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Name : Alfiah Zhafirah

NIM : A011201096

Class : Inggris 24



Exercise 7

1. Is this writer hopeful or discouraged about the future? How can you tell?
Answer : The writer hopes about the future is written in the third paragraph, the best hope
for both humanity and other life-forms would be to cut human propagation in half, so the
world's numbers do not exceed 8 billion by mid-century. "If humans manage brilliantly
starting very soon," Meadows believes, "it is possible the world might look better than it
does now.

2. What are some negative effects of population growth, according to this author?
Answer : The negative effect of population growth, according to the author, is that the
countless millions will become environmental refugees, swamping the nations that tried to
conserve their soil, water and forests. The great-grand- children of today's young people
would have to share the planet with only a ragged cohort of adaptable species dominated
by rats, cockroaches, weeds, microbes. The world in which they survived would consist
largely of deserts, patches of tropical forest, eroded mountains, dead coral reefs and barren
oceans, all buffeted by extremes of T the devastation. The huge run-up in human numbers
has foreclosed most options and shortened the amount of time available to come to grips
with rising threats to the environment

3. What does this author say must be done to avoid disaster?

Answer : According to the author, what must be done to avoid disaster is by reducing the
burden placed on the biosphere by rising human numbers and the lifestyles of rich nations.
To do so, however, would require countries to treat these threats far more seriously than
they did at the Summit in Brazil last June. The affluent nations must move their economies
more rapidly toward patterns of production and consumption that recognize the limits of
what the earth can pre and what wastes it can accommodate. The poorer nations must
make monumental efforts to remove incentives for people to have large families. This will
require massive social change, including better education and improved access to family

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