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Process of Imperialism

We know why. Now how did they do

Recall Discussion
•  List the 5 motives for Imperialism and discuss
with your partner what you think was the
most important motivation for imperialism.
The Means: How Were the Europeans Able to
Acquire Their Empires?

•  The Effects of the Agricultural and

Industrial Revolutions in Europe
•  Europe has stabilized politically,
economically and socially.
The Effects of the Agricultural & Industrial
Revolutions in Europe

A.  Large Population growth and expanding

industries create strong economic base =
investment for exploration and overseas
B.  Development of new scientific and military
technology enables Europeans to explore
and conquer Africa and Asia. (the Big Three:
steam engine, quinine, and machine gun)

The Big Three:

1.  steam engine
2.  quinine
3.  machine gun
By 1870s Europe has Stabilized Politically,
Economically and Socially

A.  Strong and stable governments established in major European

states: Britain, France and Germany--promote trade, business and
overseas exploration.

B.  No major wars on continent allow European powers to use

economic and military resources to explore and conquer.

C.  Nationalism: Rising European middle class supports government

policies of expansion overseas.

D.  Stable currency and rate of exchange in European countries

helps to finance colonial expansion: London becomes the world
center for finance and banking.
Think, Pair, Share
•  If you had to go into Africa as a Colonial
Explorer and could only take 2 of the following
items which would you take and why?
–  Quinine
–  Machine Gun
–  Steam Boat
Discussion Question
•  Name the Big Three technological inventions
that helped European countries spread their

•  What factor (political, economical, or social)

do you think was the most important in
preparing Europe to become imperial powers?
The Process: What were the patterns or phases
of imperial conquest in Africa and Asia?

1.  Traders

2.  Explorers and Missionaries

3.  Settlers and Commercial Groups

4.  Military Intervention

5.  Colonies Established under European Control

1. The Traders

•  16th through 18th centuries

Europeans establish coastal
settlements and trading posts.

•  Trade with natives for goods

delivered from interior: gold, slaves,
ivory, rubber.

•  Little efforts made to penetrate into

mainland, Why?
–  No incentive, trade goods
brought to coastal settlements
–  Dangerous to go into interior, lack
of technology and medicine
2. Explorers and Missionaries
•  Industrial Revolution drives efforts to
explore interiors of Africa and Asia to
gain resources.
•  Explorers usually sponsored by
European governments, sometimes
given license to claim territories:
“Establish the flag.”
•  Explorers use force or reward to gain
access into local rulers’ territories.
Example: Henry Morton Stanley
•  Missionaries often supported by their
governments, attempt to instill
Christianity and European values and
stop the slave trade.
•  Some missionaries also mapped and
explored. Example: Dr. David
Henry Morton Stanley
Area of Dr
Discussion Question
•  Do you think men like Henry Morton Stanley
and Dr. Livingstone were good for the people
of Africa or bad? There are many people in
Africa today who consider Livingstone a hero,
while others view him as a means of Africa’s
downfall. What is your opinion and why?
3. **Settlers and Commercial Groups**
•  Once territories mapped out and
resources discovered settlers and Dutch Boer farmers South Africa
commercial groups move in.

•  They often sign agreements with

local chiefs or rulers to acquire
resources, but usually at
disadvantage to native peoples.

•  Some commercial and business

activities provide opportunities for
native peoples, but some are
ruthless to gain resources.
Example: the Belgian Congo
rubber industry.

•  Can be periods of peaceful

coexistence with natives, but Diamond Mines
increased presence and greed of Africa
Rubber Workers
Europeans usually leads to Belgian Congo
*This is key turning point for natives,
they will lose control of things.*
Kimberly Diamond Mine, South Africa 1870s
4. Military Intervention
•  Increasing presence and
aggressiveness of Europeans
often creates conflicts with local
•  Settlers and commercial groups
appeal to their governments for
•  Public opinion and national
British rifle square Africa 1880s
interests force governments to
send in military to restore order
•  Native resistance usually crushed
by Europeans’ superior military

•  Once conflict resolved, European

nations often annex territories to
maintain military presence and
keep order.
French storming Vietnamese fort 1870s
The Battle of Omdurman 1898
5. Colonies Established
•  European governments
establish permanent presence
and take administrative control
of territory.
•  Native rulers are deposed or
used for local control under
European administrators.
•  Colonial governments attempt
to provide infrastructure and
services: construct roads,
railroads, telegraph, etc
•  Natives can benefit from
introduction of: medicine and
sanitation, schools, and
business opportunities.
Think, Pair, Share
•  Do you think that the Europeans were
justified in their treatment of Africa? Why or
why not? Defend your answer.
V. The Consequences of Imperialism Colonialism

1.  Created international conflict and military competition

between major powers

2.  Disrupted or destroyed traditional native ways of life.

3.  Europeans often exploited resources without any

compensation to native peoples

4.  Berlin Conference 1885 created artificial borders without

consideration of native populations

5.  Positives: Did improve natives peoples lives in a number of

ways: medicine, sanitation, transportation, education, and
legal systems

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