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Received: 11 April 2016 | Revised: 12 November 2016 | Accepted: 28 December 2016

DOI 10.1002/ppul.23670


Chest physiotherapy can affect the lung clearance index in

cystic fibrosis patients

Joerg Grosse-Onnebrink MD1 | Uwe Mellies MD2 | Margarete Olivier MD2 |

Claudius Werner MD1 | Florian Stehling MD2
1 Department of General Pediatrics, Pediatric
Respiratory Medicine Unit, University Children's Abstract
Hospital Muenster, Muenster, Germany
OBJECTIVES: The lung clearance index (LCI) is determined by multiple-breath washout lung
2 Department of Pediatric Pulmonology,
function (MBW). It is increasingly used as an endpoint in clinical trials. Chest physiotherapy (CP)
University of Duisburg-Essen, Children's
Hospital, Essen, Germany is part of routine cystic fibrosis (CF) care. Whether the LCI is useful in detecting short-term
Correspondence treatment effects of CP has not been sufficiently investigated. We assessed the short-term
Joerg Grosse-Onnebrink, MD, Department of influence of CP with highly standardized high-frequency chest wall oscillation (HFCWO) on the
General Pediatrics, University Children's
LCI in CF patients.
Hospital Muenster, Pediatric Respiratory
METHODS: In this randomized controlled study, the LCI was obtained in 20 CF patients (7-34
Medicine Unit, Albert-Schweitzer-Campus 1,
Building A, D-48149 Muenster, Germany. years) hospitalized for infective pulmonary exacerbation prior to and immediately after a single
Email: treatment of HFCWO. Twenty-one control group CF patients (7-51 years) received no
Funding information treatment. We calculated the coefficient of repeatability (CR) to estimate the clinical relevance
WTZ Research Support Service (supported in
of possible treatment effects.
part by the Deutsche Krebshilfe Comprehensive
Cancer Centre financing) RESULTS: HFCWO improved (ie, decreased) the LCI by a median of 0.9 (range −0.45; 3.47;
P = 0.002); the LCI decreased in 15 of 20 intervention group patients. In five patients the
decrease in LCI exceeded the CR (2.15), indicating a clinically relevant treatment effect; in five
patients the LCI increased but did not exceed the CR. The LCI did not change significantly in the
control group patients.
CONCLUSIONS: HFCWO can have a short-term decreasing effect on the LCI, but the treatment
response is heterogeneous. In future trials using LCI as an endpoint, the timing of CP in relation
to MBW should be considered a possible bias.

chest physiotherapy, coefficient of repeatability, high-frequency chest wall oscillation, lung
clearance index, multiple breath washout

1 | INTRODUCTION most established method to investigate factors that influence

progression of lung disease, other lung function methods have been
Lung disease is the major reason for reduced life expectancy in the introduced. The most established parameter is the lung clearance
majority of patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). While spirometry is the index (LCI), which is determined by multiple-breath washout lung
function (MBW). The LCI is a measure of global pulmonary ventilation
inhomogeneity. In contrast to parameters derived from spirometry, it
Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; CF, cystic fibrosis; CG, control group; is feasible in all age groups and is largely independent of age, sex,
CR, coefficient of repeatability; DM, diabetes mellitus; FEV1, forced expira-
height, and weight in pediatric patients older than 6 years.1 There is
tory volume in one second; FEV1% pr, percent predicted forced expiratory
volume in 1 sec; FRC, functional residual capacity; FVC, forced vital capacity; increasing evidence that the LCI is a clinically useful parameter. In CF
FVC% pr, percent predicted forced vital capacity; HFCWO, high-frequency the LCI is correlated with forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1), with
chest wall oscillation; ICC, intraclass correlation coefficient; IG, intervention chest computed tomography scores reflecting structural lung
group; IQR, interquartile range; L, liter; LCI, lung clearance index; MBW,
disease2–4 and it is a good predictor of disease progression in CF
multiple-breath washout lung function; PA, Chronic pulmonary infection with
Pseudomonas aeruginosa; SF6, sulfur hexafluoride. patients.5 The LCI is increased after pulmonary infective

Pediatric Pulmonology. 2017;52:625–631. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. | 625


exacerbations6 and it predicts pulmonary infective exacerbations in repeated two technically acceptable MBW tests (second MBW run),
CF.7 The LCI better reflects early lung disease than FEV1 and is more followed by spirometry. We opted against performing three techni-
sensitive in detecting small airway disease in CF patients.3,8 Treatment cally acceptable MBW tests for each MBW run, because the cough
effects of LCI have been reported in interventional trials and frequency of patients, who already suffered from pulmonary infective
observational studies with antibiotics,9 with nebulized hypertonic exacerbation, was increased. Hence, MBW tests had to be frequently
saline,2,10 with nebulized dornase alfa11 and with ivacaftor.12 Chest repeated, and we decided to shorten the overall test duration to only
physiotherapy is a mainstay of CF care but short-term effects of chest two technically acceptable MBW tests. In our test protocol, the
physiotherapy on parameters of MBW have shown conflicting spirometry was performed after the completion of all MBW tests
results.13–15 In previous studies, that addressed the short-term because forced breathing maneuvers possibly influence secretions in
influence of chest physiotherapy on the LCI, chest physiotherapy the airways and possibly bias the LCI.17
was poorly standardized and the study protocol scheduled a forced
breathing maneuver for spirometry in between the pre- and post-
2.2 | Equipment and assessment of outcomes
intervention MBW testing. As both factors possibly bias short-term
treatment effects on the LCI, we used a test-protocol with highly 2.2.1 | High-frequency chest wall oscillation
standardized chest physiotherapy, and we opted against performing
Standardized chest physiotherapy with HFCWO was carried out in
spirometry prior to a MBW test. Our aim was to test the short-term
the intervention group patients in order to prevent bias by applying
influence of highly standardized chest physiotherapy on the LCI in a
different techniques of conventional chest physiotherapy. The
heterogeneous group of CF patients. We included only patients
Vest® (Model 104, Hill-Rom) was used for HFCWO. The system
suffering from infective exacerbation because we hypothesized that
consists of an inflatable vest that is fitted to the patient's thorax
during infective exacerbation more secretion is present in the airways,
and a pulse generator that applies vibrations with predefined pulse-
which may result in a more distinct effect of physiotherapy on the LCI.
pressure and oscillation frequency onto the thorax. The oscillation
We, therefore, tested whether highly standardized chest physiother-
frequency was set to 13 Hz and the pulse pressure was set to
apy could reduce the LCI in a short-term setting.
3 mbar. To our knowledge, no specific setting has been proven to
be superior to another, so we chose HFCWO settings after review
of literature18 and the clinical experience in our center. The
2 | M ATERIA LS AN D METH ODS HFCWO setting used for the study was comfortable to most of our
patients who were treated with this protocol. The interval between
2.1 | Study population and study design MBW tests and chest physiotherapy was in the range of a few
minutes; two trained medical assistants conducted the lung
This randomized controlled study was carried out between November
function tests and HFCWO.
2009 and December 2010 at the CF Center of the University
Children's Hospital Essen, Germany. The local ethics committee
2.2.2 | Spirometry and body plethysmography
approved the study protocol and all patients and/or their parents gave
informed consent. The study was performed in accordance of the Forced vital capacity (FVC), functional residual capacity (FRC), and

declarations of Helsinki. All patients had a confirmed diagnosis of CF. FEV1 were measured with the JAEGER® MasterScreen® Body

Exclusion criteria were: airway infection with Burkholderia cepacia (CareFusion, Hoechberg, Germany) according to American Thorax

complex or oxacillin-resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus in the Society guidelines19; the predicted values and z-scores were

past year, lung transplantation, oxygen supplementation, or a history calculated from published reference values.20,21

of pneumothorax. Patients were hospitalized due to infective

pulmonary exacerbation and had a wet cough. Pulmonary infective 2.2.3 | Multiple-breath washout
exacerbation was physician diagnosed following Fuchs criteria.16 All A previously described and validated system (Spiroson, ndd Medical
patients underwent the study protocol on day 2 or 3 after onset of Technologies, Zurich, Switzerland) was used to test MBW.22 The
intravenous antibiotic treatment and received neither chest physio- tracer gas contained 4% sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), 21% oxygen and
therapy nor mucolytics or bronchodilators on the test day. Patients balance nitrogen and was delivered in premixed gas cylinders (BOC,
were randomly assigned (by sealed envelopes) to intervention and Manchester, UK). All measurements were conducted according to
non-intervention groups. On the test day, every subject performed American Thorax Society guidelines23,24 and performed with the
two technically acceptable MBW tests (baseline MBW run). Patients in patient in a sitting position, wearing a nose clip and breathing through a
the intervention group underwent 30 min of chest physiotherapy with mouthpiece while watching a video. Measurements for each test were
a high-frequency chest wall oscillation (HFCWO) device and were performed until two tests reached quality control criteria; we carefully
advised to cough. Patients in the non-intervention group waited checked each MBW test for air leaks as previously suggested
30 min without receiving chest physiotherapy before being advised to (Robinson et al24). We used previously described methods to analyze
cough. Blinding of the intervention was not feasible, as the vibrations FRCMBW and LCI.25,26 Wbreath software (version was used
caused by the HFCWO device were clearly perceivable from both the for data acquisition, storage, and analysis (ndd Medical Technologies,
study participant and the observer. Subsequently, both groups Zurich, Switzerland).
| 627

2.2.4 | Data evaluation and statistical analysis in the control group failed to meet the quality control criteria despite
Analysis was performed using SPSS, version 19 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL). repeated MBW tests. Thus a total of 41 patients completed the
Data are presented as mean and SD or median, min, max and interquartile study. Baseline characteristics and results of baseline lung function
range (IQR), if appropriate. Wilcoxon sign rank test was used to assess the tests of the study population are shown in Tables 1 and 2. The two
differences between the prior and post intervention/non-intervention groups did not differ with regard to the following: FEV1 z-score, FVC
time points. Chi-square test and t test were used to assess the differences z-score, baseline LCI, physical characteristics (age, sex, weight,
regarding age, gender distribution, weight, height, body mass index, height, and body mass index), status of P. aeruginosa colonization or

presence of chronic airway infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa (defined the presence of cystic fibrosis-related diabetes mellitus. The mean
as two or more positive cultures in the previous year and/or currently on FEV1 z-score was −4.19 ± 1.14 (SD) (−5.55; −2.1, range) in the
inhaled antipseudomonal treatment), and presence of diabetes mellitus intervention group and −3.55 ± 1.64 (SD) (−6.18; 0.12, range) in the

between the intervention and the control group; P < 0.05 was considered control group. Data for LCI were not normally distributed. The
significant. We calculated the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) from median LCI in both the intervention and control group was 11.8
baseline MBW lung function tests to assess intra-test repeatability. The (Table 2). The intra-test repeatability was good or excellent with an
ICC calculates the ratio of between-subject to total variation: the maximum ICC of 0.94 for LCI (0.98 for FRCMBW) in the intervention group and
value of the ICC of one means perfect repeatability, an ICC of 0.8 is 0.81 for LCI (0.99 for FRCMBW) in the control group (Table 3). At the
considered to represent good repeatability. We calculated the coefficient group level, a single treatment with HFCWO resulted in a
of repeatability (CR) from MBW lung function tests according to Bland and statistically significant decrease of LCI by a median of 0.9 (range

Altman as 1.96 times the SD of LCI differences between the two baseline −0.45; 3.47; P = 0.002). No significant change in LCI was observed in
MBW tests (first MBW run). 28
The CR assesses the intra-test repeatability the control group (P = 0.639) (Table 3). The treatment response was
and reflects the short-term variability between tests; it can be explained by heterogeneous. In the intervention group, we observed a decrease in

technical or physiological factors, which generally affect physiological LCI in 15 patients and an increase in LCI in five patients. In the
tests. The clinical relevance of changes in LCI between the tests can be control group, the LCI decreased in 11 patients and increased in 10
estimated by assessing the CR: if the change in LCI exceeds the CR, the patients (Table 3, Fig. 2). We assessed the CR of the two baseline

intervention is considered clinically relevant. 30

Bland and Altman plots MBW tests in each group to estimate the range of short-term
were generated using Graph Pad Prism Software Version 5.0 (2010) (Fig. 1). variability for MBW tests in the study cohort (Fig. 1). The CR for LCI
The power calculation was based on previously published data in a cohort (FRCMBW) was 2.15 (0.43) in the intervention group and 2.24 (0.31)
using the same MBW equipment that we used for this study. We estimated in the control group. The decrease in LCI after the intervention was
that 38 individuals are sufficient to detect a difference of LCI >1.0 between clinically relevant (change in LCI > CR) in five patients (25%) from the
prior and post HFCWO measurements in a parallel group design, with a intervention group but in no patients from the control group. The
power of >90% at a two-sided 5% significance level. We estimated a increase in LCI (in 5 patients in the intervention group and in 10

dropout rate of 10%. patients in the control group) was not clinically relevant (Table 3).


We initiated the study with 22 patients in both the intervention and In our study cohort we observed that a single treatment with HFCWO
control groups. Two patients in the treatment group and one patient resulted in a statistically significant decrease in LCI (with a median

F I G UR E 1 Bland Altman plots for the two tests of the baseline multiple-breath washout (MBW) run in intervention group and control group
individuals. The differences of the lung clearance index (LCI) of the 1st and 2nd MBW test (of the baseline MBW run) are plotted against the
mean of the two tests (in the intervention group and in the control group). The dashed line shows the bias, which is the mean of LCI
differences for the 1st and 2nd test. The dotted lines represent the upper and lower limits of agreement. The limits of agreement are
calculated as 1.96 times the SD of differences between pairs of the 1st and 2nd MBW test (of the baseline MBW run) ± the bias and they are
directly related to the coefficient of repeatability (CR). 95% confidence intervals for the bias and for the upper and lower limits of agreement
are gray-shaded

TABLE 1 Characteristics of the study population

Intervention group (n = 20) Control group (n = 21) Δ/P-value (95%CI)
Male (%) 15 (75%) 13 (62%) P = 0.6
Age (years) 19 ± 7.9 (7; 34) 23.6 ± 11.8 (7; 51) Δ = −4.6 (−11.0; 1.82)
Weight (kg) 51.1 ± 15.8 (23; 89) 52.7 ± 18.1 (23; 89) Δ = −1.6 (−12.4; 9.2)
Height (cm) 163.9 ± 16.2 (126; 183) 164.0 ± 17.4 (126; 191) Δ = −0.1 (−10.8; 10.5)
BMI (kg/m ) 2
18.6 ± 3.4 (13.8; 29.2) 18.8 ± 3.2 (13.8; 24.7) Δ = −0.2 (−2.4; 1.8)
PA (%) 11 (55%) 18 (86%) P = 0.1
DM (%) 3 (15%) 5 (24%) P = 0.8

Results are presented as mean ± SD (range). Differences are calculated as intervention group—control group. Δ, mean difference; BMI, body mass index; PA,
Chronic pulmonary infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa; DM, diabetes mellitus.

reduction of 0.9 lung volume turnovers) on the group level. To assess knowledge these effects are not described in classical chest
whether the suspected effect of HFCWO on the LCI is also clinically physiotherapy.
relevant we calculated the CR of the LCI and the FRCMBW for the two At the individual level, the treatment response in our study was
consecutive baseline tests (first MBW run): in physiological tests the heterogeneous as 15 patients showed a decrease in LCI and five
CR reflects the 95% range of technical and physiological variability. If patients showed an increase in LCI. The heterogeneous treatment
the treatment effect exceeds the CR, the treatment effect is response may be explained by several factors that alter direction and
considered clinically relevant. In our study the majority of cases degree of change in LCI in individuals: airway mucus plugging can lead
(15 of 20) in the intervention-group did not show a clinically relevant to non-ventilated areas in the lung. These areas do not contribute to
treatment effect. In 5 of 20 patients the difference in LCI (post the baseline LCI; if physiotherapy causes mucus movements, non-
intervention LCI—baseline LCI) exceeded the CR (2.15), what indicates ventilated areas may get re-ventilated. The inherent ventilation
a clinically relevant treatment response in these cases only (Table 3, inhomogeneity of the re-ventilated areas is added to the overall
Fig. 2). We did not observe a statistically significant or clinically ventilation inhomogeneity and thus increases the LCI.33 Bannier et al34
relevant effect in the control group patients. Our findings suggest that have shown that chest physiotherapy has regional varying effects on
a single treatment with HFCWO can result in a decrease of the LCI in ventilation inhomogeneity in hyperpolarized helium three magnetic
CF patients. To address the question if the supposed effect of HFCWO resonance imaging of the lung. As the LCI is a parameter of overall
on the LCI indicates a real treatment effect, mechanisms how chest ventilation inhomogeneity, the locally varying effects of chest
physiotherapy may alter the LCI should be considered. physiotherapy on ventilation inhomogeneity may offset each other.
The following factors can contribute to an LCI decrease after chest Chest physiotherapy with HFCWO possibly decreases the end-
physiotherapy: if chest physiotherapy removes secretions from the expiratory lung volume (FRC) due to repetitive compressions of the
airways, this likely enhances gas washout, which leads to a decrease of thorax.35 Because the LCI is calculated by dividing the lung volume
the LCI. The type of chest physiotherapy possibly impacts changes of turnovers by the FRC, a reduction of the FRC conceivably leads to an
the LCI: physiotherapy with oscillating techniques like HFCWO increase in LCI. In two cases from the intervention group, a reduction
reduces sputum viscoelasticity in CF patients and increases of FRC was associated with an increase in LCI, while in eight cases a
mucociliary clearance in the peripheral airways.18 This can result in reduction of FRC was associated with a decrease in LCI (Table 4).
improved peripheral mucociliary clearance and thus improve ventila- Although we did not observe a significant change in FRCMBW after the
tion inhomogeneity, which is reflected by a decreased LCI. To our intervention (Table 3), these mechanisms possibly contribute to

TABLE 2 Results of baseline lung function tests

Intervention group (n = 20) Control group (n = 21) Mean difference (95%CI) P-value
FVC (l) 2.85 ± 1.1 (1.21; 5.34) 3.08 ± 1.3 (0.96; 5.38) −0.2 (−1.0; 0.5) P = 0.53
FVC% pr 69.2 ± 15.1 (41; 95) 74.3 ± 22.3 (35; 134) −5.2 (−17.3; 6.9) P = 0.39
FVC z-score −2.72 ± 1.38 (−5.0; −0.56) −2.31 ± 1.81 (−6.1; 1.75) 0.4 (−0.6; 1.5) P = 0.41
FEV1 (l) 1.69 ± 0.8 (0.64; 3.66) 2.02 ± 1.1 (0.6; 4.3) −0.3 (−0.9; 0.3) P = 0.27
FEV1% pr 50.87 ± 15.7 (29; 81) 57.36 ± 19.9 (25; 105) −6.5 (−17.8; 4.9) P = 0.25
FEV1 z-score −4.19 ± 1.14 (−5.55; −2.1) −3.55 ± 1.64 (−6.18; 0.12) 0.7 (−0.3; 1.7) P = 0.14
LCIbaseline 11.8 (8.81; 19.28) 11.8 (7.06; 15.04) 0.0 P = 0.87

For LCIbaseline the median (range) is given, all other results are presented as mean ± SD (range). Differences are calculated as intervention group—control
group; FVC, forced vital capacity; l, liter; FVC% pr, percent predicted forced vital capacity; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 s; FEV1% pr, percent predicted
forced expiratory volume in 1 s; LCI, lung clearance index
| 629

TABLE 3 Multiple-breath washout response

Baseline Post Median diff. Δ > CR Increase n
(range/IQR) CR ICC (95%CI) (range/IQR) (range/IQR) P n (%) (%)
LCIIG 11.8 2.15 0.94 (0.84; 0.98) 11.1 0.93 0.002 5 (25%) 15 (75%)/
(8.81; 19.28/ (8.15; 17.80/ (−0.45; 3.47/ 5 (25%)
10.50; 16.35) 9.34; 14.54) −0.04; 2.36)
FRCMBW_IG (liters) 2.0 0.43 0.98 (0.95; 0.99) 1.8 0.01 0.881 1 (5%) 10 (50%)/
(0.84; 4.28/ (0.89; 4.20/ (−0.45; 0.44/ 10 (50%)
1.47; 2.40) 1.44; 2.40) −0.14; 0.13)
LCICG 11.8 2.24 0.81 (0.53; 0.92) 12.3 0.34 0.639 0 (0%) 11 (52%)/
(7.06; 15.04/ (7.59; 15.16/ (−2.14; 2.12/ 10 (48%)
10.38; 13.65) 9.63; 13.05) −0.81; 0.95)
FRCMBW_CG (liters) 2.1 0.31 0.99 (0.97; 1.00) 2.1 −0.02 0.476 1 (5%) 12 (57%)/
(0.85; 3.53/ (0.87; 3.75/ (−0.69; 0.27/ 9 (43%)
1.55; 2.48) 1.31; 2.35) −0.17; 0.10)

CR and ICC relate to the baseline MBW tests. IQR, interquartile range; CR, coefficient of repeatability; ICC, interclass correlation coefficient; LCI, lung
clearance index; FRCMBW, functional residual capacity assessed by multiple-breath washout; IG, intervention group; CG, control group; Δ > CR, number of
subjects, in whom the change between baseline and post values exceeds the CR.

variable effects on direction and quantity of LCI changes. In summary, washout technique with a double tracer gas was applied and
HFCWO can have a decreasing effect on the LCI and we suggest that parameters using slope III analyses were used as endpoints. Two
this effect is reversed to a varying degree by physiological and studies have reported no significant short-term treatment effect of
technical factors, resulting in a heterogeneous treatment response. physiotherapy on LCI.13,15 Fuchs et al.13 investigated the short-term
The treatment response cannot definitively be regarded as a short- treatment effect of classical chest physiotherapy on the LCI in a group
term treatment effect of chest physiotherapy on ventilation of 19 CF patients. The study of Pfleger et al15 included CF patients
inhomogeneity. with a wide range of age and lung disease severity in stable clinical
The CR in our study was higher compared to other studies (see condition. Chest physiotherapy was performed with PEP mask after
Singer et al: intra-test CR = 1.036), which limits the value of the LCI as a inhalation of salbutamol and showed a heterogeneous effect on study
surrogate to detect short-term treatment effects in our cohort. The endpoints. The variations in patient cohorts, types of chest
composition of the study cohort (subjects with advanced lung disease physiotherapy and study protocols likely contributed to the different
suffering from infective exacerbation) may have contributed to the short-term effects on parameters of MBW in these studies.
increased CR. Our study has some limitations: despite the calculated power of
Studies that report short-term treatment effects of chest >90%, it included a relatively small number of patients (n = 41).
physiotherapy are rare and show conflicting results. Abbas et al14 Furthermore, a cross over design might have been more appropriate
showed a significant and clinically relevant treatment effect of a single to compare short-term treatment effects: although both the interven-
intervention with standard airway clearance techniques plus bron- tion group and the control group did not differ in baseline parameters,
chodilator therapy in CF patients. In their study a tidal single breath we cannot exclude that differences in the groups may have affected the
results. We preferred a parallel group design because the patients had to
undergo a time consuming and strenuous test protocol with a minimum
of four MBW tests, each lasting up to 30 min as well as 30 min for chest
physiotherapy and additional time for spirometry. Furthermore, our
study was not designed to test the duration of the effect of HFCWO on
the LCI; thus, we cannot recommend a specific interval between chest
physiotherapy and MBW. A strength of our study relates to the inclusion
criteria that were selected to maximize the effect of a single

TABLE 4 FRC/LCI increase/decrease

Intervention group (n) Control group (n)


LCI ↓ 8 7 8 3

LCI ↑ 2 3 4 6
F I G UR E 2 Lung clearance index (LCI) before and after treatment
with high-frequency chest wall oscillation (HFCWO)/non- LCI, lung clearance index; FRC, functional residual capacity measured by
intervention for each study participant multiple breath washout lung function.

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13. Fuchs SI, Toussaint S, Edlhaimb B, Ballmann M, Gappa M. Short-
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS response of airway clearance assessed by single-breath washout in
The authors thank the WTZ Research Support Service (supported in children with cystic fibrosis. J Cyst Fibros. 2013;12:567–574.

part by the Deutsche Krebshilfe Comprehensive Cancer Centre 15. Pfleger A, Steinbacher M, Schwantzer G, Weinhandl E, Wagner M,
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Heymut Omran, Muenster, Germany) for commenting on and editing
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the manuscript. We thank Nadine Kordt and Manuela Groch-Seidler
16. Fuchs HJ, Borowitz DS, Christiansen DH, et al. Effect of aerosolized
for their excellent work regarding lung function testing and data recombinant human DNase on exacerbations of respiratory symp-
collection. We thank all patients that participated in this study. toms and on pulmonary function in patients with cystic fibrosis. The
Pulmozyme Study Group. N Engl J Med. 1994;331:637–642.
17. Subbarao P, Lu Z, Kowalik K, et al. Changes in multiple breath washout
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