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5 (1st Term) Writing 1

A Hiking Trip
1. 2.


hiking / countryside / relaxed pick / eat / wild berries / shocked

3. 4.

(What happened next?)

pain / stomach / worried / help

Sample Writing
Last Saturday, the weather was sunny and warm. It was prefect for a hiking trip. I went
hiking with my parents and my little brother, Bob. We went to the countryside in Sheung Shui.
In the countryside, we saw some charming flowers and green trees. We heard some lovely birds
singing, too. What a relaxing place! I felt cheerful and relaxed.
After that, we saw some interesting wild berries in the bushes. Bob thought they were tasty
so he quickly picked one berry and ate it. I felt shocked when I saw him eating. I shouted, ‘Stop!
It is dangerous to eat the wild berries!’
After five minutes, Bob felt a sharp pain in his stomach. We felt really worried. Dad said to
him calmly, ‘Don’t worry! Take a rest here.’ I looked around for help, but I couldn’t find anyone
nearby. Mum called the police immediately and asked for help.
Finally, a policeman came to help. He took Bob to the hospital. The doctor told Bob, ‘You
need to stay at the hospital for two days. Never eat wild fruit again.’ Bob said sadly, ‘Sorry! I
was too careless.’ It was an unforgettable experience for him. He learnt that he should be more
careful with what we eat. (209 words)

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