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Introduction: Without the technology we have today such as tablets, computers, phones, etc.

Collecting information would be much more difficult for scientists and people in general. ME and
my partner's topic was about which gender has a better memory. This isn't really a problem
today but it is just in the curiosity of scientists like me and MAriona and any other person
interested in the same topic. Without the tablet or without google we wouldn't be able to get our
information. We could still get our information but it wouldn't be very good or reliable. With the
technology we have which in our case is our tablets. We would be able to look up information or
we wouldn't be able to get our patients data and info on what they got on their memory test.
Memory tests assess the ability of memory in the short and medium term. They are used to
detect possible memory loss and its associated disease. Identifying the memory capacity is
essential before carrying out memory exercises that help recovery. Jean Piaget, a child
development psychologist, did a study, testing the cognitive and memory abilities of children
around 2 years of age. These tests were made using objects presented to the child followed by
their removal from sight. It was mainly needed because many people lost their memory at a
certain age, this was when alzheimers were discovered.

Direct effects: Some of the major areas where Alzheimer's affects family members and
caregivers are diverse and complex. They include: Increased Risk of Physical Illness Caregivers
report a greater number of physical health problems and worse overall health compared with
non-caregivers. Alzheimer's affects someone socially because along with memory loss and
other problems, increased anxiety is a common symptom of dementia. Someone who feels
anxious is less inclined to be social, and may actually dread interacting with other people. In
addition to the human suffering caused by the disease, Alzheimer's is creating an enormous
strain on the healthcare system, families and the federal budget. Alzheimer's is a progressive
brain disorder that damages and eventually destroys brain cells, leading to a loss of memory,
thinking and other brain functions. Scientists believe that for most people, Alzheimer's disease is
caused by a combination of genetic, lifestyle and environmental factors that affect the brain over
time. Less than 1% of the time, Alzheimer's is caused by specific genetic changes that virtually
guarantee a person will develop the disease according to the mayo clinic.

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