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Chapter#1: The world of Earth Science

-Test Review:

I. Vocabulary:

1. Science – Study or investigation of the 8. Operational science – things that are

earth by observation. happening in the present
2. Earth science – study or investigation of 9. Historical science – events that
earth happened in the past
3. Creation Mandate – God’s command, 10. Presupposition – basic assumption of
we are supposed to have wise dominion the world personally
over our planet 11. Worldview – how we interpret the
4. Data – any information that is being world
collected 12. Descriptive data – descriptions of
5. Secular – does not involve God observation (qualitative data)
6. Models- workable representations 13. Measured data – involves numbers
7. Scientific process – the usage of the (quantitative data)
scientific method 14. Law – describes
15. Theory – explains

II. Scientific Inquiry: p.14-15 correct order


2.Hypothesis – a possible answer

Scientists & careers p. 18-19 match

1. Geologists: earth
2. Hydrologists: water
3. Meteorologists: climate
4. Marine scientists: marine creatures
5. Astronomers: space
6. Engineers: technolgy
III. Reasons for sharing results: p.15
1. feedback
2. helping others
3. knowledge (alerting other people of something, for example maybe a possible virus

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