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Word / Phrase Part of Definition / Synonym Translation

The series of lectures on n Chuỗi bài giảng về
1. st
Distinct from v Clearly seperate and different Khác biệt
2. (from each other)
Encode v To change st into a system for
3. sending messages secrectly,
or to represent complicated
inf in a simple or short way
Consolidation n -The suitiation in which two or - Sự hợp nhất, thống nhất
4. more things are joined - Sự làm vững chắc, củng cố
-The process of becoming or
of making st stronger or more
- Retrieval n -The process of finding or - Sự lấy lại, phục hồi, thu
5. bringing back st hồi
- Retrieval from - Sự cứu thoát khỏi
- Beyond retrieval - Mất không bù lại được
Impairment n The act of spoiling st or Sự làm suy yếu, sự làm hư
6. making it weaker so that it is hại, hư hỏng
less effective
-Profound a Felt or experienced very - =extreme
7. strongly or in an extreme way
- A profound sleep - Giấc ngủ say
‘Intimate /’inti mợt/ a -Having, or being likely to - Thân mật, thân thiết,
8. cause, a very close friendship riêng tư
or personal relationship
v - Báo cho biết một cách kín
đáo hoặc gián tiếp
9 Autism n A condition that starts in Bệnh tự kỉ
young children and causes
behavior that is unusually
centered on the self while
limiting development of social
and communication skills
Medication n A medicine, or a set of Thuốc chữa bênh
10. medicines or drugs, used to Sự cho thuốc
improve illness
Frustrating a Making u feel annoyed or less Làm nản lòng, gây sự bực
11. confident because u can’t dọc
achieve what u want
Take time and effort v Cần tgian và sự cố gắng

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