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…………Mateusz Koziarski……. kl. 2D (A 10) 29.04.


Sprawdzian ( Ox. Sol. Int. U. 5 - 6) (30 p)

bardzo dobry dobry dostateczny dopuszczający niedostateczny
Stopień opanowania słownictwa
Znajomość struktur leksykalno –
gramatycznych – czasy gramatyczne
A. Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z tabeli. Jedno z podanych słów nie pasuje do kontekstu zdań . (2,5 p.)

copy and paste double click empty enter follow scroll down

1 Your recycling bin is full of documents. You should ___empty___ it every week.
2 There’s a lot of information on this page, so __scroll down__ to the bottom and see what it says
3 Can you send me the link to the website? Just _copy and paste___ it into an email.
4 If you want to open that link, you should ___double click____ on it.
5 You won’t get onto your Facebook page if you ____enter__ the wrong password.

B. Uzupełnij mini – dialogi odpowiednimi przyimkami: (2 p.)

Melanie Guess what! I won second prize in the art competition. I’m really pleased 1__of___
Stewart Well done! I know you’re very keen 2___on___ drawing.

Max The man next door is really angry 3__at_ me. That boy from number 16 broke his
window, and he thinks I’m responsible for it because I always play football in the street
outside his house.
Claire Are your parents aware 4__of__ who really broke the window?

C. Uzupełnij zdania słowami z tabeli. Zamień rzeczownik na przymiotnik tam, gdzie jest to konieczne. (2,5 p.)
creativity punctuality sociability stubbornness sympathy

1 Mandy writes poems and paints. She’s very __creative______ .

2 I have a lot of ___sympathy___ for people who work in restaurants because they do a very
difficult job.
3 You must come to work on time, Matthew. __punctuality_ is very important!
4 Rob is very _____stubborn_________ . If he doesn’t want to do something, he definitely won’t do
5 Kelly has got lots of friends, and she knows everyone in her street. She’s a very
________sociable________ person.

D. Uzupełnij zdania brakującymi przyimkami. (3 p.)

1 Something’s wrong. I can’t log _in_ to my computer.
2 How do I set __up__ a new Facebook account?
3 Kerri bought a new laptop because she was very unhappy ___with___ her old one.
4 I’m going to scroll __up__ to the top of the article and read it again.
5 I’m familiar__with____ this program because I’ve used it before.
6 Old batteries pollute the environment, and they are very harmful ___for____ animals.

E. Uzupełnij czasowniki frazowe brakującymi słowami: (5 p.)

1. be responsible for sb/sth = look ___after_________ sb/sth
2. be similar to sb = ____take_____ after sb
3. stop doing sth = give sth ___up___
4. rely on sb = depend __on_ sb _________
5. cancel sth = call sth __of______
6. admire sb – look _____up to_______ sb
7. use all of sth and not have any left – run __out of____ sth
8. think of sth (such as an idea or a plan) - ___come up _____ with sth
9. find a satisfactory way of doing sth – work __out__ sth

A. Wybierz właściwe słowo napisane tłustym drukiem.. (2 p.)
Mobile phone of the month: the Sassnug Scroll S20
There are many / much new phones in the shops this month, but our favourite is definitely the new
Scroll S20, by Sassnug. 2 No / All smartphones these days come with some free apps, but the Scroll
S20 has 3a little / a few really good ones, like an app for finding Wi-Fi when you’re in town. The Scroll
S20 is a bit more expensive than other smartphones, but 4 each / any phone comes with a leather

B. Uzupełnij parafrazy zdań w taki sposób, aby miały znaczenie zdań wyjściowych. Zastosuj wyrazy w
nawiasach. Jeśli trzeba, ułóż zdanie przeczące. (6 p.)
1. Maybe Ryan didn’t get your email. (might)
Ryan __might have not got________ your email.
2. Helen definitely wasn’t asleep when I phoned. (can’t)
Helen __can’t be sleeping_________________ when I phoned.
3. There wasn’t any milk in the fridge. (no)
_There was no_____________ milk in the fridge.
4.I’m sure that I lost my watch when we were on the beach. (must)
I _must have lost_______ my watch when we were on the beach.
5 I’m really sorry that I copied your homework . (shouldn’t)
I __shouldn’t have copied_ your work in the exam.
6.It’s possible that Tracey lied to us. (may)
Tracey __may have lied__ to us.

C. Sparafrazuj poniższe zdanie. Napisz zdanie okolicznikowe przyzwolenia: (1 p)

1. Although they are disabled, they help other people. (Don’t use THE FACT THAT)
In __inspite of being disabled they still help other people. ________

D. Napisz pytania pośrednie: (2 p.)

1. Where did he work last year?
Could you tell me where he was working last year?______________________________
2. Do you like travelling abroad?
I’d like to know If you like traveling abroad?_______________________________

E. Połącz poniższe zdania tak, aby powstało zdanie przydawkowe. Dopisz brakujące elementy do
każdego z rozpoczętych zdań. (4 p)
I bought the shirt yesterday. It cost £15
The shirt, which I bought yesterday cost £15.

Maira is a nice girl. Her family owns a shop on the High Street.
Maira is a nice girl, whose family owns a shop on the highstreet
Sally has just started her work at a sports centre. She helps disabled athletes there.
Sally has just started her work at a sports centre, where She helps disabled athletes there._____

The young entrepreneur started a computer business. I met him on a train.

The young entrepreneur, who I met, started a computer business

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