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Mymensingh Institute of Modern Technology

Mid Term Exam of 1st Semister -2021

Technology:Civil and Computer
Subject Code: 65712
Time: 1 hours Full marks: 60
1. Write an application to the principal of your institute seeking permission to go on a study
tour . =5
Or,Write a dialogue between a book seller and a student about buying an English book .

2. Write a paragraph. =5
a) International Mother Language day
b) COVID-19
3. a) Write the antonyms of following words: =2.5
c) write synonyms of the following words: =2.5
4. Use article where necessary =5
a) Gold of this ring is pue.
b) She is M.A.
c) I saw one eyed man.
d) Sooner , the better.
e) I see you are Nazrul.

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