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2012 Workshop on Engine and Powertrain Control,

Simulation and Modeling

The International Federation of Automatic Control
Rueil-Malmaison, France, October 23-25, 2012

Multi Reference Model Predictive

EGR-Valve Control for Diesel Engines
Harald Waschl ∗ Daniel Alberer ∗ Luigi del Re ∗

Institute for Design and Control of Mechatronical Systems at the
Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria. (e-mail:

Abstract: Accurate control of the engine air system is essential to comply with emission
legislation. Typically the real emission targets, like N Ox , cannot be measured directly at
a production car and thus different intermediate candidates, like gas mass flows or oxygen
concentrations, are used. In general the candidate choice is a key factor for emissions, because
each of them can only be determined with certain accuracy and consequently a feedback control
based on a specific quantity is only capable of reaching a point within the accuracy range.
Moreover, a slight deviation of one candidate may, due to the nonlinear relations between
emissions and candidates, lead to high N Ox deviations. In a previous work four candidates for
EGR valve control were analyzed and a scheduling scheme according to their N Ox tracking
performance under uncertainties was proposed. Within this work the approach is extended by
the application of a multi reference online MPC control strategy which takes also dynamical
properties into account. To this end a scheduling between the candidates based on the static
and dynamic analysis in the previous work is applied, where the idea is to adapt the inherited
objective function during runtime. The proposed dynamic reference scheduling strategy was
implemented on a simulation model of a passenger car Diesel engine and satisfying results were

Keywords: Engine Control, Control Design, Compression Ignition

1. INTRODUCTION a direct feedback control of emissions seems a natural

choice, on a real engine a fast and accurate measurement
Over the last decades passenger car Diesel engines have is seldom available. For example, the currently available
become complex systems with high numbers of actuators, production type N Ox sensors, like Continental (2008), do
like turbo chargers, exhaust gas recirculation or common not offer the necessary dynamic capabilities for closed loop
rail injection systems, and thus a high degree of freedom in control. To this end, intermediate quantities, which are
control design is present, Guzzella and Onder (2010). The related to the physical states of the air system, like air
main control targets, besides ensuring stable operation mass flows or oxygen concentrations, are used. Examples
within safety limits, are to provide the desired engine for the air system control strategies can be found in Sun
torque, to optimize fuel economy and of course comply et al. (2005), Alfieri et al. (2006) or Ammann et al. (2003),
with the emission legislation. Often the control task is Stefanopoulou et al. (2000). The couplings and complexity
split into several sub components, like fuel system or air of the system also prompted an interest to apply model
system, and in production engines often performed by a based predictive control strategies like presented in Ortner
combination of feedforward and SISO feedback loops. and del Re (2007), Alberer (2009) or Karlsson et al. (2010).
For Diesel engine emission legislation two of the main legis- However, each of those strategies need reference quantities,
lated quantities are the obtained oxides of nitrogen (N Ox ) where all of them can only be determined by measure-
and particulate matter emissions (PM), for a more detailed ment or estimation with limited accuracy and dynamics.
discussion on Diesel emission control see e.g. Johnson To address this issue, in preceding works Waschl et al.
(2008). The main source of N Ox during the combustion (2012a) and Waschl et al. (2012b), a strategy to select
process is the formation of thermal N Ox from oxidation of between different feedback candidates for the control of
atmospheric nitrogen during the high temperature phase the EGR path with respect to the N Ox tracking stability
in the combustion process. One method to reduce the was proposed. Therefore the sensitivity of each candidate
N Ox emissions is the use of exhaust gas recirculation to the uprising N Ox emissions was determined and related
(EGR) to dilute the mixture inside the combustion cylin- to the achievable accuracy of the candidate when obtained
der and thus to lower the temperature and oxygen con- with production standard sensors. The main outcome was
centration. As a consequence, the control of the engine air a scheduling scheme based on stationary sensitivities which
system is crucial to ensure stable N Ox tracking, especially was combined with a feedback control strategy and it was
in view of incrementally stringent emission legislation. An possible to achieve satisfying results on a real engine. A
important choice is the selection of reference candidates, first extension by a dynamic control approach was pro-
although that in theory and also in laboratory setups posed in this work, which was based on a feedback control

978-3-902823-16-8/12/$20.00 © 2012 IFAC 474 10.3182/20121023-3-FR-4025.00071

2012 IFAC E-CoSM (E-CoSM'12)
Rueil-Malmaison, France, October 23-25, 2012

with one candidate, where the reference was adapted in available, as it is typically the case in production standard
steady state to match the candidate with the minimal SISO control structures. The proposed methodology, to
N Ox deviation. find the best reference in each operating range, can be
used within a MIMO control approach. However, in this
In the following this idea is continued and the approach
work, all other quantities, like turbo charger guide vane or
is extended by the application of a predictive control
throttle positions, cannot be altered and are determined
approach. The idea is to identify a model of the air system
by separate controllers.
and then to use all reference candidates simultaneously,
where scheduling or weighting of the candidates, accord- As already stated above, different intermediate quantities
ing to the previous results, is performed directly in the can be used to control the amount of EGR and thus the
MPC objective function. To this end, the MPC problem obtained emission levels. Within this work four different
is formulated as QP and implemented with qpOASES, candidates are considered. These are the fresh air mass
Ferreau et al. (2008), with the possibility to adapt the flow (M AF ), the EGR rate (rEGR ) determined by the
objective function during runtime. qpOASES is an open mass fraction of recirculated exhaust gas, the exhaust
source online QP solver which uses an active set strategy manifold oxygen concentration (O2,ex ) and the intake
and is especially suited for real time MPC applications. manifold oxygen concentration (O2,in ). Two of these four
For example, the same solver was already used in Ferreau candidates can be measured directly with production
et al. (2007) to control the whole air system of a Diesel standard sensors, while the other two candidates (O2,in
engine by online MPC. and rEGR ) are determined based on model assumptions
and several measurements, like boost pressure or intake
This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 the
temperature. A detailed description of the necessary steps
considered system and the previous work leading to the
for the estimation can be found in Waschl et al. (2012b).
selection strategy are presented. Section 3 describes the
However, for clarification also here the basic equations are
MPC approach and the dynamical scheduling strategy
presented. First the cylinder intake mass flow ṁcyl,in is
and in Section 4 evaluation results based on a MVEM
determined by simple mass balance equations and the ideal
simulation are presented and discussed. Finally in Section
gas law
5 the conclusions and future work directions are given.
M AP · v̇cyl,in
ṁcyl,in = (1)
Veng · n · ηV ol
with: v̇cyl,in = (2)
A model of a 2l 4 cylinder Diesel engine, equipped with 2
common rail direct injection system, cooled high pressure where Veng is the engine displacement, ηV ol the volumetric
EGR and a variable geometry turbine turbo charger is con- efficiency, v̇cyl,in the volumetric flow rate from the intake
sidered, where a schematic representation is given in Fig. 1. manifold to the cylinders, R is the ideal gas constant and
It should be noted that the focus is on the EGR path of Tintk is the temperature in the intake manifold.
Finally the EGR rate can be calculated by
rEGR = (3)
M AF + ṁegr
with: ṁegr = ṁcyl,in − M AF (4)
and the intake oxygen concentration is given by
ṁegr · O2,ex + M AF · O2,air
O2,in = (5)
ṁegr + M AF
where O2,air is the mass based oxygen concentration of the
fresh air.

2.1 Reference candidate sensitivity determination

Each candidate can only be determined with a certain

accuracy. In the case of directly measured quantities the
achievable accuracy is solely depending on the sensor spec-
ification, which is provided by the manufacturer. In the
case of estimated quantities, however, the accuracy can
be determined by the accuracies of the used components
Fig. 1. Diesel engine air system and the application of Gaussian error propagation. As a
consequence of sensor deviation, a feedback control based
the air system which is used to maintain the fraction of on one candidate, even in the case of perfect tracking, can
the recirculated exhaust gas in the combustion cylinder. only reach a value within the specified accuracy range.
Therefore the used control actuator is the EGR-valve Moreover, this deviation leads to a deviation in the ob-
(xEGR ). Certainly, due to the strong system couplings also tained N Ox levels, which are related to the intermediate
other quantities, like pressure ratios between intake and quantities by highly nonlinear functions. In the previous
exhaust manifold or temperatures, have an influence on work in different steady state points a sensitivity analysis
the obtained EGR rate. Nevertheless, for this work it was was performed resulting in a selection criterion, which pro-
assumed that only control authority over the EGR-valve is vided a choice of optimal reference candidate for feedback

2012 IFAC E-CoSM (E-CoSM'12)
Rueil-Malmaison, France, October 23-25, 2012

control with respect to N Ox tracking performance, see 3. CONTROL DESIGN

Waschl et al. (2012a). This static scheduling criterion is
given by The proposed multi reference control structure for the
EGR-valve control is depicted in Fig. 3. Besides the plant

∆yN Ox 1
Sµ,N Ox |OP = · ∆yµ · (6) itself, it consists of three major components which will
∆yµ OP yN Ox
be described in the following; the online MPC which de-
µ = [M AF, O2,ex , O2,in , rEGR ] termines the control action for the EGR-valve in depen-
with the local sensitivity of the N Ox emissions yN Ox dency of the variable objective function, a state observer
to the feedback reference candidate yµ determined by necessary for the MPC implementation and the reference
∆yN Ox /∆yµ and the achievable accuracy of each can- scheduling which provides the weightings for the objective
didate ∆yµ . An application example of the scheduling function.
criterion with real measurements and a reference selection
Espd yMAF
strategy which always selects the candidate with the lowest uMD wf
arising N Ox deviation is presented in Fig. 2 1 . The data xVGT Diesel yO
was created with a mean value simulation model and sen- Air system

sor accuracies specified by the manufactures, see section 4. xEGR yr


It provides a static selection criterion for the candidates

over the operating range. y
Observer ^

Espd Q
O2,ex Reference R
wf Scheduling S

Fig. 3. Control structure for online MPC based multi

reference control
1500 30
1250 22.5 25
17.5 20
1000 10 15
0.1 0.5
2.5 5 7.5 3.1 System model
Espd in rpm wf in mg/cyc

As known, in MPC a model of the system is needed to

Fig. 2. Reference candidate selection based on static anal- predict the future system behavior. To this end, a local
ysis, Waschl et al. (2012b) linear discrete state space model
As it can be seen in Fig. 2, over a wide operating range xk+1 = Axk + Buk (7)
a control strategy based on O2,ex will lead to the lowest yk = Cxk + Duk (8)
N Ox deviations. However, this was only a steady state T
analysis and in a next step also dynamical aspects of each with the inputs
 uk = [xEGR , xV GT , Espd, wf ] and out-
reference were considered. In this case different results puts yk = yM AF , yO2,ex , yO2,in , yrEGR was identified.
were obtained, namely that M AF and rEGR showed faster Note that for the identified model not only the controlled
dynamics than O2,ex . Moreover, each of the candidates variable xEGR but also additional inputs, like the engine
showed different dynamic behavior and so it would be speed, were considered during identification and later used
necessary to tune the proposed feedback control structure as measured disturbances in the control strategy. Due to
separately for each candidate. To circumvent this issue a the fact that the focus lay on the air system control, the
feedback control structure based on M AF and an adapta- impact of the turbocharger guide vane position on the
tion of this reference, according to the scheduling scheme, system was considered during identification. The other two
was implemented, leading to an improved N Ox tracking inputs were chosen, because on the one hand engine speed
performance compared to a single reference control struc- Espd and fuel amount wf have a strong impact on the air
ture. Although the dynamic extension led to satisfying system and, on the other hand, can be used to categorize
results during evaluation, it prompted the question, if the the operating range of the engine. The model was identified
N Ox tracking performance can be further enhanced by ap- with prediction error minimization based on measurements
plication of an approach which accounts for the dynamics where all inputs were excited with pseudo random binary
inherently in the control law. To this end, a strategy which signals (PRBS), see Section 4.1.
uses a model predictive controller based on an identified To account for model plant mismatches, e.g. caused due
system model and an adapted scheduling scheme for the to the nonlinear characteristics, the system was extended
reference candidates is proposed. with an output error structure for each measured output.
1 It should be pointed out again that not only the accuracy of the Furthermore, based on the identified model a state ob-
estimated candidate itself, but also the sensitivity to N Ox is used to server, here a Kalman filter (see e.g. Brown and Hwang
determine the candidate in this figure. (1997)), was designed. The observer was used to estimate

2012 IFAC E-CoSM (E-CoSM'12)
Rueil-Malmaison, France, October 23-25, 2012

current system state information for the MPC and addi- the used sensor principles. As stated above and in the
tionally to provide filtering for the current system outputs previous works, the optimal feedback reference candidate
which were then used for MPC. in steady state does not necessarily lead to a suitable
tracking performance during dynamic scenarios. In the
3.2 Online MPC multi reference scheduling approach this behavior should
be taken into account, first by the model based controller
For the multi reference EGR-valve control with the identi- and second by a smart weighting scheduling. To this end
fied model an online capable MPC implementation was the following scheme is proposed; during transient changes
used. In the considered linear discrete time case it is the reference candidate with the fastest dynamic response,
possible to condense the MPC problem as a QP, see according to the previous results rEGR , is selected and
e.g. Maciejowski (2002), which is solved online with the afterwards the weighting of the optimal reference in steady
realtime capable solver qpOASES . operation, determined by the static analysis, is increased
stepwise, while the weightings of the other candidates are
In MPC the applied control signal is calculated based on decreased.
the optimization of an objective function which utilizes
the system model to predict the future outputs and so The strategy to determine the weighting qµ,k for each
determines the optimal control inputs. In our SIMO case candidate µ can be formulated as:
the optimization problem can be stated as if setpoint change detected then
nP H qrEGR ,k = qrEGR ,max
1X T qµ,k = qµ,min ∀µ 6= rEGR
min (yk − yref,k ) Qk (yk − yref,k ) + ∆uk Rk ∆uk
u 2 else
+ uk Sk uk (9) if mod(k, nupdate ) = 0 then

s.t. −1 ∀Sµ,N Ox 6= min (Sµ,N Ox )
ζµ ∈
uk = uk−1 + ∆uk 1 ∀Sµ,N Ox = min (Sµ,N Ox )
xk+1 = Ap xk + Bp uk yk = Cp xk qµ,k = qµ,k + ζµ · α · qµ,k−1
u ≤ uk ≤ u k = 0 . . . nCH − 1 else
∆uk = 0 k = nCH . . . nP H . qµ,k = qµ,k
end if
The optimization is performed according to the objective end if
function and over the prediction horizon with the length qµ,k = min (qµ,k , qµ,max )
nP H samples, where control inputs are determined only qµ,k = max (qµ,k , qµ,min )
for the control horizon with nCH samples. The influence
of the different entries on the objective function and so the with the minimal qµ,min and maximal qµ,max allowed en-
optimization result is defined by the weighting matrices Q, tries for each qµ . Additionally two parameters α ∈ [0, 1]
R and S. The deviations from each of the four reference and nupdate are introduced. α defines the increase and
candidates yµ − yµ,ref are weighted by the matrix Q which decrease rate of the weightings to the maximal or min-
is defined by imal allowed entries of qµ . With nupdate the time scales

qM AF ,k 0 0 0
 of the discrete time MPC and the weighting algorithm
 0 qO2,ex ,k 0 0  can be separated. This is necessary because the in- and
Qk =  . (10) decrease after a setpoint change should be adjusted to
0 0 qO2,in ,k 0 
0 0 0 qrEGR ,k the specific rise and settle times of the used candidates
and these are typically slower than the used system sam-
Moreover, due to the structure of Q it is possible to
pling time. Furthermore, it should be mentioned that
reformulate the condensing problem in dependency of one
in the current approach a setpoint change is detected if
of the four weightings and aggregate the Hessian and
the gradient of engine speed or fuel amount exceeds a
the gradient of the uprising QP online by straightforward
specific threshold. An example for the weighting schedul-
matrix operations. The necessary operations for this online
ing performed by the algorithm is depicted in Fig. 4,
tuning approach of a similar MPC application in QP
where at the time instants t = 0 s and t = 5 s a set-
formulation and with the identical solver are described
point change was performed. The setpoint of the engine
more elaborately in Waschl et al. (2011). In addition, in
was changed from (Espd = 1750 rpm, wf = 5 mg/cyc) to
the objective the overall control effort can be weighted by
(Espd = 2000 rpm, wf = 5 mg/cyc). In this figure also the
S and the control advance is penalized by R, which are
optimal static reference to which the weighting should
both scalar values in the considered application.
converge, as given in Fig. 2 is presented.
3.3 Reference scheduling strategy 4. RESULTS

Although in steady conditions all four reference candidates For evaluation of the proposed strategy a simulation en-
can be transformed into each other, in the dynamic op- vironment based on a mean value model in combination
eration different responses arise, even in the perfect case with an emission model was used. Mean value models are
without sensor errors. More detailed information on the frequently used for control design orientated engine model-
different dynamics, like step responses or rise times, is ing and the particular model was calibrated with measure-
presented in Waschl et al. (2012a). These differences are ments of the real engine and provides reasonable results in
caused by physical properties, like system dynamics or comparison with real measurements over a driving cycle,
mixture and transport effects, and can also depend on see Alberer (2009). To determine the N Ox emissions a

2012 IFAC E-CoSM (E-CoSM'12)
Rueil-Malmaison, France, October 23-25, 2012

During the N Ox sensitivity analysis, similar to our previ-

1000 ous work, the sensor accuracies listed in Table 1 were used.
Note that all of these quantities were used either directly or

via calculation to determine the four reference candidates.
0 2 4 6 8 10 The given values are based on sensor properties provided
1000 by the manufacturers and all are given as multiplicative

500 errors in percent 3 .

0 2 4 6 8 10 Table 1. Sensor accuracies used for optimal
1000 static reference determination

Sensor error
0 2 4 6 8 10 ∆M AF/M AF 5% ∆O2,ex /O2,ex 2.5%
1000 ∆M AP/M AP 2% ∆v̇cyl,in /v̇cyl,in 3%

500 ∆Tintk /Tintk 1%

0 2 4 6 8 10 To evaluate the control performance four different sets of
rEGR Optimal static reference relative sensor errors were applied. These errors are listed
O2,ex in Table 2 and given as relative errors. For closed loop
control these sensor errors were added to the four candi-
0 2 4 6 8 10
t in s dates and the erroneous measurements were used for the
controller. This resembles the situation on a production
engine, where also only sensor measurements are available
Fig. 4. Example for the multi reference scheduling principle which are subject to their specified accuracy and the real
physical values cannot be accessed.
nonlinear emission model which was also identified at the
same engine was used and more details can be found in Table 2. Applied relative sensor errors
Hirsch et al. (2010). Sensor error Set1 Set2 Set3 Set4
∆M AF -3% -2% 1% 3%
4.1 Simulation setup ∆O2,ex -1.5% 2% -1% -2%
∆v̇cyl,in -3% 1% 1% 2%
∆Tintk -1% -0.5% -1% -3%
Based on the nonlinear mean value model a discrete time ∆M AP -2.5% 5% 1% 2%
local linear state space model was identified and used for
the MPC and Kalman filter design. As operating point an Each of the necessary reference candidate maps was gener-
engine speed of 2100 rpm and a fuel amount of 10 mg/cyc ated with steady state measurements without sensor errors
were chosen and the system was excited with a PRBS and also the steady state reference for the N Ox emissions
around this point. In detail the inputs were varied as was obtained during these experiments. This step was
follows easy to perform at the mean value model, because all real
Espd = 2100 ± 300 rpm, wf = 10 ± 7.5 mg/cyc, physical values were available 4 .
xEGR = 20 ± 15 %, xV GT = 90 ± 9 %
4.2 Simulation results
and consequently the model is only valid in this operating
range. To cover the whole engine operating range a set of To determine the performance of the multi reference
models should be identified. For example a partitioning scheduling strategy different evaluation scenarios were
of the whole range into 12 sections specified by engine performed. As performance criterion the tracking error
speed and fuel amount, like presented in Ortner and del between steady state N Ox emissions reference determined
Re (2007), can be used. The system sampling time for the without sensor errors and the emissions obtained during
MPC and the identified model was set to Ts = 10 ms 2 and the closed loop control with sensor errors was used. More
a prediction horizon nP H of 600 samples was chosen. For in detail, the sum of squared N Ox tracking errors given
the control horizon a blocking strategy was applied with by
nCH = [5, 5, 10, 10, 1] samples leading to a total control Tscenario /Ts
horizon length of 31 samples, where the last optimized X 2
control signal sample is kept constant over the prediction eN Ox ,µ = (yN Ox ,k,ref − yN Ox ,k,µ ) (11)
horizon, as usual in MPC strategies. Both horizons were
selected based on system dynamics and adapted during was chosen, where Tscenario is the runtime of the evalua-
the simulation studies to improve the control performance. tion scenario. To compare the performance of the dynam-
The reference scheduling strategy was operated with a ical multi reference scheduling it was compared against
lower sampling time, whereas nupdate was set to 10 leading different MPC setups which used the same system model,
to a steptime of 100 ms for each increase or decrease of control and prediction horizon but different objective func-
qµ and the parameter α was set to 0.5. All simulations tion weightings. These weightings were used to design four
were performed with the nonlinear mean value model in different MPC controllers, whereas each of them favors
combination with the linear MPC environment. 3 Notice that different sensor errors might lead to different results.
4 If the strategy will be implemented on a real engine at a testbench
2 This sampling time was chosen because it is feasible for a later im- for these reference measurements highly accurate testbench sensor
plementation on a rapid prototyping system at the engine testbench. devices have to be used.

2012 IFAC E-CoSM (E-CoSM'12)
Rueil-Malmaison, France, October 23-25, 2012

However, it has to be noted that this kind of scheduling

rEGR in % MAF in mg/cyc

based on the sensor accuracies is similar to a worst case
250 analysis. Consequently, it may happen that the real sensor
Reference errors used to calculate a reference quantity cancel each
0 5 10 15 20MAF MPC25 30
60 Optimal scheduling MPC other out and thus lead to lower N Ox deviations than
the MPC based on the scheduling strategy. Nevertheless,
the real values are unknown at a production engine and
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 thus the reference scheduling provides a sensible choice to
improve the N Ox tracking performance under worst case

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 In another test the specified sensor error boundaries from
NOx in g/h

Table 1 in all possible 32 combinations, i.e. positive or
negative relative error for each sensor, were used. The
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 scenario was identical to the test with the four different
t in s sets and as evaluation criterion the summed N Ox tracking
error for all combinations was chosen. The results are
Fig. 6. Detailed part of Fig. 5, during the first setpoint summarized in Table 4 and again with the multi reference
change between t = 5 s and 30 s scheduling the best result could be achieved.
one reference candidate. For example, in the first case Table 4. Overall N Ox tracking performance for
a MPC which focuses on M AF tracking was designed, 32 sensor error combinations
to this end the value for the M AF weighting qM AF was Control M AF O2,ex O2,in rEGR opt.scheduling
set to the maximum value of qµ and all other tracking 32
eN Ox ,i 27.9% 27.1% 30% 100% 13.5%
errors were weighted with qµ,min . In Fig. 5 a comparison i=1
of the tracking behavior for the solely on M AF based MPC
approach and the optimal scheduling is presented. The test 5. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK
scenario in this example was a series of fuel amount steps
at constant engine speed and sensor errors from Set1 were A multi reference scheduling algorithm in combination
applied during the simulation. with MPC framework for the control of the EGR-Valve
As it can be seen in Fig. 5, the multi reference scheduling of a Diesel engine was presented. The aim was to achieve
leads to lower deviations of N Ox compared to a controller minimal N Ox tracking errors in the case of erroneous
focusing only on M AF . In this scenario in steady state sensor readings used for feedback control. This work was
first rEGR , afterwards M AF and finally O2,ex led to the an extension of previous analysis where it was shown that
smallest deviations, as determined by the selection strat- the choice of reference is crucial for emission control with
egy. To provide further insight into the dynamic behavior intermediate quantities. The strategy was applied on a
a detailed region of the same test, during the change from nonlinear simulation model and led to satisfactory results.
rEGR to M AF is presented in Fig. 6. Moreover, in this It was possible to achieve a better N Ox tracking perfor-
figure also xEGR is presented. mance than a control based on one reference candidate
under the assumption of different sensor errors. Although
An additional scenario was used to verify the dynamic the implementation was performed on a simulation model,
control performance of the scheduling strategy, where a later implementation on a real engine at a testbench
at a constant engine speed of Espd = 2150 rpm a se- was kept in mind, thus the real time capable MPC and
quence of fuel amount steps, occurring each 25 s, was scheduling strategy can be transferred to real engine with-
performed. The sequence was given by eight values wf = out substantial changes.
[7, 9, 2.5, 6, 10, 8, 15, 4] mg/cyc. In order to evaluate the
performance under different sensor error combinations, In future work we will focus on the evaluation of the
four different sensor error sets listed in Table 2 were strategy on a real engine, under different test scenarios
examined and the results are presented in Table 3. As and the combination with a MIMO model predictive
performance criterion (11) was used, whereas all values control approach for the whole air system with respect
are given in percent and normalized to the worst value for to N Ox tracking performance. An additional task will
each set. be the reduction of the necessary measurements for the
determination of the N Ox sensitivity and the extension
Table 3. N Ox tracking performance for test of the operating range, e.g. by multiple linear models or
scenario nonlinear MPC.
Set1 Set2 Set3 Set4
eN Ox ,M AF 100.0% 8.3% 32.0% 22.3%
eN Ox ,O2,ex 91.4% 9.4% 61.1% 41.2%
eN Ox ,O2,in 50.4% 13.7% 73.7% 68.6% The authors gratefully acknowledge the sponsoring of
eN Ox ,rEGR 73.3% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% this work by the COMET K2 Center ”Austrian Center
eN Ox ,opt.scheduling 32.2% 5.8% 19.4% 13.5% of Competence in Mechatronics (ACCM)” and the JKU
Hoerbiger Research Institute for Smart Actuators (JHI).
These results demonstrate that for each sensor combina- The COMET Program is funded by the Austrian Federal
tion it was possible to achieve the minimal N Ox tracking Government, the Federal State Upper Austria and the
error with the multi reference scheduling MPC strategy. Scientific Partners of ACCM.

2012 IFAC E-CoSM (E-CoSM'12)
Rueil-Malmaison, France, October 23-25, 2012

350 1000
MAF in mg/cyc



200 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
20 Reference
O2,ex in %

Optimal scheduling MPC


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
22 1000
O2,in in %



16 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
60 1000
rEGR in %



30 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Espd in rpm

wf in mg/cyc

2200 10 4
NOx in g/h

2100 3
Espd 5
2000 wf 2.5 2
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
t in s t in s

Fig. 5. Comparison between M AF based and optimal scheduling MPC for sensor errors specified in Set1

REFERENCES Guzzella, L. and Onder, C. (2010). Introduction to model-

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Alberer, D. (2009). Fast Oxygen Based Transient Diesel Springer Verlag.
Engine Control. Ph.D. thesis, Johannes Kepler Univer- Hirsch, M., Oppenauer, K.S., and del Re, L. (2010).
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