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International Journal of Gerontology 15 (2021) xxx-xxx


International Journal of Gerontology

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Review Article

Taiwan Dementia Treatment Guideline

Li-Kai Huang a,c,d,e,f, Pai-Yi Chiu r, Yi-Chun Yeh g,h, Ya-Ting Chang l, Kai-Ming Jhang n, Cheng-Sheng Chen g,h,
Shu-Ping Chao a,c, Chia-Pei Lin b,c, Wei-Hung Chang o, Wei-Pin Hong p, Mei-Feng Huang g,h, Ching-Hua Lu q, Yao-Tung Lee b,c,
Chao-Hsien Hung v, Ching-Kuan Liu i,j,k, Wei Lin v, Chiung-Chih Chang l,m, Chau-Jong Hu a,c, Ming-Chyi Pai s,t,u *
Department of Neurology, Shuang Ho Hospital, Taipei Medical University, New Taipei City, Taiwan, b Department of Psychiatry, Shuang Ho Hospital, Taipei
Medical University, New Taipei City, Taiwan, c Dementia Center, Shuang Ho Hospital, Taipei Medical University, New Taipei City, Taiwan, d Graduate Institute of
Humanities in Medicine, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan, e Taipei Neuroscience Institute, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan, f PhD Program for
Neural Regenerative Medicine, College of Medical Science and Technology, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan, g Department of Psychiatry, Kaohsiung
Medical University Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, h Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan,
Department of Neurology, Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, j Department of Neurology, Faculty of
Medicine, College of Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, k Graduate Institute of Medicine, College of Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical
University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, l Department of Neurology, Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Chang Gung University College of Medicine, Kaohsiung,
Taiwan, m Department of General Neurology, Institute for Translational Research in Biomedicine, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital-Kaohsiung Medical Center
and Chang Gung University College of Medicine, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, n Department of Neurology, Changhua Christian Hospital, Changhua, Taiwan,
Department of Psychiatry, National Cheng Kung University Hospital, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, p Department of Neurology, National
Cheng Kung University Hospital, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, q Department of Neurology, School of Medicine, China Medical University and
Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan, r Department of Neurology, Show Chwan Memorial Hospital, Changhua, Taiwan, s Division of Behavioral Neurology, Department of
Neurology, National Cheng Kung University Hospital, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, t Alzheimer’s Disease Research
Center, National Cheng Kung University Hospital, Tainan, Taiwan, u Institute of Gerontology, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan,
Taiwan, v Department of Neurology, Chang Bing Show Chwan Memorial Hospital, Changhua, Taiwan


Accepted 8 July 2021 This guideline covers treatment for people with dementia, including pharmacological treatment focus-
ing on cognitive function and behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia.
Keywords: This guideline covers updated evidence-based discussion of how nonpharmacological treatments are
nootropic agents, beneficial, including exercise, occupational therapy, multidimensional intervention, cognitive beha-
antidepressants, vioral therapy, and dietary recommendations.
antipsychotic agents, Copyright © 2021, Taiwan Society of Geriatric Emergency & Critical Care Medicine.
occupational therapy,
cognitive behavioral therapy,

1. Introduction medical care for dementia in Taiwan, the coverage of the National
Health Insurance (NHI) reached 92% after its launch; by the end of
This guideline was developed by a working group established by 2014, the NHI covered 99.9% of the Taiwanese population.5 The phar-
the Taiwan Dementia Society and consisted of neurologists and psy- macological treatments approved by the United States Food and Drug
chiatrists. According to World Alzheimer Report 2015 published by Administration (USFDA) for improving cognitive function in patients
Alzheimer’s Disease International, 46.8 million people worldwide were with Alzheimer’s dementia and Parkinson’s disease dementia (PDD), in-
living with dementia in 2015. This number will almost double every 20 cluding cholinesterase inhibitors (ChEIs) and N-methyl-D-aspartate
years.1 During the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, the (NMDA) receptor antagonists, have been covered by the NHI since two
majority of deaths occurred in the older population.2 These deaths decades. New clinical trials and cohort studies have reported that the
might change the population age structure and dementia prevalence reduction of modifiable risk factors can be effective for dementia pre-
worldwide. A nationwide population-based cross-sectional survey con- vention.6 The health literacy of caregivers and general practitioners
ducted in all 19 Taiwan counties between December 2011 and March who care for patients with dementia should be enhanced.7 The main
2013 indicated that the age-adjusted prevalence of all-cause dementia focus of this treatment guideline is to provide updated, evidence-based
was 8.04%, which is expected to increase due to the rapid aging of so- recommendations for supporting these areas of practice.
ciety,3,4 thus considerably affecting economy and human rights. From
the perspective of integrated care for dementia in Taiwan, the New De- 2. Pharmacological treatment for improving cognitive
mentia Prevention and Care Policy-Action Plan 2.0 was implemented in ability (Table 1)
2018 by the Ministry of Health and Welfare. From the perspective of
* Corresponding author. Division of Behavioral Neurology, Department of Neurology, 2.1. Donepezil for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
National Cheng Kung University Hospital, No. 138, Sheng Li Road, Tainan, North District,
Tainan 704, Taiwan. Regardless of severity, the use of 5 or 10 mg of donepezil for de-
E-mail address: (M.-C. Pai)
2 L.-K. Huang et al.

Table 1
Pharmacological treatment for cognition enhancement.
ChEIs NMDA antagonist
Generic name Donepezil Rivastigmine Galantamine Memantine
Indications Mild to severe Mild to moderate Mild to moderate Moderate to severe
Dose (Taiwan listed) Oral 5 g and 10 mg Oral 1.5, 3.0, 4.5, 6.0 mg, Oral 8 mg and 16 mg Oral 10 mg,
Patch 4.6 mg and 9.5 mg, Solution 10 mg/ml
Solution 2 mg/ml
Recommended maintenance dose Daily dose 5–10 mg Daily dose 4.6–12 mg Daily dose 8–16 mg Daily dose 5–20 mg
Common side effects Oral medications include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, insomnia, infection, burnout, Dizziness, headache, diarrhea,
muscle spasms, anorexia, headache, dizziness, weight loss, fainting, and weakness. constipation, allergies,
Redness and itching of the skin are also found in the patch. hallucinations, confusion, etc.
ChEIs: cholinesterase inhibitors; NMDA: N-methyl-D-aspartate.

mentia due to Alzheimer’s disease (AD) can improve cognitive func- patients with mild and moderate AD. The safety of galantamine is
tion, overall performance, and daily function and even ameliorate similar to that of other ChEIs. Patients with MCI using galantamine
psychobehavioral symptoms in moderate and severe cases. Al- should be aware of the increased mortality risk. No study has yet
though a dose of 10 mg/day is slightly more effective in improving demonstrated the effectiveness of galantamine in preventing pro-
cognitive function compared with a dose of 5 mg/day, it might lead gression to dementia. Galantamine may improve cognitive perfor-
to more side effects. Some studies have reported that the early and mance in patients with VCI.37–40
long-term use of donepezil can be beneficial for cognitive function.8–18
2.6. Memantine for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
2.2. Donepezil for the treatment of non-Alzheimer’s
disease Memantine can improve overall performance, cognitive func-
tion, daily function, and behavior in patients with moderate to se-
In patients with vascular cognitive impairment (VCI), donepezil vere AD. In patients with mild AD, treatment with memantine for
can slightly improve cognitive function. In patients with PDD/de- 6–7 months is not effective. Clinical trials should examine the effi-
mentia with Lewy bodies (DLB), donepezil can improve cognitive cacy of memantine use for a long period in patients with mild AD to
function and overall performance. However, donepezil is not re- determine whether memantine should be used early and whether it
commended for frontotemporal dementia (FTD).19–29 exerts long-term therapeutic effects. Memantine exhibited low ef-
fectiveness in treating other types of disorders. Additional clinical
2.3. Rivastigmine for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease trials should be conducted for further analysis.41–45

The oral administration of 6–12 mg/day of rivastigmine or the 2.7. Cholinesterase inhibitors in combination with
use of a 9.5-cm rivastigmine patch for 24 h can improve cognitive memantine for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
function, daily living, and overall assessment in patients with mild
and moderate AD. In addition, the long-term use (26 weeks) of low- The combination of ChEIs and memantine is frequently used to
dose oral capsules (1–4 mg) is beneficial. Patches have the same treat patients with moderate to severe AD in clinical practice in Tai-
effect as oral capsules but result in fewer adverse drug reactions. wan despite not being approved by the Bureau of National Health
High-dose patches can be used in patients with severe AD, with the Insurance for adaptation. Several clinical studies have reported
same risk of side effects as low-doses patches. Care should be taken that combined therapy can more effectively improve cognitive and
to prevent adverse drug reactions during the dose adjustment pe- overall function compared with monotherapy; however, some dis-
riod, especially gastrointestinal symptoms.30–32 putes and different opinions still exist due to inconsistent findings.46–49
ChEIs are still the first choice for treatment and should be used early
2.4. Rivastigmine for the treatment of non-Alzheimer’s after the diagnosis of dementia due to AD.50 Moreover, ChEIs should
disease be used in combination with memantine if brain deterioration con-
tinues after treatment.51
The use of rivastigmine in patients with PDD can improve execu- The effectiveness of monoclonal antibodies remains to be con-
tive function and daily function. Patients with VCI receiving rivas- firmed; therefore, they are not yet available in the market.52–54 The
tigmine may exhibit a slight improvement in cognitive function but inhibition of Ab42 production and the condensation of oligomers are
no substantial benefits in daily life and overall function. Adequate the focus of current drug development for AD, and combination
evidence indicating that rivastigmine can improve cognitive function therapy remains a possible treatment option for the future.55,56
in patients with less common cognitive disorders, such as FTD, Hun-
tington’s disease, traumatic brain injury, and multiple sclerosis, is not 3. Pharmacological treatment for behavioral and
yet available. In addition, valid evidence supporting the use of ri- psychological symptoms of dementia
vastigmine in patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is ab-
sent.33–36 Patients with dementia experience various mood or behavioral
problems or psychotic symptoms, which are termed as “behavioral
2.5. Galantamine for dementia or mild cognitive and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD).” BPSD includes de-
impairment lusion, misidentification, hallucination, agitation, aggression, apathy,
depression, anxiety, irritability, sleep problems, eating problems,
Continuous use of 16–24 mg of galantamine for more than 6 elation/euphoria, disinhibition, and aberrant behavior. Patients may
months can significantly improve the cognitive and daily function of falsely believe that someone is stealing something from them (theft
Taiwan Dementia Treatment Guideline 3

delusion), that their spouse has an affair with the caregiver (jealous olanzapine. Moreover, studies have failed to prove the efficacy of
delusion), and that the food is poisoned and thus not eat it (perse- quetiapine.
cution delusion). In addition, they may see nonexistent individuals, The USFDA issued awarning in 2005 that second-generation
animals, or insects (hallucination); steal at shops (disinhibition); and antipsychotic drugs used for treating dementia can increase the
wake up at night with walking around, yelling, or disorganized mortality rate by 1.6–1.7 times. The number needed to harm for sec-
speech (parasomnia). These symptoms exert considerable physical ond-generation antipsychotic drugs is 1/100. The cause of death is
or psychological burden on caregivers. Patients with different types mostly heart disease or lung infection. The risk associated with
of dementia exhibit different types of BPSD. For example, delusions first-generation antipsychotics is even higher than that associated
and hallucinations, especially visual hallucinations, are most com- with second-generation antipsychotics.62 Thus, clinicians must pay
monly observed in patients with LBD. Although delusions and hallu- attention to the side effects and safety of drugs during drug treat-
cinations may also occur in patients with vascular dementia or de- ment.
mentia due to AD, their occurrence is less common than in those A study reported that the discontinuation of antipsychotic drugs
with LBD. Compared with the corecognitive symptoms of dementia, could increase the recurrence of agitation/psychotic symptoms.63 In
such as memory impairment, executive dysfunction, and language 2018, the Cochrane Library indicated that the quality of existing
impairment, BPSD causes higher financial or caregiver burden and studies still needs to be improved. According to the current evi-
more considerably reduces the quality of life of caregivers. dence, the discontinuation of antipsychotics exerts no or little effect
Medication is not the first option to manage BPSD. Other factors on BPSD; however, for patients with severe symptoms, continuation
related to the patient, caregiver, or environment should be exam- of antipsychotic treatment can be more beneficial.64
ined first. For example, whether patients’ mood or behavioral prob- When administering antipsychotics to treat agitation/aggres-
lems are caused by their pain or physical discomfort, caregivers’ poor sion or psychotic symptoms in patients with dementia, the use of a
communication skills, or environmental factors (e.g., increased noise low starting dose, slow titration, and the lowest effective dose is cru-
or insufficient light) should be examined. After improving the afore- cial. The recommended therapeutic doses are lower than those for
mentioned factors, patients’ mood and behavioral problems may general adults. Taking several commonly used antipsychotics as ex-
improve. If the symptoms still do not improve or become severe, amples, the recommended starting dose and therapeutic dose are
medication can be considered. However, many challenges are en- listed in Table 2. Based on clinical experience, the relative starting
countered while using medication for BPSD. Drugs with favorable and therapeutic doses for Chinese patients may be lower due to
efficacy often have safety concerns. Taking antipsychotics as an ethnic and physical differences.65 In the National Institute for Health
example, the USFDA has issued safety warnings, highlighting the risk and Care Excellence (NICE) dementia treatment guidelines issued in
associated with using second-generation antipsychotics for demen- June 2018, several key points for treating the neuropsychiatric
tia. In addition, other drugs used for treating BPSD, including antide- symptoms of dementia are listed:66 (1) antipsychotics should only
pressants and antiepileptic drugs, have risk considerations. How- be used when there is a risk of patients harming themselves or
ever, pharmacotherapy is still one of the most commonly used treat- others or when these symptoms cause high distress; (2) before
ments in the medical field and the most efficient treatment under administering antipsychotics, the benefits and risks of treatment
emergency conditions. This section summarizes principles and clini- should be discussed with the patient and caregivers; (3) the lowest
cal considerations that should be followed when prescribing psy- effective dose and shortest duration possible should be used; and (4)
chotropic drugs for treating BPSD. the need to continue antipsychotics should be evaluated every 6
3.1. Antipsychotics
3.2. Antidepressants
Compared with first-generation antipsychotics, second-genera-
tion antipsychotics have fewer side effects, exert a weaker deterio- According to the pharmacological mechanism, antidepressants
rating effect on cognitive function, and lead to higher quality of life. can be divided into selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, selective
Physicians should pay attention to adverse effects such as drowsi- serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, norepinephrine
ness and dizziness. Some drugs may cause cardiovascular diseases, and dopamine reuptake inhibitors, monoamine oxidase inhibitors,
weight gain, abnormal blood sugar levels, hyperlipidemia, increased tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), and norepinephrine and serotonin
appetite, dry mouth, and even agranulocytosis. Antipsychotics are receptor modulators. Some antidepressants, such as TCAs, exert
the most effective drugs for treating agitation/aggression and psy- anticholinergic effects that can deteriorate cognitive function, which
chotic symptoms in dementia. A study conducted by the National is not recommended for dementia. Most meta-analysis studies have
Institute of Mental Health (NIMH Clinical Antipsychotic Trials of not supported the effectiveness of antidepressants on the depres-
Intervention Effectiveness-Alzheimer’s Disease Study) compared the sive symptoms of dementia.67 However, in a subgroup analysis, anti-
efficacy of risperidone, olanzapine, and quetiapine for dementia due depressants still appeared to be effective for more severe depressive
to AD. The results revealed that all the three antipsychotics were symptoms.68 Although citalopram is effective for agitation,69 its use
effective in alleviating agitation, and risperidone and olanzapine is limited to nonsevere types of agitation.70 However, clinicians
were effective in alleviating suspiciousness, delusion, and hostility;57
among them, risperidone exhibited the highest efficacy. The time to Table 2
treatment discontinuation for any reason did not significantly differ Recommended dose of antipsychotic drugs for patients with dementia
among the three antipsychotics; the average continuous use time (Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust, 2015).
was 5.3–8.1 weeks.58 Other meta-analyses have indicated the effect Drug Initial dose Therapeutic dose
of risperidone on delusion, aggression, and irritability in demen- Risperidone 0.25 mg bid 0.5 mg bid
tia.59–61 Although aripiprazole is an emerging drug, meta-analyses Olanzapine 2.5 mg qd 5–10 mg qd
have reported its efficacy in improving irritability and psychotic Quetiapine 25 mg qd 25–150 mg daily
Aripiprazole 5 mg qd 10 mg qd
symptoms.59,61 Inconsistent results have been demonstrated for
4 L.-K. Huang et al.

should pay attention to the possible side effects of citalopram, in- logical intervention, exercise is a more economical and effective
cluding QT prolongation, falls, and hyponatremia. intervention.80 Sensory intervention (aroma, massage, and light
The NICE guideline published in 2018 indicates that antide- intervention), psychosocial intervention (those involving nostalgia,
pressants should not be regularly administered to patients with music, and pets), and structuralized nursing care (bathing, oral care,
dementia with mild-to-moderate depressive symptoms.66 and healthy diet) are suggested to stabilize the daily functions of
patients with dementia. In patients undergoing mild dementia–
3.3. Anticonvulsants centered cognitive training, understanding their difficulties and life
needs at home is the first step. Based on the first step, setting goals
A meta-analysis including 72 patients with dementia reported for training can increase the satisfaction of patients and family
that carbamazepine improved the overall psychotic symptoms of members and can improve cognitive function.81 Participating in 1
dementia.71 Two review articles including case series reports, re- hour of Go game per day could improve the depression index of pa-
trospective medical record surveys, open trials, and double-blinded tients with Alzheimer’s dementia.82 Older individuals engaging in
randomized controlled trials have indicated that valproate is not leisure activities more than twice per week had a lower risk of
beneficial for treating BPSD.72,73 The NICE guideline published in dementia compared with those engaging in leisure activities less
2018 does not promote the use of anticonvulsants for dementia, than once per week in a 4-year longitudinal follow-up study.83 How-
especially valproate, which is not recommended due to its lack of ever, no study has indicated that board games can improve the
efficacy.66 cognitive function of patients with dementia. For individuals with-
out dementia, daily mental exercises (reading newspapers and
3.4. Benzodiazepines magazines and playing board games, cards, and mahjong) for 3
years could reduce the risk of dementia in 4–6 years.84
Insomnia is the most common sleep problem in patients with Occupational therapy includes (1) environmental assessment to
dementia, followed by hypersomnia and parasomnia (such as rapid meet the needs of patients with dementia, (2) training the prob-
eye movement sleep behavior disorder [RBD]). Nonpharmacological lem-solving skills of patients with dementia, (3) caregiver educating
treatments, such as improved sleep hygiene and cognitive beha- and training, and (4) interactive caregiver education and training.
vioral therapy, are recommended. In terms of pharmacological Occupational therapy can improve the independence and quality of
treatments, clinical trials on melatonin, ramelteon, trazodone, ben- life of patients with dementia.85 Overall, music intervention could
zodiazepines (BZDs), and non-BZDs (Z-drug) have been conducted. In improve the social behavior of patients with dementia. More than
2016, a Cochrane review of randomized controlled trial reported five times of music intervention for more than 30 minutes during
that melatonin and ramelteon exhibited no benefit, and that low- each intervention alleviated depression and anxiety in patients with
dose trazodone (50 mg) exerted some minor effects on sleep prob- dementia residing in nursing centers; live music could improve apa-
lems in patients with dementia.74 No randomized controlled trial on thy symptoms and was more effective than prerecorded music.86 In-
BZDs has yet been performed. Several observational studies have teractive music can alleviate anxiety, reduce stress, and improve the
indicated the risk of dementia in patients using BZDs.75,76 BZDs emotional state of patients with severe dementia. Moreover, inter-
might be involved in AD pathogenesis;77,78 however, the detailed active music can effectively improve interpersonal relationships in
mechanism remains to be clarified. Therefore, BZDs should be cau- patients with dementia.87 Using a musical instrument twice a week,
tiously used in patients with dementia. whether for 2 hours or 30 minutes, could temporarily improve the
Recently, the USFDA approved two drugs with new pharmaco- mood of patients with severe dementia.88,89 Inhaling the scent of
logical mechanisms for sleep disorders. Suvorexant and Lembo- lavender could alleviate the irritability of individuals with demen-
rexant are orexin receptor antagonists. Preliminary results indicated tia.90 Using lavender essential oil combined with massage (acupoint
that the drugs could increase 28 minutes of sleep time in patients acupressure for 2 minutes combined with 2.5% lavender essential oil
with AD.79 and 5minutes of warmup exercise) could more effectively alleviate
RBD is especially related with LBD or dementia due to Parkin- the agitation of patients with dementia compared with simply in-
son’s disease. Although USFDA–approved drug treatment is cur- haling the scent of lavender.91 For mood problems, using a laven-
rently not available, melatonin (6–18 mg) or clonazepam (0.5–1 mg) der essential oil diffuser for at least 1 hour during sleep could im-
can be considered for treatment and should be prescribed from a prove restlessness, aggression, irritability, and abnormal behavior at
lower dose. The 2018 NICE guidelines do not recommend using night. The efficacy of lavender essential oil is higher than that of sun-
melatonin to treat insomnia in patients with dementia.66 The guide- flower essential oil.90 Professional massage intervention on the
lines recommend improving sleep by using multimodal treatments shoulders, neck, back, hands, and feet of patients with dementia
such as sleep hygiene education, increased sunlight exposure, exer- could significantly lower irritability, aggression, anxiety, and depres-
cise, and individualized activities. sion.92–94 Exercise intervention could improve the performance of
activities of daily living in patients with dementia and reduce the risk
4. Nonpharmacological treatment of falls. However, evidence regarding the effect of exercise interven-
tion on cognitive or mental behavioral symptoms is not consistent.
No consistent evidence has indicated that (1) exercise, (2) occu- Recent studies have demonstrated that exercise could improve cog-
pational therapy, (3) multidimensional intervention, or (4) cognitive nitive performance in patients with AD.95–97 Setting individualized
behavioral therapy can delay the deterioration of the daily function exercise goals and performing these exercises appropriately can be
of patients with dementia. In patients with dementia, individual in- beneficial: twice a week, one hour each time, with endurance (cy-
tervention is more effective than group intervention. Customized in- cling), balance (walking in straight lines and climbing ladders) and
terventions of exercise, activity planning, cognitive rehabilitation, or executive function (correctly throwing balls) exercises. Customized
environment therapy can be beneficial. Combined group interven- home-based exercises are more effective in improving overall func-
tion (patients with dementia and caregivers) care has been observed tion than group-based exercise activities.98 Exercise can delay the
to be the most effective. Compared with occupational and psycho- decline in ADL and the deterioration of emotional problems. For pa-
Taiwan Dementia Treatment Guideline 5

tients with MCI, aerobic exercise and resistance training were more function in patients with mild vascular dementia.116 In patients with
effective in improving executive function than stretching and bal- mild to moderate Alzheimer’s dementia, acupuncture for 12 weeks
ance training.99 A study conducted in Taiwan reported that in indi- three times per week could improve the Alzheimer’s Disease Assess-
viduals with MCI, steps walked per day were more strongly corre- ment Scale-Cognitive Subscale (ADAS-cog).117
lated with cognition compared with calories burned per day.100 Lon-
ger walking time could ameliorate sunset syndrome.101 In addition, 5. Discussion
compared with resistance exercise, aerobic exercise exhibited a
stronger correlation with increased neuroprotective factors,102 whe- The scope of the guideline focuses on dementia treatment in
reas resistance and aerobic exercises exerted the same effect on the general practice. The guideline addresses dementia caused by com-
reduction of the inflammatory responses of individuals with MCI.103 mon diseases including AD, vascular dementia, PDD, DLB, and FTD
Cognitive training for approximately 30–60 minutes, including without covering other rare diseases such as prion diseases, HIV in-
time, place, and people information, could improve cognitive func- fection, progressive supranuclear palsy, corticobasal degeneration,
tion;104 however, the intervention of orientation did not reduce be- multisystem atrophy, and Huntington’s disease with dementia. The
havioral problems or depression symptoms. Reality-oriented inter- treatment plan for these rare diseases should be tailored according
vention is a repetitive and meaningful time, place, and people infor- to each patient’s diagnosis and staging as well as by referring to the
mation stimulus that can help patients with dementia to have a latest treatment development in the field. Novel research criteria for
better understanding of the surrounding environment. In addition, dementia diagnosis are dependent on fluid and imaging biomarkers.
more than 10 hours of reality-oriented therapy can be regarded as For instance, the National Instituteon Aging-Alzheimer’s Association
an appropriate dose for improving cognitive function in patients published a research criterion for AD diagnosis in 2018 that empha-
with dementia.104 Light intervention was effective for alleviating sizes the biological definition through the extensive use of bio-
agitation, depression, and sleep disorders in some patients with markers. In addition, pathological studies have indicated that the
dementia; however, further research is required.92,105 Ten weeks of mismatch of clinical diagnosis to pathological findings can be a con-
intervention, from Monday to Friday with 1 hour of light interven- cern.118–120 Furthermore, mixed pathology in the aged population is
tion per day in the day time, could reduce restlessness and problems not uncommon,121 thus increasing complexity in defining the patho-
such as depression, abnormal behavior, and changes in appetite.106 logical contribution to clinical phenomenology. This guideline fol-
The daily intake of 30 kcal/kg of body weight and appropriate lows clinical diagnosis criteria for the aforementioned dementia dis-
nutrition for patients with dementia in combination with a high- eases but does not overemphasize biomarkers.
protein diet (20% of the total calories) are beneficial for wound For the past 20 years, substantial progress has not been made
healing. Dehydration can lead to the acute confusion state and can for novel pharmacological treatment for dementia. Although many
even increase mortality. Individuals with dementia experience chal- studies have targeted amyloid beta while developing new therapies,
lenges to maintain adequate hydration, including difficulties in get- no new successful treatment has been proven to be effective for de-
ting up to get the drink and swallowing, decreased thirst sensation, mentia due to AD or other subtypes of dementia. Currently, done-
and refusal to drink. Regular audit of hydration practices at home is pezil, rivastigmine, galantamine, and memantine are the only four
necessary. Policies, procedures, and guidelines can help caregivers drugs that are widely used for symptom relief, but they do not mo-
manage hydration in their routine practice.107–109 dify the disease progression of AD; these drugs have been used for
Adding various vitamins and dietary minerals to the diet can be more than 20 years. Because no better treatment is available, opti-
beneficial for the nutritional status of patients with dementia re- mal treatment strategies for dementia due to AD include starting
siding in the nursing center. However, for patients with mild-to- treatment in the earlier stages of dementia (not the MCI stage), ti-
moderate Alzheimer’s dementia, excessive vitamin B intake is not trating to higher doses as soon as possible, and titrating to a higher
beneficial. Folic acid supplementation can improve global cognition. dose when deterioration is observed.122 ChEIs in combination with
Vitamin C and E are not beneficial for overall cognition. Omega-3 memantine are often used clinically for the treatment of patients
fatty acids can delay the decline in overall cognitive function in pa- with moderate-to-severe AD in Taiwan despite not being licensed by
tients with MCI and mild dementia. For individuals with mild de- the Bureau of National Health Insurance. ChEIs, which are still the
mentia with the ApoE 4 gene, anxiety can be improved using omega- first choice for the treatment of dementia due to AD, should be used
3 fatty acids. For those with mild dementia without the ApoE 4 gene, early after the diagnosis of dementia due to AD and should be added
using omega-3 fatty acids may improve depression. Various nutri- to memantine if deterioration continues after treatment. For de-
tional formulas or phospholipids only have a transient effect on cog- mentia with non-AD causes, rivastigmine is approved for the treat-
nitive improvement or exert no effect.110–112 Dietary recommenda- ment of dementia due to PD (PDD). Rivastigmine is superior to the
tions for preventing or reducing dementia areas follows: (1) high, but control drug in the combined analysis of neuropsychiatric symptoms
not moderate, adherence to the Mediterranean diet (MeDi) can (NPI-10), cognition (ADAS-Cog or MMSE), and daily function (ADAS-
reduce the risks of cognitive impairment and dementia in healthy ADL). The American Heart Association and the Stroke Society (AHA/
individuals and can delay the progression of AD, and (2) MeDi com- ASA) recommend that donepezil should be used in VCI cases. Done-
bined with antihypertensive diet (Mediterranean plus Dietary Ap- pezil was also found to be effective in patients with DLB;123 there-
proaches to Stop Hypertension diet) involving eating more foods fore, donepezil is approved in Japan and some Asian countries. How-
that are beneficial for the brain (vegetables, nuts, berries, beans, ever, for dementia due to FTLD or other brain disorders, neither
whole grains, seafood, poultry, olives oil, and wine) and eating less ChEIs nor memantine has been suggested.
unhealthy foods (red meat, butter and margarine, cheese, pastries Neuropsychiatric symptoms in dementia are common and dis-
and sweets, and fried foods/fast foods) was significantly positively tressing problems. Up to 97% of patients with dementia have ever
correlated with the delay of cognitive decline and could reduce the experienced neuropsychiatric symptoms.124 These neuropsychiatric
risk of AD.113–115 Twenty-one classes of acupuncture class every 2 symptoms may not only increase the burden of caregivers and ac-
days for 6 weeks with each acupuncture class lasting for approxi- celerate early institutionalization but also increase social costs.125
mately 30 minutes could improve cognitive function and daily life Until now, pharmacological treatment with both high efficacy and
6 L.-K. Huang et al.

safety is lacking. Thus, nonpharmacological treatment should be perspective of clinical practice, infrastructure construction differs by
used first. However, these strategies have largely not been translated regions, and the information does not account for individual varia-
into real-world clinical management and standard care.126 In clinical tions. The information should not be considered inclusive of all
situations, pharmacotherapy is still one of the most commonly used proper treatments or a substitute for the independent professional
treatments and the most efficient treatment under emergency con- judgment of the treating provider.
ditions. Among pharmacological treatment, antipsychotics have
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