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Gas Lift Optimization Using Proxy

Functions in Reservoir Simulation

Q. Lu and G.C. Fleming, Halliburton, SPE

Summary the optimal gas lift rate allocation can be found using some form of
Artificial lift by means of gas injection into production wells or optimization. Kanu et al. (1981) proposed an equal-slope method.
risers is frequently used to increase hydrocarbon production, espe- The gas lift was allocated to wells through a manual procedure at
cially when reservoir pressure declines. We propose an efficient an average slope of the performance curves. This procedure did
optimization scheme that finds the optimal distribution of the not take into account the surface-facility constraints except for the
available gas lift gas to maximize an objective function subject to limit of total gas lift rate. Fang and Lo (1996) proposed a linear
surface-pipeline-network rate and pressure constraints. This pro- programming method to optimally allocate gas lift under various
cedure is a nonlinearly constrained optimization problem solved flow-rate constraints; the weighting factors used to interpolate the
by the generalized reduced-gradient (GRG) method. The values objective function and constraint functions were taken as deci-
of objective function, constraint functions, and derivatives needed sion variables. Stoisits et al. (1999) developed neural-network
for optimization can be evaluated through two methods. The first models to replace the well and surface pipeline hydraulics simu-
method repeatedly solves the full-network equations using Newton lation to reduce computation time, and genetic algorithms were
iteration, which takes into account the flow interactions among implemented to solve the optimization problems on the basis of
wells; however, this method can be computationally expensive. The individual-well performances.
second and more efficient method is a new approach proposed in The second type is based on well solutions coupled through a
this paper. It constructs a set of proxy functions that approximates surface pipeline network. This method is more rigorous when flow
the objective function and constraints as functions of gas lift rates. interactions among wells are strong. Dutta-Roy and Kattapuram
The proxy functions are obtained by solving part of the network (1997) pointed out that flow interactions among wells could be
that consists of a gas lifted well or riser, assuming a stable pres- significant when the backpressure in the flowline shared by the
sure at the terminal node where the partial network is decoupled wells was relatively large. Therefore, a constrained nonlinear opti-
from the rest of the network, and are used to inexpensively evalu- mization problem based on full-network solutions was formulated
ate the objective function, constraints, and necessary derivatives and was solved using successive-quadratic-programming (SQP)
for the optimizer. A procedure to predict the proxy functions on method. Hepguler et al. (1997) coupled a reservoir simulator and
the basis of previous values can be used to reduce the number a surface network simulator by iteratively solving the two simula-
of partial-network solves, and the partial-network solution has tors until the boundary values between them were converged. An
been parallelized for faster simulation. These two methods can be SQP optimizer was applied for production optimization in the
applied at different timesteps during the course of the simulation. surface network simulator. Wang and Litvak (2008) presented an
The proposed methods are implemented within a general-purpose optimization strategy that iteratively adjusted gas lift allocation
black-oil and compositional reservoir simulator and have been and solved the full network until a minimum lift efficiency was
applied to real-field cases. achieved at all wells. They developed a linear programming model
to scale the gas lift and production rates to satisfy network flow-
Introduction rate constraints. In general, the computational cost of the second
Continuous gas lift injection to production wells or risers is type is significantly higher than that of the first type because a
an important method to maintain and improve hydrocarbon large number of full-network solutions may be needed for opti-
production. The availability of lift gas is limited because it is mization calculations.
typically provided by produced gas; the gas lift operation is We propose an efficient gas lift optimization scheme that com-
also constrained by the resources of surface facilities, such as bines the two methods under the same optimization algorithm.
the compression and separation capacities. Therefore, one goal A constrained optimization problem is defined, and an objective
of well management is to optimally allocate available lift gas function is maximized using a highly efficient derivative-based
to targeted wells or risers to maximize hydrocarbon production GRG optimizer (Lasdon and Waren 1997, Fletcher 1987). The
under various facility constraints. Furthermore, as the market gas lift rates are specified as the decision variables. The opti-
price of gas continues to increase and produced-water treatment mizer requires the values of the objective function, the constraint
becomes more expensive as a result of stricter environment functions, and the first-order derivatives of the functions with
regulations, it is desirable to maximize the overall profit rather respect to the decision variables. The values of the functions and
than just production. derivatives can be evaluated by two methods. The first method is
The gas lift optimization schemes described in the literature can based on the full-network solution; the network is solved using
be categorized into two types. The first type is based on single- Newton iteration every time the function or derivative evaluations
well analysis; all wells on gas lift are isolated from each other, are needed by the optimizer. This method can be very expensive,
assuming a fixed wellhead or gathering-center pressure. In many especially if the derivatives are numerically evaluated because
cases, this assumption is valid because wells are normally choked the optimizer may need tens (or more) of function and derivative
at the wellhead to maintain a stable wellhead pressure, or multiple evaluations before the optimal point is found. The second method
wells are gathered at a separator under a pressure control, or the constructs a set of proxy functions that are similar to performance
pressure drop across the well tubing is dominant in the pipeline curves; the proxy functions estimate the objective and constraint
network. A performance curve (oil- or liquid-production rate vs. functions as functions of gas lift rates. In this method, each gas
gas lift rate or total gas rate) for each well can be constructed, and lifted well or riser (which includes all wells flowing to the riser)
is decoupled from the rest of the network at the first gathering
node so that a partial network is formed. A stable pressure at the
Copyright © 2012 Society of Petroleum Engineers
decoupling node (terminal node of a partial network) is assumed;
This paper (SPE 140935) was accepted for presentation at the SPE Reservoir Simulation in other words, the interaction between wells is ignored. Proxy
Symposium, The Woodlands, Texas, USA, 21–23 February 2011, and revised for
publication. Original manuscript received 24 March 2011. Revised manuscript received 9
functions of each gas lifted well or riser are obtained by solving
August 2011. Paper peer approved 17 August 2011. the partial network over a specific range of gas lift rates. They are

February 2012 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 109

used to inexpensively evaluate the objective function, constraints, Methodology
and necessary derivatives for the optimization calculations. The Mathematically, the optimal gas lift allocation can be formulated
number of sample points (approximately 10) of gas lift rates for as a constrained nonlinear optimization problem in the following
proxy-function construction is normally much smaller than the form:
number of function or derivative evaluations needed by the opti-
mizer, and the partial-network solve is much less costly than the Maximize F (x ), x ∈ R n , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1)
full network solve. Therefore, the method using proxy functions
is much faster than the method using full-network solutions. We subject to constraints
solve the partial networks in the same way that we solve the full
network, using Newton iterations, as explained in the Network Li ≤ gi (x ) ≤ U i , i = 1,$, m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2)
Computations section.
We may change the solution methods during the course of the
simulation. For instance, when gas lift first starts, optimization Sj ≤ xj ≤ H j, j = 1,$, n , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3)
based on the full-network solution can be used because the interac-
tions between wells may be strong. Once the wellhead pressures where F(x) is the objective function; x is the vector of n decision
become stable, the method based on proxy functions can be applied variables; gi is the ith inequality constraint function; Li and Ui are
for faster simulation. the lower and upper bounds of constraint gi, respectively; m is the
Notably, Rashid (2010) and Rashid et al. (2011) proposed a number of inequality constraints; and Sj and Hj are the lower and
procedure for gas lift optimization using gas lift performance upper bounds of the decision variable xj, respectively. The gas lift
curves at given wellhead pressures for each gas lifted well and rates are chosen as the decision variables.
performed optimization as a separable problem. The wellhead We define an objective function as
pressure is then updated by a call to the underlying network
simulator to account for well interaction, and the optimization F (x ) = Qoil Roil + Qgas Rgas − Qwater Rwat − Qglift Rglift , . . . . . . . . . . (4)
problem is solved again [a related paper is Gutierrez et al. (2007)],
where the network simulator is coupled with the reservoir model where, Qoil, Qgas, Qwater, and Qglift are the total volumetric flow rate of
described by look-up tables. This approach is similar to the proxy- oil-phase production, gas-phase production, water-phase produc-
function method proposed in this paper. However, there are some tion, and gas lift injection at surface condition, respectively; Roil
key differences between the two methods. First, in addition to is the unit value of the oil phase; Rgas is the unit value of the gas
constructing a proxy function of the objective function (the per- phase; Rwat is the unit processing cost of water phase; and Rglift is
formance curve), we also construct proxy functions of some of the unit operating cost of gas lift.
the network constraints, which will be used to estimate the opti- The optimization problem is solved by a derivative-based opti-
mization constraints. Second, the performance curve in Rashid’s mizer using the GRG algorithm, ranked as one of the most efficient
method is constructed by solving the gas lifted well using single- algorithms for the nonlinearly constrained optimization problem,
well nodal analysis, while in our approach we solve the partial- especially for cases with a large number of decision variables. The
network equations using Newton iteration, as explained in the function evaluations of the optimization are provided by network
Network Computations section. Our approach allows solution for solutions.
a gas lifted riser that includes multiple wells flowing to the riser.
Third, the optimization problem is solved with a Newton reduc-
tion method in Rashid (2010), a genetic algorithm in Gutierrez Network Computations
et al. (2007), and a mixed-integer nonlinear programming solver A surface pipeline network includes all wells and the connected
in Rashid et al. (2011), while in our approach it is solved using pipelines and surface facilities. It consists of connections and
the GRG method. Fourth, in Rashid’s method the network con- nodes. Types of connections include well tubing strings, pipes,
straints are generally managed using penalty imposition in the chokes, and pumps. Types of nodes include perforation inlets/out-
optimization procedure. They did not give details on handling lets, gathering centers, and separators. Produced- or injected-fluid
constraints at individual network connections and nodes and the streams flow through the connections and join at the nodes. The
manifold constraints. We provide a detailed procedure to strategi- network flow computations are formulated as steady state, because
cally handle various network constraints in the sections Treatment the connections and nodes are treated as having no volume. Bound-
of Constraints and the Gas Lift Optimization Procedure section. ary conditions are set by network sink and source pressures, source
Fifth, in Rashid’s method, the wellhead pressure is updated by a fluid compositions and perforated reservoir grid-cell pressures, and
call to the network simulator to account for the effects of well fluid mobilities. The network equations consist of
interaction. No coupling is made with the reservoir other than 1. Connection equations imposed at connections
the boundary conditions imposed (assuming fixed reservoir con- 2. Perforation equations at perforations
ditions at a give timestep). In our implementation, the network 3. Mass-balance equations at nodes
domain and the reservoir domain are fully coupled. These equations are linearized and solved at each Newton step.
The optimization calculations proposed herein are implemented Further details can be found in Coats et al. (2003) and Shiralkar
in a commercial general-purpose black-oil and compositional and Watts (2005).
reservoir simulator featuring full implicit coupling of reservoir- For a connection without a rate or pressure constraint, the con-
grid domain and surface-pipeline-network domain (Coats et al. nection equation is a hydraulics equation that relates the pressure
2003). Multiple reservoirs can be connected with the same surface drop across the connection to fluid-component mass-flow rates
network. The governing equations of the two domains (reservoir- using either a correlation or a hydraulics table. For a connection
grid and surface network) are linearized and are put in a single with constraints, the connection equation can be a hydraulics equa-
Jacobian-matrix equation system, which is solved by a Newton tion, a rate-constraint equation, or a pressure-constraint equation,
iteration—namely, a reservoir/network global Newton iteration. depending on which equation most constrains the flow rate. When
However, the optimization is performed in a “standalone” network a constraint determines the flow rate of a connection, the constraint
solve (also using Newton iteration), assuming fixed reservoir grid is said to be “active.” Physically, this means that a choke or valve at
conditions (using the grid-cell pressures and phase compositions the connection reduces the flow rate so that the constraint is exactly
from the preceding global Newton step) at the beginning of the satisfied. Therefore, the pressure drop across the connection is
global Newton step. The determined optimal gas lift allocation larger than it would be if the hydraulics equation were active. It
will be applied in the current global Newton iteration. Although is critical to determine a correct set of active network constraints,
the optimization is explicit with regard to the global solve, the otherwise the network solution could be incorrect because some
reservoir and network conditions used by optimization will get constraints are violated, or if the network is overconstrained,
updated at the next global Newton step or timestep. the equations could be singular. Watts et al. (2009) proposed an

110 February 2012 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering

innovative systematic method using the slack variable for active through the function evaluations (network solves). All scale-type
network constraint determination, which has been implemented in targets have been satisfied as optimization constraints.
our network simulation. 3. After the optimization is performed, a target allocation
If needed, a part of the network can be constructed and solved procedure is performed on all ranking-type targets. Flow rates on
using the same kind of equations and solution procedure as in the the controlled connections are scaled back to meet these targets if
full-network solve, given the pressure constraints at its terminal necessary. The gas lift rates are scaled back accordingly to achieve
nodes, or the rate constraints at the terminal connections (the the well flow rates, as described in the Gas Lift Rate Reduction
terminal nodes and connections are where the partial network is section.
decoupled from the rest of the full network) and constant reservoir 4. Repeat Steps 1 through 3 once if any gas lift rate has been
grid conditions. In our simulator, we use the same program for scaled back in Step 3.
partial- and full-network computations, which greatly simplified 5. Solve the grid/network linearized system in the current global
the implementation. Newton step with determined gas lift rates.
6. Repeat Steps 1 through 5 until the global Newton iteration
Treatment of Constraints converges.
Various user-specified constraints can be set at different points of 7. March to the next timestep.
the network. Typically these are maximum flow-rate constraints at Fig. 1 shows the flow chart of the whole procedure. Table 1
individual connections and minimum flowing-pressure constraints summarizes how the various constraints are satisfied.
at individual nodes. There may also be a maximum flow-rate con-
straint on the sum of flow rates at a list of controlled connections. Function Evaluations
This type of constraint is referred to as a “target” in the paper. The majority of computational time of the optimization procedure
To allocate the target rate to controlled connections, a spe- is spent on the function evaluations because each involves a poten-
cial network solution, referred to in the paper as the “potential” tial network solution. We propose two methods for these potential
network solution, needs to be performed. That is, the network network solutions.
is solved with all targets removed, but all rate constraints at
individual connections and all pressure constraints at nodes are Full-Network Solution. The first method is based on full-net-
retained (assuming fixed reservoir conditions). Therefore, all the work solution (see the Network Computations section). During
constraints at individual connections and nodes are satisfied using the iterative steps of the optimization, the values of the objective
the slack-variable method (Watts et al. 2009) in the potential function and constraint functions are calculated using the connec-
network solve. Flow rates in this solution represent the potential tion volumetric flow rates of the full-network potential solution.
productivity or injectivity of the connections. The target rate is The derivatives of these functions with respect to the decision
then allocated to the connections according to their potential flow variables (gas lift rates) are combinations of the derivatives of
rate if the total potential rate exceeds the target rate. This way, a the connection volumetric phase flow rates, Q, with respect to
target is converted to rate constraints at individual connections. the decision variables, which can be calculated through the chain
All constraints (including targets) will be satisfied in the following rule, as follows:
reservoir/network global Newton iteration.
There are two types of target: scale type and ranking type. With ∂Qk nc ∂Qk ∂ql
scale type, the target rate is allocated to the controlled connections =∑ , k = oil, gas, water;; j = 1,$, n , . . . . . (5)
according to some formula, such as in proportion to their potential ∂x j l =1 ∂ql ∂x j
flow rates or in proportion to a specified guide rate. With ranking
type, the controlled connections are ranked by some criterion such where nc is the number of fluid components; ql is the mass flow rate
as water cut. Then, in the ranked order, the connections are shut in of Component l, which is one of the primary unknowns in network
until the next connection would result in the flow rate being less equation system; xj is a decision variable; and n is the number of
than the target rate. This connection is then produced at a reduced ∂Qk
decision variables. is evaluated through flash calculations. To
rate so that the target is exactly met, and the remaining open con- ∂ql
nections are produced at their maximum rate. Because each target ∂ql
obtain , we perturb the right-hand side of the connection equa-
has multiple controlled connections, it is possible to exactly satisfy ∂x j
multiple targets simultaneously. tion at the gas lift connection corresponding to xj in the linearized
In our implementation, the potential network solution described network equation system and solve the system. The matrix of the
will be used as function evaluations in the optimization procedure, linearized equations has already been factored in the full-network
and the scale-type targets are converted to constraints of the opti- solve, the solution of the perturbed system requires only a for-
mization problem. For clarity, all the user-specified constraints ward and backward substitution, which is relatively inexpensive.
set at the network are called “network constraints,” while the However, because a large number of function evaluations may be
constraints defined for the optimization problem are referred to as needed during optimization iterations and the computational cost
“optimization constraints.” of function evaluations can be very high for a relatively large net-
work, this approach can be prohibitively expensive.
Gas Lift Optimization Procedure
The procedure works using the following steps: Proxy Functions Based on Partial-Network Solution. The sec-
1. At the beginning of a selected reservoir/network global Newton ond method constructs a set of tabular proxy functions that
step for a timestep when the gas lift optimization is performed, solve approximate the objective function and constraints as functions of
the optimization problem with the GRG optimizer using the values gas lift rates. This approach is based on the assumption that the
of decision variables from the previous optimization solution as the gathering nodes where the gas lifted wells or risers join have stable
initial guess. The function evaluations of the objective function and pressures. Therefore, these wells/risers can be decoupled from each
the constraint functions, as well as the necessary derivatives of the other at the gathering nodes, and the interaction between wells is
functions, are provided by the potential network solutions, assuming ignored. This assumption is generally reasonable because wells are
fixed reservoir grid conditions (pressure, phase mobilities, and phase normally choked at the wellhead and the flow through the choke
compositions). All scale-type targets are treated as optimization can be critical (at sonic velocity), or multiple wells are gathered
constraints; the total available gas lift rate is also set as an optimiza- at a separator under a pressure control, or the pressure drop across
tion constraint. We propose two methods for the potential network the well tubing is dominant in the pipeline network. Numerical
solutions, as explained in the Function Evaluations section. experiments also showed that the gathering-node pressures tend to
2. Allocate the gas lift rates according to the solution of the be stable after a short period of time (a few timesteps) once the gas
decision variables. All network rate constraints at individual con- lift injection starts. In addition, the gathering-node pressures get
nections and all network pressure constraints have been satisfied updated at every global Newton step, so the interactions between

February 2012 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 111

Start of timestep

Gas lift optimization with GRG Rate/pressure constraints
at individual connections and
nodes, and scale-type targets.
Rate allocation for ranking-type Satisfy:
Next global Once targets
Ranking-type targets.
Newton step

Scale back gas lift rates

Reservoir/network global Newton


Next timestep

Fig. 1—Flow chart of gas lift optimization procedure.

wells have been taken into account in an explicit manner. Another The overall objective function (defined in Eq. 4) can be defined
assumption of the method is that each gas lifted well or riser has as the sum of the proxy functions of the objective function of all
only one gas lift injection point, while the method based on full- gas lifted wells:
network solution does not have this restriction. n
For every gas lifted well/riser, a partial network consisting of F (x ) = ∑ Fpj (x j ) , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (6)
this well/riser up to the first gathering node (or the sink node if j =1
the well/riser connects to the sink directly) is set up. The terminal where Fpj(xj) is the proxy function of the objective function of Well
node at the top of the partial network takes the pressure from the j, which is associated with Decision Variable j.
previous reservoir/network global Newton step as the minimum Optimization constraint function in Eq. 2 becomes
pressure constraint. Fig. 2 is an illustration of how a full network n
is decoupled into two partial networks at the gathering node (Node gi (x ) = ∑ g pi , j (x j ) , i = 1,$, m , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (7)
2). Because the flow rates of the partial networks are determined j =1
by the boundary condition at Node 2 (node pressure is P2), Node
1 and Conn 1 become irrelevant and are excluded from the partial where gpi,j is the proxy function of Well j, corresponding to Opti-
networks. For a gas lifted riser, the partial network includes all mization Constraint i.
wells flowing to the riser. The gas lift rate of a partial network is Once the tabular proxy functions for each gas lifted well have
a decision variable. The partial-network model is solved over a been constructed at selected reservoir/network global Newton
range of prespecified gas lift rates to give the tabular sets neces- steps, the gas lift optimization can be performed using the values
sary to furnish the proxy models of the objective and constraint of the overall objective function and constraint functions calculated
functions. The proxy value of the objective function of a partial from Eqs. 6 and 7. Either piecewise linear interpolation or piece-
network can be evaluated using Eq. 4 on the basis of solution of wise polynomial interpolation of the tabular proxy functions can
the partial network at a given gas lift rate. The same approach is be used at a given set of decision-variable values (gas lift rates).
used for the proxy values of constraint functions. Fig. 3 shows a The derivatives of these functions with respect to a decision vari-
sample proxy function of the objective function, and Fig. 4 shows able are simply the slopes of the proxy functions of this decision
a sample proxy function of an oil-phase rate corresponding to an variable, or
oil-phase target, both as functions of a decision variable (gas lift
∂F ( x ) dFpj (x j )
rate of a gas lifted well). In this example, the well cannot flow until = , j = 1,$, n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (8)
the gas lift rate is greater than approximately 600 Mscf/D. ∂x j dx j


Constraints Satisfied At

Rate constraints at individual connections “Potential” network solution for function

and pressure constraints at nodes evaluations
Scale-type targets Optimization constraints
Ranking-type targets Post-optimization scaling back procedure

112 February 2012 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering


conn 1
Sink Sink
node 1 Pmin = 14.7 psi
conn 2 conn 2 conn 2

node 2 Pmin = P2 P min = P2

conn 3 conn 6
Decoupling node 2 node 2
conn 6
conn 3
node 6
node 3 node 6
node 3

conn 4 conn 7 conn 4 conn 7

Gas lift 1 Gas lift 2 Gas lift 1 Gas lift 2
node 4 node 7 node 4 node 7
conn 5 conn 8 conn 5 conn 8

Perf 1 Perf 2 Perf 1 Perf 2

node 5 node 8 node 5 node 8

Full Network Partial Network 1 Partial Network 2

Fig. 2—Decoupling of a full network into partial networks.

and relatively little. Fig. 5 shows an example of the proxy functions of

the objective function at two timesteps, t1 and t2 with t1 < t2, that
∂gi (x ) dg pi , j (x j ) are close in time. In this case, instead of calculating all actual points
= , i = 1,$, m ; j = 1,$, n . . . . . . . . . . (9)
∂x j dx j of t2, we could first evaluate the function values at three gas lift rates
at time t2 using partial-network solutions and compare them with
The method using proxy functions is much faster than the the values at time t1. If they change only slightly and the changes
method using the full-network solution for the following reasons: are in the same trend, we could safely estimate the values at other
First, the number of gas lift rates used to construct proxy functions gas lift rates at time t2 by proportionally shifting the curve at time
is relatively small (approximately 10) compared to the number of t1 to time t2, on the basis of the three points computed at time t2.
full-network solutions needed in the first method. Second, solving In other words, the other points in curve t2 could be calculated
the partial network is much faster than solving the full network by interpolating the three actual points. This way, we reduce the
because the former is a much smaller linearized equation system. number of partial-network solutions required to construct the proxy
Third, the solving of partial networks can be easily parallelized functions at time t2. The three checking points can be computed at,
because they are decoupled. respectively, a gas lift rate close to zero, the gas lift rate that gives
the maximum objective-function value at time t1, and the gas lift
Proxy-Function Scaling rate at which the slope of objective function at t1 is largest when
When the network configuration and constraints do not change with the gas lift rate is in logarithmic scale. If the third point is too close
time, and the pressure at the decoupling node of the partial network to the first or the second point, we instead compute the point at the
does not change much, the shapes of proxy functions may change average gas lift rate of the first and the second points.

1.20E+05 3.00E+04
Proxy Function of Objective Function

Proxy Function of Oil-Phase Rate

Constraint (STB/D)




0.00E+00 5.00E+03

-2.00E+04 0.00E+00
10 100 1000 10000 100000 10 100 1000 10000 100000
Gas Lift Rate (Mscf/D) Gas Lift Rate (Mscf/D)

Fig. 3—Proxy function of the objective function associated Fig. 4—Proxy function of a constraint function associated with
with a decision variable. a decision variable.

February 2012 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 113

110000 at the terminal node of the partial network. The proxy function can
then be used to estimate the reduced gas lift rate. Note that in this
100000 approach, the proxy function is used just for gas lift rate reduction
Benefit Function (Dollars/day)

t2 estimates. It is not involved in gas lift optimization calculations.

Examples and Comparisons
For convenience, the simulator in which the proposed gas lift
optimization methods are implemented is referred to as Simula-
tor N. We compare our implementation with another commercial
reservoir simulator, Simulator V (Litvak and Darlow 1995), in one
of our examples. A scheme of automatic allocation of gas lift using
a performance curve has been implemented in Simulator V. In this
scheme, nodal analysis is used to construct the gas lift performance
curve (produced-oil-phase rate vs. gas lift rate) at selected timesteps
for each gas lifted well, assuming fixed minimum tubinghead pres-
0.1 10 1000 100000 10000000
sures. The gas lift rate is calculated (it is basically a table-lookup
Gas Lift Rate (Mscf/D) procedure) on the basis of the minimum lift efficiencies of the
wells specified by the user, where the lift efficiency is defined as
Fig. 5—Proxy functions at two timesteps. the incremental oil produced per increment of gas lift gas, which is
effectively the slope of the gas lift performance curve. In Simulator
Gas Lift Rate Reduction V, the reservoir-grid domain and the surface-network domain have
As mentioned in Step 3 of the gas lift optimization procedure, partial implicit coupling because they are solved with an alternative
certain connection rates may need to be reduced to satisfy rank- Schwarz procedure; that is, at selected timesteps, the network is
ing-type targets. A target allocation procedure determines if there solved with fixed reservoir grid conditions, then the reservoir grid
are any ranking-type targets getting violated after the gas lift is solved with updated well bottomhole or well tubinghead condi-
optimization. If any such target is violated, the flow rates of the tions provided by the latest network solution. These network and
controlled connections of the target are reduced on the basis of reservoir grid solutions are repeated iteratively until the boundary
the ranking method (e.g., the flow rate of the connection with the values (well flow rates and bottomhole pressures) between them
highest water cut will be reduced to meet the target if the ranking are converged. For comparison, we refer to the automatic gas lift
method is water-cut based). The reduction factor is calculated and allocation method in Simulator V as the “fixed-slope” scheme,
is propagated to all downstream and upstream connections. The the method using proxy functions in our implementation as the
gas lift rate can be reduced according to how much the flow rate “proxy” scheme, and the method using full-network solution in
of the associated well tubing connection has been reduced. When our implementation as the “full-network” scheme.
the proxy function method is used, we can interpolate a phase-flow
rate (e.g., oil-phase-flow rate) in the corresponding proxy function Case 1. Case 1 is a black-oil model simulated for 900 days. It has
to obtain the reduced gas lift rate. four gas lifted production wells with fixed minimum tubinghead
When the full-network solution method is used, we may simply pressures, one gas-injection well, and one water-injection well. All
reduce the gas lift rate using the same reduction factor as is being wells are connected directly to a sink or a source. To match the
applied to the flow rate at the gas lifted well tubing connection. This user-specified minimum lift efficiency (0.01 STB/Mscf) used by the
approach assumes a linear relationship between the well-tubing- “fixed-slope” scheme, we set Roil = USD 30/STB, Rgas = 0, Rwat =
connection flow rate and the gas lift flow rate, and this assumption 0, and Rglift = USD 0.3/Mscf in the proxy and the full-network
can be inaccurate. To improve the solution, we construct a local schemes so that Rglift/Roil = 0.01 STB/Mscf. There is an 8,000 STB/D
proxy function (a phase-flow rate vs. gas lift rate, such as in Fig. 4) maximum oil-phase rate constraint at every well but they are inac-
for the gas lifted well through a partial-network solution using the tive during the simulation. The maximum gas lift rate allowed for
latest gathering-node pressure as the minimum pressure constraint each well is 10,000 Mscf/D. Fig. 6 compares the oil-production

QOP : Fixed-slope QOP : Full-network QOP : Proxy

QGLG : Fixed-slope QGLG : Full-network QGLG : Proxy
Normalized QGLG — Gas Lift Injection Rate

Normalized QOP — Oil-Production Rate







0 0.2
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Time (days)

Fig. 6—Oil-production rates and gas lift rates of Case 1.

114 February 2012 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering

QWP : Fixed-slope QWP : Full-network QWP : Proxy


Normalized QWP — Water-Production Rate








0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Time (days)

Fig. 7—Water-production rates of Case 1.

rate and gas lift injection rate of the simulation results. Before 130 slope, proxy, and full-network schemes are 119, 124, and 316
days, there is an active water-production target (8,000 STB/D) that seconds, respectively. As a result, the simulation speed of the proxy
prohibits any gas lift injection. Afterward, as the reservoir depletes, scheme in Simulator N is comparable with the fixed-slope scheme
Simulators V and N manage to inject gas lift to improve oil produc- in Simulator V and is approximately 2.5 times as fast as the full-
tion without violating the water-production target. The total lift gas network scheme. This example demonstrates that the optimization
available is 10,000 Mscf/D. The proxy scheme predicts a higher method using proxy functions is much more efficient than the
oil-production rate after approximately 200 days by injecting more method using the full-network solution and can achieve a more
lift gas. Fig. 7 shows that the proxy scheme also manages to reduce optimal solution than the fixed lift efficiency scheme.
water production compared to the fixed-slope scheme. A closer
investigation of the results shows that the proxy scheme injects Case 2. Case 2 is used to investigate the effects of the interactions
more lift gas in three production wells with high oil-production between wells. The properties of the reservoir domain are based on
rates and low water cuts as well as less lift gas in a well with low the SPE9 test case (Killough 1995), but the values of solution-gas/oil
oil-production rate and high water cut compared to the fixed-slope ratio (Rs) have been reduced by approximately three times (Table 2)
scheme. This is probably because the proxy scheme performs to make the effect of gas lift more obvious. It is a black-oil model
an optimization, and handles constraints more strictly than the with 30 production wells, 20 of which are gas lifted starting at time
fixed-slope method. Fig. 8 shows that the proxy scheme increases of 50 days. There are no injection wells. All the wells are connected
the cumulative benefit by approximately 3% over the fixed-slope through a network that has three levels of gathering centers. The
scheme. The solution of the full-network scheme is virtually the highest level connects to a sink (Fig. 9). All network constraints are
same as that of the proxy scheme in Figs. 6 and 7, which provides listed in Table 3. We set Roil = USD 30/STB, Rgas = USD 3/Mscf,
a confirmation of the proxy-function implementation. Rwat = USD 2/STB, and Rglift = USD 4.5/Mscf. Most of the oil-rate
The simulation CPU times (in a Windows XP machine with constraints at wells are inactive during the simulation, and there is
Intel Xeon 2.33 GHz CPU and 3 GB of RAM) using the fixed- no active pressure constraint except for a minimum pressure con-
straint (100 psia) at the sink node. Therefore, the well flow rates are
mostly determined by the hydraulics in the tubings and flowlines,
and the interactions between wells are strong, especially when the
Normalized Cumulative Benefit


0.8 Pressure (psia) Rs (Mscf/STB)

4000.0 0.5000
0.6 3600.0 0.4632
3200.0 0.4231
0.4 2800.0 0.3764
2400.0 0.3279
0.2 2000.0 0.2755
1600.0 0.2212
0 1200.0 0.1661
0 200 400 600 800 1000
800.0 0.1109
Time (days)
400.0 0.0539
Fig. 8—Cumulative benefit of Case 1. 14.7 0.0

February 2012 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 115


Pmin = 100 psia

Gas lift

Fig. 9—Surface-network structure of Case 2. The arrows at the bottom of the plot denote gas lift injection to the bottomhole
nodes of the wells.


15,000 STB/D, time < 50 days
Maximum oil-phase rate constraint at each well
5,000 STB/D, time 50 days
0 Mscf/D, time < 50 days
Maximum gas lift rate constraint at each well
20,000 Mscf/D, time 50 days
Target rate of total gas lift 20,000 Mscf/D
Minimum pressure constraint at sink node 100 psia

gas lift first starts. The pressure drops after the well tubing heads are time = 60 days, the full-network method is used to handle the strong
approximately at 400 psi. Fig. 10 shows that the oil-phase-produc- coupling of wells shortly after the gas lift starts; after that time, the
tion rates of the field predicted by full-network and proxy methods proxy method is used for faster simulation. We refer to this scheme
are noticeably different at the early stage of the simulation after gas as the “mixed” method. The switch time is chosen on the basis of the
lift starts. We now apply these two methods in sequence: Before observation that the flow is about to be stable using the full-network

QOP : Full-network QOP : Proxy QOP : Mixed

QGLG : Full-network QGLG : Proxy QGLG : Mixed

25000 60000
QGLG — Gas Lift Injection Rate (Mscf / D)

QOP — Oil-Production Rate (STB / D)






0 20000
0 50 100 150 200 250
Time (days)

Fig. 10—Case 2: Effects of interactions between wells.

116 February 2012 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering

QOP W17 : Full-network QOP W17 : Proxy
QOP W17 : Mixed QGLG W17 : Full-network
QGLG W17 : Proxy QGLG W17 : Mixed

3000 6000

QGLG — Gas Lift Injection Rate (Mscf / D)

QOP — Oil-Production Rate (STB / D)

2500 5000

2000 4000

1500 3000

1000 2000

500 1000

0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250
Time (days)

Fig. 11—Oil-production rates and gas lift rates of Well-17 in Case 2.

method approximately 10 days after the gas lift injection starts. There are 100 production wells and a number of gas- and water-
A general criterion to determine when the switch should happen injection wells. 60 of the production wells are assisted with gas
is still under investigation. Fig. 10 shows that the mixed method lift. The network consists of approximately 500 connections, with
achieved production rates very close to the full-network method. The a large number of rate and pressure constraints, and approximately
total gas lift rates computed by the three methods are overlapped. 50 production and injection targets of either scale type or ranking
Fig. 11 shows the oil-production rates and gas lift rates of Well-17. type. There are multiple levels of gathering centers and separators
For a short period of time after the gas lift starts, the rates computed in the network. The network eventually flows to a sink with a
by the proxy method show some oscillations because unstable well- minimum pressure constraint of 14.7 psia. Complicated procedures
head pressures, as shown in Fig. 11. The mixed method achieves are defined to dynamically change the constraints and network
results very close to those of the full-network method. The CPU configurations during the simulation. We set Roil = USD 60/STB,
time of the network calculations of the three methods (full-network, Rgas = 0, Rwat = 0, and Rglift = USD 0.6 /Mscf in this case. The oil-
proxy, and mixed) are 126, 50, and 71 seconds, respectively. phase-production rates computed by the full-network method agree
well with those computed by the proxy method, which is shown in
Case 3. Case 3 is a multiple-reservoir compositional model. More Fig. 12. The gas lift rates of the two methods follow approximately
than 10 reservoirs are connected through a common surface net- the same trend, but the former gives higher values than the later, as
work. The fluids of these reservoirs have up to 19 components. shown in Fig. 12. The case was run in parallel on four processors.

QOP : Full-network QOP : Proxy

1.2 1.2
QGLG : Full-network QGLG : Proxy
Normalized QGLG — Gas Lift Injection Rate

Normalized QOP — Oil-Production Rate

1.0 1.0

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000
Time (days)

Fig. 12—Oil-production rates and gas lift rates of Case 3.

February 2012 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 117

The proxy method is much faster than the full-network method. Li = the lower bound of constraint function i
The network solution CPU times of the two methods are 4.4 hours m = number of constraint functions
and 9.9 hours, respectively. n = number of decision variables
From our general observations of a number of test cases (not all nc = number of fluid components
shown in this paper), we have found that although the total produc- p = node pressure, psi
tion rates predicted by the different optimization methods normally
pmin = minimum allowed pressure, psi
match well, the gas lift rate allocations to individual wells can be
quite different because the optimization can be trapped by different ql = mass flow rate of component l
local optimal points. In addition, the network solution is typically Qk = total volumetric flow rate of phase k
sensitive by nature; a small difference in the solutions at a timestep Qoil = total volumetric flow rate of oil-phase production, STB/D
may create very different flow patterns (different wells flow or are QOP = volumetric flow rate of oil-phase production, STB/D
shut-in) at a later timestep. The sensitivity of solutions can be allevi- Qgas = total volumetric flow rate of gas-phase production, Mscf/D
ated by adding rate or pressure constraints at individual wells. Qglift = total volumetric flow rate of lift gas, Mscf/D
Qwater = total volumetric flow rate of water-phase production, STB/D
Conclusions QWP = volumetric flow rate of water-phase production, STB/D
1. We have implemented an efficient gas lift optimization scheme QGLG = volumetric flow rate of lift gas, Mscf/D
in a general-purpose black-oil and compositional reservoir Rn = n-dimensional real coordinate space
simulator with fully coupled reservoir grid domain and sur- Roil = unit value of oil phase, USD/STB
face-network domain. The nonlinearly constrained optimization Rgas = unit value of gas phase, USD/Mscf
problem is solved by the GRG method. Rglift = unit cost of gas lift operation, USD/Mscf
2. Network constraints are satisfied strategically in the optimiza- Rwat = unit cost of water-phase treatment, USD/STB
tion scheme: All surface-network constraints are satisfied at Sj = the lower bound of decision variable j
individual connections or nodes; all scale-type targets are satis-
Ui = the upper bound of constraint function i
fied during optimization; and all ranking-type targets are satis-
fied through a gas lift reduction procedure after optimization. x = vector of decision variables
3. The function evaluations for optimization can be performed xj = decision variable j
by two methods. The first method repeatedly solves the full-
network equations using Newton iteration. The second method Acknowledgments
constructs a set of proxy functions using partial-network solu- Bill Watts provided helpful comments during revision of this paper.
tions. The authors wish to thank Halliburton for permission to present
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February 2012 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 119

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