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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

1 November 2020 SOLEMNITY OF ALL SAINTS Year A, B, C

Glory to the Saints of All Times!

he celebration of the Solemnity of All Saints is a wonderful opportu-
nity to give glory to God for the abundance of holiness in the Church,
and to honor all the heroes and heroines of the Christian faith.
The “canonized saints” are only the tip of the iceberg – the iceberg of
Christian holiness which comprises millions of holy people whose names are
not found in the calendars. They performed no miracles, nor did they enjoy
any supernatural apparition. They were only “ordinary Christians” – just as
we are. The only thing that was “extraordinary” in them was their faithful
love for God and generous love for people.
Their success is an encouragement to all of us, ordinary faithful who share
with them the sincere desire to “go to heaven.” All we have to do is follow
their style – to live our ordinary lives loving God and neighbor to the best of
our ability and thereby making of our lives a beautiful gift for the Lord.

the Lord’s forgiveness. (Pause) mercy on us, forgive us our sins,

All – I confess to almighty God and bring us to everlasting life.
and to you, my brothers and All – Amen!
sisters, that I have greatly
Entrance Antiphon sinned, in my thoughts and in Gloria
(To be recited only when no
Entrance Hymn is sung.)
my words, in what I have done All – Glory to God in the high-
and in what I have failed to do, est, and on earth peace to people
Let us all rejoice in the (strike your breast) through of good will. We praise you,
Lord, as we celebrate the feast my fault, through my fault,
day in honor of all the Saints, we bless you, we adore you, we
through my most grievous glorify you, we give you thanks
at whose festival the Angels fault. Therefore I ask blessed
rejoice and praise the Son of Mary ever-Virgin, all the An- for your great glory, Lord
God. gels and Saints, and you, my God, heavenly King, O God,
brothers and sisters, to pray almighty Father.
Greeting for me to the Lord our God. Lord Jesus Christ, Only Be-
P –Blessed be the Lord our God P –May almighty God have gotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of
who called us all to share His mercy on us, forgive us our God, Son of the Father, you take
glory in heaven. May His grace sins, and bring us to everlast- away the sins of the world, have
and peace be with you all! ing life. mercy on us; you take away the
All – And with your spirit! All –Amen! sins of the world, receive our
P –Lord, have mercy! prayer; you are seated at the right
Penitential Act All –Lord, have mercy! hand of the Father, have mercy
P –My brothers and sisters, we on us. For you alone are the Holy
P –Christ, have mercy!
were all created for heaven and All –Christ, have mercy! One, you alone are the Lord, you
are expected to walk the way that alone are the Most High, Jesus
P –Lord, have mercy! Christ, with the Holy Spirit,
leads to it. Let us realize the many All –Lord, have mercy!
ways and many times we have in the glory of God the Father.
failed to do so, and humbly ask P – May almighty God have Amen!

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Collect (Opening Prayer) They prostrated them- R –A proclamation from the
selves before the throne, wor- First Letter of John
P –Almighty ever-living God,
shiped God, and exclaimed: Beloved: See what love the
by whose gift we venerate in one
“Amen! Blessing and glory, wis- Father has bestowed on us that
celebration the merits of all the
dom and thanksgiving, honor, we may be called the children
Saints, bestow on us, we pray,
power, and might be to our of God.
through the prayers of so many
God forever and ever. Amen!” Yet so we are. The reason
intercessors, an abundance of the
Then one of the elders the world does not know us
reconciliation with you for which
spoke up and said to me, “Who is that it did not know him.
we earnestly long.
are these [who are] wearing Beloved, we are God’s chil-
Through our Lord Jesus
white robes, and where did dren now; what we shall be
Christ, your Son, who lives and
they come from?” has not yet been revealed. We
reigns with you in the unity of
I said to him, “My lord, do know that when it is re-
the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever
you are the one who knows.” vealed, we shall be like him,
and ever.
He said to me, “These are the for we shall see him as he is.
All – Amen!
ones who have survived the Everyone who has this hope
time of great distress; they based on him makes himself
have washed their robes and pure, as he is pure.
made them white in the blood
of the Lamb.” The Word of the Lord!
All – Thanks be to God!
1st Proclamation Rv 7:2-4.9-14 The Word of the Lord!
Exiled on the island of Pat- All – Thanks be to God! Gospel Acclamation
mos, the apostle John is caught
up in ecstasy and has a breath- Responsorial Psalm Ps 24 All – Alleluia! Alleluia!
taking vision of the immense R –Lord, this is the people that “Come to me, all you who
throng of all the saints in heaven. longs to see your face! labor and are burdened,
They give glory to God for the and I will give you rest,”
salvation granted them through says the Lord!
the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Alleluia! Alleluia!
R –A proclamation from the Gospel Mt 5:1-12a
Book of Revelation Today’s Gospel text is com-
monly called “the Beatitudes.”
I, John, saw another angel This very famous passage exalts
come up from the East, hold- some of the virtues that Jesus
ing the seal of the living God. considers indispensable for all
He cried out in a loud voice to those who want to enter the King-
the four angels who were given * The Lord’s are the earth dom of Heaven.
power to damage the land and and its fullness; the world and
the sea, “Do not damage the P –The Lord be with you!
those who dwell in it. For he All – And with your spirit!
land or the sea or the trees until founded it upon the seas and
we put the seal on the foreheads P – A proclamation from the
established it upon the rivers. holy Gospel according to
of the servants of our God.” I R.
heard the number of those who Matthew
had been marked with the seal * Who can ascend the moun- All – Glory to you, O Lord!
– one hundred and forty-four tain of the Lord? Or who may When Jesus saw the
thousand marked from every stand in his holy place? He crowds, he went up the moun-
tribe of the Israelites. whose hands are sinless, whose tain, and after he had sat down,
After this, I had a vision heart is clean, who desires not his disciples came to him. He
of a great multitude, which what is vain. R. began to teach them, saying:
no one could count, from ev- * He shall receive a blessing “Blessed are the poor in spirit,
ery nation, race, people and from the Lord, a reward from for theirs is the kingdom of
tongue. They stood before the God his savior. Such is the race heaven. Blessed are they who
throne and before the Lamb, that seeks for him, that seeks mourn, for they will be com-
wearing white robes and hold- the face of the God of Jacob. R. forted. Blessed are the meek,
ing palm branches in their for they will inherit the land.
hands. They cried out in a loud 2nd Proclamation 1 Jn 3:1-3 Blessed are they who hun-
voice: “Salvation comes from We participate in Christ’s ger and thirst for righteous-
our God, who is seated on the divine sonship, so we must keep ness, for they will be satisfied.
throne, and from the Lamb!” ourselves pure from every defile- Blessed are the merciful, for
All the angels stood around the ment because we are destined to they will be shown mercy.
throne and around the elders enjoy God’s loving presence for Blessed are the clean of heart,
and the four living creatures. ever. for they will see God. Blessed

1 November 2020
are the peacemakers, for unassuming and unknown, let
they will be called children us offer our humble prayers that
of God. Blessed are they who as many as possible may share
are persecuted for the sake of their eternal happiness. Let our
righteousness, for theirs is the response be: Preparation of the Gifts
kingdom of heaven. Blessed are All –God of all holiness, hear P –Pray, brethren. . .
you when they insult you and our prayer! All – May the Lord accept the
persecute you and utter every
C –For the Church, the earthly sacrifice at your hands, for the
kind of evil against you falsely
home of all saints: May she be praise and glory of his name,
because of me. Rejoice and be
the loving mother who teaches for our good and the good of all
glad, for your reward will be
her children to pursue their sanc- his holy Church.
great in heaven.”
tification by living the values
The Gospel of the Lord! Prayer over the Offerings
enshrined in the Beatitudes. Let
All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus us pray! R. P –May these offerings we
Christ! bring in honor of all the Saints
C –For the Holy Father and all be pleasing to you, O Lord, and
Homily other spiritual leaders: May they grant that, just as we believe the
Profession of Faith be living beacons of holiness pat- Saints to be already assured of
(Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed)
terned after the example of Jesus immortality, so we may experi-
and Mary, and all the saints. Let ence their concern for our salva-
All –I believe in one God, the Fa- us pray! R.
ther almighty, maker of heaven tion.
and earth, of all things visible C –For all our leaders: May they Through Christ our Lord.
and invisible. give justice to the oppressed, All – Amen!
I believe in one Lord Jesus work for true peace, and with
Christ, the Only Begotten Son their right use of funds and re- Preface of All Saints
of God, born of the Father be- sources, ensure that our country- P –It is truly right and just, our
fore all ages. God from God, men do not go hungry or thirsty. duty and our salvation, always
Light from Light, true God from Let us pray! R. and everywhere to give you
true God, begotten, not made, C –For Christians who are per- thanks, Lord, holy Father, al-
consubstantial with the Father; mighty and eternal God.
secuted for their faith: May they
through him all things were For today by your gift we
made. For us men and for our stand firm in the face of suffering
and death, confident of the glori- celebrate the festival of your
salvation he came down from city, the heavenly Jerusalem, our
heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy ous reward that awaits them in
heaven. Let us pray! R. mother, where the great array of
Spirit was incarnate of the Vir- our brothers and sisters already
gin Mary, and became man.* C –For all our deceased brothers gives you eternal praise.
For our sake he was crucified and sisters: May they be admit- Towards her, we eagerly
under Pontius Pilate, he suf- ted to the joys of eternal life in hasten as pilgrims advancing
fered death and was buried, and heaven, through the mercy of by faith, rejoicing in the glory
rose again on the third day in God and the intercession of all bestowed upon those exalted
accordance with the Scriptures. the saints. Let us pray! R. members of the Church through
He ascended into heaven and is
seated at the right hand of the C –For all of us: May we discov- whom you give us, in our frailty,
Father. He will come again in er anew the call to become saints both strength and good example.
glory to judge the living and the and pursue this goal through the And so, we glorify you with
dead and his kingdom will have generous fulfillment of our du- the multitude of Saints and An-
no end. ties in imitation of the saintly gels, as with one voice of praise
I believe in the Holy Spirit, people who have preceded us. we acclaim:
the Lord, the giver of life, who Let us pray! R. All – Holy, holy, holy Lord, God
proceeds from the Father and the of hosts. Heaven and earth are
Son, who with the Father and the C – Let us pray in silence for our full of your glory. Hosanna in
Son is adored and glorified, who personal intentions. (Pause) the highest!
has spoken through the prophets. Let us pray! R. Blessed is he who comes in
I believe in one, holy, catholic the name of the Lord. Hosanna
P –Lord of all holiness, God in the highest!
and apostolic Church. I confess of all peace, listen to our hum-
one Baptism for the forgiveness ble petitions and grant eternal
of sins and I look forward to the happiness in heaven to all those Memorial Acclamation
resurrection of the dead and the You have redeemed through the P –The mystery of faith!
life of the world to come. Amen! blood of Jesus, the proclaimer All –When we eat this Bread
and exemplar of the Beatitudes, and drink this Cup, we
Prayer of the Faithful who lives and reigns for ever and proclaim your Death,
P –As we honor all the saints ever. O Lord, until you come
in heaven, including the most All – Amen! again!

Solemnity of All Saints

Communion Antiphon May God the Father of mer-
(To be recited only when no cy, who created you for the
Communion Hymn is sung.) joys of heaven, grant you
Blessed are the clean of the abundance of everlast-
All – Our Father . . . heart, for they shall see God. ing life with Him.
P –Deliver us, Lord . . . Blessed are the peacemakers, All – Amen!
All –For the kingdom, the for they shall be called children P –May God the Son, who be-
power, and the glory are of God. Blessed are they who came a human being and
yours, now and for ever. are persecuted for the sake of died on the cross for our
righteousness, for theirs is the sake, enable you to enjoy
Sign of Peace Kingdom of Heaven. the fruits of his Incarnation,
Death, and Resurrection.
Breaking of the Bread Prayer after Communion All – Amen!
All – Lamb of God, you take P –As we adore you, O God,
who alone are holy and wonder- P –May God the Holy Spirit,
away the sins of the world: have who purifies you with His
mercy on us. (2x) ful in all your Saints, we im-
plore your grace, so that, com- presence and strengthens
Lamb of God, you take you with His grace, lead
away the sins of the world: ing to perfect holiness in the
fullness of your love, we may you to the home of all the
grant us peace. saints in heaven.
pass from this pilgrim table
to the banquet of our heavenly All – Amen!
homeland. P –And may the blessing of
P –This is the Lord Jesus, the Through Christ our Lord. almighty God: the Father,
source of our salvation and the All – Amen! and the Son, and the Holy
model of our sanctification. He is Spirit descend upon you and
the Lamb of God who takes away remain with you for ever.
the sins of the world. Blessed All – Amen!
are those invited to this Sacred
Banquet. P –Go in peace and live as holy
All – Lord, I am not worthy P –The Lord be with you! children of God!
that you should enter under my All – And with your spirit! All – Thanks be to God!
roof, but only say the word and P –Bow your heads and pray
my soul shall be healed. for God’s blessing. (Pause)

ALL SAINTS’ DAY: “habit” or uniform; they share all the difficulties, worries
and uncertainties of all other human beings. Unlike many
THE “DEMOCRATIZATION” OF HOLINESS others, however, they do not get drowned in the quagmire
very nation has its own heroes and heroines – of daily problems because they never lose sight of the
E outstanding citizens who have accomplished memorable
feats and remain an inspiration for all generations. A nation
future of happiness, which God has in store for those who
live according to His law.
needs these “exceptions.” But a nation needs also a much The life of these believers is by all standards “ordinary”
greater number of “ordinary citizens” – people who lead but by no means mediocre. They may occasionally be
a normal life, exercise their profession with honesty and “weak,” but are never resigned to be “weaklings.” They
perseverance, pay their taxes and are law-abiding. It is of readily grant that they don’t have the stuff of the great
this “common stuff” that great nations are made. achievers (the canonized saints), but do not compromise
The Church has her heroes and heroines, too – real with evil, and never accept to be the perpetual “losers” in
giants by all standards, who show what heights a human their struggle against it.
being can reach in the practice of the virtues enshrined in This type of admirable “ordinary Christians” lives in our
the Gospel and exemplified in Jesus Christ. The Church communities, our neighborhood, our houses . . . . Heaven
needs these saints as much as a nation needs heroes and is full of them! Today’s feast in honor of the “Unknown
heroines. Saints” is both a reminder and an encouragement. It is
But the Church has also an immense number of a reminder to admire and pay tribute to these “unsung
“ordinary believers” – the common Christians whose heroes” of God’s family on earth. But, most of all, it is an
lives are characterized by an ordinary life, enlivened by encouragement to join their ranks and march with them
a simple, strong faith and a practical love for God and toward the homeland of heaven under the banner of the
neighbor. These are people from all walks of life, who fulfill Beatitudes. In other words, you and I are expected to be
their duties – day in, day out – with dedication, honesty, like them, for all of us are called to live as “children of light”
and generosity. They usually do not wear any special and bear fruits that last unto life everlasting.

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• Editorial Team: Fr. S. Putzu, A. Vergara, J. Domingo, V. David, R. Molomog, D. Daguio
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