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“Historic Cache of the 21st Century”

What if I, a below average girl, was assigned to assemble a time capsule that will
represent the 21st century? In my opinion, that’s an utterly terrible idea. Anyway, it’s
hypothetical and highly improbable in reality. Now, I wonder what I’ll be putting in a time
capsule that will illustrate my ephemeral life to the people of the future.
First. The smartphone. Let’s make a clear understanding that the marvelous existence of
smartphone did not begin with Apple – though Steve Jobs perfected a model that has made
technology of the utmost importance among every human being alive and breathing at this
moment. The first smartphone was IBM’s Simon Personal Communicator. After 15 years, the
iPhone was born. Kudos to Steve Jobs. He invented a device that unintentionally crippled
humans. First item in the time capsule is the Pandora’s Box of the 21 st century – the right term
might be “boxes”, because smartphones are mass-produced.
Second. A USB flash drive. A data storage device which has a range of storage capacity
convenient for its users. The special feature about the flash drive is what’s inside it. A common
21st century individual has a flash drive filled with illegally downloaded files such as pirated
overrated movies, songs and e-books. Let’s give thanks to the internet for being an agent in the
unpremeditated stealing of humans.
Third. Speaking of movies, music and books, fashion is also a must. Honestly speaking,
I’m not a fashion guru, I’m not even an amateur in fashion. However, I’d like to add the ripped
jeans – one of the clothing I don’t have in my closet – as one of the items in the time capsule.
They were popular in the late 1980s during the hard rock/heavy metal era and in the 1990s and
2000s during the grunge era. As a matter of fact, they are still popular. For some reason, people
of my age love to purchase pre-wrecked wardrobes.
Fourth, A half-full/half-empty water bottle with a sticky note saying: flip me if you dare.
I have no words to say but it was a trend. I might as well share it to the people of the future.
Fifth. The greatest creation of humans: memes. The time capsule will not be complete
without a compilation of the dankest memes only found in the world wild web. The dank meme
is the primary depiction of the 21st century. I must say that memes are my refuge, my medium of
escape whenever reality is overwhelming. And I believe that I’m not alone when I say this about
memes because everybody else feels the same way about memes.
All in all, I wildly exaggerated the representation of the 21st century, however this is how
I want my generation to be perceived because this is how I see my generation: absurd.

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