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Nama : Argiyangan Finanjaya

Prodi : D3 Nautika A

I. Fill the blank with the proper verb.

1. Tommy broken the window yesterday. (broken)
2. Mr. Heri teach Mathematics. (taught)
3. My father will bought that company. (bought)
4. The engineer has repaired the machine two hours ago. (repaired)
5. All crews should prepare everything very well. (prepare)
6. Danny can sing that song very well. (sung)
7. You can go outside if your mother permitted you. (permit)
8. Chandra had finished his work last year. (finish)
9. David is opened the door when Ahmad is coming. (open)
10. The engine cadets clean the engine room everyday. (cleaned)
11. They are painting the hull now. (painted)
12. The Royal Navy has ordered two new warships. (order)
13. People must prepare the plates properly. (prepared)
14. I was sweeping the floor when the phone rang last night. (swept)
15. He has read the book three times. (read)
16. They are studying Maritime English at the moment. (studied)
17. He wrote a letter last night. (written)
18. The thief stole my wallet two days ago. (stolen)
19. You may leave this classroom if you have done your assignment.
20. I will picked up my sister tonight. (picked up)
21. My younger brother can cut the papers. (cut)
22. He will changed the schedule immediately. (change)
23. We were watcing the movie when the electricity went out last night.
24. They are washed their clothes when I am arriving. (washed)
25. Tom has caught Jerry. (catch)
26. The Moslems pray Jum’ah in the mosque on Fridays. (prayed)
27. Maria will closed her bookstore at 4 p.m. (close)
28. My sister was cooked when I was coming home. (cooked)
29. He is count his money. (count)
30. They always bring their books to the classroom. (brought)



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