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Introducing yourself to someone when meeting for the first time

Writing task

There is a conversation flow for L1-1 on the next page.
Confirm the situation of the conversation and write(type) sentences in the speech balloons, or
write them in the space below if it’s hard to type in the balloons.
You should submit the file before next lesson through e-IJLP. If you have any difficulties
with it, please contact the instructor by e-IJLP message system.

*You should give yourself extra time to submit in case of having some troubles with uploading
your file on e-IJLP.

Please write your student ID # and your name.

Student ID#: 2019021011

Name: Hosain Mohammad Mubarak

Introducing yourself to someone when meeting for the first time

L1-1 ◆ Flow of a conversation

You are an international student. Let’s write sentences what you will say in Japanese.

International student Japanese student

<First time meeting>

はじめまして。やまだと もうします。
Hajimemashite. Yamada to mooshimasu.

(*Introduce yourself)

(1) Hajimemashite, Mubarak desu. Doozo yoroshiku


○○さんは しゅうしの がくせいですか。

○○san̄ wa shuushi no gakusee desu ka?

(2) Hai, shuushi no gakusee desu.

Soo nan̄ desu ne. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.

*When it’s hard to typing in the balloons, you can write the sentences below.



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