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Emcee: Sophia Reños ( DIPRO)

A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite imagination and instill the love of learning, could you
imagine living without them?

Good afternoon, everyone! Especially to our lovely and dedicated teachers. I am Sophia A.
Renos, District Interact Public Relations Officer, your emcee for today.

This day is all for you.. We are happy that we had the chance to show our appreciation and love
this teachers day. As they said, teachers are one of the reasons why we became who we are
today. They definitely helped us to find our purpose and molded us. Once again, Happy
teachers day! Be ready as many exciting activities will take place today!

But before that let us prepare our hearts and minds for the opening prayer led by Mark Romulo
Larobis, Interact President of Carlos P. Garcia High school.


Now, for the tribute message for our teachers/advisers, let’s call in District Interact
Representative, Julianna Rose Galiza.


Thank you, District Interact Representative Julianna! It is indeed a pleasure having educators in
this world. We owe our knowledge to all of you! And of course, to deeply show our appreciation
let us all hear a song composed by Analyn Linas and Princess Llames from Interact Club of
Carlos P. Garcia High School especially for our teachers. Let us give them a virtual round of

( Intermission)

Wow, our interactors are indeed talented! Thank you so much for that Analyn and Princess!
Okay, let’s proceed with our exciting activity…. Are you already teachers? Please type “yes” in
our chat box if all of you are ready!

Alright! I see, so now for our Bingo game! Let’s call in Mr. Nino Amaro, the facilitator of our
game today.

(Game takes over.)

Okay! Congratulations to our winners, as I saw you guys definitely enjoyed the game. But, no! It
does not end there, there is more! Can you guys guess what it is? Yes! You’re right, we are now
having our raffle! Once again, May I call in Mr. Nino Amaro for the raffle winners announcement.


Once again, Congratulations to our game and raffle winners. We are glad to give joy to all of
you amidst the stress and reality that we are facing each day. Now, for our closing remarks,
May I call in Ma’am Mabelle Cabobboy of Manuel A. Roxas High school.

( Closing remarks)

Thank you Ma’am Caboboy. I hope that all of us will remember to give appreciation to our
teachers even if it is not teacher day… They are giving their best for our future and let us learn
to be grateful for that.

I think that’s it! But before we end this program, please open your camera for our photo op.

Thank you so much, everyone!

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