. The sandal was quite thick

B. The writer got an accident

C. The doctor removed the sandal

D. His father was irritated with him

45. “I scream, and my father stop the motorcycle instantly.” The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….
A. put on

B. break

C. trigger

D. Surrender

Text for Questions 46 to 48

The Jackal and the pond full of fish

Long ago, a big jackal wanted some fish to eat. He went to look for a dried-up pond so that he could catch the fish

One day, he found a pond which had only a little water, a lot of mud and many kinds of fish in it.

“I’m hungry today,” the jackal thought, “I’m very hungry.”

A shrimp in the pond knew what the jackal was thinking. “Brother Jackal,” he said in a kind voice, “You can eat us
all up. But look, we’re covered in mud. If you eat us like this, we’ll taste horrible.”

“What can I do to make you taste nice?” asked the jackal.

“Take us away and wash us,” said the shrimp.

“But there are thousands of fish in the pond. Where can I take you all? And how can I wash you all?”

“Don’t worry,” said the shrimp. “Just stretch out in the mud. Let some of us hang on to your fur. Then you can get
up and take us to pond with a lot of water in it,”

The jackal was greedy and stupid. So, he did what the shrimp said. He stretched out in the mud. Some of the fish
hung on to his fur. Then the jackal got up and went to look for another into it. The fish in his fur jumped off into the

“Go back,” said the shrimp to the jackal, “and pick up the other fish.” So the jackal went back and got some more
of the fish. Again and again, he walked back to the old pond. At last, all the fish were in the pond full of water.

When the fish saw they were all together again, they swam away into deep water. When jackal saw they had
tricked him, he was very angry.

He hurried away to look for big animals, snakes, and birds. He found elephants, tiger, buffaloes, and pigs. He found
python and cobras. He found crows, sparrows, and vultures. He said to them, “Please help me to empty all the
water out of the pond.”

He said to the python, “the animals and birds will take the water out of the pond. Then you can swallow it.”

When the fish in the pond heard this, they were frightened. They said to each other, “What can we do to stop
these animals?”

A cat-fish said, “People say the hare is very clever animal. He knows how to help animals in trouble. Shall I go and
ask him to help us?”

The other fish agreed. So the cat-fish left the pond to look for the hare. All day he moved slowly and heavily along
the ground—flip flop, flip flop. In the evening, the hare came out to look for some food. When he saw the catfish
he asked, “Where are you going?”
The cat-fish was happy to see the hare and said, “Oh brother hare, have pity on me. The fish in the pond have
asked me to find you. People say you are very clever. You can help animals in trouble. Please help us. All kinds of
animals and snakes and birds have come to our pond. They are going to take the water out of the pond. Then the
python will swallow the water and the jackal will eat up all the fish! Come and help us.”

“All right” said the hare, “Go back and tell the other fish not to be afraid.” The cat –fish then went back to the

The next morning, the hare come along. He saw the animals taking out the water. He found a long leaf which some
worms had eaten. It was full of little holes. He shouted to the animals, “Brothers! I have a letter to you from the
great God Indra,” he looked at the left and pretended to read it. “He says he will come and break the ducks’ leg
and crush the eagles. He will cut off the jackal’s head and pull out the elephant’s tusks!”

The animals were frightened when they heard this. They climbed on top of each other. Then they climbed on top
of the pythons. The pythons burst. All the pond water rushed out of their bodies. The water came out so fast that
all the animals drowned.

And instead of the animals eating the fish, the fish ate the animals.

46. What kind of Jackal character look like? It looks like ….

A. thoughtless

B. responsible

C. diligent

D. Smart

47. Who had been the savior of the fish in the pond? It was ….

A. the cat fishes

B. the snake

C. the hare

D. the vultures

48. “… Shall I go and ask him to help us?” The underlined word refers to ….

A. the hare

B. the writer

C. the python

D. the crow

Text for Questions 49 and 50

49. Why does the addressee of the card feel happy? Because…

A. She will be a mother soon

B. She needs to be congratulated

C. Everybody knows the cute baby

D. The baby is female cute one

50. “a cute little baby is on the way!” implies that … .

A. the baby is very cute and small

B. the baby has not been existed on baby box

C. the mother hugs the baby happily

D. the mother trains the baby to walk

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