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British Rule in India


•  Sepoy: an Indian soldier serving in the British army.

•  Viceroy: a governor who ruled as a representative of

a monarch.
The Beginning 1600-1773

•  British rule gained control over time

•  East India Trading Company
The Sepoy Mutiny-1857

•  Sepoy Mutiny/First War for Independence

•  1857

•  Cause: greased bullets

•  Results in Britain formally taking control of India

Retaliation for Massacre of
British Rule in India 1857
Discussion Question

•  What do you make of the fact that the same war had
such different names? The Sepoy Mutiny and the
First War of Independence. What does that say
about how the different participants viewed the
British Colonial Rule
•  Following Mutiny British govt. ruled India directly
through a viceroy.

•  Viceroy had a civil service staff of about 3,500

people to rule over 300 million people.

•  British rulers believed themselves, (and British

culture) to be superior to Indian culture/people.

1.  British rule brought order and stability to India.

2.  Led to efficient government

3.  New school systems created.

4.  Brought railroads, telegraph, and postal service to


1.  British manufactured goods destroyed local


2.  British appointed Zamindars exploit power.

3.  Famine-cotton vs. food.

4.  British rule degrading/disrespectful to Indians.

British man with Indian
Indian children during famine
Discussion Question

•  Name 2 costs and 2 benefits of British Imperial rule

in India. What do you think was the most
important/impactful and why?
Mahatma Gandhi

•  October 2, 1869-Jan. 30,


•  Leader of Indian
Independence movement

•  Used non-violent acts of

civil disobedience to protest
British rule.

•  Considered one of the

“father’s” of India.
Discussion Question

•  Gandhi advocated non-violent civil disobedience to

protest British rule against his people over violent
action (such as armed revolt). If you were in his
position, how would you advocate for change and

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