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1. Although (stress), he (decide) (keep) (go).

2. Not (want) (wake) him up, I (turn) the radio off.

3. (Get) up early, I (feel) (excite)

4. (Be) I (learn) English, I would (read) a English book.

5. (Have) Mary (study) hard, she would (pass) the exam.

6. It (be) imperative that he (be) on time.

7. Their marriage only (last) 3 months. If he (be) less mean, she not (leave) him.

8. (Stay) here till the light (turn) green.

9. If you (smock) less, you (have) much more money but I don’t think you ever win .

10. I came to class late. When I (enter) the teacher (finish) going over the previous lesson and

(write) something on the blackboard.

11. I couldn’t resist (laugh) at the way he (answer) my question.

12. What (include) in textbooks and what (say) by the teacher should (regard) as true.

13. I think your garden need (weed) and you’d better (have) it (do) tomorrow.

14. It’s no use (get) impatient. The plane (not arrive) until the weather (clear) up.

15. It (be) imperative that he (find) the books.

16. In Vietnam, teachers (contribute) (erode) young people’s ability (think) critically

17. It (impress) me, and since then, for the past 33 years, I (look) in the mirror every morning

and (ask) myself: “who I (be)”

18. (Remember) that he (be) going to (die) (be) the best way he (know) (avoid) (trap) by

(think) he (have) something (lose)

19. _______ anybody phone me, please tell them Im busy.

A. In case
B. If
C. When
D. Should
20. ______ was the force of the storm that trees were uprooted.
A. Had
B. How
C. Such
D. It
21. _______tired, I still go to class.
A. Nevertheless
B. However
C. Despite
D. In spite of

22. I have _____ with him

A. discussion
B. discuss
C. discusses
D. discussed

23. _______ is he good at English but he can also draw very well.
A. What
B. How
C. Although
D. Not only

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