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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region X-Northern Mindanao
Schools Division of Lanao del Norte

Diagnostic Test

Name: _____________________________ Grade/Strand: ___________________

Direction: Choose the letter that best answers the given question by encircling it.

1. What is the central or most important idea in a paragraph or passage?

A. Minor idea B. Specific idea C. Main idea D. Supporting idea
2. This part restates the main points, then summarizes the arguments made in the paper
and then provides a call of action.
A. Setting B. Introduction C. Conclusion D. Recommendation
3. What is 'academic writing'?
A. A technique to write balanced, accurate and professional assignments
B. An old-fashioned way of writing.
C. How university professors write.
D. The writing you find in textbooks
4. It presents, analyzes, and draws conclusions from reports and shows the why and the
how of an occurrence.
A. Recommendatory B. Critical C. Informational D. Analytical

5. The process of analyzing and developing an idea or principle in detail.

A. Explication B. Clarification C. Implication D. Illumination

6. A piece of information used as evidence or as part of a report or news article.

A. Fibs B. Facts C. Fiction D. Invention

7. An element of a position paper that identifies an issue that is being discussed by the
author emphasizing his /her position about the issue.
A. Setting B. Introduction C. Conclusion D. Recommendation
8. It is a complex account either written or oral that uses formal and structured language
and is usually applied in major projects and organizations.
A. Project Report B. Liquidation Report C. Informal Report D. Formal Report
9. These are questions that allow the target audience to voice their feelings and notions
A. Open-ended Questions B. Closed –Ended Questions
C. Leading Questions D. Importance Questions
10. It is used to guide the respondent to answer only the relevant questions.
A. Filtering B. shoving C. Scanning D. Skimming
11. The following are steps in Persuasive Writing, EXCEPT one:
A. State your opinion and introduce your argument.
B. Give your reasons for your opinion.
C. Illustrate with examples to support your opinion.
D. Restate your opinion and may not suggest a solution.
12. The following are ideas in organizing an outline, EXCEPT
A. Use the two to three main ideas
B. Write the subtopics for each main idea
C. Write the supporting details for each of the subtopics
D. End by answering the question that leads to your thesis statement
13. In writing position paper, the writer must do the following, EXCEPT one:
A. Shows flexibility by including other people’s opinions.
B. Suggests unique and well-thought approach to deal with the issue or to solve
C. Outlines his discussion to define the framework of the scheme.
D. Establishes his credibility.
14. These are the qualities of a convincing Position Paper, EXCEPT one:
A. Contains a clear proposition or statement that must be defended.
B. Gives mere opinionated statements.
C. Assesses conflicting opinions or opposing views on the issue.
D. Takes a firm stand on the issue.
15. In writing a report, the writer must not consider the following, EXCEPT one:
A. Use of colloquial language
B. Use of run-on sentences
C. Use of Acronyms at all times for long titles.
D. Use of complex sentences.
16. A Report is slightly different from an essay because of the following, EXCEPT one:
A. More formal
B. More expensive
C. More technical
D. More professional

17. The following are advantages in using a questionnaire, EXCEPT one:

A. They are less expensive.
B. It takes a while to gather data.
C. No interviewer biases are introduced.
D. Privacy and anonymity are more likely to be assured
18. Which of the following is an open-ended question?
A. Are you a commuter?
B. Why did you join the pageant?
C. Have you ever topped in an exam?
D. Which type of movie do you enjoy watching?
19. What is a leading question?
A. A question that requires a yes or no response
B. A question that requires the respondent to provide more than one answer
C.A question which tries to assess the subject’s approval or disapproval on a five
D. A question that sneakily “injects” the answer you want or leads the respondent
towards a particular answer
20. 'Information on the internet is 'free'. Anyone can use it without having to reference it.'
A. True
B. False
C. It depends on how important the assignment is.
D. You only need to reference authors' work on the internet
21. The term, "VERY OFTEN" may be improved using a more appropriate academic word
which is _______:

A. Frequently B. Rarely C. Seriously D. Stubbornly

Pet Doctor
There's an old saying in the theatre world "Never work with children or animals". It's a pity
that Herman Gross has never heard this piece of advice, or if he has, that he didn't pay
attention to it. It's not so much that Pet Doctor is a bad film; although I can't really find many
reasons for saying it's a good one. It's more that it makes me angry. Gross is a good actor.
His appearance on the New York stage last winter in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
showed that he really can act. So what's he doing in this nonsense?
It's a story about a small town doctor who finds he's making more money by looking after
the local children's pets than he is by looking after humans. Then he gets into trouble with
the police, because he doesn't have the right sort of license to do this and, surprise,
surprise, the children and their pets find a way to solve his problems. I won't say how, as it's
the only part of the film that's even slightly original or amusing. If you have to see it, you'd
be annoyed with me for telling you. But my advice is, when it comes to a cinema near you
stay in and shampoo the cat.
22. What is the writer trying to do in the text?
A. Compare Herman Gross with another actor.
B. Give his or her opinion about using animals in films.
C. Give his or her opinion about Pet Doctor.
D. State a fact
23. The text gives the reader
A. information about a new film.
B. ideas about how animals should be cared for
C. news about the lives of film stars.
D. opinion about an incident
24. Why did the writer mention Romeo and Juliet?
A. It's an example of a really good play.
B. Gross proved he's a good actor in it.
C. The central characters are very young.
D. Both love each other.
25. Which one of these TV guides is describing Pet Doctor?
A. A doctor is loved by the children whose pets he cures. But everything goes wrong
and he is sent to prison.
B. A doctor finds he can cure local animals, then discovers this isn't allowed. But it all
finishes happily.
C. A doctor prefers animals to humans and stops looking after his patients. People
are dying, the animals are cured, then the police arrive . . .
D. A doctor who finds pleasure in playing
The stress under which morally responsible behavior breaks down can be of varying
kinds. It is not so much the sudden, one-time, great temptation that makes human morality
break down, but the prolonged stressful situation. Hunger, anxiety, the necessity to make
difficult decisions, overwork, hopelessness, and the like all have the effect of sapping moral
energy and, in the long run, of breaking down moral resistance. Anyone who has had the
opportunity to observe people under this kind of strain, for example in prisoner-of-war
camps, knows how unpredictably and suddenly the moral breakdown sets in. People in
whose strength one trusted unconditionally suddenly break down. Anyone who has
experienced such things knows that the fervor of good intention is not always equal to its
power of endurance. Once you have realized this, you cease to feel superior to the person
who breaks down a little sooner than you do yourself. Even the best and noblest reach a
point where resistance is at an end.

25. The passage is mainly concerned with?

A. Defining moral energy.
B. Showing that people cannot be trusted.
C. Explaining some human behavior.
D. Analyzing stress.
26. What is the main point the author is making?
A. We cannot predict what life will be like for any of us.
B. If you believe you have moral courage, it will be there when you need it.
C. There is a point at which each one of us will break.
D. We should not put ourselves through the stress of trying to be perfect.
27. Which of the following provides an example of the kind of person the passage is most
concerned with?
A. A hostage, during a brief holdup, who obeys her captors’ orders.
B. A woman who, during a famine, calmly watches two people drown.
C. A member of a burglary ring who has robbed eighteen houses in the past six
D. A general who, believing the government to be undemocratic, commits treason.

28. Choose three words to describe academic writing:

A. Talented, stylish, inspiring
B. Precise, clear, objective
C. Decisive, divisive, derisive
D. Subjective, obscure, vague
29. What is true of the introductory paragraph?
A. ends with the thesis.
B. introduces the big idea of the essay
C. starts with a hook
D. all of these
30. What are the purposes of doing an academic writing?
A. To settle, to negotiate and to inform
B. To defend, to challenge and to question
C. To inform, to persuade and to argue a specific point
D. To guess, to hypothesize and to make conclusions

31. Writing academic papers requires deliberate, thorough and careful thought. Therefore,
what should the writer do to achieve a well-crafted academic essay?
A. One must depend on his/her own opinions alone.
B. One must conduct a research on the topic at hand.
C. One must not consult the Internet for unsure sources.
D. One must depend highly on the Internet for easy information access.

32. An academic essay must use appropriate vocabulary words but not too pretentious,
highfalutin words. Which among these words is the simplified version of the term,
A. beautiful; pretty
B. exquisite; one-of-a-kind
C. extraordinarily good; wonderful
D. hardworking; industrious

33. Which of the following examples of academic writing examines, evaluates, and makes
an argument about a literary work?
A. Literary Analysis B. Research Paper C. Short Story D. Dissertation

Stress is not always harmful. In fact, a lack of stress, sometimes called "rust out," can
lead to boredom, apathy, and less than optimal health. Moderate stress may enhance
behavioral adaptation and is necessary for maturation and health. Stress stimulates
psychological growth. It has been said that "freedom from stress is death" and "stress is
the spice of life.

34. From the paragraph it can be concluded that

A. stressful situations lead to poor health.
B. psychologically, stress can lead to boredom and apathy
C. people need some stress in their lives for optimal health.
D. behavioral adaptation and survival ultimately generate too much stress.

35. Which of the following is an example of opinionated statement?

A. Smartphone is an example of technology.
B. In my view, technology is not harmful and helpful.
C. The article states that technology is very important nowadays.
D. Technology backs up the idea that the Earth revolves around the sun.

36. Which example is correct?

A. However, the main reasons are time, money and cost.
B. However the main reasons, are time, money, and, cost.
C. However, the main reasons are time money and cost.
D. However, the main reasons, are time money, and cost. \\
37. Which is correct?
A. They were effected badly by the incident
B. The incident effected them badly.
C. They were affected badly by the incident.
D. The affects of the incident were bad.

38. Choose the right one:

A. It's bowl's empty.
B. Its bowl's empty.
C. Its' bowls' empty.
D. It's bowls empty.

39. The following are examples of primary data EXCEPT--

A. Data collected by a researcher from an interview with fire victims
B. Data collected by a researcher from his respondents in a survey
C. Data collected by a researcher from an experiment he himself performed
D. Data collected by a researcher from studies, surveys, experiments that have been
run by other people or for other research.

Steve, Raphael, Karen, and I all went to the movies last Friday night. Steve had picked the
movie, because it was his birthday. He really likes comedies, so we chose one that starred
his favorite comedian. We made it just in time, because the movie was starting in fifteen
minutes. We got really great seats. They were in the middle of the theater, fourteen rows
from the front. Steve and Karen laughed through the entire movie. They just loved it!
Raphael and I didn't think it was funny at all. The only thing Raphael and I thought was
funny was when Steve laughed so hard that he spilled his popcorn all over Karen.

40. Which of the following is NOT a fact stated in the paragraph?

A. Steve spilled his popcorn on Karen

B. Steve, Raphael, Karen and I went to the movies last Friday night.
C. We had seats in the front row of the theatre
D. It was Steve's birthday, so he chose the movie

Experienced truck drivers often travel in a convoy--a group of trucks that are traveling to the
same part of the country. Convoys can help truckers to stay alert.

41. The author implies that professional long-distance truck drivers may avoid traveling
alone because:
A. They might drive too fast.
B. They want to arrive before anyone else.
C. Accidents happen more frequently to lone truck drivers than to car drivers who
travel alone.
D. Long-distance travel can cause drowsiness.

42. Which type of question can help you ascertain how strongly your respondents agree to a
particular statement?
A. Likert questions B. Open –ended questions
C. Dichotomous questions D. Multiple- response questions
43. Which of the methods of displaying data uses pictures to represent frequency?
A Bar graph B. Line graph C. Pictogram D. Pie chart
45. Which of the methods of displaying data uses pie slices?
A. Bar graph B. Line graph C. Pictogram D. Pie chart
45. Which is probably the most common way of displaying data?
A Bar graph B. Line graph C. Pictogram D. Pie chart
46. What does the second sentence do?
Jenny does not like cake.
She does not like to bake it, to ice it, or to eat it.
A. It states the cause of the first.
B. It compares the three things Jenny does not like about cake.
C. It draws a conclusion about Jenny.
D. It emphasizes what is stated in the first.
47. How are these two sentences related?
Sometimes when we donʹt get enough sleep we become very short-tempered.
It is important to set a time to go to bed that is realistic.
A. The first sentence explains the meaning of the second.
B. The second sentence explains why a lack of sleep affects us.
C. The second sentence proposes a solution.
D. The second sentence contradicts the first.
48. What is the relationship between the two sentences?
Most people collect Star Wars toys for sentimental reasons.
Some people collect them strictly to make money.
A. cause and effect B. contrast C. repetition D. statement &

Andrew's mother and father unloaded the van after the family returned from the soccer
tournament. Andrew was exhausted from playing in all eight games over the weekend.
Andrew wasn't helping, because he ran inside the house to call his grandparents to tell
them about the games. He had won a trophy for being the most valuable player, and his
team had won all of their games. He scored at least two goals in each of the games. He
was extremely excited.

49. Which of these sentences is NOT a fact stated in the paragraph?

A. Andrew won a trophy at the soccer tournament.

B. Andrew scored at least 2 goals in every game.
C. Andrew was exhausted, but excited about the tournament.
D. Andrew's team won all of their games in the tournament

50. Which of these sentences is an opinion stated in the paragraph?

A. Andrew was exhausted, but excited about the tournament.
B. Andrew's parents unloaded the van after the tournament.
C. Andrew called his grandparents to tell them about the tournament.
D. Andrew's team won the tournament
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