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NAME: DAMIAN, Belle Kimberly C.

Activity #12


16. If you were to design a well-adapted desert animal, what traits would you give it to help it
survive in its desert environment?
17. Discuss the adaptations of desert plants and animals.
18. What makes a biome a desert? Can desert occur in cold temperature?
19. Why is there extreme temperature variation in deserts?
20. What is the soil quality usually like in deserts?


16. The only traits I will give to help them survive are the categories of their body part, body
coverings and behaviours. Because these are the types I know of adaptions play a critical
role in the survival of an animal.
17. Plants and animals living in the desert must be able to adapt to extreme heat and dryness
and the deserts harsh environment. The deserts are very hot during the day but will cool
during the evening. There is constant sunlight almost daily. Plants and animals also need
to be able to adapt to strong wind, limited access to water and extreme temperatures.
18. It’s a region of land that is very dry and receives very little rainfall. Yes, these desert are
characterized by cold winters with snowfall and high overall rainfall throughout the
winter and occasionally over the summer, they occur in the Antarctic, Greenland and the
Nearctic Realm.
19. The surfaces of the deserts receive a little more than twice the solar radiation receive by
humid regions and lose almost twice as much heat at night therefore it is because of the
atmosphere contains little humidity to block sun’s rays.
20. Poor soil quality. High mineral content but little organic matter.

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