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The Killing of a Surrendered Militant: An Aftermath

It was in the wee hours of 13th August, 2021 that a surrendered militant of the banned
outfit, HNLC was killed by the Meghalaya Police at his residence. This was the case of an
alleged fake encounter that occurred in the state of Meghalaya, India. For long, the police
have been investigating the bomb blasts that had occurred in the state that rocked the
whole Police Department and the government of the state. The banned outfit, HNLC
(Hynniewtrep Liberation Council) claimed these bomb blasts.
On the morning of 13th August 2020, the newspaper and social media was flooded with the
news of Mr. Cheristerfield Thangkiew (surrendered militant) being killed by the Meghalaya
Police. This sparked outrage among the public and they demanded a Judicial Inquiry into
killing of the surrendered militant. Mr. Cheristerfield was a known public figure among the
people of the state and so the people could not just let his death go in vain.
What followed was series of events that shocked not only the police and government, but
the whole people of the state. At first people gathered in huge numbers for the funeral of
late Mr. Cheristerfield, and what followed was protests and violence which lasted for almost
three days resulting in curfew and internet banned in the state. The people wanted
answers, they wanted the truth. There was no clear reason and justification from the police
or the state government as to why the former militant was killed mercilessly. The police
reasoned that he was linked to the bomb blasts. But even so, they could have just arrested
him first and taken him into custody.
After all these events, the Home Minister of the State resigns, which came as a shock to the
State Government. He stated that he was shocked at the incident and wanted a judicial
inquiry into the matter.
The Chief Minister of the State, after receiving much pressure from the media and the public
had no choice but to institute a judicial inquiry into the killing of the former militant. There
was a little calmness in the people after this decision but this has not yet flush out the fire in
the public.
In the eyes of the public, now the police are nothing but “cold-blooded murderers” 1. This is
only one of the many cases of police violence and shows the incompetency of the police and
lack of training to handle sensitive cases. In the end, all they can ask themselves now is “was
taking the life of a human worth it?”

Meghalaya: Top insurgent killed in police encounter; outfit swears vengeance. Hindustan Times. (2021,
August 14).

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