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RULES: subject to change by Dungeon Master.

1) Complaints: I am human, however this is the game I DM so if you don’t like something
voice your opinion but I reserve the right to not listen to you.
2) Weapon Use: If your class is not proficient in a weapon type then you -15 attack points
with that weapon. Down to at least +1 attack. If you are not proficient in armor then you
cannot use it at all.
3) Stat Limits: One can only put a max of 10 stat points in one category. You will also gain
2 from your class choice and 3 from your race choice.
4) Death Warning: If you die you lose all spent EXP and loot in inventory, as well as
current character. Allowed to be scavenged by other players if possible.
5) Age: Every game adds two years. If you haven’t been here for a while your guy gains only
two years. It’s smartest to start at age 18. You can play as your son or daughter when they
reach age 18. At age 65 you -1 might and +1 knowledge. At age 80 you’re dead.
6) Companions: You only can have a max of one at a time, per player. They aren’t under
direct control of that player and have their own motives based on the DM.
7) EXP: Experience points. Awarded for various activities and accomplishments judged by
DM. the DM can also take EXP away for punishment. (Killing family, randomly
attacking other players, being plain obnoxious.)
8) Attack/Magic: Attack and magic are the same stat. Successful magic is based on magic,
successful attacks on attack, but they go in the same place.
9) Inventory Limits: You can only hold a certain amount of equipment based on weight.
Use common sense. Obviously a might of 10 can carry more than a might of 4. Carriages
can be useful here as well as packs.
10) Enemies: Every enemy has an attack and a defense stat. They are inversely related. Your
attack is subtracted by enemy’s defense.
11) Difficulty: As a rule it is hard to get EXP if you think you deserve more from something
then sucks.
12) Updates: Rules and perks change. If you had a character before they changed then they
still change. You must adapt and move on. Also I don’t want to hear “but I used to be
able to insert annoying complaint here why is it now like this?” because it was updated
13) Keeping EXP: If you die, by rolling too low on a defense roll, or subsequent bad rolls,
or disease, or anything you only keep EXP you didn’t spend.
14) Fame: When you accomplish something great (be it good or evil) you get a bar of Fame.
Fame is your standing in the world it is how people can recognize you in the world.
15) Computer: My documents will now be kept on my computers so that you guys can’t
have access to them. We also can constantly update them like this.
16) Legends: when you reach full fame you unlock the legend character race. It’s basically
being able to start with an extra 5 stat points every time.
17) Endurance Stat: This stat will be your stamina limit, and show many times you can do
actions that would be too stressful and difficult for others. Every time you do something
difficult then it will subtract a point (temporarily) and if you reach your limit then you
could pass out, or even die.
18) EXP Share: This game as in all of the games DM by Nick shares EXP with the other
games, (Wasteland or Fantasy) timeline in that order.
19) Stat Use: It is unadvised to leave 0 in any stat as that means your character is completely
devoid of that stat. example being a 0 on sense making your character blind.
20) Evading: when you dodge I roll on the D20. The roll adds to your flow stat and any
perks you have that give you a bonus to evasion. Usually anything under a 15 total is a
failed dodge. 15-19 will cause you to fail if the enemy is attacking you in a more
complicated and less deliberate way (like a wide arch) or if the environment you are in
causes you to not be able to move easily. A 20-24 will cause you to fail if you are trying
to evade a large AoE attack, such a volley of arrows or large spell. I decide what causes
what dodge but I try to be fair about it.
21) Stat Changes: One can no longer gain one stat point from gender. Now you gain a total
of 25 to allocate and then 3 from the race you choose. Totaling 30.

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