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Action Potentials: A Virtual Introduction

 Before you can move you can are excitatory cells. These
hand away from a flame, your cells include neurons and
brain or spine first need to muscle cells.
receive a signal from your
hand. Sensory stimuli, like the  Hormones are chemical
feeling of burning your hand messengers that instruct cells
on a flame, are converted into or tissue to act in a certain
electrical signals. way. They diffuse through the
body slowly and evenly in all
directions over minutes to

 In contrast, action potentials

travel in one direction. Action
potentials allow information to
travel long distance through
the body (>1 meter) very
quickly (~120 meters per

 That means that action

potentials can travel faster
 These electrical signals are
that a cheetah can run or a
then carried along neurons to
peregrine falcon can dive!
the brain and are called nerve
impulses or action potentials.
The brain can then send a
signal back to you hand so
that you can more you hand

 Not all cells are able to

transmit information using
action potentials. Those that
between the interior and
exterior of the cell. The inside is
negatively changed
compared to the outside.

 Neurons are the core cells of

the brain, spinal cord, and
peripheral nerves (nerves
outside the brain and spinal
cord) and have a
characteristics shape that
distinguishes them from other  This electrical change
cells. difference is maintained by
positively and negatively
 Neurons have a cell body charged ions moving in and
(containing the nucleus), out of the cell.
dendrites, and an axon.
 We can think of these charges
 The axon carries information on either side of the cell
from the cell body to the membrane like a battery. A
synaptic terminals. The region car battery, for example, can
where the cell body meet the be used to start a car.
axon is called axon hillock.
The axon splits into smaller  If you attach a voltmeter to
branches (called dendrites) the two terminals of a car
and these end at the synaptic battery, you will notice a
terminals. difference across the two
terminals (around 12 V
 All cells in human body
(including neurons) maintain a  Similarly, if you measure the
small electrical difference voltage across the cell
membrane of an entire
neuron, you will notice a
difference across the
membrane (-70 millivolts (mV))

 This is called the membrane

potential and is around -70 mV
(millivolts) when the neuron is
at rest (resting membrane
potential), The negative sign
means that the inside of the
cell is more negatively change
than the outside,
 Even though neurons are close
 Just like stored energy in a together, they do not touch
battery can be used to do each other. How do you think
work (like start a car), the these cells communicate?
stored energy of a membrane
potential can be used to do  Chemical messengers, called
work in a cell, like sending an neurotransmitters, transmit
electrical signal to another signals across the synapse into
neuron, the dendrites of another
neuron. The synapse is a
 The electrical signal from one space between two neurons.
neuron can stimulate the next
neuron in the relay. The signal
continues to be passed from
one excitatory cell to another
until it reaches the final
 One such chemical on the size and duration of the
messenger is glutamate, which input into the cell.
plays a part in learning and
memory.  Graded potentials do not
travel into the axon but can
 Neurotransmitters are released cause an action potential to
from the cell before the be triggered at the axon
synapse (pre-synaptic cell) hillock.
and bind to channels on the
dendrite of the cells after the
synapse (post-synaptic-cell).
This typically causes an influx
of ions into the post-synaptic
cell, which can cause an
electrical signal to travel down
the cell.

 Neurotransmitters are the input

that stimulates the next neuron.

 The influx of ions after a

neurotransmitter binds the ion  An action potential happens
channel can slightly increase when the combined effect of
or decrease the local resting several graded potentials shift
membrane potential (-70 mV) the membrane potential
for a brief time before across the threshold potential.
returning to the resting The threshold potential of most
membrane potential. neurons is around -55 mV.

 The small changes in the

membrane potential are
known as graded potentials.
They occur in the dendrites
and cell body of a neuron.

 Graded potentials can vary in

size and duration depending
called a hyperpolarization or
inhibitory potential.

 A graded potential that shifts

membrane potential to
become more positive (to a
less negative number) is called
a depolarization or an  Graded potentials decay with
excitatory potential. time and distance, which
makes their effect on the
membrane potential brief and

 A graded potential that shifts

the membrane potential to a
more negative number is
 The adding together of
graded potentials is called
summation. Summation at the
axon hillock is how neurons
integrate information from
several different liquids.

 If graded potentials fire in

quick succession, they either
amplify or cancel one another.
If delays between graded
potentials are large, they
don’t affect each other.
Temporal summation is the
adding of graded potentials
 You can think of the threshold
over time.
potential as a gatekeeper that
decides whether or not to
 If graded potentials fire close
send a signal down the axon.
together in the cell, they either
amplify or cancel one another.
 If the graded potential doesn’t
If the spaces between graded
reach this threshold, an action
potentials are large, they
potential will not occur, even if
don’t affect each other.
the graded potential gets very
Spatial summation is the
close to the threshold, Action
adding of graded potentials in
potentials are all-or- nothing

 If there are enough positive

 Neurons are able to fire action
graded potential in a short
potentials multiple times every
amount of time, they will cause
the membrane potential to go
over the threshold potential
and an action potential will
neuron can convey a stronger
signal by firing more frequent
action potentials.

 It doesn’t matter how far over

the threshold the graded
potential goes, the action
potential will always happen in
the same way.

 Action potentials do not

change in shape or size. A

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