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Language is an essential component of human interaction.

It allows us to
communicate our thoughts, feelings, and ideas with others. However, how we utilize
it can either develop or destroy relationships which is why we must understand that
there is a variety of language used for a certain purpose. We need to acknowledge
that there are different language registers. A register is a way a speaker uses
language differently according to circumstances. Understanding the differences
between registers is necessary to know the appropriate language to use for a
particular situation.

There are five language registers or styles that are determined to use
depending upon the audience (who), the topic (what), purpose (why), and location
(where). First, there is the Static or Frozen register. As the name suggests, it is the
style that is "frozen" in time and content. One example would be praying the rosary.
Time might differ, but the format and the way of praying the rosary will never
change. The second register is the Formal Register which is often used in writing,
impersonal and professional. Examples of this would be formal announcements and
speeches. Consultative Register is the third and considered as the standard form of
communication. It is similar to Formal but leans more in conversation. Examples are:
talking to a stranger or when a teacher and a student strike a conversation. Fourth,
the language we usually use or the Casual register. It is informal and consists of slang
and colloquialism. Talking to a close friend is a good example. Last, the fifth style or
the Intimate register. It is the language used in private or intimate conversations.
Our way of interacting with our lovers is a perfect example of this style.

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