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Communication strategies are strategies that learners use to

overcome these problems in order to convey their
intended meaning. Strategies used may include paraphrasing,
substitution, coining new words, switching to the first language, and
asking for clarification.Communication strategies are strategies that
learners use to overcome these problems in order to convey their
intended meaning. Strategies used may include paraphrasing,
substitution, coining new words, switching to the first language, and
asking for clarification. There are 7 types of Communicative
Strategies which are the Nomination, Restriction,Turn-taking, Topic
control ,Topic shifting, Repair, and lastly Termination

An example of topic nomination is when you ask someone to tell you

about what happened with their day. You initiated the conversation
with a specific topic of the events that happened to them throughout
their day. Next is Restriction for example, in your class, you might be
asked by your teacher to brainstorm on peer pressure or deliver a
speech on digital natives. In these cases, you cannot decide to talk
about something else. On the other hand, conversing with your
friends during ordinary days can be far more casual than these
examples. Just the same, remember to always be on point and avoid
sideswiping from the topic during the conversation to avoid
communication breakdown. example of turn taking is when you are
finished talking then you will ask “do you have anything to say?”.
Topic control is sticking to the topic throughout the discussion.
Example is that “ Let's go back to the topic.” “We are talking about
communication here right?” . Example of Topic shifting is that when
speaker wants to change the topic without actually announcing his
desire to do so. But then, if he is equipped with the right strategy, he
can do this without being noticed by the audience. Example of repair
can be when you have pronounced a word incorrect then you will
correct it to the one you are talking to. Lastly is Termination for
example “I gotta do some work gotta call you later” or “I'm so sleepy
gotta continue talking tomorrow”
In life, we can face different kinds of people. Different attitudes
that reflect how are they going to communicate with others. They
could possibly be that they are good, could be mean to others and
even overreacting in terms of communication.As a good human being,
you tend to be good to others and not being bad in communicating to
other people. You want to be intelligent in communicating others by
not wanting them to be hurt with the words and actions even if you
don't intend to do it.Communicative strategies help you on how to
communicate with diverse people. It happens in real-life that you
could hurt others by miscommunication. In order for you to prevent
that, you have to study different communicative strategies for you to
be an intelligent communicator.

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