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You can have the reporting through voice over/recording of Powerpoint or by using any instructional
materials to aid you in your reporting. Reports should not exceed 15 minutes for all items

1. Choose your favorite educational philosopher and explain briefly his philosophical thought/s.

John Lock because is my favorite educational philosopher because of his realistic philosophy that
knowledge is acquired through senses which I also consider as true.

2. How will the 4 DepEd missions be implemented effectively and efficiently?

To implement these effectively and effeciently, stakeholders must work together to have these
implemented in a way that will lead to the goal that these missions and visions are aiming.

3. Explain briefly the "Three Social Theories"

*Structural-functional Theory – this is proposed by Herbert Spencer which views the society as a system

*Conflict Theory – this theory is about the two opposing side which in a conflict situations.

*The Symbolic Interactionist Theory Perspective

- This consists of the following concepts::

 An individual’s action depends on meaning

 Different people may give different meaning to same thing
 Meaning change as individuals interact with one another

4. Based on the report of Letecia R. Shahani, entitled , “A Moral Recovery Program: Building a People,
Building a Nation” submitted to Corazon Aquino , April 27, give your reaction (as to agree or disagree)
and support your answer.

I agree to this report. It is just right that we Filipinos should be aware of our defeciencies as a
citizen of this country and let this be our eye-opener to change ourselves.

5. Choose 3 among the top 10 global issues and tell how the school and the community could help
minimize the effects of such global issues.

Climate change, lack of education and inequality are the 3 global issues which the school and
community could help minimize their effects. Education is one of the keys to teach on how to miniize or
control these issues.
6. Explain, “ It takes a village to educate a child”

This means that it is not just the school’s responsibility to teach the child but it also has to be
incorporated with the actions coming from the community members.

7. Describe/give concrete examples of a teacher manifesting high ethical and professional standards in
the community where he/she belongs.

A teacher who manifests high ethical and professional standards in the community is someone
who acts with honor and dignity. He or she must not do things that are unethical.

8. Explain the different leadership styles.

There are 4 leadership styles:

• Autocratic -decision are made by the leaders alone.

• Consultative – allows the member to participate through consulting them but in the end, the
leaders, themselves make the decision all alone.

• Democratic – this has the genuine participation of members in which members are allowed to
fully participate in decision-making.

• Laissez Faire – connotes the kanya-kanya leadership where members do their own work since
the leaders avoid responsibility.

9. What is SBM? Explain its advantages.

SBM or School-Based Management is a way of consulting the stakeholders and considering their
ideas in improving the school and how to solve certain issues that arises withing th school or among

10. What is school culture? Give examples of good school culture

School culture is how learners, teachers and other stakeholders interact and the kind of environment as
to things are done within the school. Child-friendly environment is a good example of school culture.

Note: Please read and understand well what is asked in every question. Do not just research and
research about the content without comprehending what is asked by each item. Be direct to the point in
making responses.

You can choose the following schemes:

1. Questions and answer reflected in powerpoints with oral explanation through voice over recordings.

2. Video Recorded Oral presentation using other instructional materials with the reporter not sitting
down and reading but standing as in you are facing audience. ( Teachers are to face students)

( The advantage to this is that you can rehearse and edit your video until it will become perfect)

3. Submission will be within April 26-May 7, 2021

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