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The Coronavirus disease 2019 or COVID-19 has created a global health crisis that

profoundly impacts our lives. This virus has affected our day-to-day life, businesses,
and even our way of life has changed. We have to follow some safety measures like
social distancing, wearing a mask, putting on a face shield, staying at home most of
the time to not get infected and stop the spread to another person, and lastly, most
importantly, by doing proper hand hygiene. We should also have to be healthy; by
being healthy, we should eat nutritious food, exercise, and take vitamins to boost our
immune system so that the virus cannot immediately infect us. Now that there is a
vaccine for COVID-19, we should get vaccinated because the vaccine significantly
reduces the probability of contracting the virus. The vaccine may help us from not
getting seriously ill, even if we get the virus, and it can also protect people around us,
especially those at greater risk for severe illness from COVID-19. We can contact
other persons who have been vaccinated without wearing a mask if we have gotten
the vaccination and waited the required period for our body to establish immunity.
Also, we do not need to quarantine if we have been in the presence of someone who
has tested positive for COVID-19 and is wholly vaccinated and not experiencing
symptoms. Stopping a pandemic requires the use of all available tools. Wearing
masks and social distancing help reduce our chance of being exposed to the virus or
spreading it to others, but these measures are not enough. Vaccines work with our
immune system to prepare it to fight the virus if we become infected. After a year of
uncertainty, the vaccine has arrived and has clear benefits that should make
everyone strongly considered getting the shot. By choosing to be vaccinated, we can
protect not only ourselves and our family but our community as well.

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