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(cSlnl1_y& $/c,}~I
GJrtl & 'ltlo~tl/Jin• Xu,

Corrrlrht, 191~. A.G. SpalJlo,: ,'I.- Rr.,~ "pt ay.Ball"

Page Page Page
Backstops, T ennis 40 Gut Preservative, Tennis 40 Poles, Vaulting . 47 Spikes-
Bags- Guy Ropes and Pegs 41 Posts, Tennis 41 Base Ball 26
Bat. 25 Protectors- Standards-
Bathing Suit • 35 Hammers, Athletic 47 Knee 48 Vaulting 47
Hand Balls 48 Abdomen 25 Straps-
T ennis
Uniform. ~ Handle Cover, Rubber 40 Base Ball Body 25 Base Ball 26
Balls Harness for3.LeggedRace47 Thumb . 44 For Three-Legged Race 47
Base 3-5 Hats, University 31 Pulleys and Axle, Tennis 41 Starters' Pistol 47
Basket 44 How to Order Uniforms 29 Pushers, Chamois . 46 Steel Cable, Tennis Net 40
Hand 48 Hurdles 47
48 Stop Boards
Indoor 48 Indoor Base Balls 48 47
Medicine 48 Racket Covers . 40 Suits-
Playground 48 Javelin 47 Rackets, Lawn Tennis 38, 39 Bathing . 35
Tenms 40 Jerseys 36 Racket Presses . 40 Running 45
Volley 48 Knee Protectors 48 Rackets Restrung 40 Swimming 35
Bandages, Elastic 34 Reels for Tennis Posts 41 Supporters-
Bases- Lanes for Sprints 47 Referees' Whistle . 44, 47 Ankle 34
Base Ball 26 Leg Guards, Base Ball 25 Wrist 34
Indoor 48 Lctters- Sacks, for Sack Racing 47 Suspensories 34
Bathing Suits 35 Embroidered . 31 Score Books 26, 40, 44 Sweaters 37
Bats- Felt 32 Scoring T rec 41
Base Ball 6-11 Liniment, Athletic 34 Seven-Foot Circle 47 Tablet, Scoring . 26
Indoor . 48 Shirts- T ake-Olf Board 47
Batting Cage 26 Markers, Tennis 41 Athletic . 45 Tapes-
34 Masks, Base Ball 24 Base Ball 27 Marking, Tennis • 41
Belts . Medicine Balls 48 Rubber . 30 Measuring . 41,47
Caps- Megaphones 48 Shoe Oil 46 Rubber,Adhf'.sive,Tennis 40
Base Ball 30 Mitts- Shoes- Tennis Posts 41
University 31 Base Ball 12- 19 Acrobatic 43 Tether T enms . 41
Water Polo 35 Hand Ball 48 Base Ball 33 Thumb Prote..:tor 44
Center Forks, Iron 40 Monograms . 31, 32 Basket Ball, Canvas Top 43 Tights, Athletic . 45
Center Straps, Canvas 40 Bowling. . . 43 Toe Boards 47
Collars, Inlaid 27 N ets- 40 Canvas, Rubber Sole 43 Trousers, Y. M. C. A. 45
46 Tennis Cross Country 46 Trunks-
Corks, Running Volley Ball 48
Cross Bars. 47 Numbers, Competitors 47 Fencing . 43 Bathing . 35
47 Gymnasium 43 Velvet 45
Discus, Olympic P ants- Jumping 46 Worsted . 35
Emblems . 31, 32 Base Ball 27 Outing . 42
Boys' Knee 45 Runn~g 46 Umpire Indicator 26
F elt Letters . 31, 32 Running . 45 Squash . 42 Uniforms, Base Ball 28, 29
Flags- Y. M. C. A. 45 Tennis 42
College 32 Pennants, College 32 Walking. 46 Vaulting Board . 47
26 Pistol, Starters' . 47 Shot- Volley Balls 48
Glasses, Sun
Gloves- Plates- Athletic . 47 W atches, Stop . 47
Base Ball . 20-23 Home 26 Indoor 47 Water Wings . 35
Hand Ball 48 Marking, Tennis 41 Sleeves, Rubber 3o Weights, 56-lb . 47
Softener 26 Pitchers' Box . 26 Sliding Pad 30 Whistles, Referees' 44,47
Goals, Basket Ball 44 Shoe 26 Slippers, Bathing 35
Grips, Athletic . 46 Toe 26 Socks, Tennis 33 Y. M. C. A. Pants 45
MDintain their own houae• for diatributing the Spalding Complete Line of Athlellc CooJ~ in the following citiea:
Downtown 28-30 S. Wabaah Ave. 110 E ...t Baltimore St. 345 Waahin1rton Street
Uptown-520 Fifth Ave. 415 North Seventh St, 613 14th St., N. W . 27 Eaat 2nd S~uth St
845 Broad Street 1120 Grand Av~. 119 Eaat Fifth ·Avenue SEATTLE, WASH.
141 F ederal Stl'eet 254 Woodward Avenue CLEVELAND, 0. DENVER, COL.
PHILADELPHIA, PA. MILWAUKEE, WIS. 741 Euclid Ave. 0 1616 Arapahoe Street
1210 Cbeatnut Street 379 Eut Water Street COLUMBUS, 0 . MINNEAPOLIS MINN
PITTSBURGH, PA. INDJANAPOUSi INJ?. 191 South Hi11h Street 44 Seventh 'st., So~th
608 Wood Street 136 N. Pennay van,a St. LOUISVILLE, KY. ST. PAUL. MINN
BUFFALO, N. Y. NEW ORLEANS, LA. 328 Weat Jefferson SL 386 M' ·
611 Main Street 140 Carondelet Street •nneaota Street
357 So. Warren Street 1503 Commerce Street 156•158 Geary street 443 St. Jamea Street
40 Clinton Ave., North 74 N. Broad Street 435 South Spring Street 207 Yon1re Street
Weal End Branch: 29, Haymarket, S. W . 204 Clarence Street 4, Oxford Street and 1, Lower Moaley St
78,Cheapaide,E.C. 317-318, HighHolborn, W.C. EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND •
35 /o~~;~d~~fl~!crnes 3 South Charlotte St. (Cor, Prince•
GLASG?W, S~OTLAND, 68 Buchanan St

Communicationa directed to A. G. SPALDING & BROS., nt aey of the above addre,sca, will receive prompt attention, •
~JP)taillcdlfilnli Ailhlll@ificc <G@@cdl~

T HIS is our Spring and Summer Catalogue, containing Cuts, Descriptions and Prices of Spalding Athletic
Equipment for seasonable Athletic Sports, as noted in Index on opposite page. We issue special Cata-
logues listing other Athletic and Exercising Equipment as noted below, not shown in this catalogue, and
copies will be sent on request to any address.

OMPLETE EQUIPMENT for Fall and Winter Athletic Sports, with Cuts, Descriptions and Prices, will be
C found in our Fall and Winter Catalogue, copy of which will be sent free on request to anyone. Write
to our nearest store, see list on opposite page, if interested in any of the following;

W E special
manufacture complete equipment for ALL ATHLETIC SPORTS. Prompt attention will bo irivcn to inquiries rcaardina
good, or concernina anything in athletic equipment not shown in our cataloirucs.


an article b earing the SPALDING TRADE-MARK•
that such article will give satisfaction
stores located in practically every town of any si~e
in the United States, and at our various stores, hat and a reasonable amount of service
of which we give on cover page of this catalogue. when u sed for the purpose for which
We prefer that you patronize your local d eal er, it was intended and under ordinary
but we will furnish our goods direct to consumers conditions and fair treatment.
where they cannot be obtained or will n~t. b e
furnished by the local dealer under the conditions WE AGREE to repair or replace, free of charge,
named below. nny such article which proves defective in mate-
rial or workmanship where subjected to fair
PRICES ON SPALDING TRADE MARKED treatment: PROVIDED, such defective article is
GOODS are baaed entirely upon the coat of
returned to u s, transportation prepaid, within
manufacture with a reasonable manufacturer's
profit, and a' reasonable profit to the retail d ealer thirty days after purchase (except where other-
added. Sales are made at catalogue prices, ex~opt wise stipulated on special guarantee tag attached
that for special orders by express or distant pomta, to certain articles) and accompanied by a letter
the retail dealer is justified in asking a reasonable from the user giving his name and addreaa, and
amount in excess of our catalogue price• to cover explaining the claim.
expreaa and other charges.

OODS OF RERS y be offered at prices leu than those quoted in our catalo1ruc, but only by
G _..,_ OTHllER MANUFACTU . h ~ietic aooda of equal quality at a le.a■ price.
d eirraumir qua ty. No one can furn 11 a
co.-v"IQMT. , . , •• ■v A , a . . . . ALDINQ A. ■ Ro•.

Preaident Chicago "White Sox" YI.ho led the Firat ~ound the Gove rnor of Pennaylvania; Manager New York "Cianta," National
Ame rican League Wo rld Tour of Preaident National League; a nd League Champions, 1911·12·13
Baae Ball ,PJayero, 1888·89 a ,Player on the Spalding Tour
First Round the World Tour, 1888-89
The first party of ball players to encircle the globe was organized by
Mr. A.G. Spalding in 1888, and consisted o~ his Chicago National
League club and a selected All America team. The teams sailed from
San Francisco in October, and stopped at H awaii, New Zealo.nd
Australia,Ceylon, Egypt, Italy, F ranee, England, Scotland and Ireland'
ending at New York in March, 1889, with a great banquet. •

Callahan Speaker BASE BALL-THE GAME Doyle Wiltse

Knowing America and the American character, who
can doubt that if a National Game had not been devel.
oped by such events and under such circumstances as
have brought Base Ball to what it is today, the outdoor
athletic sport par excellence, we would still have had for
the encouragement of healthful outdoor exercise in our
youth-and the recreation and amusement of the populace
as a whole Base Ball. The game for the American
Crawford Schaefer People had to be Base Ball; none other would have satis- Me rkle Thbrpe
fied their ever-changing moods, activities and conditions.
The Base Ball of yesterday was local in its character,
the relaxation of an idle hour or two, the diversion of a
country town; today a Nation's best in every walk of
life swings with the changing fortunes of its favorite
team; tomorrow but who can tell~ The contests we
may be watching a decade hence will thrill not America
only, nor will the Stars and Stripes wave alone over the
Blau Scott stadium where breathless tens of thousands will watch Doo lan D11nl1n
the contest between the champions of not one nation,
but of many, Then indee d the term "World's Cham.
pions" will be a fitting Lille.
Second Round the World Tour, 1913 -14 " ,,
I ,
Lober I H earne
~ .. ..-
.... t;.~
rCl " .
\, ...,..~,
•c '""" ::!.

In 1913 Mano.fter McGraw of the New York Giants and Prhid.Alf

Egan Weaver Comiskey of the Chicago White Sox orgenized two teerns-t e Lee Magee W,neo
Nntional nnd All American teams
-to go around the world. The
tel\ms left Cincinnati on October
18, plaving en route in leadingcitiee
to the Paci tic coast and sailing fTom
Victoria. B. C., on November! 9 di-
r~ct for Japan, games being sched-
uled in the following countries:
opan, China. Philippines, Austra-
{ia, Ceylon, Egypt, Italy, France
Germany England, Scotland nn<1
Evan• Da ly Ireland: disbanding in New York. S her,dan and Kle m, Ump1 re1 Faber



N ~fc Il 1Tilc&Il L ~ c& g\\11 ;;ti::IBs ~nn
(Q) (e;
Patente<t AU,tUII al, 1909

Ofliciat · ''(J//ic,'al
9/ationalo[eague JICO. u . G ",\,l'. Qrj::
Cork Concar, Pat•d AUk,. 31.o9
,\ :r
9'/at.:,,Ceague"fr. •ro . u • _,,.T OFF.


1"he Only tenu1nec~NTERFEITS Spal in ... • • ....... T E OF Cou
Nat·heOn11' Gt nu1nNTE~FEITs Spa! I ..•••.;....
as ldopf vnlciel I••·
The N .ed •nd IISod1;111e &att, enter Datt1ona1 L e Offlel;i1
abonal L :~~i~!':uc~•. t1~~~~e Jr.
0 e,rter
~lat•ssJ011a1 Base B eague cor :.i
oCPled ~~•t N:i/0 ,z~-and~io':.ctept
lubs h Used ti,, ~Ue '"-1 , to cor
as tills ~•v1111u ill Clubs .sine ' as lhb~f, the Nat~ IISll(j.
Y., lb o11 each l~be~
•• ~
ona111,.. on l le~ue

§p!hlldln 1mg (0) fficn!hll

No. 1. Adopted by The National League i~ 1878 on? iii
the only boll used in Chnmpionship games smce that llm~
and, as made now with Patent Cork Center, hos . been
aJopted for twenty years more, mnking a total adoption -~~ N !h~IlOIID!hll lf'eag~el)I) JJ !fo ]Rall.ll
fifty.four years. This ball has the SPALDING "PATENT Rel', U. $. Pa t . OIT.
CORK CENTER, the same as used since August 1, 1910, PATENT CORK CENTER. Patented August 31, 1909
without change in size of cork or construction. Sa~e ball ex-
actly as used in World Series Games Made with horse hide cover and in every respect, includ-
of 1910, 1911, 1912 and 19l3. ~ch ball ing patent cork center, same as our "Official National
wrapped in tinfoil, packed m a sep- League" ~t 1M:) Ball No. 1, except slightly smaller in size.
ara te b ox, a nd sealed in accordance
I . Especially designed for junior clubs (composed of boys
with the latest League regu ations.
under 16 years of age) and al.I games in which this ball is
Warranted to last a full game_ ~hen
used under ordinary cond1t1ons. used will be recognized as legal games. Warra~ted to last
Each, $1.25 Dozen, $15.00 a full game when used qnder ordinary conditions.
Rc11. U. S. Put. Oil.
Jr. , , Each, $1.00
SJP) c&ll<d1 ii~ g 1Le<Bl[g\U\.(e IB>~nn

T HIS b all is wound in the sam e m anne r a n d w ith the same yarn as the S p a lding " Officia l Nationa l L eague " Cork Center
~ a ll. O u r exclu sive m eth o d of w inding, ensuring a b a ll of the proper d e gree o f elasticity, and on e tha t w ill h old
its s h a p e a nd r emain lively through a n entire game, is a feature tha t cannot b e duplicated b y an y oth e r manu -
fac turer, while o ur lo n g exp erience (nearly forty y e ars no w) in b ase b a ll m anufacture e nables u s to p rocu re a more
partic ula r selectio n of h orse h ide for cove rs than is obta inable b y anyone else. W e are certain, fro m the tests we
h ave m a d e ourselves, a nd from th e opinions we have gotten from p layers th at have used this ball, tha t it is a b solutely
the b est r ubbe r cored base ball on the market. H orse hide cove r , pure Para rubber cente r , wound with b e st all
w ool y arn, double stitched r e d and green . W a rra nte d to last a full gam e whe n u sed under ordinary conditions.

No. 1 RC. Each, $ 1.00. Dozen, $12.00

3paldt'ng League
9louble 8.eam
~ ubber Center Xeague9}all

Sp~Il<dliing l[))o\U\.Ib>Ile § e ~ mm ILce~g'llte JE~Illl

Sewed w ith d ouble seam , re ndering it ~o ubly secure agains t ripp ing. The most dur able b all made. H orse hide
cover, pure Para r ubber center, w oun d with b est a ll-w ool yam. W arran ted to last a full game w he n u sed under ordina ry
conditiona. but usually good for two o r more gam es.
No. O. Each, $1.25. Dozen, $15.00
o •SC. .,.,
,.,oio5vc:~::,Qx eov.,,..

JP..ALD\t,\~ '· . LOI

N o. & 2 No. 83

'l/a~lo11al · .: u/Jlfc cScho,.

.,?(ssoc1at1on fr~.2: o1,,-eaguf!_


No. L4. Horse hide cover, and rubber center wound
with yam. Full size and weight. A very well made
ball. . . • • • . Each, 75c. Dozen, $9.00
No. 82. Horse hide cover\ and pure Para rubber
center wound with best n I wool yam. Slightly
under regulation size. The best rubber cored
Junior size ball made. . • • • . . Ench, 75c. ..l(i~g o/tile
No.2. Horse hide cover; full size ball. Made of care- . '1)/amond
fully selected material; warranted first-dasa quality. ~
Put up in a separate box and sealed. Each, 50c.
No.B3. Well made Junior size ball, with horse hide
cover, and rubber center wound with yam. Splen-
did for general practice by boys teams. En., SOc.
No. 7B. Slightly under regular size. Horse hide
cover and is very lively. Put up in n separnte
box and sealed. . . . . • . . . Each, 25c.
No. 5. This ball ia full eize, made of good material
and horse hide cover. Put up in ll acenrate box
and scaled. . . • . , . . • • . J::ach, 25c.
No. tO. H orse hide cover. Inside is all rubber,
making it the liveliest ball ever offered. Each, 25c,
No. 11. Nearly regulation size and weight. The
beat bnll for the money on the mnrkct'E · ench ball Lively.9]ou~der·
trade-marked. • • • , , . • • .
ach, 1Oc. -~
No. 12, A sood lively bo:ya' size bnll\-.hvo-picce
cover; each ball trnde-marked. • . c.nch, lOc.
No. 13. A irood bounding bnll, boys' size. Beat
~-cent two-piece cover ball on the mnrket. En, Sc.
Indoor and Playground Balls, Bats, e tc.,
liste d on Paao 48

., r:-
oys '.7{ma oys 'J',a

... . ..
.. ~

e ,v, •. ..,";,,,..-f•
• •"· ._,i:,-

I - -.~:~•. •·in, 1
§JP)~Il<dln1mrg (S(SJP il~Y~1r§S) fAh i~ghrf®J?p,~~~hci,~:J~~ m
No. 100, "Players' Autograph" Bats, bearing the signature o t e p ayer m eac case, r f
I d t' b r possess•
every detail. Made from the finest air dried second growth straight grained white ash, dcutTrhom up _anl . 1m . eh, the e
· · qua1·it~e~
ing greater resiliency, density, strength an d .d:1vmg · t h an t h at o f any o the r woo . e spec1a . 1 .6 ms
. . 01 on $ 1.00
Each, s
bats hardens with age and increases the resiliency and dnvmg power of the bat. • · · · j · h d .
Carried in stock in all S palding stores in the followinir Models. M e ntion the name of the P ayer w en or enng.
' , o., Largest and heaviest bat
(except Meyers special
rnodel) used by any professional ball play!'r.
Weiirh ta from Slto 55 ounces. Le ngth 35 m.
_I/ ,t;,~'1~. MODEL
· C7 One of the best I
all around mode ls ever produce d. Medium
I small handle and well distributed striking
surface. Eciually suitable for the full swing
and for the choke style of batting. W e ights
I from 40 to 45 ounces. Length 34 inches.
Well balanced , com.
paratively lightweight, with sufficient ~ood
to give splendid driving power. W eights
from 36 to 40 ounces. L e ngth34½- in,
~ -k · ~

Very small handle, and balanced so that
with a f~l_l. s\Vil)g, t e.rr,ific driving power
reaulta. Weights from ;37 to 41 ounces.
Length 35 inch es.
~(b~~ Sple~d~.P~del,
comparatively small handle, well balan.ccd.
Weights from 40 to 44 oz. Length 35 an.

,w.-11..('! ~ MODEL
· Extra large h cnvy
bat with thick handle. W eights from 4 4 lo
48 ounces. Length 35 inches.

.u Different mod e l from
~~ that formerly used by
Clarke , improved in balance, mode l and
lenirth. W eigftts from 39 to 43 ounces.
Lenf!'th 34½ inch_e_••- - - - - - -- - -
0~-- - 0 ~ MODEL
....,,...,. Short bat, larire
handle, well rounded end. Weight$ from
40 to 44 ounces. Le ngth 32 1~ in,
I . . . AUT_O_G_R_A_P,-H
Short bat, 1m11ll
I Length 32 inches.
handle, but body
quite thick, W ciirhts from 38 to 42 ounces.
__ _ __

I, ~

n ~ T h e smallcst,short-
/ . - . cat and li11htc1t bat
used by any profes.
sional player. Specially adapted to smnll
or liirht m en. W eigh ts from 35 to 39 ouncea.
L e n Rth 31 inches.
\Ve can also supply on apecinl orders Donlin, Onkea, Keeler and Evers Models.
We can aupp)y on special orders Model Bats same as we have made for the most famoua batsmen on National and American League Teams,
BAKER. Philadelphia, American League . • • . • . • Mod el B MEYERS,-1, New York, Nnrional League . . . • Model M
CALLAHAN, Chicago, American League . Model C OLDRIN1.., Philadelphia, American League , . . . . Model 0
DAUBERT, Brooklyn, National League , , , . • . • Model D PASKERT, Phil!\dclphia, N11tional League . . . . • Model p
FLETCHER, New York. National League . . . . . . . Model F SPEAKER, Boston Americnn League . . . ' Model s
HERZOG. New York, Nationnl Lea!{ue . • . . . . . • Model H THOMAS, Philadeiphia, American League . . . . . • Model T
LUDE.RUS, Philadelphia, National L eague . • . . . . Model L WHEAT, Brooklyn, National League . . . : : : : : Model W
The original models from which we have turned bats for the above PJNers we hold at our Bat Factory, making duplicates on spc • 1 d r only
Theae epecial o-rder bats do not bear the Players' Autographs. We require at least two weeks· time for the execution of special 1~ ord:rs ·
SPALDING SPECIAL MODEL BATS. Professional Oil Finish . Not Carried in Stock. • • • • . Ea 0 h $i.oo
Spaldina bats improve with aire if properly cared for. Bats m ade specially to order snould not be used for at least thirt (J;cd ' fter
they are finished, to give ample time for the oiled finish to thoroughly !ha rden. Players should make it a rule to have tw Y ayb• ~ in
reserve at all t imes, o or more a •
I 1
Spalding "All Star" Model Bats
No. 100S. This line for 1914 comprises twelve models specially designed for amateur players and selected from models
of bats used by over five hundred leading batters of various types during the past ten years. The quality of wood used is
the very finest selected second growth Northern ash, air dried and treated as follows: yellow stained, mottled burnt,
car~fully filled, and finished with best grade French polish. • • • • • • • • Each, $ 1.00

-'A lt;STAR - Model SI
--=se1 _:_--

Model 52

- - ~1.L-:.ST-A_B- - Model S4
- -s~

Mode l S10

Model 511

__ =--z_.---- .,.. -=""=-- -SPALDING-

- ,... ~- ~~ ~LL.STAR
s.1 -
Model S 12

Length Weig ht Length Weigh t Length W eight Length Weight
Mode l S1- 31 in. 35to 39 oz. Mo de l 54- 32½ in. 40 to45oz, Model S7- 33 in. 37 to 43 oz. Model S 10-33 in. 37 to 43 o z ,
Mode1S2- 34½ in. 40to45oz. Mode1S5-34 in. 40to44oz. Mode1S8- 34in. 39to44oz. Mode1S11-35in. 42to46oz.
Mode l 53- 31½ in. 38 to42 oz. Mode l S6-33 in. 38to43oz. Model 59-35 in. 40 to 45 oz. Model S12-33 in. 40 to 44 oz,

Spalding Professional Improved Oil Finish Bats

No. 100P. The Spalding Professional Improved Oil Finish as used on this line of bats, is the result of exhaustive experi-
ments and tests conducted in our bat factory, with the assistance of some of the greatest professional players. The models
are unchanged from the line we put out in 1913, th e selection offe:ing, in the opinion of professional p layers w h o use them
exclusively, the most complete assortment of really correct professional models ever put before the base ball public. The
timb er used is identical with that in the "Players' Autograph" and "All Star" m odels. There is nothing better from
which to make base ball bats. ,. • • • , • , Each, $1.00

SPllLDING - Model Pt

p;z ..


~ ~~?4¥-=-= i- Model P4

•- -
Model PS


length W e ight Length W e ight Length Weight Lenirth W eight
Model Pl- 31 in, 35 to 39 oz. Model P4-33 in. 36 to 40 oz. Model P7- 34 in. 39 to43oz. Model Pl0-34 in. 38 to 42 oz.
Model P2- 33 in, 38 to 43 oz. Model P5- 34 in. 40 to 44 oz. Model P8- 34¾ in. 38to43 oz. Mode l Pl 1-35 in. 45 to 50 oz.
Model P3-33 in, 39 to 44 oz, ModelP6-3 5in. 40 to 44 oz, Model P9-34½ in. 40 to45oz. Model P 1 2-3S in. 40 to 4S oz.
PIDYers should have two or more bats in reserve at all times, Bats mnde specially to _orde~ should not be used for at least thirty (30) day■ after tliev
ore finished, to give ample time for the oiled !\Rish to th~roughly hard~n. Spalding high grade bnta improve with aJe if properly cared for, •
See Page 6 for paruculars regardrng bats made specially to order.
Spalding Brown Oil-Tempered Bats
No. 1000. These bats are tempered in h ot oil a nd a fterwards are treated with a special process which darkens and hardens
the su rface and has exactly the same effect as aging from long service. The special treatment these bats are subjected to
m ake them m ~st desi~able fo_r players w ho keep two or three bats in u se continually, as the oil gradually works in and
the b ats kee p 1mprovmg. Lme of models has b een very carefully selected and timber used is exactly the same as in our

" Players' Autograph," "All Star," "Professional Oil Finish," and G old Medal lines. • • • • • . . . Each, $ 1.00

iii: -~~=======--:-ii Mode1D2

0 2---

; Mode1D4


- ModelDG

- o.J
a I

Model D8

Len gth W eight Length W eight Length W ei11ht Len 11th Weight
ModclDl- 3 1 in. 35 to39oz. Mode1D4-33in. 36to40oz. Mode1D7- 34 in. 39to43oz, Modc1D10- 34in, 38 to 42 oz.
Mode l D2- 33 in. 38 t o 43 oz. Model D5-34 in. 40 to 44 oz. Model D8- 34¾ in. 38 to43 oz. Model D11- 35 in. 45 to 50 oz.
Mode l D3- 33 in. 39 t o 44 oz. Mode l D6-35 in. 4 0 to 44 oz. Mode1D9- 34 '.I in. 40 to45oz. Model D12- 35in. 40 to 45 oz.

Spalding Gold Medal Natural Finish Bats

No. J OOG . A b eautiful line of bats in models same as our "Professional Oil Finish," but finished in a high French polish
with no s ta inin g. Tim b er is same as in our "Players' Autograph," "All Star" and other highest quality lines, and models
duplicate in length, w eights, etc., the line of Spalding "Professional Oil Finish" styles, really the most satisfactory assort-
m ent of b ats ev er produced . • . • . . . • • . • • . . . , , , • • · • • . . • • , Each, $1.00
- --
""""..__, •MfDA
N,7,lr;: 1 Model N7

,.a -
Modcl N9

IJT Mode l NI0

Mode l N l l

s&i ~ OLn.hlEDAL
Mode1 N l2

Le th W e i ht Length W eiaht Length W eight Length Weight
Mod I Nl 3t~ 35 to 3, oz Mode l N4- 33 in 36 to 40 oz. Model N7- 34 in. 39 t o 43 oz. Model Nt0 - 3 4 in 38 t o 42 oz.
Mod:I N2= 33 ;n: 38 to43 oz:
M-iel N3- 33 la. 39 to 44 oz.
Mode l NS- 34 ~ : 40 to 44 oz.
Model N6- 35 m. 40 to 44 oz.
M e
!n· ~~ ::
~:=~!ij :i :::
~ je} N l l - 35 45 to 50 oz.
e 12- 35 m. 40 to 4 5 oz.
SPaldin• bat. improve with ase if prop erly cared for. Beta madedapecpiallly to o;;derlo~d -~ot~i ~ih~!~~tO least thirty (30) d"Y• after L'1ey are
&iuahed, to irive a mple time for the oiled linieh to thoroughly har en. ayer• • ou ma _e I a e or more b al$ in reserve nt all timCI•
' See P age 6 for particulare regarding b at• made according to your own model.
B A T s.,
Made of the highest quality, thoroughl_y seasoned second growth ash , specially selected for r esiliency and d riving p ower, n atural yellow oil tempered,
h and finished to a p erfect dead smooth surface, made in twelve simply wonderful models. We have added this line for 19 14 to give o ur custom e rs
what might r eally he termed the " W O RLD SERIES" (Rec. U.S. Pat. Off.) assortment compris[~e" as it does the pick of th e models that h ave actually
won the American League and National League Ch ampionships during the past fe.,; years. We realize that th ey will n ot suit all players, h ut for
those whom they do suit n othing b etter h as been made so far in base hall hats.
No. l00T. Spaldin g G en uin e Oil T empered Bats. (See particulars below). • . . . . . . . . . • Each, $1 .00

M odel T 1


::'.SPAL-DllilG11f Mo de l T3
T~ ~=:...=
--~ ~

l, ~

Model TS

Model T 6

M odelT7

M od el TS

Mo d elT9

Model TlO

M odel Tlt

M odel Tl. Medium larre handle fairly large batting surface, 33 ½ inch ea Model T7. A perfect b ottle shaped bat ; large h andle and hatting sur-
1ong; weight, 36 to 4 ounces ' face beautifully b alanced. 34 inches long ; weight, 43 to 47 ounces.
del T2. Spe!'ial bottle ahap;d hat ; large batting surface, b eautifully Mode l T S. V ery large batting surface; very thick h andle, larse end on
anced. 34 u:iches long; weight, 39 to 43 ounces. handle. Made specially for players wanting an extra large bat ; p er-
M1ode l 1'b3• . Specially designed for use by the Yale base ball team ~£191 3; fectly balanced. 33 inchea long ; weight, 45 to 50 ounces.
arse altmg surface, fairly large h an dle. 35 inches long ; weui;ht, 40 Mode l T9. Large batting surface ; very large grip, ve ry heavy but
to 4·4 ounces. splendidly balanced bat of great power. 33½ inches long; weight,
Model T 4. Very large batting surface, nearly straight taper. to end of 45 to 50 ounces.
handle , and large end on handle. 34½ inches long; weight, 38 to Mod el Tl0. An extra large thick bat, very large h and le. Specially
42 ouncea. desig ned for p layers w ho desire an extra lon g well balanced bat.
Model TS. E:.:tra lar iJe batting surface and decidedly thick handle ; a 36 inches lo~g ; weight, 43 to 47 ounces.
heavy but Wonderfully well b alanced bat. 32½ inches long; weight, Model Tl 1. Very large thick bat, but large h andle to pro duce perfect
44 to 48 ounces. balance. 34 in ches long; weight, 37 to 4 1 ounces.
Model T6.. Medium large h atting surface, )arge handle. 34½ inches Mode l Tl2. Thick lar ge batting surface· extra large thick handle
long; weight, 41 to 45 ounces. perfectly balanced. 35 inches lon g; weight, 40 to 45 ounces. '
Playera should ba'!e two or more bats in reserve at all ~me•~ _Bate made specially to order abo~ld no~ b e used fo.r at least thirty (30) days
after they are finiahed, to give ample time for the oile d fnuah t'! thoroughly J:iarden. Spalding hJgh grade liats improve with •ire if
properly cared for. See Page 6 for particulars r egarding bata made sp ec1ally to order.
I i
No. lOOM. This is an entirely new line special new finish• sp ·a1 t · d I db
French polish . Wood is finest second iirowth Northern ash 's eci~I s am an m ott e
urning; carefully
d · •
fille , an_d finish_ed with best grad e of
.. M.odel~ a re same aa wethhave suppl,ed dunng pnst f cw seasons
on special orders to som e of the most success[ ul college play~r!'and Y sbe as_onedth
we e 11evc 1s 1me w,11 prove one of e m os! p opu1arever put out. Ea., $1.00

-~ ~. SP-ALD'IN
-_ M: 1
Mod el Ml

--- - ---

- --_M-4,- Model M4

Model MS:

Model M6

Model M7

Model MS

M od el Ml. Specially d esigned for those n eeding a small, well balanced M_?d el M7. Specially designed for a powerful, light weight bat. 33
bat. 3 1 inches long ; w eight, 35 to 39 ounces. mchcs long: weight 37 to 43 ounces.
Model M2. Small handle, good b atting surface and reasonably well Mod? l MS. Perfect design. A very popular model. 34 inches long ;
balanced. V cry p owerful for those needing a medium weight bat. weight, 39 lo 44 ounces.
34½ inch es long; weight, 40 to 45 ounces. Mod el M9 . .Small handle, ~edium batting surface. An excellent
M o d e l M3. Extreme bottle n eck, with large b atting surface and medium model. 35 inches _lon_g; weight. 40 to 45 ounces.
h andle. V e ry popular. 3 1½ inches lon g; weight, 38 to 42 ounces. Mod?l MIO. Beautifully balanced. Very desirable. 33 inches long;
Model M4. Modified b ottle n eck, sp ecially d esigned for one of the weight. 37 to 43 ounces.
most popular and successful b atters in p rofessional b ase ball. 32½ M od e l M 11. A long, powerful bat, medium handle, large battinlf aur•
inches long; weight, 40 to 45 ounces. face, and. for a batter who has the strength to awing it a very powerful
Model MS. A powerful bat with good b atting surface1 n early straight bat. 35 inches long· w <;ight. 42 to 46 ouncea. •
taper and very desirable. .34 inches long; weight, 'tOto 44 ouncea. M~dol M~ 2. Large batting aurFncc, lnrgc hondlel and, comporntively
Model M6. Special de!ign. Large thick h andle, larsre b atting surface, hght weight; an excellent bat for many styles o batting. 33 inchc!
but p erfectly balanced. 33 i nches long ; w eight, 38 to 43 ounces. long; weight, 40 to 44 ounces.
No. 1008. V cry dark brown stained, almost b lack, except twelve inches o f th e h andle left perfectly natural, with no finiah except filled and hand-
rubbed s mooth, a nd then b e ginning four inches from end of h andle, five inches of electric tape, wound on bat lo produce perfect non-slip grip.
Made in six sp ecially selected composite models, calculated to take care of v11rious types and atyles of bnttera. . . . . . . • , E11ch, $1.00

Model Bt

Mod el B?

MoJ e l B3


-■ Pt- ModolBS

Mode1 B6

Model 81. 31 in. lonir. Weight, 35to40oz. Model 83, 32½' in. long. W eight, 40 to 44 oz. ModelBS. 34 in. long, W eight 37to41 o:i.
MoclelB2. • 32 in. lonir. Weight, 38 to 43 oz. Model 84. 33 in. lon g. W eish t, 39 to 46 oz. Model B6. 34½ in, lon g, W eiirht: 37 to 4 1 07.,
•Bottle ahapc.
Spe.lclinir bat• improve with age if properly cared for .. Bat! !11ade specially to orde r should not be used for !lt leatt thirty (30) da.l'I'
aft• tit are finiahed \o aive ample time for the oiled fin!1h to thoroughly. harden. Playen should make 1 t a rule t 0 have t-.vo a,
er ey ' more bats m reaerve at all limes.
A C C E P T N 0
§lp)Slll cdlnfil\g "CTTTEF"MEYERS.
and u,,rc' ~:>aeman
1r1r~@<e=Mc:&1rlk lBsc&i§ t:n.a Cham-

~f,,';!'f ~h1~•_;," 10,"r:ha.

Outfitt~d com•
winncrr ot the
Arnt"ne&n Leaaue
Made from the most popular models, in light antique finish.
_J §::-:~ ~ fu...
pion,, 1913,
Outfitted com-
i>lctc, by A.G. 4: Broe.
Packed one dozen in a crate (assorted lengths from 30 lo 3S
inches and w~i~h~ from 36 to 42 ounces), as nearly as J?OS- ~N-
s1ble m the following proportion:
1-30 inch 2 - 33 inch 1- 36 ounce 2-39 ounce
1-31 inch 4 -34 inch 1- 37 ounce 4 -40-41 ounce
2-32 inch 2 -35 inch 2-38 ounce 2 - 41-42 ounce

These lengths and weights are given approximately and as a rule the
shortest lengths will be the lightest weight,.
The Record Bat is esp ecially recommende d for amateur &nd for colleae
and school teams.
No. 75. Spalding Record Bat, plain. . • • . • Each, 75c.
Hold bat properly and strike the ball with the grain. Don't blame the
manufacturer for a break which occurs throuah abu1e or improper u se.

- -~ 7!5-


Gt No. F

~-- No.SOW

- LEAGUE No. 50
- _... 50

--==.._c\J..Y-~~AGUE -==- -=.:::'!;


SPALDING MUSHROOM BAT No. F. l lardwood "Fungo" Bat. 38 inches long, thin
Patented Auaust 1 , 1905 model. Professional oil finish. . . . . . Each, $1.00
special finish. No. SOW. "Willow," light weight, full size bat, plain
No. SOM. Spalding Mushroom Bat, ploin,
. Each, 50c. handle. Each, 50c.
Invaluable as an all around bat.
quality, special No. 50. "League," ash, plain handle. Each, Soc.
No. SOT. Taped " League" ash, extra • Each, 5 0 c. No. 25. "City League," plain handle. 25c.
finish. .
Indoor and
Playlll'Ound SPALDING
Ball Bats ..___::0,- _ '-'---=JUNIOR LEAGUE ~
!!!!ill!I_ :t:::--..:._zSB r _
No. 25B
Liate d on
Page 48
BQ.~f~~EAGU£- ~


No. SOB. "Spalding Junior " Bat. special finish. Specially No. 25B. " Junior League," plain, extra quality ash, spotted
se lected m?dels shape d proportionately to those in our best b urning. • • • . • . • . . . . . Each, 25 c.
grade me n s bats; lengths and weigh ts proper for younger ~o. 1OB. "Boys' League" Bat, good quality ash, var-
players. T he b est junior size bat ever made. Each, 50c. mshed. . . • . . . • . . . . . Each, 10c.
' Spa_lding "The Gia_nt"
Catchers' Mitt
Pa-led Jal\UU}' 2, 1906
No. 11-0. The real "big
bully" ot all catchers' mitts.
Each single one a master-
piece, the kind of mitt that
becomes better and better
seasonafterseason. H eavy
brown leather face spe-
cially shaped ofter leather
has been treated with a
tanners' preparation which
makes it impervious to
moisture and adds greatly
to its durability. leather
!iic~d back end .~pecial
stick-on-the-hand strap-
and-buckle fastening.
Each, $ 10.00
Rea. U. $.Pat.Off.
Mode l Catchers' Mitt
~irJfa'ic~l \,9:f~1~;? t~r~uJ~
28, 1910
King P atent Paddinir
No.11-0 No. 10-0. Patented Mold- No. J 1-0
Face ed Face; and modeled Back
after the ideas of the great-
est base ball catchers in the
country who have tested it
out thoroughly and pro-
nounce it in evecy reapect
the moat perfect Catchers'
Mitt ever put out for the
Profeuional Player. Lea-
ther uaed throughout is
finest eelected brown calr-
akin, picked out particu-
larly for this atyle mitt.
King: Patent felt padding.
Leather lace; leather strap
and braaa buckle fasten-
ing. • • • Each, $8.00
Roa. U. 9. Pat. Off.
Model Catcher', Mitt
King Patent Padding
Perforated Palm
No. 10-0P, Same as
No.10-0, exceptmadewith
apecial patent perforated
palm. • • Each, $8.00
D etaila of Kina Patent Padding
Whll~hn a Kina l'ateo~Paddod Mitt 1, taken entlrdr AJ)l!rl, It
w1 o MlicNl that o naddlns l■ atltthttl to thn fahrfctnttr--
lmlng, 'l'hla 1t,ylo o paddlna adJuotll'. nt I• th~ hn1><>rti1nt
tcalure In t<',ra.rd lo tho Kin• P1,tent Pullt :.ilo pnddlnit holny-
Pb10l~1t"1ly ■ucuro 0,8'Alnat br~ftkln" and ,hfrun1r A!Hl thu ('11&YN'
~un •u< to or talr:e away froO\ tho P'.ftdcllnr• but a waya with
tho a..unnce that ?lh•n ho hu 1Ul(•ht-t tho pa,JJ111i. 1nlu
place It wlll ■1&7 llll'ro.
Calchera' Mitt
Patonted Januan, 2, 1000
No.9-0. Patentl'd Molded
F nee; large model. Leather
throu1hout ia beat obtain-
ablebrowncnlf■kin Mdwe
eclectfortho face only that
which ia perfectly tanned,
because o f the peculinr
stretching and mo 1ding
proceu which enables us 0
toproducea deep 1)0cket"
with no searr,1 or rough
plnces of anl' k ind on the
face, Padded withbeet hair
felt; leather lace; leather
atrap and brau buckle f11s-
teni!"J· Largermodelthan
our No. I0-0. Each, $8.00
Spaldina' Three-and-Out"
Catchers' Mitt-Perforated Palm
Pal Jan. 2. '06: MaN:h 2~, 'lS
No. 9-0P. Patent "Perforated" Palm.
Otherwi,e aa No. 9-0. Each, $8.00
All Style• Made in Ri11hta and Lefta.
When ordering for Left Handed Play.
en Specify " Full Ri11ht."
.. Spalding
Olympic" Catchers' Mitt
Patent"'1 J an. 2. 1906.
No. 8-0. Palm made of the spe-
cial leather that we put out last
seas<;>n in our ''Broken-In"' Base-
men s Mi tt s and Infielders'
C:loves. Controlling our own tan-
ning facilities, we have been able
to p roduce a grade of leather
prepared so that it "holds the
shape," and we have b een able
to u se on this leathe r a special
Preservative, so that no matter
how long the mitt is worn and
whether in dry weather or wet,
sh ape remains same indefinitely.
Leather lace. H and stitched,
f ormed padding. Each, $7.00
"Perfection" Catchers' Mitt
Paten~e!f Pfd~~i. 'Wfb~~~~?l~~ Fox
No. 7-0. Best quality brown calf-
skin. P atent combination shap ed
face and Fox P atent P adding
Pocket, so additional padding
may be inserted after old pad-
ding h as flattened out at h eel.
Extra felt padding SUPElied with
each m itt; leather Ince. I::a .•$6.00
Fox Patent Padding Pocke t
A■ in No. 7-0 .Mitt. (Pa.t. 1'..ob. 20, 1912.)
The opcni_n g of this p ocket Is inside tho
hn.nd portion, right at tho h eel. l t ia not
necea,ary to cut lacinq in order to open
poc;kct to Insert nddiuonal paddlnir, u
end of Ince la 11mply tucked underneath.

Picco of !rJ,~.f~h~l~~O ~,lt~d oxtrn

S pnlding
"Collegiate" Catchers' Mitt
P ntonted Jan, 2, 'OOj nn~ lneludh>K Klna-
l'AL. l 'iu.lohut, 1 nt. J uno 28, ' 10.
No. 6 -0 . Pntented molded fnce.
Special olive colored leother,
perfectly tnnned to en nble us to
produce the n eceeeary "pocket"
on fnce, Kini Patent Felt Pad.
din11, p,.dding may b e ndiuated
rendily. Leatherlnce. En., $5.00
Spaldinir No.OC
No.6-0 "Conqueror" Cntchera'M,tt
Pal, JI\I\URfY 2, 1906; .March 30, 1000.
No. OG. Semi-molde d fnce.
Mnde of spec ial brown cnlf,
bound with b lack lcn,1hct. The
semi-molded face use d in this
mitt is 8 near approach to our
genuine patented molded fnce
nnd provides n well 1hRped
pocket. H and stitched felt pnd•
ding · potent !nee d bock nnd
thumb; lenther lnced: alrop-and-
buckle fnatening. 1lcel of hnncl•
piece felt lined. LcRlher bound
edges. . . . . Each, $5.00
"Lengue Extra" Catchen' Mitt
l'at. J a n. 2, 1006; Nov. 80, IOOO.
No. 5-0. Molded fnce. Specinl ,
tanned buff colored leather, very
soft and pliable, pntent hond
formed felt paddin_fr. Leather
bound edgea. • • Each, $4.00
"OK Mode l" Catch ers' Mitt
No. OK. Semi-molded fnce.
Made wtth brown h orse! hide
face, black leatheraide-piece and
special brown calf back and
finser-piece. F cit padding, spe-
cial hnnd formed and stitched;
bound edges. • • Each, $4.00
All Styles Made in Riaht• and Left•. When Orde~a for Left Handed Players Specify "Full Right."
S palding
" Leader" Catchers' Mitt
No. 2-0. Brown oak tanned
leather face, back and linger•
piece, with black leather aide-
piece and red leather trimming.
Avery well made all leather mitt.
Special felt padding. Leather
lace. . . . . . Each, $3.50
Spalding " League S pecial "
Catchers' Mitt
Patented Jan, 2, 1906.
No. 4 -0. Molded face. Made of
special tanned brown leather;
patent hand formed felt padding;
reinforced and laced at thumb;
patentlaced back; strap• and•
buckle fastening at back. Heel
of hand-piece felt lined. Leather
bound edges. Each, $3,00

S palding
No .2-0 ''DeckerPatent''Catchera'Mitt
No.3-O. Good quality brown oak
tanned leather throughout; pnt•
ent laced back, reinforced and
lacedatthumb; atrap-and-buclde
fastening. So Ie Ien th er linger
protection. . , . Each, $3.50
No, OR. Durable black grain
leather throughout; atrap-nnd-
buckle fostening; reinforced nnd
laced at thumb; patent lnced
bnck. Sole leather finger pro-
tection , . . . Each, $2.50

Sho,.fn,r htaYJI' oolo lrllhH flnir,·• pro,

l(><'tlun\ whf<"h 111 tho ,i1wrlnl ( 1 atur" on
lno Noa 8 0 and Ott MIii•

" Handy" Calchera' Mitt
No. OH. Drnb apecial tanned
horse hide fnce, aide and linll'N•
piece, brown leath.-r bock: black
leather bind mg. Specinl feltpncl.
ding: patent laced bock· laced
and reinforced a t thumb; atrap
and-buckle fastening. Ea., $ 3.00

" lntentat e" Catch ers' Mitt
No. 0 . Professional model aize.
Selected brown grain leather
face,aidesond linger-piece,pearl
grain lenther back; carefully pad-
ded: strap-and -buckle fasten ing;
reinforced and laced a t thumb:
No. OH No.O
patent laced back. Each. $3.00
All Styln Made in Riirh ts and Lefts. Whe n Ordering for Left Handed Players Specify " F II Ri
14 u aht."
• +
S p alding
" Inter-City" Catch ers' Mitt

No, OA. Special larie size.

Made with cowhide face
and finger-:piece, g r een
leather back and black
leather aide-piece. An all
leather mitt, including r ed
leather binding and leather
I ace. Strap.and-buckle
fastening at back: rein-
forced and laced al thumb;
patent laced back.

" Athletic" Catchers' Mitt
No. I S. Large model, men's
aize. Made with smoked
horse hide face and finger•
piece, brown leather side-
piece and back; reinforced
and laced at thumb; patent
I ace d bad:: strap - and -
buckle fast eninl!' at back.
Special style padding,
Each, $2.00

"Semi-Pro" Ca tch ers' Mitt
No. lR. Large modcl 1 men',
size. Made of durable
block leather throughout:
strop - and - buckle fasten-
ing at back; reinforced
and laccdatthumb: patent
laced back. Special atylc
padding. • Each, $ 2.00

l Spa lding
" T rad e Le a11uc"
Catc h.en' Mitt
No. IX. All leather, lnrll'e
mode l mitt for men.
Face und finger-piece b11ff
colored leather with block
leather back nnd ,ide-
piece; lenther bound nnd
lenther lace, atrnp • nncl-
buckle fastening; pntent
!need back, Specinl fdt
paddinll', , Ench , $2.00

S palding
"Back-Stop" Catchers' Mitt
No. IC. urge model, m,-n'•
aize, Good q uality apec111l
gray leather Ince n n d
linger piece; brown leather
aide and bnck: correctly
padded; atrap-and-bucklc
lnstening at bock; r<"1n-
forced and laced nt thumb;
patent laced bnck,
Each, $1.50

S p&ldinll'
"Champion., Catchers' Mitt
No. 10. Black leather face,
back, and finger piece
with brown leather side.
Correctly padded; patent
laced back; laced and
reinforced at thumb.
Strap - and - buckle fasten-
inir: leather lace.
Each, $1.50
AU Stylet Made in Rhrhu and Lefts. When Ordcrinir for Left Handed Players Specify "Full Right."
Spalding "Catche r "
Catchers' Mitt
No. lA. Large model, men's size.
Oak tanned leather face, back and
finger p iece, with black leather side
piece. F ace is reinforced on 011tside
with extra leather palm. Correctly
padded; patent laced b ack and laced
at thumb ; strap -and-buckle fasten-
ing. . . . • . . . Each, $ 1.25
Spalding " Foul Tip"
Catchers' Mitt
No. 2 C. Large model, rnen·i. size
Oak tanned leather throughout. Cor-
rectly padded; reinforced and laced
at thumb; back patent £ull laced
and strap-and-buckle fastening.
Each, $1 .00

Spalding "Asaociation" Catchers' Mitt

No. 2R. Large model, men'• aize. Spec1nl
black s mooth t11nned leather face, back nnd
finirer piece; tan leather aide,i correctly padded;
patent laced bnck nnd lnced at thumb; atrnp
and-buckle fa1tenmg. . , , • Each, $ 1.00
Spalding Spalding
"Amate ur" Catch ers' Mitt " lnteracholastic" Catche rs' Mitt
No. 3 . Large size. Oak tanned leather No. 3R. Large 11ze. Good qunhty bl,,ck
face back and finirer piece. Laced thumb , mooth leather face, b11ck nnd fini::er p iece,
and' patent laced b ack. Correctly padded. with •idea of brown lenther;co, rectlypndded;
E.ach , 75c.
,emforccd nnd !need nt thumb. Ench, 75c

Spalding " Public School" Catchera' Mitt

No. 4. Large aize. Face, finger p iece and back special
b rown onk tanned leather; h eavily padded; r einforced and
laced at thumb. , . . . . Ench, SOc,
Spalding .. Spalding
'8oya Deli1ht" Catcher•' Mitt All Styles Made in Rights and Lefts. When Boys' Choice" Catcher•' Mitt
No. 5. Face and 6n1er piece of 1pecial Ordering for Left Handed Players Specify No. 6. All leather. Brown oak tanned
brown oak tanned lcatheq canva■ back; lehathebr face. Correctly padded• lnced
laced thumb; well padded, Each, 25c. "Full Right." t urn . Each , 25c.
t 1
Reg. U.S. Pat. 011.
IPl>.A§E,MlEN°§ MJ11r1f§
Spaldin g "Stick-on-the-Hand " Model
Basemen's Mitt
Patented AUl<Ust 9, 1910
No. ABX. In this mitt we include two special
features, either of which taken alone should be
sufficient to impress any up-to-date player. The
"Stick-on-the-Hand" construction is entirely n ew
and will prove of wonderful assistance, especially
to first bascmcni besides this the special way in
which we treat the caliskin used in making this
mitt, to aid the player in breaking mitt into shape
to suit himself individually, is another item that
helps to place this mitt in a class by itself. Laced,
except around thumb and heel, leather lace; strap-
af!d-bucklc adjustment at thumb, and !Pedal strap
wtth buckle at back. , . , . . . Each, $5.00

No. ABX- Back

No. ABX-Face

Spalding "First Choice"

Broken-In Model Basemen's Mitt
Pntcntcd Juno 28, 1010; Auiiuat 0, 1010
N AAX "Brok en-In." Made of special lea-
~herpre~ared so that it Ilolds tho Sltapo of our
m itt fitting forms, and we have be~n able to use Spalding "League Special" Model
Spalding "Good Fit" Model on this leather a special P reserv~h".e, so that no Basemen's Mitt
Basemen's Mitt matter h ~w long the glove or mitt 1a worn, and PMrnto,l Au11U•l 0, 1010
Patenltd Au11U•t 9, 1910 whether m dry w eather or w et, the shap e r e• No. BXS. Finest a c I cc t e cl brown calfskin
No. AXX. Finest a e 1e c t e d brown calfskin mains the aame indefinitely. R eady for ~ou !O throughout. bound with brown lf'nther. Lea-
throughout, bound with black leather, Leather ut on and play when you b uy, no breaking m ther l11cing. Leather strap support nt thumb.
1acing. Strap - and - buckle adjustment at ~CCl'SSary. K INGPATENT FELT p AD(?ING, Each, $4.00
thumb. • • • • . • • Each, $4,00 enablin g the player to nrrnngc the padd1i:is. 10
that it will not shi(t_n or break.and p crm1ttmg
the insertion of ad~1t1onal paddm~wh_cn n ec~•-
ary Lnced entuely around mitt, mcludmg
:hu~b L eather lace. Strap reinforcement
at thu~b. . • , • • • • . Each, $5.00

Spaldins "WORLD SERIES" Model Spalding "WORLD SERIES" Model

Rea:. U.S. P~t. 0lt.
Rea:. U.S. Pat, 01\',
Basemen's Mitt
Baaemen'a Mitt Patent od J uno 28, 1910; Aull;U•l 9, 1910
Paten~ Juno 28, 1910; Ausuat o. 1910 No. BXP. Made of finest quality selected calf-
N o. AXP. Finest quality white tanned buck Showinlt Kina: Pat~nt Paddin1r ■tl~hed to fabric, u akin throughout; leather lncing. Leather strap
throughout: leather lacinr. L eath er straP sup• anan1red In No1. AAX, AXP a nd 13X1' mltta. Amount support at thumb. KING PATENT FELT
port at thurnb. KING PATENT f'ELT and poaltlon of paddi~~~:':e~d.iuoted ln any mAnner p ADDING. . . • • . • • Each, $4.00
PADDING. , • • • • • • Each, $4.00
Whe n Ordering for Le ft Handed Players Specify "Full Right"
All Style■ Made in Riahta a nd Le fts,


Potcntcd August 9, 1910 Potcntod Aupt 9, 1910 Patented Au!fllat 9, 1910
No. CO. Very durable olive calfskin No. CX. Face ot specially tanned No. CD. All leather mitt. Special
th roughout, specially treated to 'aid smoke color leather, back of firm tanned brown, with red leath er bind-
player in breaking mitt into shape to tanned brown leather, laced all ing. Leather laced, except at thumb
suit him individually. Padded and around, except at heel ; extra w ell and heel; leather strap support at
leather laced all around, except at heel. padded at wrist and thumb. Strap. thumb. Strap-and-buckle fastening.
Strap -and-buckle fastening. Ea., $3.00 and. buckle fastening. Each, $2.50 Each. $2.50

. CXR .
SPALDJ"G,. ' ·'
Should have a copy of the

1•at. Aull', 9, 1910 (B LACK) l'a1t. Auir. 0, IUIO (BROWN)
No. CXR. Made with black calf- No. CXS. Men's size. Made of spe-
skin face, b lack leather back and 1 cinl tnnnecl brown gmined lenther.
lining. Properly padded; laced Correctly padd e d ; l aced nll
all around,.except at heel. Strap- around, except a t heel. Strap-
and -buckle fastening. Ea., $2.00 and-buckle fastening. Ea., $2.00

Printed in Colors throughout.

l'atcnt•d Auiruot 9. 1910 Potcnt.d AUJl'Uat 9 1910
'No. DX. Men's size. O ak tanned sp ecially selected leather, No. EX. Made of good quality b l~ck smooth leather laced
laced all around, except at h eel. Strap -and -buckle fasten- all a round, except at heel. Suitably padded a d 1•it give
ing. Very eaay fittin g and nicely padded. Each, $1.50 very good service. Strap-and.buckle fastening.n ~. $1.00
All Style■ Made in Riwhu and Lefta. Whe n Orderinw for Left H anded Players S pecify "Full Ri<>ht,.
· 18 .. .
l s
Spalding " League Extra" Pitchers' and
Basemen's Mitt
No. 1 F. Made especially for pitchers, and a very satis-
factory style also for basemen ; in fact, this is the
nearest approach to an all-around base ball mitt that
has ever been put out. Made with face of special
tanned leather, treated with preparation to hold shape
even when it has been wet, and same as used on
leather in faces of our "Broken In" Basemen's Mitt
and "Broken In " Infielders' Glove. Balance of mitt
special brown calfskin. Correctly padded and without
hump. Leather laced all around and at thumb. Strap.
and.buckle fastening. . . . . . . . Each, $3.50

No. IF Back
" League Special" Model
No. 2MF. Very easy and pliable; has finger separations
of leather, and is the best mitt, particularly for out-
fielders, ever made. Brown calfskin face and back;
extra full thumb, with leather web; leather lined.
Each, $3.00

Spalding " Professional " Fielden' Mitt

No. 5MF. Made of specia1ly tanned olive leather, well
padded w11 h fine felt; leather finger separations;
leather lined; full thumb, with leather web. Ea., $2.00

Spalding " Semi-Pro" Fie lden' Mitt

No. 6MF. Made of white tanned buckskin; leather
finger separations; leather lined; large thumb; well Showinir Style of Back on
l\o. lMF padded, and leather web. . . , , , Each, $1.50 :Noe. 2MF, SMF, 6MF and 7MF

Spalding " Amateur " Fielden ' Mitt

No. 7MF. Good quality pearl ~olored lea_ther; leather
fin ger separations; well padded; leather lined; thumb
with leather web. , , , , , , , , Each, $ 1.00

Spalding " Amate ur " Fielden' Mitt

No. sf. Good quality b lack ta~ned smooth leather;
well padded; leather lined; reinforced and laced al
thumb, Strap-and-buckle fastening. Each, $ 1.00

Spalding "League Jr." Fielden' Mitt

N gf Very popular boys' mitt. Made of oak tanned
No, SMF :~o;th leather, well padded ; reinforced and laced al No. 6MF
thumb, . . . . • , • . , , Each, 50c.

No. 7MF No. SF No. 9F

All Style, Made in Right• and Left1. When Ordering for Left Handed Player• Specify " Full Right."
Spalding"Just Right" Infie lders' Glove
Patented March 10, 1908; June 28, 1910
No. VXL. Brown calfskin, specially treated to hclP. player
break glove into shape to suit him individually. Full lcathcr
lined. W cited scams. King Patent Padding, Each, $5.00

Spalding " All-Player s" Infielders' Glove

Patented March 10, 1908 Patented June 28, 1910
No. SXL. "Broken-In" style; specially prepared leather.
Glove needs no breaking in after you purchase it, simply
slip it on and start p)ayins., One of the greatest features
ever included in a base ball glove. Finest quality material
throughout. Full leather lined. Welted seams. King
No.VXL Patent Padding. . • • . • . . . . • Each, $5.00

Spalding "Broke n-In " Infie l d e r s' Gloves- Both Nos. VXL and SXL are made "Broken-In" Style
Our special tanning facilities h ave produced for us, from selected stock, a grade of leather prepared so that it holds the shai,e of our glove
and mitt fitting- forms, indefinitely. This leather not only holds the shape, enabling us to manufacture a glove or mitt already broken in and
ready for the player to wear in a game without any preliminary working into shape, as with ordinary gloves and mitts, but we have been able
to use on it a special Preservative so that no matter how long it is worn, and whether in dry weather or wet, the shape remains the same.


Nos, VXL and B81 Gloves listed on this page are made with King Pa tent Felt Padding,
Gloves shown on this page (except Nos. AA! and SS) include the famous King Patent Padding, making it possible for players to arrange
the amount and position of the padding- to suit their individual ideas. When building up padding around the little finger, the heel and
1 the thumb, special care must be taken not t? extend .
p adding too close to palm of glove, as this would "
materially interfere with the deep pocket, which is an
important feature of these gloves. Nos. SXL, VXL,
BJ3 I and 2W gloves arc made with King Patent Pad-
ding. The whole proce■s of repadding is very simple,
requiring no special skill anc:I only a few minutes' time.
After padding is stitched to the inner fabric just as
much or as little padding being used as the p{ayer may desire\
start to arrange by putting the inner fabric glove on hand and
inserting in to outer or leather g love, working the fingers into
their pr~er places and straightening out the padding in finger• and
palm. Then use a pointed stick to make the inner glove fill out the
fingers of the outer glove fully, li'nishing by lacing inner fabric to outer
glove through eyelets.
An e xtra piece of felt padding is e nclo1ed with each Ki n il' Patent Glove

All Styles made in Riahts and Left,.

W hen Ordering for Left Handed Playen
Specify "Full Right."

No. BBl
Spalding .. WORLD
Spal-d.1ng .. W ORLD SERIES ., S E R IES,,
Ruir. u. s. Pot. Olf. lnfie lder:~ir-ai;;~Olf.
I n fielders' G l ove
Patented March 10, 1908
The Spalding "Leaguer" Patented March 10, 1908; June 28, 1910

PROFESSIO~AL MO D~. . lnfieid...:rs' Glove PR9FESSl~NAL MODEL

No. 881. Finest quality buckskin. This love
No. AAl, Finest quality buckskin1 spec,~lly Patented March I0, 1908 was "'.om by the ffi(!St successful Nationaf and
treated to help plft¥er break glo".c into ah~pe No. SS. This glove was designed by one of American l;-eague infielders during the past
to 1uit him individually. Very little padding, the greatest infielders that ever played base season. It 1s not only a moat carefully con•
and that in just the right place. W cited seams. ball. We might reallY call it a special st~cted g_love, but t~e model. which is of good
Leather lined throughout. O ne of _the m<;>•t "shortstop" glove, altnoug"h it is an all- width and length without being clumsy, is the
popular models ever mad e, eapcc1_ally with around style and is equally suitable for moat popular style we have ever put out. Lea-
profeasional players. Regular padding. any infield player. Best quality buckskin, ther hned th!oughout. W elted seams. King
~ch. $4.00 welted seams and leather lined all through. Patent Padding. . • . . . . Each, $4.00
Each, $4.00
~ l
Spa lding "Professional" Infielders' Glove
Pat. March l0, 1908 Full Leather Lined
N°bfe~Lh Bilkskindduscd in this glove is the finest obtain -
M cl' cav ';/ pa cd around edges and little finger.
a c hcxtra lW ,o n~ to protect the wrisL Leather lined
throug out. cited scams. • • • • • Each, $3.50
Spalding " League Extra" Infielders' Glove
Pat. March l0, 1908 Fu ll Leather Lined
No. RXL, Finest quality black calfskin Material an d
~ork~a~ship highest_ guality througho~t. General dc-
s1gn sunilar to No. PXL. Full leather lined. Welted
scams. • • , , • • • • • • • • • • Each, $3.50
Spalding "Professional" Infielders' Glove
Pat. March 10, 1908 F e lt Lined
No. PX. Finest quality buckskin, same as in our No. P XL
glove. Properly padded accordinit to ideas of some very
promhincnt professional players who prefer felt instead of
lcat er lining. W cited seams. • • . . • Each, $ 3.00


Spalding "League Special " Infielders' Glove

Pat. March 10, 1908 Full Leather Lined
No. XWL. Specially tanned calfskin. Padded with best
quality felt. Made extra long to protect wrist, Highest
quality workmanship throughout. Full leather lined
throughout. Welted scams. . . . . . . Each, $3.00
Spalding " Minor League" Infielders' Glove
Pat. March 10, 1908 anu lncludlna Kina Pat. Folt Paddlna. I'At. Juno 28,1910
Full Leather Lin ed
No 2W. Special quality smoked hone hide. An cx-
hemely durable glove. Profcesionnl model, full leather
lined nnd e_ndding Kinit Pntcnt etylc, as in Noa. SXL~
VXL and HBl !{loves. (See Page 20 for description or
King Patent padding.) Welted acnma. . . Each, $3.00
Spalding " Inter-City" Infielders' Glove
Full Leather Lined
Pat. Mntth 10, 1008
No. 2XR. Black calfakin, specially treated to hcl2_ player
break glove into shape to suit him individually, Thia ia a
erofeasional style glove, made with specially padded little
finger, and leather strap ot thumb; wcltccl scamsi lel\lher
lined throughout, , , . , , , , , , , Each, $2.50
Spalding "League" Infielders' Glove
Full Loather Line d
Pat, Morch 10, 1008
No 2X. Made of specially tanned pearl colored groin leather.
Model some as our special shortstop glove No. SS. \Velted
,coma; leother lined throughout. • , • • • , • Each, $2.50
Spalding " International " Infieldera' Glove
!'At. Mllrch 10, 1008 : Full L eather Lined
No. 2 Y. $pccil\l quality amokcd hone hide; profcaeionnl style, with
pecially ;eadded little finger, 1md leather atrl\p nt thumb; welted
,came. l•ull leather lined throughout. • • . • • Each, $ 2.50
Spalding " Profe aaional Jr." Infielders' Glove
J'at. March 10, 1008 Full Leather Line d
No. PBL. Youths' Profc11ional style. Of 1elcc1cd velvet tanned buck•
skin M11terial, workmanship and style same as No. PXLrncn' a aize No. PBL

g)ove, Leather lined throughout. Welted acams. Each, $ 2.50

All the Glove• describe d on this pa~o ar e made regularly w ith W eb of le ather b etween Thumb
and Firat Fin ger, w~ich can ~ e cut out v ery easily if no t rect_uired . All Spaldin g Infielders'
Gloves are mado with our diverte d aeam (PATENTED MARCH 10, 190 8) b etween fin gel'll
adding conside rable to the durability of the a loves. •
All Stylea Made in Rights and Lefts. When Ordering for Left Handed Players Specify "Full Right."

No. 4X

Spalding "Association" Infielders' G love

No, 4X, Brown leather in this glove is specially treated to
make it very pliable. Popular model ; padded little finger1
and leather strap at thumb. W cited seams and leather lined
throughout . . . . . . . . . . . . . Each, $2.00
Spalding "Semi-Pro" Infielders' Glove
No. 3X. Made of good quality gray buck tanned leather.
Thia is a very large m odel. Correctly padded; welted seams.
Leather lined throughout. • , . • . . . Each, $2.00
Spalding "Am ateur" Infielders' Glove
No. 3XR. Good quality black tanned leather, correctly
padded and extra large thumb; welted seams. Leather lined
throughout. • . . . . . . . • • . • . Each, $2.00
Spalding "Club Sp ecial" Infielders' G love
No. XL. Made of special white tanned leather, correctly SPALDING
padded on professional model; welted seams; full leather
lined. • . , • . • • • . . . , . . . Each, $1.50
Sp a lding "Eithe r H and" Infielders' Glove
No. XLA. Can be worn on either ri15ht or left hand. Special
white tanned leather, correctly padded; welted seams; full ~
leather lined. • . • • . • • • . • . • Each, $1.50
No. XL Spalding "Match" Infielders' Glove
No. 11. Professional style glove; made throughout of special No.XLA
tanned olive colored leather, welted seama; correctly padded;
full leather lined. • . . . . . • . . . . Each, $1.50
Spaldini, "Diamond" Infielders' Glove
No. ML. Special model, very popular. Made of smoked
sh eepskin, properly padded; full leather lined. Each, $1.50
Sp~lding "Practice" Infielders' G love
No. XS. Made of good quality velvet tanned leather- w ell
finished; welted seams; inside hump; full leather lined.
Each, $1.25
Spalding "Regulation" Infielders' Glove- Brown
No. 15. Men's size glove. Brown tanned leather, correctly
padded; welted seams; palm leather lined. Each, $1.00
Spalding "Regulation" lnfieldcn' G love- B lack
No. 15R. Men's size. Made of good quality black tanned
leather, padded; with inside hump; palm leather lined.
Each, $1.00
All Styles Made in Righu and Left.. When Ordering for
Left Handed Players Sp ecify "Full Right,"
A ll the gloves on this page are made with web of leather be-
tween thumb and first finger, which can be cut out very easily
if not required. A ll Se.aiding Infielders' Gloves are m ade
No. 11 with diverted seam (Patented March I 0, 1908) between
lingers, adding considerably to the durability of the glove. No. ML


22 ······t .


Spalding "Mascot" 1nfielders' Glove Spalding "Boys' Special" Glove
L eather Lined Full Leather Lined
No. 10. Men's size tdove. Olive ta~ned leath er, properly padded and No. XB. Boys' professional style; good quality special tanned white
very popular model; palm leatherlmed. . • . . . • Each, $1.00 leather, welted seams; leather lined throughout. • . . Each. $1 .00
Spalding Infielders' Glove Spalding "Public School" Glove
Leather Lined Leather Lined
No. X . Men'a size. Oak tanned brown leather, professional model,
with leather strap at thumb; correctly padded; welted seams and N<;>. ~2. Full size, white chr<;>mc tanned leather, corrcctll_ padded;
leatherlined. • . . . . . . . • . • . • . • • Each, $1.00 ms,de hump; palm leather !med. . • . . • . • • • t::.ach, 75c.

Spalding "League Jr." G love Spalding '' Interscholastic" Infielders' Glove
Leather Lined Leather Lined
No. 12R . Full size. Special black tanned leather. lightly padded, but No. 13. Youths' size. Oak tnnned brown leather, professional model
extra long; palm leather lined; welted scams; inside hump. Each, 75c. with lel\lher web at thumb; correctly padded; welted seams and
lentherlined, • • , , . • . , . . . . . • . . Each, 75c.
Spalding "Junior" Glove Spalding "Star" Glove
Leather Lined Leather Lined
No. 16. Full aize; white chrome tanned leather, lightly padded, but No. 16W. Full size; white chrome tanned leather; welted scams; cor•
extra long; palm leather lined. • • • , • • • • • , Each, 50c. rectly padded; palm leather lined. , , , • . . • • Each, 50c.

Spalding "Boya' Amateur" G love Spalding " Boys' Own,. Glove

Leather Lined Leather Lined
N o. 14
l • Youths' professional style; special tanned white leather, cC>r• No. 18. Macie of oak tanned leather, correctly padded, with inside
rect Y padded and inside hump; palm leather lined, • , Each, SOc. hump; palm leather lined. , • • . • , . • . • • , Each, 25c.
Spalding "Youths'" Glove Spalding '' Boya' Favorite" Glove
Leather Lined Leather Lined
N<;>, 1_7. ~ood •ize, special brr,,..n amooth tanned leather, nice}y padded: No_. 20. Oak tanned leather and properly padded: palm leather
ms1de ump; palm leather lined. • • • • • . • • . t::.ach, 50c. lmed. . • • . , . • • , • • • • • • , • Each, 25c.
All Styles Made in Rights and Lefts. When Ordering for Left Handed Players Specify " Full Right,,,

No. 5-0


No. 0-X No.OXB 'No. A lio. 8 No.C

§)P>~ll<dliill'llg "WO!~~s. ~~o~ES" <O)P>ell'll Vnsno!Th
§)P>e<en~Il W ell<clle«Il Ifrrame Mask
Patented December 19, 1911; January 30, 1912.
No. 10.0W. Special welded frame, induding wire ear guard and circular opening in front. This mask includes the heat feature, of mask manu•
facture that have come to us during the m any years since we put out the firat really practical base ball catchers' mask. Weight is ns l!ftht as con-
aistent with absolute aafety; padding made to conform to the face with comfort. . • . . • . . . . . , . • • • • . J::.ach, $5.00

S)P>allcdlnll'llg Oic>ell'll Vnsnoll'll §ic>ecnalllly §oll«Ilere<dl lFll"~me Mask

Patented December 19, 1911; January 30, 1912.
No. 8-0. H eavily padded, specially soldered and reinforced frame of higheat quality special steel wire1 with exti·a heavy black finish. Carefully
reinforced with hard solder at joining P.Oints to insure positive safety. Thia feature of maximum atrength, together with our patented opcm vision
the greatcat improvement in base hall masks since their introduction, has tho special endorsement of the rrcntest catcher■ in the Nntional and
American Leag ues, who have been using thcae masks aince we put them out for trial during early part of 191 aeaeon , • . , • • EAch, $5.00

Spalding No. 6 -0. Each cro■aing of the wires very heavily Spalding No. 2-0. Extrn heavy be~t black annealed ateel
"Special soldered. Extra heavy wire frame, black finished · "Re 11ulation w ire. Full length aide pads of improved design
Solder ed" continuous style padding with soft chin-pad i apecial Leall\,le" 11nd aoft forehead 11nd chin-pad; apeci11l elasti~
elastic head-hand. . . . . . . . Each, $4.00 h e11d-b11nd. • • • •• • • • • . • Ench, $2.00
Spalding No. 5-0. Open viaion frame. Has neck protecting Spalding No, 0-X. Men'a size. H eavy aoft nnnenled ateel
Open Vision attachment and a apecial ear protection : nicely "Reirula tion wire, finished in bl11ck. Improved lenthcr covered
Umpires' padded. Safest and moat convenient. E11ch, $5.00 Leall\,le " pnds, including forehen<l pnd, and molded leather
chin-atrap. Specinl elnatic hend-band. Each, $1 .50
Spalding No. 4 -0 . With p11tent molded leather sun-ahade, Spalding
"SunProtectinir'' protecting the eye■ without obstructing the view, "Reirulation No, OXB. Beat youtha' m88k. Black fini8h 10ft
Made throughout of fineat steel wire, extra h envy League" nnnealed Bteel '".ire, Continuoua 10ft aide {)adding,
black finish. Fitted with 10ft chin-pad, improved Spalding forehend nnd chm-pnd. . . . • . Ench, $1.50
design: hair-filled p11ds, including forehead pad nnd " Reirulation No. A . Men's. Black enameled ateel wire lenther
special elastic head-band. . . . . . Each, $4.00 Men's" covered pada. forehcl\d nnd chin-pad. Ench, $ 1.00
Spaldin A'
Spaldinir No. 3-0. Neck protecting arrangem ent afforda "Regulation No. 8 . Youths'. Black enameled ateel wire nnd
" Neck p ositive protection to the neck. Fineat ateel wire1 Youth1'" similar in quality throughout to No. A but 11 ~nller
Protectinir" extra heavy, and b l11ck finish, comfortable pads 11nd in aize. . , , • , , , . . . . Each, $ 1.00
special cl11stic h e11d-atrap. . • • • Each, $;3.50 Spaldin 11
• R egulation No. C. Blnck cn11mclcd: pads covered ~th len•
Spalding No. O-P. Extra h eavy beat hl11ck annealed ateel Youths'" ther, wide elnstic head-strap, leather strnp-11nd
" Semi-Pro " wire. Special continuoua style aide pada, leather Spalding buckle. • , , , , • • • • . • Eoch, 50c,
Leaaue covered: apecial forehead and chin-pada: elastic "Reirulation No. D. 8l11ck ennmeLd. Sm11ller in aize than No. C.
head-band. , • • , . . . . . • Each, $2.50 Boys'" A aubstantial maek for boya. . • . . Each, 25c,
,■ £ MADE
ll1u.1ratin1 nr,
Strap f-Ule:rwna oa.
No. ◄.O
Body Protecto11,

No 33

,. 24, 190
o. 4-0

Wearing Spalding Leg Guards

-.: ~
, , ~ ID r.
Catcher Chicaro "White Sox "

a .:- _
Wearing a Spalding No. SP Body P;otector


No. 2.0 Uniform Roll

Qt. ,~,;#141
·Individual Bat Bag

§pall<dlnrmg IB5o<dly 1?11"o(tectioTsp Baa t&rm<dl UrmnfoTmm. JRags

0v No S

'"WORLD SERIES." No. SP. Padded Style. NOT inflated. , Spalding Leg Guards for Base Ba ll Catchers
uc. u. •·PAT.ow. Canvas cover, laced at sides, permitting No. 33. As supplied ori~inally to Roger Bresnahan, and u1ed now by
readju,tment of paddins as desired. Special body strap. The "?011 most league catchers. Knee guard of molded sole leather; leg p1cc;e
popular aty)e with professional league catchers. Patented June 22, 09; padded with reeds; light and strong; special ankle pads as protection
Aus. 24, '09, . • • . , . . . . . . . . • . Each, $10.00 from sharp spikes. Covered with special quality white buck dresaed
"WO N I fl d I Extr81tro g leather. . , . . . . . . • . . . . . Pair, $6.00
RLD SERIES." o. 4-0. n ate aty e. _n No. R. Plain style, liberleg piece, not ribbed. .. 5.00
nro. u. a. rAr. Off', tan covering. Special shoulder padd1'?g
(Patented Nov. 24, '03) and special body strap. Used by catchers m Spalding Bat Bags
the National, American and other leagues.. • · · · Each, $lO.OO No. 2. Heavy waterproof canvas, leather reinforced nt both ends, and
No. 2-0. "Minor League," Cover of durable mnterial Made in beat leather handles; holds 12 bats. . . • . . • • • • Each, $3.SO
manner. Inflated. Full size. , . . . . . • . . Each, $7.50 No. 3 . Similar to No. 2, but holds only 6 bat, " 2.50
No. 0 , "City League.·• Slightly narrower than No. 2-0. Covering of Spalding Individual Bat Bag

durable material. Inflated . . • • • • • · · · · Each, $ .00
No, M. "Interscholastic." V cry w.-11 made. Inflated. 3 . 50 league p layer•. . • . • . , • . . *
No. 01. Good quality heavy leather bat bag, for two bats: used by most
Each, $4.00 $'3.!0 l)o_,

No. 2. "Youths'." Good size. Inflated. . . . • . 3.00
No. 0 2. Extra heavy canvn,; h eavy leather cnp nt both ends.
E11ch, $2.00 1!1.60 Do::.

Spalding Umpires' Body Protectora No. S 1. Shccpakin, good quality ba11, with heavy leather end.
Each, $1.75 $JS.DO noz.
C ive length and width required when ordering Umpires, BO dY p rotccto_rs. No. 0 3. I I envy canvas: leather cap nt both cnd1. " 1.00 10.S0 })oz.
Ny- L . ln8a!cd ; large size, b eat quality. Same u u•~ ~Y$10~~J Spalding Special C lub Bat Bag
casue umpire,. . , . • . . . . . . . • · · . c • d
N0 LS I 8 d 11 h i h h ) air paaaagea nn Heavy cnnvos, w,th strong reinforcinl!' atrips running lengthwise, 11nd
• b • n ote ; ipccia ig t we g t;. wit very art1e (' d cial heavy leather ends. Hold■ 26 to 30 bats.
no realc, or hin11c1. Soft rubber inHatins tube. Supp~- oh n$SPe OO d S I Cl b B B E h $
order. only. . . . . . . • • . . . . . , . • "-':~ , 10:oo No. 8 . Spa) inir pccia u nt ag. . . . , , • nc , 12.00
No. R. lnRated : correct model ; 8cxible 1n8nting tube. . . 5 Spalding Uniform Baga
Special Utnpirea' Shoca. Pricea and particulan on i1pphcahon, Convenient roll for packing uniform, in n manner which will not
wrinkle nod ,oil them· with aepnr11te compartment, for ahoc~. o,tc.
Spalding Abdome n P rotectora No. 2. Bng leather; well mode. • . . • • • . . • Each, $6.00
No 3 Alumin d II dd d 'th rubber Elastic croH No 1. Beat heavy canva,; leather bound, double leather 1hawl strap
hande and b

umpire,. . c t.
Im, Tchgcs we p a e wl I for b a,c bnll catchers nnd
e most popular aty c . . • . Each, $3.50
o~d handle. . . . • • . . . . . • . • , • • Ench, $3.00
No. G. Brow"! cnnvna roll ; lent her 1tr11ps ond_hiandlc. , " . 1.50
N0 · · · · · • • · · ' · • I d )' in and non• No. 5. Combined Uniform nnd 811t Bng. S1m1lar to resular uniform
- S •. Hbcavy
d •o!e leather, well_padded, wit~ qubtc k '"F:,.'bnae ball, baga, but with C"xtra compartment to cnrry one bot. Beat cnnvns,
e1as!tc an 1 , With bucklca at aide and cln1t1c nt nc · with thia leather bound . . . • . • • . . • • • • . • • Each, $4.00
boxmg, h ockey, foot ball, etc. No o ther ,upporter necell~h $3.00 No. 4. Individual Uniform Ba(!'. Bc,t quality brown canvas: two
•ty1e. · · · • • . • . • . • • . • · • · · ' . leather handle11 , trop-nnd-bucklo fo11enm111, Holda s u11, ,hoes and
No. 4. Heavy wire well padded with wool 8eece and tnmoat. other nccc11ary article,. • . • . . . . . . . . Each, $2.00
Web belt, strap, f~r f111tening. Used with any of our rEacguhnr$ ;u60 Lc ttcrinir on any of abovo Baa, extra. Price, on application.
porter, or 1u1pcna · • c • •
. one,. · • · · • • · · : •. '
The Pri«a J>rinud i n italics opP03!tlo ''0
Quanti ti vnc
!'1:.'NOT allowed on items NOT ,narked tuith *
ked w ith * will bi, quoUd onl11 on orden,Jor one-half dozen or more.

l i


Top View , No. OL B ottom V iew, No. O L No. 3-0
Nos. 0 and 1

No. 3

.I. G. SP'Olt
- -c.rc. ~--=-,_,-,..,.,,-,---...-,----J
Bue Ball Score Books
Spike @o. @)• 0<>

N os.OL lPAltllC mm, !Alli!



F.ddio Collins, of thJ;•~~~~ ";'i;: a{v':,.~~,'l~co boforo ooo ot

0 0
No. O
Spalding Movable Batting Cage. Spalding Improved Steel Shoe Plates.
Can be moved to any part of the field quickly and easily by simply We do not sell separately the special quality base ball shoe plates used
puahing the rear handle, yet when it is in position it is absolutely on our best grade shoes. but we will refit shoes of our make with steel
rigid. Gives correct practice to batsmen, and makes it unnecessary for plates, and charge. including pair each of toe and heel plates and
catchers to take part in batting practice. Approved by the most putting plates on shoes. . . , . . . . . , . , . . . • $1.00
prominent base ball coaches in the country. Simple construction; This price does not include transportation chargell on shoes.
strongly made. Complete with tarred nets, extra canvas reinforcement No, 3..0. Toe Plates, high point carbon steel, carefully tempered and
at bottom. . . . . . . . . • . • • • • . • • Each, $60.00 ground. . • . . . • . . , . . . . • . . . • . Pair, 50c•
. Spalding Pi~chers~ Box Plates
No. 3 •. Ma~e m accordan~c w!th National League regulations; extra
. N:~i~~d. ~e~I :la.te~, ~ig~ ~oi~t ::3r~o~ s_te~l, ~r.ef~l~ tc_mpe~~~
No. o. Toe Plates, hardcnedatcel, sharpened. . . . " 25c.
quality white ~\,bcr. Wit~ pm~. • • , , • ; • . • E~fh, $5.00 No, 2-0. Heel Plates, hardened atecl, sharpened. , • " 25c.
No. 2. Compo11hon; regulation size and shape, With pms. 3.50 No. t. Toe Plates, good steel sharpened. . . . . " 10c,
Spalding Rubber Home Plates No. lH. H eel plates, good steel, aharpcned. • • • . toe.
No. 1. In accordance with the National League regulations. Extra Spalding Pitchers' Toe Plates.
quality white r~~ber. With pins_. , , • • , : • , • Ellfh• $7.50 Made for right or left shoe. When ordering, apecify which required.
No. C. Compo11t10n; regulation a1z:e and shape. With pm1. 5.00 No. A . Aluminum. • . , , • • . • . • • . . • Each, 25c.
Spa I
ld·ng Base
Ball Bases-C I t
omp e e wi_ 'th St raps an d S ik
P es
No. B . Light
No. BS. Braas.weight.
Regular style.
For · and
pitchers • · shortstops
• · • •who
• •do •not drag
" their
No. OL. Special League Bases, filled, heavy quilted canvas. Harncas feet. . • • • . • • . . . . • . . . , . , . . Each. 25c.
leather straps. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . Set of 31 $7.50 S Id' S B k
No. O. League Club Bases, filled, extra quality canvas, quiltec1, Har- pa mg core 00 S
neaa leather atraps. . . . . . . . . . . , . . Set <?f 3, $6.00 Spalding Base Ball Score Books arc made in three styles : Moree
No. t . Canvas Bases, filled, wel! made; not quilted. .. 5.00 style (Noa. I N3, 1,.._5 and M); A. G. Spalding style (Noa. 2 and S);
No 2. Canvas filled, good quality. . , . . . . . 3.50 Foster style ( o. r J.
No. 4. Unfille<l1 Canvas Bases, laced. May be filled with sand or other Pocket Score Books
material. _Canva_s straps. , . , •. • , • • • • Set 0 3, $l.0O ,! No, 1. Paper, 7 gamee, Moree style., . • . E11ch, toe.
" 25c.
No. 5. Quilted stiff Canvas Baaea, without straps. , t .00 No. 2. Board, 22 games, A. G, Spolding style.
Extra Straps and Spikes No. 3. Board, 46 games, Moree style. . . • soc.
Straps f Nos OL and O Bases. Each, 75c. No. S. Board, 79 games, A. G. Spalding style. 75c.
£°r N '1 B " S0c. No. M. Board, 79 games, Morse style.
S traps or o. asca. · • · · No. F. Board, 79 games, Foater style. 75c.
Straps for No. 2 Bases. . . . , 40c.
Spikes for Nos. OL and O Basea. 20c. Club Score Books
Spfkea for No. I Bases. , • • • IOc, No. 4. Board, 8¾ x 10!.i in., 30 games, Morse atyle. • Each, $1.00
Sp1kca for No. 2 Bases. • , , • Sc. No. 5. Board, 8 )i x JO~ in., 79 game,, Morae style, • " t .50
Spalding Sun Glasses for Outfielders ScQro Card"' · · · · · · · • • • • • , Eoeh, Sc. Doz., •
No. 1. Good quality metal frames. Complete with case, Pair, $1 .00 Spalding Umpire Indicator
Spalding Glove Softener No. 0. Made of celluloid,; exnct size, 3 x I ½ inchee. Endorsed and
. , used by nil League umpires. , , • • . Each, S0c.
Oil or _g:rcaae of any kmd should not be used on Sp11ldmg Baac Ball • • · · · · ·
Milla or G loves for breaking in. This preparation, which we have had Spalding Scoring Tablet
eoml)Oundcd especially for the purpose, ia the only material that should No. 2. A 1imp)c, conve;nient and 11ccurate device for the records of
be uaed. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Box, 1 0e. runs and outa, Cellulo 1d, and can be carried in vest pocket, Each, 25c,
To Base ~ailil 1reamra Maimagelr'§o <Ca)P>~aiiim§ aimcdl
We have been making base ball uniforms ?eta1l of ~eir manufacture Th . f
now for almost forty years and to -day we supply instance is
Practically all professional, semi-pro, and college
and schooI teams an d the vast majority of ama•
· · mg
0t ·

a 1 l ·
I Flannel "
e matena,
th at it 1• our selection from h d d 9 0 f d "ff
1 or
simBpaly c oth or flannel, but it is
our long experience in catering to base ball
players. We know what they want and we use
every facility at our command to satisfy them,
teur teams Wl"th theu· out fi ts. F ourteen o f th e
d from th e b 1"ggest mills
un in
re this country
1 erent and poaaibly the following m ay not be con-
1ixteen teams in the two big leagues we outfitted an tt we ~ever add a new sample to our line of sidered altogether unimportant either: All
complete last year and h ave outfitted most of
them since they were organized. The Pittsburgh
pa lrns
tn th e different grad es until we h ave
ma ehup actual uniforms of that particular p at-
Spaldin~ Base Ball Uniforms are made by A.
G . Spalding & Bros. in our three factories: Pa-
cific Street\ comer Sixth Avenue, Brooklyn. N.
team, for instance, when placing their )9 12 teh, avd seen for ourselves what it looks like Y.; La Sale and Fifty. fourth Streets, Chicago,
order, called our attention to the fact that it was
the thirtieth consecutive order for base ball uni-
; ti~~ e up, a nd _then we get pJ~yers to w ear
e sure how it stands up. We never use
Ill.; and for our Pacific Coast customers, in our
San Francisco factory. This means that when
forms for the entire team that they had placed
with Spalding's. 8
semid~nts r left-over pieces of material- A ll
pal mfg ase Ball Uniforms are made exclu-
you buy a Spaldinll' Uniform, not only are the
garments made of durable material and put
1 sive Y. r? m goods made to our order and our together right, but that they are clean. No sweat
We claim that o ne of the most important matenal 1s unobtainable by other manufacturers. shop work, but made in well ventilated, prop erly
reuons for the popularity of Spalding Base Ball All h" inspected factories, and this should count for
Uniforms ia the .. ucntion that we give to every I gth sd•rt~ and ponts nre cut full both in
en an Width. Our patterns are the result o f something.

I ~

Showin• St)'le A-Necliaee Collu. Button

front and Three-Quarter Slec,vea.
Showinc Style 8 -V..Neck Collar, Button
Front and Det•chabl• Sleeve,.
S h0Win1 S ty le C- Military Collar,
Buuon Front and H.Jf Slec•ea. Showinc S 1y le D -Neali1ee CollaT • nd
D e tachable Slee•~ on Lace Front Shirt.

Sample color books, showing swatch es of fla nnel furnishe d in Spalding Base Ball Uniforms, sent on request to any t eam manager or captain,
Comple te Base Ball Uniforms list e d on Pages 28 and 2 9. Some teams prefer jerse y• instead of r e gular flanne l base ball shirts and w e note
below priceafor Separate Base Ball Pante, also for Sep ara te Base Ball Shirts. Prices of S eparate Caps on Page 3 0 ; S tocki.;_irs, Page 33;
S hoes, Page 33; Belts, Page 34.
Extraa on Baae Ball Shirts- Supplied only o n shirts of Noa. 0, OA, l , 1A, 2• E" h f th I f
Mand W qualities. We furnish regular equipment only on oth er q ualitiea-No extras. le~~e~in~ -~~~li~dcs in
Inlaid Collara. Stock colors only . . . . . . . . • . • • . . E nch , 20c. Bnse Bnll Shirts. Com-
With set of uniforms or six or more shirts at on e time. Dozen, $2.04 pJete name of tenm on

D 1amon d a on SIeevea. Stock co1ora on Iy. · E nch 8 h "irt, 25c. nny
No. 6except No. ; One
qunlities. nnd
Size of d iamond not over 6 ½ inches from p oint to p oint. Price in - No letter only on No. ; nnd No
eludes one letter in diamond. With set of uniforms or six or more Bl~ck1 No. 6 qualities. 5
F a
shirts at one time. . . . . • . • . . . . : • . Dozen, $£.64
Whe n lettering is n ot r equire d on front of shirt no extra ch a r ge See Pages 31 and 32 for Embroidered and
will b e made for diamond and letter on each sleeve. F elt Le ttering, Monograms, Etc.

§'JP)ailcdlnimg ~a§ e JPi>ailil . §~ntr~s- §e1]J>atr~ ttely

Any Quality, except No. 5, with Name of Club
Shirts in qualities Nos. 0 , OA, 1, I A 2, M, and W. are !1;1r-\ty No. M . l\1inor League. E;~.•$4.00*$.4,!.!0 D,~:..
niahed in either styleA. 8, C or D, butt~n or lace fro nt, with ~ nh!f N o, "'!: C ity League. . 3.50* 8? .SO
our patented ventilated gueaet armpits. These sleeves Sh1rta m qunlitiee Noa. 3 nnd 4, are m ade with nny 1ty)e
a re made either full length, h alf, three-quarter or d etl!-ch- collar, same color aa good s in shirt: button front and
11 ble style Be aure to 1end measurements when ordering, d etach able aJeeves.
Qualiey No o "World Scriea," H eavy. ~ "llity NNo. 3 . Club Sp ccinl. E t1ch , $2.50*$!8.fO Do-,;.
• • REO. u. s. rn. orr. Ea., $6.00*$64.80 Doz. ~a ity o . 4 . Amnteur Special. " 1. 75* 19.f0 "
Quality No OA " W or ld Series." Light, Shirta in q uality No.;, furnish ed on)y with at,yle A collnr:
· ~co. u. a. rn. ow . Ea., $5.50* $59,40 Doz. sam e color na goods in ahirt; button front, h nlf length
Quality No I "League," l leaVf, " 5.00* 54.00 " p lain sleevea, One letter on)y on front.
Quality No· IA " League." Light. " 4.50* 48.60 •; Quality No.5 . Junior . • . Each( $1.35 * $14.58 Doz.
Quality No: 2. 'Interscholastic. " 4.00* 48.tO ' O.Ualit,y No. 6. \Vith complete uni orme only.

Quality No O and QA."World Series." Pair1 0.Ualjty No. W. C ity Len&:1e, • P!Jir, 3 .50* $87.~0 ~ 9z.
• REO, u. •· rAT. ol'l'.$6.00"1{$64.80 Doz. 0.Unhty No. 3. C lub Sp ecial. • 2.50* !8.~0
r... J"ty
N 0 I 11nd IA "League." Pair, 5.00* 54 .00 "
No' 2. Jntencholaatic.
N · M Minor Lengue.
" 4 •00* ,,.,,.,
, . "0 .."
4 .00* .48.f0
A.. I"
~11 w.
O.Unlity No. 4. Am'hteur Special."
,ity N o. 5 , ur;11or. . . • .
Quality No. 6.
1. 7 5* 19J!0 ·•
1 .3 5* 14.58 "
1th complete uniforms only.
Pl Wh do. • •,. give M easurem ent• as 1hown in diagram on Page 29. See Pagee 28 and 29 for price. on
•In 5171• Panta. e n or enn., comple te Bate B a ll Uniforms.
l'luJ i>rice, printed in ital· •u •t * *
,i,a.rked with will bo ouoted onl11 on order, for ono-ha)f dozen or more at one time. Quan.tit11
ica OPP08l t ems price., NOT allowed on items NOT •marked w ith
§:JP)ail<r:3liirmg "WO'!~ s-~~IES'' Uimnicoirms
No. 0. S~ngle su~t, $15.00 Net p~ce to clubs ordering for Entire Team. Suit, $12.50
No. ~A. Smgle smt, 14.00 Net pnce to clubs ordering for Entire Team. Suit, 11.50
1he on~y difference bet:ween No: 0 and No. 0A Uniforms is in the lighter weight shirt supplied with No. 0A.
Highest quality
tdhe Mmatenal of which ~e make these ~niforms being almost as closely identified with our concern as the
. ra e- a:k. Used exclusively by all maJor league teams and by teams of the most prominent colleges.
Ahove Uniforms conml of: SHIRT-any style (See Page 27). PANTS-either tape or elastic bottoms (See Page 27).
CAP- any style (See Page 30). BELT -No. 3-0, leather lined; or, solid leather belt No. 400· Tan or Black (See Page 34)
STOCKINGS-No. 3-0 Plain or No. 3-0C Striped (See Page33). ' .
Colo:3 of Material- Black Navy Gray with Green Stripe White with ,¼-inch Navy Stripe
Wlute Brown Gray Maro_on Brown Gray with Navy Stripe Gray with Green and Navy Stripes
Blue Gray Dark Gray Cardmal Green White with Line Navy Stripe Gray with Navy and Red Stripes

§:)p)~Jlcdliizmg ao ILeag'il.lle 110 Uimiiic<0irmms

No. 1. Single suit, $12.50 Net price to clubs ordering for Entire Team. Suit, $10.00
N o. IA. Single suit, I 1.50 Net price to clubs ordering for Entire Team. Suit, 9.00
Only difference _betw~en No. I_and No. IA Uniforms is in the lighter weight shi~t suppl~ed with No. IA. Heavy weight
first grade special twill matenal. Made to answer the demand for heavy weight uniforms at less than price of our
Nos. 0 and OA. Workmanship and finish same as Nos. 0 and OA.
Uni/orm:1 Nos. I and I A consist of: SHIRT-any style (See Page 27). PANTS-either tape or elastic bottoms (See Page 27).
CAP -any style (See Page 30). BELT-No. 47 web; or, solid leather belt No. 800; Tan or Black (See Page 34).
STOCKINGS-No. JR Plain or No. IRC Striped (See Page33).
Colors of Material- Brown Gray Maroon Brown Green White with ,¼-inch Navy Stripe
White Dark Gray Cardinal Gray with Green Stripe Gray with Green and Navy Stripes
Blue Gray Black Navy Gray with Navy Stripe Gray with Navy and Red Stripes
And, to satisfy a special call from Army Posts, a new color- Army Olive

§JP)allcdliiimg 04
Ilimfte~§clmoila§\'.tiic 00 ilJrmiiicorm NffAY.~ ~WJoL
No. 2. Single suit, $9.00 Net price to clubs ordering for Entire Team. Suit, $7.50
Slight percentage of cotton in material used in this uniform really helps its wearing qualities. One of our most popular
suits and will give best of satisfaction. Can usually be worn two seasons.
Uni/onn No. 2 consists of: SHIRT- any style (See Page 27). PANTS -either tape or elastic bottoms (See Page 27).
CAP-any style (See Page 30). BELT- No. 47 web; or, solid leather belt No. 725; Tan, Orange or Black (See Page 34).
STOCKINGS- No. 2R Plain or No. 2RC Striped {See Page 33).
Colors of Material- Dark Gray Black Cardinal Brown Cray with Green Stripe White with Line Navy Stripe
White Blue Cray Brown Gray Maroon Navy Green Gray with Navy Stripe Bristol Gray

§7Pailcdliiimg 00
Miiim<O~ Leagune 00 U1miiico1rm ::1i=t.¥lv~fft!looL
No. M. Single suit, $9.00 Net price to clubs ord,e ring for Entire Team. Suit, $7.50
Put out originally by us as a special uniform for. some of the more prominent minor league teams. Good quality heavy
weight material, nearly a ll wool, very durable.
Uni/onn No. M consists of: SHIRT any style (See Page 27). PANTS-either tape or elastic bottoms (See Page 27).
CAP- Plain, any style (See Page 30). BELT-No. 23 web; or, solid leather belt No. 800; Tan or Black (See Page 34).
STOCKINGS- No. JR Plain or No. IRC Striped (See Page33).
Colors of Material- White Blue G~ay Brown ~ray ~ith Green ~tripe Brown Cray with Purple and Green Stripes
Navy White with )11-inch Navy Stnpe Cray with ,¼-m. Navy Stnpe Gray with White Stripe

§7Pa.Ilcdliiimg 00 <Cli1,,- Leagune 00 Uzmiitfon-m r&c:6oL :trA~~

No. W. Single suit, $7.50 Net price to clubs ordering for Entire Team. Suit, $6.00
Good quality material in plain White. Navy or Gray, and Cray with various stripes. F~nished lake our best quality
Uniform No. W consists of: SHIRT-any style (See Page 27). PANTS-either tape or elnstac bottoms (See Pnge 27). )
CAP-Plain, any style (See Page 30). BELT No. 23 web; or, solid leather belt No. 800; Tan or Black (See Pnge 34 ·
STOCKINGS-No. 3R Plain or No. 3RC Striped (See Page 33).
Colors of Material- White Blue Gray Cray with ¼ -in. Brown Stripe Cray with Purple and Red Strip_es
Navy Brown Gray with Green Stripes Gray with Navy Stripe Gray with Green and White Stnpes
Shirts • any of above uniforms furnuhed with either three-quarter lenath aleevea, or half lenirth, full lenath, or detachable, without
an extra charae. No extra c harge for lettering ahirts with name of club. Extra charao for all lettcrina on c aP•• d
Complete Color Sample Book will b e mailed, on application, to captain or 1;11anall'cr, together with Measurement Blank an
full instructions for meuunnir p)ayera for uniforma.
§w,~Il<dliirmg (l(l<Cil~Ib §w,eciial1° 0 Urmnic<D1l"'11m\
No. 3. Single suit, $6.00 Net price to clubs ordering for Entire Team. Suit, $5.00
Good quality Aannel. Well finished, and a most excellent outfit for amateur clubs.
Un!form N?· 3 consisl3 of: SHIRT - button front, any style collar (See Page 27). PANTS - plain. CAP plai~,
Philadelphia style, No. 15; or, New York. No. 23 style, same color as material in uniform, or plain Navy Blue or plam
Maroon (See P age 30). BELT No. 23 web; or, solid leather belt, No. 754; Tan, Orange or Black (See Page 34).
STOCKINGS- No. 3R Plain or No. 3RC Striped (See Page 33).
Co/013 of Material- White Gray Gray with Green Stripe Brownish Blue Shadow Plaid Blue Check
Navy Yale Gray Brown Gray with Blue Stripe Cadet Blue with Navy Stripe
Yale Gray witl Navy Stripe Light Blue Plaid, Brown Stripe Brown Gray, Navy Stripe
D etachable or half leng th sleev es only furnished on shirts of this irade. No extra charire for le ttering shirts with name of club.
Extra charge for all letterinir on caps.

§w,~Il<dlnrmg <1s Am~1e'lm:r §w,ecilall110 U rmiic<0>1rm:m

No. 4. Single suit, $4.00 Net price to clubs ordering for E ntire Team. Suit, $3.50
Good quality material, and compares favorably with uniforms of other makers quoted at a much higher price.
Uniform No. 4 consists of: SHIRT - button front, any style collar (See Page 27). PANTS - plain. CAP plain,
Philadelphia style, No. 15; or, New York, No. 23 style, same color as material in uniform, or plain Navy Blue or plain
Maroon (See Page 30). BELT- No. 4 web; or, solid leather belt, No. 754; Tan or Orange (See Page 34),
STOCKINGS-No. 4R Plain or No. 4RC Striped, but in stock colors only (See Page 33).
Colors of Material- Blue Gray Brown Gray with Green Stripe Gray with Navy Stripe Gray with 1 i;-in. Navy Stripe
Light Gray Brown Gray White with Navy Stripe Yale Gray, Purple Stripe Gray with Green Stripe
Detachable or half length sleeves only furnished on shirts of this grad e. No extra charire for lettering shirts with name of club.
Extra charge for all lettering on caps.

§pZ\Ilcdln~g 44
jJ'i\lllI'i\Il<D1l"'l)S) u~nfo1l"'m
No. 5. Single suit, $3.00 Net price to clubs ordering nine or more uniforms. Suit, $2.50
This uniform is made expressly for clubs composed of boys and youths, and will stand a great deal of wear.
Uniform No. 5 consisb of: SHIRT-style J::. on!)'.', butto~ front with A style collar same col~r as _material in uniform
(See Page 27). PANTS - plain. CAP -plam, Philadelphia style, No. 15, same color as goods m umform (See Page 30).
BELT- No. 5 web (See Page 34). STOCKINGS - No. 4R Plain or No. 4RC Striped, but in stock colors only (See Page 33).
Colors of Material- Light Gray White with Navy Stripe Gray with Navy Stripe
Brown Gray Gray with White Stripe Brown Gray, R ed Stripe
H alf lenath plain slee ves only supplied on ahirta of this irrado. One letter only furnished on 1hirts. Extra charite for all lctterinir on cain.

§w,ailcdlnrmg •f lfinahurryforuniform.audnom eHurementblaak.tonband,roUo•lh•

441f0'1Jltlm§ 9 OSI How to 0 rder Base Ba11~'"'UJudsment
n1 orms ln,tn,cllona .,. .n below,.,..... an ,doa of color doo,ud ....d we w,11 ....
in 1ettin111,1p tame, Samplu of flannela a.nd tpec.'61 mtuwe.ment blank a n1a.,l~d
to and othe:n iaterc.,ted on applKabon, 6
Ufillnfo1l"'mm 7 · 2!,'IF~::.p:::::~ To Measure for Shirt. State size of collat.
- . • - ~ "J Length of sleeve from shoulder to wrist wtth
No. 6. V ery w ell made ~• • •
arm raised and bent, sec diagram (2 to 4).
of good quality Gray ma- Around chest (5-5). Yoke (7 to 8). .II
terial. Complete, $1.00 To Measure for Pants. Around waist ( 1-1 ).
Consisting of: SHIRT-style
A button front with A style
Out·scnm from waist-band to 8 inches below
knee (2 to 4) . In-scam from crotch to 8 2
6 in. below knee (5 to 6). Around hips {7-7).
collar; collar of eith er solid Shirt Pont• 'fo Mensure for Sack Coat. Length ( I to 2), Sack Caat
Navy Blue or solid Maroon ~ length desired. Chest (7 to 7) under arms, around chest. Sleeves, from center of back (3) to
one letter only on shirt (Sec shoulder (4) and to wrist (5) with the arm raised and bent, as shown in diagram.
Page27). PANTS- plain only. Send us by,_ _ _ _ _ _ _,xpress, C. 0. D., fo,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( Enclose 25 Per Cenl.
CAP - pl a in, Philadelphia
style, No. 15, same color as of amounl n,1/h order) Cily________ Counly________ Stat...__ _ _ _ _ __
goods in uniform (See Page 30) Wanted for Came, Dal Quality of Unl/orm_~----Color__ _ • Style ofShirt,
BELT No. 5 w eb (See Page
34). STOCKINGS- No. 4R Lace 01 Bui/on $1 IIRT-Stalc whether Full Length, Elbow or Detachable Sleues_ _
Plain or No.4RC Striped, but in PNrrs-Elaslic or Tape BollorN_ _ _ _ _ _ Padding or no,.__ _ _ _ _ Style of Cap,_ _ _ __
stock colors only (See Page33).
No la rirer sizes than 30-inch wailt OnNo.5 Caps slate coIoroifbonds BeltJ' Leather or Web Color CoIoroifSIock',ngs
and 34-inch ch eat furnished in thi■ SIIIRTS PANTS
uniform. Extra charite for all let- Cop
O.h, Ho"" Shou
terinir on caps. One letter only NAMES ISi""'••\ I Around\ ..-am
Ou•· \tn...,•mrro•nd s... Rl:MARKS
furnished on shirts. Half lenitth CollAt 2104 ChutS,S 7toll W""'
Yoke ,., 2104
5tob H,,.7.
trimmed sleevea only aupp)ied on l.l n1euut•m1."t bla.n.k., Cut out abo••• p.ut• at top of aheet of a er and enter
ahirta of this irrade, trimmed aame U•• \hi.I fona la ab.enc• of •~Ml Hparately u ladkattd b1 nwaben ■i•e.n. and ahown ia d,a.,,:m!: m
color as collar.
Complet e Color S&111 le B 00k . 11 b e mailed on appl!cation, to any ~e am captain or ~•nairer, toire ther with Meaaurement Blank and
P wt full instruchons for m easunnit playen for uniforms.
'In Ordering Caps Be Sure to State Style Number or Name, Size, Quality and Color.
0 and OA Quality. Colo rs same as
Nos. 0 and OA Quality Base Ball
Uniforms listed on Page 28.
Each, $1.10 *
$12.00 Doz.
1 and IA Quality. Colors same as
Nos. 1 and 1A Quality Base Ball No. 17. Brooklyn Style. Made in Nos. o, OA,
1 IA, 2, M, and W qualities base ball uni-

No. 15. Philadelphia Style. Ventilated crown,

Uniforms listed on Page 28.
Each, $1 .00
2 Quality. Colors same as No. 2
* f~rm flannel. V cntilated crown and no lining.
$10.80 Doz. See Special Notice below.
no lining. Made in all qualities base ball uni-
form flannel. See Special Notice below. Quality
Page 28. Each, 80c.
M Quality. Colors same as No. M
Base Ball Uniform listed on
$8.64 Doz.

Page 28. Each, 80c .

W Quality. Colors same as No. W
Quality Base Ball Uniform listed on
S8.64 Doz.

Page 28. Each, 70c. *

Quality Base Ball Uniform listed on No.25. Boston Style. Made in Nos. 0 ,0A, 1. lA,
$7.S6 Doz. 2,M,andWqualities base ball uniform flannel.

No. 23. New York Style. Made in all quali-

3 Quality. Colors same as No. 3 Quality Base Ball Uniform listed on
Page 29. (Nole below). • Each, 65c. * $7.02 Doz.
ties except Nos. 5 and 6. V cntilated crown
and no lining. See Special Notice below.
4 Quality. Colors same as No. 4 Quality Base Ball Uniform listed on
Page 29. (Nole below). . . . Each, 40c. * $1.50 Doz.
5 Quality. Colors same as No. 5 Quality Base Ball Uniform listed on
Page 29. . . . . . . . . . . . . Each, 25c.
6 Quality. Caps in this quality sold only with complete uniforms, not
* S2.75 Doz.
separately. Page 29.
Colors supplied are same as in corresponding qualities of base ball uniforms.
NOTE- Nos. 3 and 4 qualities also supplied in Plain Navy Blue or Plain Maroon.
SPECIAL NOTICE-Cuts of Nos. 5, 23 and 17 style caps show how we arc now making these
in our Nos. 0, OA, 1, and 1A qualities, with pliable stitched visor, without lining and with a piece
of perspiration-proof material inserted inside sweatband. In other qualities visor is left plrun and
No. 5. Chicago Style. Made in Nos. o, O_A, 1, perspiration-proof band is not supplied. Style No. 15 is furnished with stitched visor in all
IA, 2 , M, and W qualities base b";ll .urufonn
flannel. Ventilated crown and no hnmg. See
Special Notice bcl.-Ow.
qualities except Nos, 5 and 6.
The pricC8 printed in italics opposite items marked with * *
will bo quoted 011l11 on orders
[<Yr one-hal.f doze1i <Yr mwe. Quantity prieC8 NOT allowed O?I- items NOT marked with

Spalding "Fox" Sliding Pad Fre d C larke- Hans Wagner

(Invented by WM. H. FOX, Mgr. Lincoln, Neb., Base Ball Club.) Combination Sliding Pad and Su pporter ~~~ r8~~id
No. FX. Improved No. CW. Worn by every player on Pitts-
to include special burgh team and b y many other professional
loose flap which league players; quilted pad extends around
prevents "burn- both thighs and back of player and is filled 1- - - - - - ~
ing" when sliding. with specially prepared pure lambs' wool;
Durable, non-ab- supporter is laced in front and has elastic
sorbent material. pieces set in each side. Attachment of the
The Elastic band sliding pad lo the supporter in such a way
connecting the two that it will not bind, adjusting itself to move-
No FX portions of the men ts of the player, is one of the most important features
Pat. Au,r. 18, 1910 pads is one of its o f this combination and is the joint idea of the two famous
strongest patented features. Elastic tie players, Fred Clarke and Hans Wagner, who are the in-
straps to hold in place. Complete, $2.00 ventors. Pad slides with the player and prevents the
No. F. Original Fox Patent S liding Pad, with "burning" or stinging inevitable when sliding for a base
adjustable waistband, but without patented loose flap to pre- unless such a pad is used. Mention waist measurement
vent "burning." Com., $1.50 when ordering. . • • Each, $2.50
Spalding T Shirt for Base Ball Pitchers
No. T. A ll wool merino, either D ark Gray or Brown, fleece lined. Roll collar, long sleeves.
The most comfortable garment ever invented for pitchers, especially during the early
spring and late fall games. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . Each $2.00
Furnish ed in any different color than either Dark Gray or Brown on special order~ Not
carried in s tock. . . . . , . . . . , . . . , . , . , . . . , Each ·$2.25
This shirt i, also excellent for general trainin11 purposes !'nd should be worn during hel\vy excr~i,c• (or
reducing woa11ht.
Rubber Shirts and S leeves
For reducing wei11ht and for general tninin11 purposes. Uacd with 1100d effect by aome O f th O I11yerl on
tho Detroit team, l\nd by other 1>rominent profcaaionl\l lel\1tuo players P
Made o f medium weight pure rubber; regular sizes to fit chest me~surem nt from
38 to 50 inches. e
No. R . Rubber Reducing Shirt. Each, $12,00
No. SR . Separate Rubber S leeve. . . . . . . . . . .. 5 .00
Sec Page 37 for all styles of Sweaters suitable for Base Ball Playera See Page 36 ·f · J • S porters
and Suspensories listed on Page 3~. Elastic Bandages on Pa~e 34. Base B:i'i Sheys. p~ge 33.
Stockin11s on Pa11e 33, and Belts on Paiie 34. oes on
T Shirt,Showinii Fleece Lining 30
t 1
..~ ~ ItJ IBIA1r§

No. OF. Four-piece Crown No. OR. One-piece Crown

Spalding Outing Caps Spalding University Caps
For golf, traveling a nd genera l
Black,NavyBlue,Ma roon,Gray
(eith er I-in., 2 -in.ta~i/n· 0
outinguse,the reis noth ing neater
No.1. Univen ity Cap

University Hat- Round Cro wn

No. I Qyality. $1.00* $'10.o'O

thanaSpalding outingcap.When ~
No. 60. English Class Cap
ordering, me ntion a preference
No. 2 Qyality.
No. 3 Qyality.
regarding colors, mix tu res, etc.
.90* 9.72
•7 o
Spalding University Hats
7-56 No. UF. School H at *
No. OF. Made of special Scotch No. 202. Round Crown, in
woolens in a variety of designs Gray, W h ite, Ma roon, Black,
and plain colors .. Each, $2.00 Navy Blue; plain b rim or brim

No. 90. Henley Cap

No. OR. Made of English worst- bound with different color,
eds in various checks, plaids Each, $1.25 SJ3. 50 Doz.
and p lain colors. Each, $2.00 No. 103. Pongee, soft finish,
knock-about sty l e, r ound
SPALDING CLASS AND FRATERNITY CAPS AND H A TS crown .. . . . Each, $1.00 No.3008. "Bull Doir"SchoolHat
Spalding English Class Caps No.203. Plain w hite d uck, round crown only. 50c.* S5 ../0Dz.
No. 60. Navy Blue or Black Serge, I-in . or I ,½ -in. visor.

No. 70. NavyBlueorBlack Cloth."

Each, $1.25
1.50 16.20 " **
No. 203G. W h ite duck, with green lined brim, round
.)'13.50 Dv.z. crown. . . . . . . . . . Each, 50c. $540 Doz.
No. 300B. "Bull Dog" style school hat, in Gray, White,
No. 80. Fine Flan nel, in Black, Navy Blue, and Maroon.
Each, $1.00
Spalding Henley Cap
Maroon, Navy Blue; plain or with narrow band of different
SIO.JO Doz. color flannel. Supplied also on special quantity orders in
school colors. . . . . . • Each, $ 1.00 SIO. SO Dos. *
No. 90. Fine Flanne l, in Black, Navy Blue, and Maroon.
Each, $1.25 *
No. UF. School hat, segmental style, in colors of schools and
.}J''JJ.50 Doz. colleges. Colored button, narrow band. Ea., 75c. $ S.Jt}D::.
Base Ball Caps listed on Page 30
C.s pf .•..jf' t·r loU••·p ···~•m
CAPS SLEEVE ' BANDS AND HAT BANDS. (Raised Work on All H a nd Embroidery- Best Q u ality of Silk Used.)

No. 17 No. 18 No. 19

No. 20
Tindo,.,. ····
No. 21 No, 25 No. 26 No. 27 No. 28
No, 29 No. 30
FELT LETTERS FELT MONOGRAM Silk Hand Embroidered Letters or Numeral, on Silk Hand Embroidered Monograms on our
Sewed on our Hats, our Hnts, Cnp1, etc, (Sec cut 25) Hate, Caps, etc, Two Lcttera. (See cut 30)
Any Style Lettera Caps, etc. Each Retall Do&. FAch Rot.ult Doa. Each Rotall Do•. Each Reuul Doa,
(See cuts 17, 18, 19) ,½ in., IOc. $ .96 ll.(in.,30c. SJ.{}() ,¼ in.,25c.$.?.•IO l 1~in .,50c. ,S'S./()
I 'F,aclO Re:t s4
0 TwoLetteni l.( in., 15c. 1.44 2 in., 40c. 3.8'1 1+ in., 30c. J.{J(} ll+ in.,55c. 6.{K}
I ½ :::: 10~: :84 (Seccuta20and 2I) I in ., 20c. 1.80 2 11 in., 45c. 4.80 I in., 40c. 4 ..?0 2 in.,65c. 6,60
2 in., 15c. 1.20 F.nrh RotallDo• . l }i in., 25c. 2.40 3 in., 50c. 5.•10 l!tin.,45c. 4.80
Above pricea are for 111 in., 15c. $ l ../4 Silk Hand Embroidered Letters on our Hats, Silk Hnnd Embroidered Monogmms on our
0n c felt le tter or 2 · 15 I ,11 Cap,, etc. (See cuts 26, 27, 28) Hnts, Cnps, etc, Three Letters, (See cut 29)
muneraloneach hat in ., c. ,-,•
, ~:~; 1
:~~~rsTa';opr:~ 2 ' :! in., 20c. 1.80
BLOCKF.?,!-D R:;;tf!!~H
or F~,:!~\~!;r'!:. BLOC~ri?Rii.,~,~~ STY~h L~:3~~~
porhonate pricea. 3 in., 20c. I .SO ½ in., 20c. $I.SO I ¼' in., 35c. SJ .60 34 in ., 50c. $I.SO I I i in., $.75 S7.80
F It E bl 3 in., 25c. 2.40 I ¼ in., 40c. 3.8'1 I in., 60c. 6J)() IJ4 in., .85 9.(}(J

e m e~a,Lettcrs, Monograms, etc., listed I 1·n 30c J 00 I 3/ in 50c 5 0·I I '+/ in 70c 7 7 0 2 1'n I 00 JO SO
on thta page and also on Page 32 ·• • • ~ " • ' ·• • ·- ·• • •
Chenile Emblems Hand Embroide red •
-~~ ~ For Hate, Caps, Blouses, Design of Foot Ball ."·-.,;, l_
~ Swcater1, Coats, etc. onourHats,Caps,etc.
Mada <if c/11mill1•, oood q11ad/. (Sec cuts 32 and 33) No. 32 No. 33 No. 34
itJI and nfrclJI finisl!e .
No No. Cl No.cs Thrcr8izc11andcmvdrsio 11- I½ inch , outlined. . Each, $ .20 Retail Do:., $1,80
Ctds show 8 ~ 1110 ofiltomoro I '1 inch, solid silk. . 1 00 " 10.20
,opulllr dC'/1101111. •
Small s ize , for Caps. W dF
.• \\: £a,ch,25c.* $2.40Doz. inge oot Design (See cut 34)
No. cs Me dium, for Shirts, Coats. I ¼ inch, outline d. • . . Each, 25c. Re/ail Doz., $ 2.40
Each, 35c.*$J.60 Doz. Price s for e mbroidery, felt le ttering, etc., quote d above, apply only
N c Larlfe, for Sweaten. where the letterinir, embroide ry, etc. , is done at the time we make
o. "'•· CZ No. C7 Each, 50c. * $./.80 Do:::, the bats , caps, etc. On hats! caps, etc., which we have not made or
The prices printed in italics ,..,...,,.,..;te t'te- m arked with * wiµ ba quoted on/11 on o,:ders for lettennir, etc., d o ne after they have been
for one-half dozen or more ;.:'"=,•,,.. '.'_:: N O T a.llowed on i temJI NOT marked w ith *
finished, an extra charirc will be made.
. ...-,tan 0
i • ., pri.,...,

·~ ,, '"::":-

!' ,, ,,, m: Cfftc,u, -~:- f\ YA L _

;,, r-. • o. '~:•· No. £ •~

** **
Plain Felt Pennant., with any style or any nlllllber of letten stitched on.
No. Bl. Size 9x27 inches. . Each, 35c. $3.60 Doz. No. B3. Size 15x36 inches. . Each,$ .75 S7.80 Doz.
No. B2. Size 12x32 inches. " 50c. 5.20 " No. B4. Size 18x42 inches. . " 1.00 10.20 "
Felt Pennants, with monoirram, emblem, or seal and name of colleire, school or club stitched on. Any style or any number of letten.
No. M. 16x42in. Ea.,$1.00*Slt}.80Do.a. No.E.15x36in. Ea.,$ 1.00*$10.80D oz. No.S. 18x42in. Ea.,$ 1.50*$'15.a?Do=.
For rowing crews, foot ball and basket ball teams, automobile, steamer and camp use and all practical purposes of an
ordinary b lanket. Fine, soft texture, well napped and guaranteed strictly all wool. Size 66 inches wide and 76 inches long.
Weight three pounds. Colors guaranteed to b e strictly fast and washable. Best quality wool felt u sed for borders, lettering
and d esigns. College, school or fraternity colors matched, the blanket being in one color and the border, letters or design
in felt of the second color. When orderin g for local high schools or small colleges, do not fail to send us small samples
of felt showing correct colors. These blankets are not carried in stock every blanket is made to order. . Each, $5.00
Names or special designs, including more than seven letten, charired for extra.
Felt Letters and Numerals are made regularly with buckram pasted back and will be supplied in this way unless otherwise ordered
The prices for different styles of lettering apply for either felt or cloth and include cost of sewing on Spalding garment!
only if purchased at same time. Numerals a re furnished in styles to correspond to letters. Order by number and style a~

., Ki £)·
shown in cuts to avoid misunderstanding.
The prices mentioned are simply for the lettering, mono- Felt Letters a nd Numeral,
grams etc., and do NOT include cost of garments. F elt Lettering Bcwcd on our oarmenl,. Either Block (No.1), Special (No.!)
0 6
. ., •

EG 1
• ~ • • • Size
No Stiffe~f;;v ~~
Retail Doz. Size
(No. h ~~~r~: P:~·t ed Back
Retail Doz
~ ,, :· • ·· · : 3or 4 inch. Each,6c. $ .60 3or 4inch. Each,I0c. $1. m
' ~ " , · 5or 6inch. "IOc. I .OB S or 6inch. " 15c. 1.5(
·· . ; . ...,. ·• •, ~ ·, · 7 or 8 inch. " 15c. 1.44 7 or 8 inch. " 25c. 2.4(
No. 1 ~o. 6 No. 2 No. 5 No. 3 9 ? r 10 inch. :: 20c. 1.92 9 or 10 ~nch. :: 30c. 3.0(
Block Style Plain Style Special Fancy Script 12 mch • 25c. 2.40 11 or 12 mch. 35c. 3. 6(
No Stiffening on Back Felt Lettering. Script (No. .1) Rt11lc Buckram Paated Back
Size Retail Doz. (,ec cul) sewed on our garments. Size Retail Doz
3 or 4 in. Each, I0c. Sl.08 Size Retail Doz. Size Retail Doz. 7 or 8 in. Each, 30c. S:,.a
5 or 6 in. 15c. 1.56 9 or IO in. Each, 30c. J;,.{)(} 3 or 4 in. Each, 13c. ,SIJI 9 or 10 in. 35c. J.fJt
7or 8in. 25c. 2. -/0 llorl2in. 35c. J.60 5or 6in. 18c. 2.01 llorl 2 in. 45c. I.~
FELT MONOGRAMS. No Background. Buckram Pasted Back. When ordering, send design showing arrangement and style of lctten
Size Retail Doz. Size Re tail Doz. Size Retail Doi
3 inch. Each, 15c. $I. 44 ~ 4 inch. Each, 25c. $2 .40 • 4 inch. Each, 30c. $3. 01
4 inch. " 20c. 2 .1 6 , 5 inch. " 30c. 3.00 " ~• 5 inch. 35c. 3.6/
5 inch, " 25c. 2.40 6 inch. " 35c. 3.60 6 inch. 40c. 4 .2(
6 inch. " 30c. 2.76 7 inch. " 40c. 4.20 7 inch, 45c. 4.81
7inch. " 35c. 3.60 8inch. "45c. 4.56 8inch. 50c. 5 .41
No.24 8 inch. " 40c. 4.20 No. 22 9 inch. 50c. 5.04 No. 23 9 inch. 60c. 6.6(
9 inch . " 45c. 4.80 10 inch. " 55c. 5.52 10 inch. 70c. 7.21
l°,':~.,1;,~~: IO inch. " 50c, 5.40 T~~!C,,;,?~~r 12 inch. " 65c. 6.60 ~~~o~~~;: 12 inch. 80c. 8.4(
"' 12 inch. " 60c. 6. 00
FELT EMBLEMS. With Backiiround. When ordering, send deaian showing arrangeme-nt of lettering, colon, e tc.
One Lotter Two Le tters Three Letters Four Lettcni
,. (See Cut 10) Ptainor l\10 11 oormu Pt11foorllfonooro111 I'ltiiuor.Mo11ogran
Size Retail Si~ee ~~::J 1• ll) (SeeCuta 13, 14) (SceCuta l~. 16)
. dia~. Each Doz. diam. Each Doz. Size Retail Size Retail
' 3 m., 15c. $1.56 3 in., 20c. $:! .16 diam. Each Doz, diam. Each Doir
• • N 4 in.,20c. 2.16 4 in.,25c. 2.61 4 in.,25c. $2.6-/ 4in., $ 30$3.21

No. lO No•• tl
, •
7 !n.,30c. 3.2·1
7 in.,40c. 1.20
- >iii
7 in., 40c.
~ :~::~~~: 1:~g ~ :~::~~~: i}~
t~:: :t~t~
7in., .60 6.0/,
• : • <'(. • Ml 8 m .,35c. 3.60 8 in.,45c. ·l.56 8 in.,45c. -I.SO Sin, .70 7.~
• . •·· 9in.,35c. 3.60 9in.,50c. 5.0·/ 9in.,60c. 6.00 9in., .75 7.S
• No. 13 · 10 in., 40c. 4.20 10 in., 60c. 6.00 10 in., 75c. 7.20 10 in. .85 8.
No. 12 No. 14 No. 1S 12 in., 40c. 120 12 in., 75c. 7.20 12 in., 90c. 9.00 12in.: 1.00 J0.2
See Paire 3 1 for Chenille Emblems, Embroidered Letten and Smaller Sizes of Felt Lotten. Base Ball Caps list d on Paire 30.
Thi! prices printed in italics will be quoted on ordcrsfw one-half dozen or mor11 at one time. No reduction. from sing[f' re~ail prires on orde'j
o/lca than onr-halfdo%1!1l.

Sizce and Weight•
of No. FW Shoes
Size of Weight
Shoes per pair
5 18 oz.
6 18¼
7 19 Sole& of Nos. FW and 30-S
8 20
9 21

Sole of No. 0
Sbowiag Style of Upper on Nos.FW and 30-5
Showing Style of Upper on Nos. 0 and OS
Spalding .. World Serles" Base Ball Shoes
ltEO, U.S. PAT. OFP'. " Club Special" Sprinting Base B a ll Shoes
No. FW. Selected kanjfaroo leather uppers and finest No. OS. Material and general construction similar to
white oak leather soles. H and sewed and strictly SoleofNo.OS. No. 0, but made with sprinting style Acx.ible sole.
bench made. Leather laces. . . • . P air, $7.00 (Patented May 7, 1912) . . • . . • Pair, $5.00
Owilllf to the lightness and fineness of this shoe, it is suitable only for S l
the fasteat players, but as a light weight d urable shoe for general use Spalding " Amateur p ecia " Base Ball Shoes
we recommend No. 30-S. No. 35. G ood quality leather, machine sewed; a serviceable and durable
Spalding "Sprinting " Base Ball Shoes *
· shoe. High point carefully tempered carbon steel p lates hand riveted
to heel and sole. . . . . . . . . . . Pair, $3.50 $39.0Q Doz.
No. 30-5. Selected kangaroo leather uppers and finest white oak leather Spa'di ng " Junior" Base Ball Shoes
aoles. Built on our famous running shoe last. Stronaly made but No. 37. A leather shoe, made on regular base ball shoe last. Plates
extremely light in weia-ht. H and sewed and a strictly bench made
,hoc. Leather laces. . . . . . . , , , . • • • Pair, $7.00 not OWJra.ntecd. . . . . . . . • . Pair, $2.50 *
hand riveted to heel -and sole. An excellent shoe for the money but
~.Z7.00 Doz.
Spalding "Club Special" Base Ball Shoes Juvenile Base Ball Shoes
No. 0. Carefully selected satin calfskin, substantially constructed; first- No. 38. Made on S\)ccial boys' size lasta; similar to those that we use
c:lus ahoc in every particular. High point carefully tempered carbon in our rcg_ular men s sh oes. Good quality material throughout and steel
atccl plates hand riveted to heel a nd sole. . . • . • Pair, $5.00 plates. l;umishcd in boya sizes, 12 to 5, inclusive, only Pair. $2.00
Spa.ldina- "Dri-Foot" prolongs the life of the shoca. Can, 15c.

§ JP A JLIO) II FJ <G A 1fIHI JLE1rIl C § 1r<O> <C Iliil l~HG§

No. 3-0. Best wonted, white mercerized feet. Carried in stock in Black, No. 3.0S. Alternate stripe, best quality worsted, white mercerized fecL
Navy Siu~. and Maroon. Supplied on special orders in any color.
Pair, $1.50 $16.!!0 Doz. *
Made on 1pcci11l orders only, in any colors (not more than two colors.)
Pair, $1.75 ~I~ 90 D>z.
two colors). . • . . . • • . • • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pair, $1.75
- PLAIN COLORS-All Spalding Stockings (except No. 4R) ore supplied in any colors (not more than two
* ~,
3-0C. Calf with one stripe 4 inches wide, beat quality worsted, white mercerized feet. Made on apcci11l orders in 11n~· colora (not more than
!IO Do:.

SPECIAL ORDERS colors) on spec/al orders, without _extra charge. N: B.-Thrcc sh ades are sometimes called RED. They nrc
Scarlet, Cardinal, and Maroon. Where RED is specified o n or~cr Cardm11l will be supplied. .
STRIPES-Striped Stockings arc supplied (except in No. 4RC) many color• (not more thnn two colors) on specuJ orders only, without extra chanre.


STRIPED-Stripe 4 inchca wide around c~lf---;- Wltita Cotto?J, Foci St_ock col?rs .comed in ~tock in follow-
ing color combinations. Second color md1cate1 calf s.tnpc. JJ/aok and &m l~t. Rlack a11d Orange,
Scarlet and White, Maroon antl l Vhito, Na1111 and W1ute, R01Jal Blue ancl lr'h1t<', Coltonbia B/11<' and
White (not aupplicd in No. <!RC).
SPECIAL ORDERS-Seo 11pccial nota abovo repardino 1t1>ncial orclua (except for No. 4RC).
Supplied o n sp ecial ord cra without fc~t at no extra charirc (excc~t No, 4RC.) •
No lRC. H eavy weight good quality woratcd1 tnplcd toes and heels.
No· 2RC. Medium weight, a ll wool, rcmforccd toes and heels. • . ***
P11,1,r, $1.10 $1~.00 D,<r::,
1.00 10.80 ..
No' 3RC. Good quality wool, with cotton nddcd to incrc!'se atrength.
No: 4RC. Striped cotton. In stock colote only No 1pec1al order,.
.40 * S.,40 ..
TRIPED-"-· l Alt iate TVhito Cotton PL.f'IN COLO RS- ll'llitc Cot to,& f< <t-
S .Nirn- ' . cri ' I t arricd R einforced nt toes and heela. Camt'd m
Feet. Stockingaatnped alternate :no c d stock in followina- colors: Blark, Nauy JJ/ur,
in atock at our etorca, but will e ma \on M11roo11, See apccial note above reg11rding
special order• in any color• (not more t an apt-ci11l orders (except for No. 4R).
two colors) at prices apccificd bclohw, Sup- No. lR. H eavy weil{ht, good quality wot-
plied without feel, at no extra c argc. *
eted. , . . P11il', $ 1.00 $10.SO D1>i:.

atcd. *
No. 1 RS. Heavy weight, good quality wor•
. . , Pair, $1.10 $1£.00 Doz.
No. 2R. M<"dium wi:ight, all wool:
Pn,r, 80c. * $5.6! Do
N 0 • 2RS• M e d'iu'p
11 *
'Rht 1111 wool.
-r;:~$ 1.00 $JO.SO Doz.
No. 3R. Good qu11ltty wool, with cotton
Pnir, 60c:, *
et rand nddecl 10 incre11sc: atrenath.
$Ii.~ Do:.

~ NGH0.::SvS:.":iR~~[~~"~~;;:•
N~,:~t:::: ;ll:,:\:o~::. N~o 1peci11I

, ~--.....~ " 0 r Specia N0 lRC

' in leg to 1111°"'. or White Stockings '
] ._--~ turn over. Light, N 11tural white , tocking,, h1ht wei1tht, worn under
7 mhledi'!m or dark gT-,., For lawn tennis p11t1d J~~r No, SS N~;g~t!; colored atockingl. . . . , • Pnir, 15c. 2 paira, 25c.
at cbc uac. . , . . . . . . . . a,r, • , t·
s Th, pricu printed initalica oppo1t1te
. .
t:ui '~,:
Qt,an 111'
k d ·th * will bo q110t1d <>1ll11 on <>rders for 0110-Jia/f,lozen 01· 1nor1 a. 0110 ~nu.
NOT allowed on it-,,ui N01' marked with *
t i

- ~

I• No. 801
Knee Cap


The "Mike Murphy " Athle tic Supporter (Patent Applied For) .
e• 'No.400
No. 3.0

No. 4-0Q ·

Special Combination Suspensory (All Elastic)


No. M. Invented by the late Michael C. Murphy, famous athletic trainer. No. 86. Same material as in the regular Bike Suspensory, but with
Elastic waistband, mesh front, elastic sides. Latest and best athletic waistband eight inches wide, providing additional support needed
supp_ort. Fumish~d in three sizes: S~all, to fit waist 22 to 28 in.; during ~!l'id training and athletic contests. Sizes: Small, 22 to 28
Medium, 30 to 38 m.; Large, 40 to 48 m. . . . . • • Each, 75c. inches; Medium, 30 to 38 inches; Large, 40 to 48 inches. Each, $1.50
Spalding Supporters
No. 2. Best Canton Bannel. elastic pieces on side. Each, 50c. $5.0Q Doz.
The "Spalding" Style Suspensories
No. 70. Non-elastic bands, knitted sack. • • • • • Each,$ .25
" .35
No.3. Like No. 2, but open mesh lower portion. " S0c.
No.]. Best Canton flannel. . . . , . , . . " 25e.
No. X. Similar to No. 1, ordinary quality. . . . " 20c.
6.00 "
1.50 "
fl.00 "
No. 71. Elastic buttock bands, knitted sack ..
No. 72. Elastic bands, knitted sack. . . . . . . .
No. 73½. Elastic bands, silk sack. . . . . . . . .
No. A. For water polo, bathing and swimming. Buttons atside. Each,S0c. No. 76. Silk bands, finest silk sack. , , . , . . . 1.25
"Old Point Comfort" Style Suspensory
Spaldin1r All Elastic Supporter (Black) N0 2 L'151 h d 88ck Each, $ .75
No. DX. Good quality black covered elastic. Waistband six inches l No.• 3.• Fineetsilk
rea •
sack, satin• trimmings.
• • • • ,• .• .• .• .• .• • " 1.00
wide. Small , medium an d Iarge. . . • , • • • • Each• $ ·25 No. 4. Silk bands, satin trimmings, finest silk sack. . . 1.25
Bike Jockey Strap Suspensory Spo.lding Leather Wriat Supporters
No. 5. For athletes, base ball, foot ball, tennis players, etc. All elastic; No. 50. Crain leather, lined, single strap-and-buckle. . . Each, 25c.
no buckles. Three sizes: Small, to fit waist 22 to 28 inches; Medium,
30 to 38 inches; Large, 40 to 48 inches. • Each, 75c. $6.00 D oz.
No. 0. Elastic Supporters; bike style, similar to No. 5, but with mesh
No.100. Solid belt leather, tan or black, single strap-and-buckle. " 25c.
No.300. Solid b elt leather, tan or black, laced fastening. . . " 25c
No.200. Solid belt leather, tan or black, double strap-and-buckle." 40c
non-elastic front. . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • Each, 50c. No.400. Genuine pigskin,lined,in improved English slitted style." 50c
The Spalding Improved Ankle Supporter. (Patented July 14, 1908. No. 892,064)
Improved on original Hackey patent, of which A. C. Spalding & Bros. w.,,-e the sole licensees. Patent on this supporter refers particularly to seamlesi
back, as we make it in all qualities with a molded back, requiring no seam. Worn over or under stocking and support the ankleadmimbly, while not in-
terferinB' in any way with free movements. Relieve pain immediately and cure a sprain in a remarkably short time. In orderini, give size of shoe worn
No.H. Soft tanned leather, best guality. No seam in back of this supporter; No. CH. Black duck, lined nnd bound; seamless. . . . Pair, 25c
leather is specially shaped to fit back of foot snugly over heel. Pr.,$1.00 No. HF. Good quality leather, heavy Reece lined, felt paddec
No. SH. Good quality sheepskin, well made; seamless. " .50 tongue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pair, $1.SC
Spalding Shoulder Bandage Give circumference around ankle and over instep; state if light o
Give circumference around arm and chest. Mention for which strong pressure is desired.
shoulder required. No.105. Cotton thread. Each,$1.00 No.l0SA. Silk thread. Each,$2.0I
No.101. Cotton thread. Each,$3.50 No. 101A. Silk thread. Each,$5.00 Spaldin1r Ela1tic Bandage
Elbow Bandage Composed of threads of rubber completely covered. The '(>ressuret&I
Give circumference above and below elbow and atate if for light or be applied wherever necessary, To fasten, insert end under last fold
strong pressure. No. 30. Width, 3 inches; 5 yard, long (stretched). . • Each, 60c
No. 102. Cotton thread. Each,$1.00 No. 102A. Silk thread. Each,$2.00 No. 25. Width, 2½ inches j 5 yards long (1tretched)., " SOc
Wrist Bandage Spalding Knee Cap Bandaae
Give circumference around smallest part of wrist, and state if for Give circumference below knee, nt knee 1md just nbove knet, ani
!iJ ht or strong pressure. state if light or strong preeaure is deaired,
No. 106. Cotton thread. Each, 50c. No. 106A. Silk thread. Each, 75c. No.104. Cotton thread. Each,$1.00 No.104A. Silk thread. Each,$2.0r
Spalding "Sp ecial" Leather Base Ball Belta Spalding L eath er Lined Belts
No. 400. Black leather, I ¾ in., specially shaped for athletic use, particu- Colors: Red, Roy11l Blue, Navy Blue, Blnck, \Vhite, Maroon.
larly base ball ·I heavy harneae buckle. • . . . . . . Each, 75c. No. 3-0. Leatherlined,worsted, web covered; 111 in. Ea.•7 Sc.* $.~.10 0,'J
No. 801. Fine ½ inch leather belt. Tan or Black. H ea,ry- harneH No. 47. Lelllher lined, felt covered. . . , • . " 50c.* 5•.40
buckle. . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Each, 75c. Spalding Cotton W eb Belt,
No. 800. Tan or Black leather belt. 1¼ inch wide, Fine harne11
buckle. . . . . . . . . . . . . • • Each, 60c. $6.1;8 Doz. * Colors: Red, White, Roynl Blue, Maroon Navy Blue.
No. 23. Cotton, single leather atrap nnd buckle. Ea'ch, 35c. $$. 78 JJ<,:
Orange or Black. . . . • . . . . • . Each, 50c. $5.,10 Doz. *
No. 725. 1¼ in., heavy leather, heavy nickeled harneu buckle. 7'an,
No. 754. 1¼ inch, nickel harne111 buckle. Tan or Oranoo. Each, 40c.
No. 4. Cotton, single leather atmp, with tongue buckle.
No. 5. Cotton. • • • . • • • . , • •
Each, 25c. * $t 70 ~ 1
" toe. * 1.08
Same as was used by the late Mike Murphy, the fomous athletic trainer, in conditioning the Ynle, Univerai!:f of Pennsylvnnio ond other collcll'
teams, and he used the same preparation to k eep in sood shnpe the American athletes who competed in the Olympic t?•mea at London in 1908 ant
at Stockholm in 1912, both teams having b een under his entire charge. He was f11mou1 for the perfect condition in which he brought his athlete
into a contest, and the inirredie!'ts and prop~r preparation of his "Rub-In" Liniment he ,kept n closely guarded aecret. He finall.r. however, turne•
the formula over to A. C. Spaldmg & Bros. with perfect con fidence that the proper mntenals would 11lways be used in preparinl{ the liniment ond th•
no conaiderations would induce u s to cheapen it in any way. • . • , • • • . • . Large bottle1. Each, 50c.
Abdom en P rotectors of Leather, Wire,
and Aluminum, Page 25.
The prices printed in italics opposite items marked tuith * Small bottles. Each, 25<
tuill be quoted only on order., f~
onc-hal.f dozen or mcro at ona time. Quantit11 prices NOT allowed on item3 NOT marked tuith
k l

• No. JR T runks

No. S ~ No. JR Shart

rn ~
No.608 No.28 No.600PC No. 195
~ -
•• wee ~
~ No. l No. JR

·~ w No.I

No. lOOPC No. 600F No. 6 14 No. 111 No. 11 5 No.C No. LC
Spalding Two-Piece B athing Suits Spalding Patent Combination Swimminir Suit
All Styles Furnished in Sizes 28 to 46-inch Chest Measurement No. 3R. Best quality_ worsted. Furnished in solid colors only. Either
plain Black, plain Navy Blue or plain Gray. Shirt has combination
No. 605. Sleeveless, cotton, Navy Blue. . . Suit, 75c. * $8.10 Doz. supporter. Arm holes extra large and shirt fastens to trunks at side
No. 606. Sleeveless, cotton, in Navy Blue, with either Red or White with invisible catches, making a tight-fitting, neat combination. White
trimmings on 11hirt; plain pants. . . . . Suit, $1.00 * $10.80 Doz. canvas belt, with adju stable buckle, forms part of trunks: no drawing
No. 608. Sleeveless, fi nest Quality cotton, trimmed pants and shirts. tape to knot or break. Pocket for change, etc., inside of trunks.
Colors: Navy and Red or Navy and White only. Furnished in regular length, and extra long. • • • • • Suit, $5.00
Suit, $1.25 * $19.50 Doz. Expert Racing and Swimminll' Suits
No. 28. Quarter sleeve, cotton, fashioned, mercerized silk trimming in No. 2S. Men's. Good Quality silk one-piece suit. Navy Blue or Black..
following colo·rs only: Navy trimmed R ed; Navy trimmed \Vhite.
Suit, $1.50 * $16.20 Doz.
No. 600. Sleeveless, fine quality cut worsted , in plain Navy. Black or C ray.
Buttons over shoulders. . . . . . • . Suit, $3.50 * $37 SO Doz.
No. 2SL. Women's.OtherwisesameasNo.2S. " 3.50
No. 4R. Fine quality worsted. Made in plain Navy Blue or plain
* 3780 "
Suit, $2.50 * $27.00 D oz. Black. Buttons over shoulders. . . . . Suit. $3.00 * $32.-$0 Doz.
No. 600PC. This suit is made in what is known as the Pacific Const
style, all in one p iece, but with skirt which cannot be lucked inside
ot tights. Sleeveless, fine 9t1a lity cut worsted, in plain colors only,
No. 2R. Mercerized cotton, plain Black or plain Navy Blue, silky finish;
sheds water readily: button, over shoulde111. Suit, $2.00 $21.60 D<>z.
No. IR. ¥en's. Cotton, plain Black or plain Navy Blue, light in weight.
either Navy, Black, Gray o r Maroon. . . Suit, $2.50 * $27.QO Doz.
No. 601. Quarter sleeve, fine quality cut worsted, in plain Navy, B lack
or Maroon. • , • . . . . . • • . • Suit, $3.00 * $92.40 Doz.
No. 1RL. \Vomen' s. Qtherwise same as No. IR. "
Spalding One-Piece Bathing Suits
1.00 *
snug fittmll', Buttons over shoulders. . • Suit, $1.00 * $10.SO Do::.
10.80 "

No. 109. Siecveless, fine quality w orsted, aolid colors only; either No. 743. Men's sizes, 32 to 44-inch cheat; fancy stripes: button in
Black, Navy Blue or Gray. . . . . . • Suit, $3.50 * $97.80 Doz. front. . . . : : . . • • • . • , . . • Suit, 75c. * $8.10 Doz.
No. 195. Sleeveless, fancy worsted, with attractive atriping on sh,irt and No. 521B. Boys s izes, 24 to 32-inch cheat; fancy stripes: button in
p_anta in following colors: Gray tri.nmed White; Navy trimmed front. . , . . . . . • • . . . . . . Suit 50c * $5 40 Doz
White; Gray trimmed Navy; Black trimmed White. No. 50. Sleevele11, cotton: solid Navy Blue; button ~t shoulcle;s. ·
Suit, $3. 50 * $97.SO D oz. Suit, 75c. * •~S.,40 Doz.
No. lOOPC . Pacific Coast style; thnt is, one-piece, but w ith akirt which Spaldinif Wonted Bathing Trunks
cnnnot be tucked inaide of tights. Sleeveless, atriped worate:d, full No. 1. \Vorated, full fashioned, best quality. in plain colors: Navy.
fashioned, beat Quality. In following colors only: Grny t~mmed
Navy, Navy trimmed Cardinal, Navy trimmed white, Maroon tnmmed
Black. • • . . . . . . . . , • . Suit, $3.50 * $97.80 Doz.
Black or Maroon: . .• . . . . . . . Pair, $2.00 * $.!!1 60 Doz.
No.2. Cutworsted,m plamcolors: Navy or Black ."
Cotton Bathinir Trunk■
1.00 * 10.80 "
No. 600F. Consisting of sleevele11, fin.- quality worsted shirt, with
•tripe around chest; Navy trimmed W h ite, Navy trimmed R ed 1 ond
Gray trimmed Cardinal. Cood quality Croy or Navy llnnnel knee
No. 601. Navy Blue, Red or White stripes, . Pair SOc * $5 ,40 Do-
No. 602. Solid. Na~ Blue Bathing Trunks. •
No. 6 0 3. Bathmg Trunks, fancy stripes, . .
"• 35c:
" 25c.
** s:rs .. ~-
f!. 70 "
Panta, and 1pecial white canvas bathing belt, with metal buck le . Spaldin ll' Bathing S lippers
Suit, $ 3.50 * $87.80 Do::. No: 13. \Vhite canvl\l. \Vith soles to give protection to the feet. Any-
N~- 614. Sleevele11, fine quality worsted, str1pm~_9n shirr ond pnnts
m.following colors only: Black with Cardinal ond White s triping; Navy a1ze. , • • • • • • • • , • • . , • . . . . • Pair, SOc.

f *
rt ~_G ray and W hite , tripin~; C ray w ith Navy nnd Cardina l atriping;
ar1t Green with R ed and White striping. Suit, $3.50 $97.SO Voz.
No. l~N Sleeveless, worsted, fu ll fa1hioned, best q uality. P loin colors
Spa)din g B athini: a n d Swimminll' Ca_ps
No. S. Cood Quality fine gum rubber. Larae size. f"inishecl in Black.
Tan or Red. . . . • • . • . . • • . , . . . , Each, SOc.
on Y • avy, Block or Gray. . . • . . • Suit, $ 5.0 0 * $5,4.00 D oz. No. DSC. White D11ck akull cap, top bound; ventilated. . " 25c.

tS f
Nc;- 11: Quarter 1leeve, striped worsted, same quol~ty ns No. 11_0, in
1owi'"!g colon only : Gray trimmed White; Blnck tnmmed Card mo I :
N avy trimmed W hite. . . . . . . . . Suit, $ 5.50 * $59.l;O Doz.
Official Auocia tion W a ter P olo Cap
No. y,IPC. Ua_ed to djstinguish awimmers in match races, the cai;,a
b emg m11de in a. vnnety of colo11. A lso adds interest to w ater polo
• ~ . • Sleev!!less, extra quality fashioned worsted with ottrnctive
0 15 game~ by c,m,blm11 epectntora to pick out ensily the players on
:,trtn\ts, f Soh d color■ one! mixture,. skirt of 1hirt nnd bottoms of oppoam g tenms. • . . , , , , , , , • , • • . E.nch, $1.00
~- ts m o 1lk ow ing colors: Black tri~med Croy, Brown and White
N ipe; . 81ac trimmed Dark Blue Li1tJ1t Blue and White stripe·
B avy tnc:,md~d Maroo,'!1 Cardinal a~d White at ripe: N nvy trimmed
Sp11ldin g W a t er Polo Balls
No. LC. S_pC;ci11l leather covered \Vnte r Polo ball. Used in games
rown, r tnal nnd white stripe. , . • Suit, $ 6 .00 * $6,.So D oz. under offi<;1t1I rnlc,s, •. , . . . • . . . . . . • . . Each, $6.00
No. 1, \Vh1to rubber Enbnc, mflllted with key; re-.:ulation size.
No F . Flanne l Bathing Knee Pant• Offi . l W p I C lN Each, $2.00
- • Cood Quality G ray or NaV¥ Aannel knee pants; Ay front: belt
1tfohpts. c,a nter O O oa eta, mode in accordance with official rules.
Loos•e fitting andJ'uat the thin[l'_for tho,e wh o dislike bothing S P a ir, $10.0 0
g •· ame as supphe with No. 600F suit. • . • , Pair $ 2 .00 p a lding Waterproof C anva1 B a g
No. 1. Canvas, rubber lined and thoroughly waterproof. E ach , $1.00
N0 . Canvas Bathing B e lt A yvad's Water W ings
' C. Made of White Can\>'ae, with metal buckle. • • . Each, 50 c. No. 1. Plain W h ite. E ach, 25c. I No. 2 . Vari-ated color•u, Each , ~,;c

A,.., prices Printed in italics opposite item.s marked w i th * *

will be Quoted only on orders for o=-h.aifdozen or more
Quantitll prices NOT a.lwwcd on i tems NOT marked with



No. lPF No. l0PX No. lOPW

Spalding Solid Color Jerseys
See below for particulars r egarding colors and sizes.
No. lP. R egular roll collar. Full regular made; that is, fashioned or knit to exact shape on the machine and then
put together by hand, altogether <lifferent from cutting them out of a piece of material and sewing them up on a
machine, as are the majority of garments known as jerseys. Special quality worsted. Each, $4.00 $1,3.20 Doz.
No. lPF. Straight low collar. Same ~ade as No. IP . . . . • • . . . • .
No. 10P. Regular roll collar. Special quality worsted, fashioned. . . . . . .
Striped sleeve!! on either Nos. IPF or I0PF, similar to No. I0PX below. Any colon. not more than two
* 43.20 "
32.40 "

colors, on special orders. . . , • , • • . • , , . . . . . . . . . . Extra, per garment, 2Sc.
No. l0PF. Straig-ht low coJlar. Same grade as No. I0P. . . . . . . . • . . Each, $3.00 $32.40 Doz.
No. 12P. G ood quality worsted. solid colors. . . . . . . . . . . , . . " 2.50 27.00 "
No. 14P. Worsted; Navy Blue, Black, Gray, and Maroon onb,. No special orders.
No. 12XB. Boys' worsted jersey. Sizes 26 to 34 inches only. Colors same as No. 14P.
Spalding Striped Jerseys
2:.00 * 21.60 "
1!1.60 "·

STOCK COLORS: Black and Orange, Navy and White, Black and Scarlet, Royal Blue and White, Columbia
Blue and White. Scarlet and White, Maroon and White. Second color mentioned is for body stripe or for stripes
on sleeves. SPECIAL ORDERS-We also furnish any other colors on special orders (not more than two colors
in any garment) without extra charge,
No. lOPX. Special quality worsted, fashioned; solid stock color body, with striped sleeves, usually alternating
two inche., of same color as body, and narrow stripes of any other color. . . . Each, $3.25 $35.10Doz.
No. l0PW, Special quality worsted, solid color body and sleeves, with 6.inch stripe around body of any
color . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . . , . . . , . . . . . • Each, $3.25 $35.10 Doz.
,ame color as body, and narrow stripes of any other color. . . , . , . . . Each $2.75 *
No. 12PX. Good quality worsted; solid color body, with striped sleeves, usually alternating two inches of
$90.00 Doz.

body of any other color. • . • . . · . . . . . , , , , , , . , , Each, $2.75 $30.00 Do:,

Spalding Coat J e rseys
No. 12PW. Good quality worsted; solid stock color body and sleeves, with 6-inch etock color stripe around

No. t0C. Worsted, same grade as No. I OP. Solid colors (not striped) or one solid color body and sleeves with dif-
ferent color solid trimming (not striped) on cuffs, collar and front edging. Pearl buttons. Ea., $3.50*$39.00 Doz.
Spalding Cotton J erseys
No. 6. Cotton, good quality, fashioned, rol! collar, fu)) )~ngth ale~ves. Col~rs: Black, Nnvy_Blue, ~ray.,__a~d Maroon onh:, Each, $ t.oq $10.80 Do;.
No. 6X. Cotton same as No. 6 but with st:np_ed ,Jeeves m following combmahons only: Navy with White or Red Stripe; Black with Orange or
Red Suipe; Maroon with White Stripe. No special orders• . , . , , . , . . . , . , • • • , , . . . Each, $1.25 $1S.50Do•• *
Woven Letters, Numerals or D esigns
\Ve weave into our b est grad~ ierseys,,Nos. IP and. I Pf, Letters1 Numeral'! and
designs in special colors ae d esired. Pnccs on opphcallon. Designs submitted.
Jerseys, with Necklace
Nos. IP, (PF, I OP, I0PF or 12P J erseys, with n ecklace stripe of any color
supplied on special orden, at an e.xtra charge of $ 1.00 per garment.
STOCK SIZES-Size• carried in s tock regularly in a ll qualitio1: 28 t o
46 inches chest. W o allow two i~c h es for s tre tch in all o ur jer1ey1, and the
sizes are marked accordingly. It 111uggeated, h owever, tha t for v ery h e avy
people a s ize about tw.o inches larger than coat mea1uremcnt be ord e red to
in1u re a comfortable fit.
STOCK COLORS- SOLID COLOR JERSEYS- W e carry in stock our line
of Solid Color Jerseys in following colors :
Navy Blue Black Gray Maroon
S P ECIAL ORDERS- We will also furnish. any other color on special order
(not supplied in Nos. 14P, 12XB, 6 and 6X) w ithout exb'a charge.
N B -Three d ifferent shades are sometimes called R E D. Thex are Scarlet,
Cardin~. and Maroon. Where RED is specified on order,Cardinal will be supplied.
SPEC IAL NOTICE. We will furnis~ any of the above solid color J erseys
(ex ce t Nos. 14P, 12XB, 6 a'!d 6X), with one color body and another; color
( n ot , rriped ) collar and cuffs ID any colors (no t more than two colors 1ft any
aarment) a t no ext ra c h ar1re, ----- . J,;OT
.uw prices M allowed on items NOT marked with
• P ·nted in italics opposite items marked with * 1oill be quoted ,ml11 on orders for one-ha'fdozcn or mo1·e. Qua.11 tit1J pr1ccs

t: ,

Second Baseman Philadelphia "Athletica"

Spalding Reversible Collar Button Front Sweaters

For Bft;5e Ball, Au_tomobilinir, Golfinir, Shooting, and iren e ral
Athletic use. H,a h collar may be turned down quickly
chan!fing into neatest form of button front sweater •
No. AWJP. H C:aviest weiirht •~cial quality worated.'11>ith
ppcket on each aide. • . . • .. E.nch, $10.00 * ~lOS.00 Doz.
No. W JP. Highest qunhty apecinl heavy weight worsted u-ith
'I!<!CkC.~ on ench aide. S upplied a lso in new shade, "Sp.dding
Blue. . . • • . . . : . . . Ench, $8.00 * $s7.00 Doz.
No. W J . Same as WJP, 1uithout pocket,. Supplied also in new
shade, "Spn)ding Blue." . . • • .Ench,$7.50 * $S1.00Doz.
No. WDJ. Same etyle ti■ WJ. but h1hter weight and u•itlu>ut
pochts. Not in "Spaldinir Bl~e." l::nch, $6.00 * $6.$.SO Doz.
Above are oil madew1th apec,al reveraible style collor as ehown
in cut of !'/o, WJP on t~i• pnge. Two pockets in eith~r Nos. \VJ
No. AA or WDJ, 1f ordered at time aweater is made, not after. Extra, SOc. No.BC
Spalding Jacket Swcaten, for Colf and Automobile Wear
No. VGP. Bea~ quality wonted, henvy weiltl1t, pearl button•. ll'ith No. 3J. Standnrd weight. Similar style to No. DJ, but Shaker knit in-
ppcket on each 11de. . • • . • . • . . • E~,ch, $6.50 * $70.t0 ~~:. stcnd of line worsted, and without line knit edging. Pearl buttons. Car.
No. VG. AsVC P, 1u1thout1>orkrts. . . 6 .00* 6.'-80 riedinatockinCray NavyBluc Bl ck M N · I d
The liahter we11ht button front aweatera li1ted below are e~pcciolly ■uitn• ' ' a ' aroonE. ch o$ape0c,a* or en.
ble for wear under regular cont when walking or taking ordinary exerc11e. a • 4. 0 S.S.w Du:..
No. DJ. Fine worated, standard weight, penrl button,. Fine knit Two pocket• put ID either Nos. DJ or 3) nt hmc s wenter i■ made not
edging. *
• • , • • . . . . . • . • Each, $5.00 $54.00 Do.. after. • . . • • . . . . . • . . • . • • • Extra, SOc.
No..AA. The prope r atylc for u■c nfter h('11vy exerciae, indu.cing
Spaldina R oll Collar Sweaters
No. B . I lellvy weii:ht. • . . • . . . Ench, $5.00 ~,!.00 T>o::,

COp1ou1 per1p1ra hon, for reducinawe1aht or aettins: into proper c?nd1ho!' No. 3. Good QUl\hty all wool sweater, Shaker knit. . Si:ze~ 30 _to -lb in.
for 11thlct1c conteata. I le nv1eat ■wenter made. Ench, $8.00 $M.40 Im.. S11mdMd we111ht, 1h11htly h 11hter th,m No. B. Cnrned ID ~tock ID Cray,
No. A. "Intercollegiate." Speciol weight. " 6.00 66.00 " Novy Blue, Block, Maroon . No 1pcci11l orders. Loch, $4.00* ~ 5.QQD=.
Sp11ldina V c■t Collar and runir N eck Swe11tcr1
No. BG. Beat quality worsted, g_ood we111ht, extreme open or low neck. No button,. . . ~~h, $5.50 * $1.().QO ~\' •
No. B,0B. Rmir neck atylti. Bt>at qunlity worated. iroo~ wt-11r.h t. No buttons. . , , . 5.00 * .~ . .00
Two 1>0cket1 ID either Noa. BC or B-08 Sweotera, put m at time aweater 111 made, not after. • • • Extra, SOc.
S paldina Colln.-ollc
No. CT. Cood weight, higheat qu11li1,y wonte d. . • • Ench, $2.00
STOCK COLORS Swcaton and Collarotte liated on this pa!fe (except Noa. 3 nnd
No. C. T JJ Swontera) aro c:arriod in STOCK In GRAY, WHITEJ...NA VY BLUE, MAROON,
SPECIAL ORDERS In addition to atock colon mentioned, wo aupp\y any of the
Swenton and Collaretto liatcd on t~i• pa11e (c~cept Noa. 3 and 3J Swcatcn)
m anv other color, on 1pcc1al orclcn\ without extra chl\rge.
N B Thr<ln different ,hadc■ Me aomctimea ca led RED. They are Scarlet! Car--
• ·dlnl\1 Maroon. Where RED ia •P_ecified on order w e aupply Cardina .
SPECIAL'NOTICE- Above awcatcn w,th one color body &nd another color (not
t · d) ollar and cuHa fumi■hcd in any colon, on apecialordcr, at no extra charve.
1 npc c Thia docs not apply to Noa. 3 and 3J Sweaters.
STOCK SIZES Size• 1upplied regularly in. a.II awe a ten (cxc4:pt No. 3 ) lis ted on
th' 28 to 46 inche1 We allow four inches for ■tretcb 1n all our aweatcn,
',i P_1a vei ro marked I\CC~rdinirly. It ia 1u1111e11t•d, however, that for very heavy
nn • 1tel a. &bout two inchc, Jarver than cont measurement be ordered to
poop1o a a,z 0 inaurc a comfortable fit.
Th . *
,,riutrd in itoli<'s 0111>osito items mnrlml u>ith u.;Jl bo quotl'd 01al11
0 ~>rires,.,r out-Ital/ doze" or m u,._ Qmmtit111>riccs NOT allowed on itams
~ 1,1 ••rucnl~~d ,vith * Prices Subject to Cbanirc Without Notice.
,-0 1 mar" 37

No. GMB Patented No. CM L No. GMB
Jn.nuarY 3, 1905:
Juno 12. 1006
June 12, 190G
Mllrch G,
March 6,
Januory 8. 1905 1900;

The racket is sold upon its own reputation and the Spalding Guarantee is your assurance of satisfaction. Handles 5, 5 1+ and
5¾ inches in circ ui:nference.. Stringing of clearest and _absol~tely best quality lambs' gu_t. Tag attach; d to .each racket, ~iving
particulars of special inspection. We use a ~ogwood mserl10n m shoulders, after provmg to our satisfaction, by expen ence,
that it is far superior to cane or other material for the purpose.
No. GMB. Without Case. Each, $7.50
This racket is built for hard, constant play. New model, lar ge frame. Walnut throat piece. Shoulders wrapped with vellum
and gut for special ;einforcement. S~ri~gin~ is double in the central portion in th.e popula~ expert style. H an.dies 5, 5 ¼'.
and 5J~ inches in circumference. Strmgm g 1s of clearest and absolutely best qunhty lambs gut. Each racket 1s enclosed
in a sp~cial quality mackintosh cover. . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . Each, $8.00
This racket exemplifies what may be done in racket manufacture with perfect factory facilities. No frills, but with every
up-to-date feature that has stood the test. Double strung in central p o rtion, vellum wrapped, a nd gut wound at shoulde rs;
depressed walnut throat, with dogwood reinforcement. Handles 5, 5 ¼'. nnd 53 s inches in circumference. Stringing of
clearest best quality lambs' gut. Special quality mackintosh cover with. each racket.
No. GML. Each, $8.00
'' Perfect Oval. '' Depre3!ed Throat Piece. D rpre!!ed Throat Piece.
No. OGM. Made in the Spalding "Perfect Oval" Model, No. GMH. The specinl depressed thront piece, n fenture
with walnut throat piece, dogwood reinforcement and which we introduced in our No. OGM, we nrc u sin g now
vellum wrapped shoulders. We claim that this is a scien- also in the No. GMH. The stringing is double in the centrnl
tifically perfect lawn tennis racket. H andles 5, 5 'i and portion m the popular expert style. 1-tnndlcs 5, 5 '.+ and
53/s inches in circumference. Stringing of clearest and 5-!il inches in circumference. Stringing of clearest nnd nbso-
absolutely best quality lambs' gut. Each racket is enclosed lutely best quality lnmbs' gut. Each racket is e nclosed in
in a special quality mackintosh cover. . • Each, $8.00 a special qunlity mackintosh cove r. . • . . Each, $8.00
We urge that at the conclusion of GUARANTEE We guarantee Lawn Tennis Rackets for a period of
play Racket be rubbed dry, and - - - - - - - - 30 days from date of purchase by the user. The Guar•
when not in use be covered with a an tee Tag attached to each Spalding Lawn Tennis Racket reads as follows:
W aterproof Cover, placed in a Racket If this Racket proves defective in workmanship or material within 30 days
Press, and th e gut occasionally gone from ~ate of purchase, please return, transportation charges prepaid to any
over w ith Spalding Tennis Gut Pre- SJ?aldmg Store, and t~e defect will be rectified. Imperfectly strung'Rackets
aervativ e (soe page 40). K e~p your will b~ restrun~, and m the eve~t of a broken fram.e due to workmanship ot
racket i'n a dry place, otherwise the defective matenal, the racket will be replaced. NOTICE-Th ·s Guarantee
Guara ntee is void. does not apply to Rackets weighing less than 13 ounces. 1
§'JP) ~n<diii 1mg •
IL,rd). WlTh 1f<e 1Th 1Th ii§
R rd), c ~ <e i §

Patented No. DH No. 11 No.8
Mar. 6, '()() Patented Patented Patented
Jan. 3, '05 Mar, 6,'00 Mar. 6:00 Mar.6,'00
Junel2,'06 Jan . 3,'05 Jan. 3,'05 Jan. 3,'05
Model GX. G old Medal shape, Taped shoulders; strung with Model EH. Depressed walnut throat, with dogwood reinforcement.
best lambs' gut. Stringing is d ouble in the central portion in the Selected gut stringing. Shoulders wrapped with vellum, Recom-
1 Each $5 00 mended except for championshiP tournament play, . Eachh$5.00
popular expert sty e. • • • • · · • • · · · · ' · No. 11. The T ournament. Taped shoulders; strung wit good
Model DH. H and made throughout, strung w ith beat selected gut, quality Oriental gut, The apeeial dcprcMcd throat-piece with which
Modeled afteutyle u sed exclusively by two English playerawhowere we are making it now we introduced originally in our No, OGM
world's champions. Extra stringing in central portion. Each, $5.00 Hackett and Alexander model. • • • , • • • , Each, $4.00
No, 8, The Slocum. Oval shape, good qualiiy frame and strung with special Oriental gut, double in the central portion of racket, • " 3.50

'. r ;:w
. 1··


l No. 5 No. 4
Patented Patented
No.6 Jan. 3, '05 Jan, 3, '05 J"io. 3
No 6 Th N , Each, $3.00 No. 4. The Greenwood. Frameoffinestselectedwhiteash,withcombed
· • e asaau. Depressed thro11t, • ' · · ' .th b d ?panish cedar handle. Stringing of good qu11li1y Oriental gut. Ea.,$2.00
No. 5. The Lakeside. Frame of finest selected white ash, wi com e No. 3. The Geneva. Frame of finest selected white ash, Stringing of
Spanish cedar h andle, Stringing of good quality Oriental gut. Ea., $ .o O g~od quality Oriental gut. , • . . , • • • • • , , Each, $1.50
No, 7 The Oval F , al h e with extra stringing in central No. 2. The Favorite. White ash frame, well finished. Oriental .,t
• , rame,sov sap• E ch $2 SO 8 tri · 'C'. 0
Ponion of racket, ..,
c~- · of good quality Oriental gut, a • • 39 ngmg. • • • • · · · · · • · • • • • , • • &:.ach, $1.00
I l

'% .
\, . .GM
Spalding Championship Tennis Balls Rackets Restrung
P erfect Inflation-Perfect Covering-Perfect Sewing When sending, be sure to prepay charges and mark package with your
name and addresa. \Vrite us under separate cover your instructions.
No. 00. Championship Tennis Ball. For regular turf courts. Dozen,$4.00 No. 1. Oriental Gut, White on)y. . . . . • . . . • Each, $1.00
Three balls only. . . . $1.00 I One or two balls . . . Each, .35 No. 2. Lambs' Gut1 White only. . • . . . :: 1.50
No. OOH. Championship Tennis Ball. For hard or day courts. Doz.,4.00 No. 3. Best Lambs Gut, White only. . . 2.50
Three balls only. • . • $1.00 I One or two balls.. . . Each, .35 No. 4. Special Expert Stringing, White only. 3.50
Wright & Ditson Championship Ball Racket Presses
No. IR. For one racket , . . . , • • . • . Each, $1.00
No. 5. So well known that comment is unnecessary. . Dozen, $4.00 No. SR. Superior quality, for one or two rackets. • . " 2.50
Threi balls only. . . . $1.00 I One or two balls. . . Each, .35 "Combination" Racket Press and Case
Tournament Tennis Ball No. CPC. This is as name suggesta, both a press and a case. Case best
sole leather. Metal press patented design. . . . • . Each, $12.00
No. O. For practice or children's use only. Dozen, $3.00. Each, 25c. Spalding "Club" Racke t Press
Spalding Racket Covers and Bag No. CP, Arranged for any number of rackets up to 24. For clubs to
keep a number of rackets in proper shape all the time. • Each, $25.00
No. O. Brown andmixedcoloredcanvaacover, full size. Eiifh, 35c, Rubber Handle Cover
No. 1. Soft felt cover, full size. . • • • . . . . . SOc.
No. GM. Good quality mackintosh material. Same cover exactly as No. 3, For covering racket handles to secure a better grip. Made of
we furnish with our Gold Medal Rackets. . . . . . Each, $1.00 pure gum rubber. . • . , • . • , • • . • . • . Each, SOc.
No. 14. Canvas cover, with extra pocket to hold balls. " 1.00 Seccomb Grip Winder
No. 16. Well finished, sheepskin, neatly bound. . . 2.00 No. S. Rubber fabric tc wind around racket handle. Each, 15c.
No. 5. Stiff leather, for one racket. • . • , . . . 5.50
No. 7. Stiff leather, for two rackets. . . . . . . . . 7.SO Adhesive Tape for Racket Grip
No. 12. Special leather bag to hold rackets, balls and suit. " 15.00 No. AD. Made especially for this purpose, I inch wide. Piece 4 feet
long in individual box. • . • , , • . . . , . • . • Each, 10c.
Spalding Lawn Tennis Score Books Tennis Gut Preservative
Official Lawn Tennis Score Book, paper cover, 16 sets. . . Each, 10c. Apply immediately after playing as it takes a little time to dry. Two-
Extra Tennis Score Cards, 4 sets. . • . . . . . . . Dozen, 10c. ounce bottle, complete with good1 brush in box. . . . . Bottle, 25c,

Spalding Patent Double Center

Nets- Hand Made
White, 21 Thread. Double Court
No. 3D. 42 feet x 3 feet, double center

26 feet. . . . . . , Eoch, $6.50
No. 2D. 36 feet x 3 feet, double center
20 feet. • . . • . • Each, $6.00
White, 15 Thread. Double Court
No. 3C. 42 feet x 3 feet, double center
·. . 26 feet. . . . . . . Ench, $5.50
·.: .· . :• ... No. 2C. 36 feet x 3 feet, double center
20 feet. . . . . . . Each, $5.00
Cut , how• Double Center Net with No. A l'o,h and No, 3-0 Center Stra'p
Spalding Hand Made Nets- NOT Double Center-Top bound with heavy 2-inch cnnva• atrip
No. 3B. Double Court, hand made, 42x 3 ft., 21 thread, white, Ea..$5.00 No. 28. Double Court, hand made, 36x3 ft., 21thread.white. Ea.,$4.50
Spalding Black Twine Neta ( Hand Made)
Dyed with fast coloring matter, which adds to their durability. Bound at top with n doubled bond of 8 ounce white duck, 2 inchet wide, and
equipped with heavy tarred manila ropea top ond bottom.
No. 2-0. 36 ft. x 3¼ ft., 21 thread, double center 20 ft. • • Each, $7 .50 No. 4-0. 36 ft. x 3 1/4' ft., 30 thread, single center, . . . • Ench, $7.50
No. 3-0. 42ft. x 3¼ ft., 21 thread, double center 26 ft. . • " 8.00 No. 5-0. 42 ft. x 3¼ ft., 30 thread, single center, • , • . " 8.00
Spalding Machine Made Nets
Top and bottom bound with heavy cotton rope. (White) T~p bound with heavy 2-inch canvas atrip, (White)
No. 1. Single Court, 27 ft., 12 thread. . . . . , .
No 2 Double Court, 36 Et., 15 thread. . . . . . .
. Ea.~. $1.00
. l.25
No. 2A. IJoublo Court, 36 ft., 15 thread. . . . . . . Ench, $1.
No. 3A. Double Court, 42 ft,. 15 thread. . . , , ·• 2.
No: 3: Double Court, 42 ft., 15 thread. . . . . . . . " 1.50 No. 4A. Double Court, 42 ft., 21 thrend. . , . . , • 3.50
Spalding Twine Nets for Backstops
No.4 Machine Made.White, 50 ft. long-, 7 ft. high, 9 thr,.ad . Ea.,$2.50 No.5. MachiM Made, White, 50 ft. long, 8 ft. high, 12 thread Ea., $3.50
• No. SX. Tarred, Machine Made, 50 ft. long, 8 ft. high, l2thrend. Ea.,$4.00 ·
Spalding Tarred Nets (Hand Made) G a lvanized Steel Cable for Top Cord s
Bound with heavy duck at top ; extra heavy ga[va- Galvanized 1teel cable, five strands of seven wires

ni,~edf W1·r e hc abled. Each $ IO each, metal loops and manila rope ends. Ea.. $2,00
No. 8-0. 33 ft. x 37a t., 3 6 t rea • • · 00 C
No. 9..0. 42 ft. 6 in. x 3¼ ft., 36 thread. "
Bound with 10 oz. duclc_at top; galvanized wire cable 12.00 N~. 2-0. For holding enter
Canvas Straps
center of net at regulation
inatead of ordinary rope top cord. height, 3 feet. , • . . . • • . Each $1.00
No. 8-0. 33 ft. s 3¾ ft., 2 1 thread. . E~fh• $9.00 No. ~-0. As No. 2-0, b~t fitted with turn-buckle,
No. 7..0. 42 ft. 6 in. x 3¼ ft., 21 thread. 10.00 so height of net can beadiusted to a hair. Ea., $1.25
Spalding Wood Backstop Poat Iron Center Forks
No. BS. Backstop poat only; woode n. Each, $ 11.25 No :,.o No. 2. Good quality iron fork. • . Each. $1.00
No. A

.! "
Jlopea Pei•·

r ,-,

No. 25

T ethel'
Ball ...,4
'No. DR Pole
No. At. Ready for
Pia,-. Cuc

~ S ho wa

M arkins

Rope.• m
No. No. B
No. 2 No. 1
No. L Markina Platea

~~:?-~~ .Marking Tape. F

Spalding "Championship " T ennis Posts Spalding "Club" Tennis P osts
No. B. Made of best quality 2 ' ,-inch square aah, nicely polished and
No. A In uac on the courts of the most prominent clubs in this country. varnished. equipped with japanned braces so as to make posts 11bso-
The• upright.I arc of heavy 2-inch japanned steel tubing, pointed at lutcly rigid, and when act in position the eosts extend 30 inchca into
lower end ao as to go 24 inchu into ground, and equipped_ with ground. Ex.tr11 heavy brass ratchet of English design. • Pair, $10.00
wheel at t~p and wrought iron triple claw clutches, so that the tighter
net is drawn, the more rigid posts b ecome. Specially atro~g ratchet Spalding "Casino " Tennis P osts
for tightening net. . . • • • • • • • • . • . . Pair, $20.00 No. C, Hc11vy aquarc wood posts, painted, varnished and atriped. Reel
of improved design, to tighten net. Extra heavy japanned iron brack-
Spalding " Auto-Loe " T e nnis Posts ets to steady posts, extending 30 inches into ground. • Pair, $7.50
No. AL For private courts or wherever it is d eairablc to remove P.osts Spalding Tennis P osta
after p)~ is finished. Tightening r atchet permit• the closest adiuat• No. DR. Sciuare posts of wood, handsomely pointed in red, with blnc:l,:
ment and lock• automatically and instantly aa aoon as released. Iron striping. One post fitted with reel: japanned iron bracket braces to
ends lit e:icactli the sockets in the spade b ases and ~eep the po~ts steady posts, extending 24 inches into ground. • • • . Pair, $5.50
absolutely rigid when placed in position . Complete with h!)oka, with Spalding T ennis P oles
h andlca for removing eockets from ground. . • • Pair, $18.00
No. E. Finely polished, solid, spiked tennis poles. Packed complete
with guy ropes 11nd pelfs. . , . . • . . . . • , Pair, $2.00
Spalding " Anchore d •• Steel Tennis Posta No. F. Good quality solid tennis poles. Packed complete with guy
No. AP. Furniahed with the moat reliable and rigid method of fnate~ing ropca nnd pegs. . • • . . . • . • • . , . . Pair, $ 1.00
upright ro•t• permanentIf tha~ has eve~ been ~rou~ht to o ur attent,1on. Spalding "Side Line,. Tennis Posts
Posts o galvanized atee tubm(f, 2½ mchca m diameter, are driven No. SL. Used to put thn ne-t nt the proper height for n amslecourtgt1me
into ground, where they are held secu rely in place by 11nc~ot atnkes or II court set for" doubles." • . . . . • . . . • . Pnir, 75c.
driven through 1ocket1 on the aides of the poata. , , Patr, $12.00
Reels for T ennis Posts I
Pulleys and Axles No. 0. Jt1panncd pulleys, complete wit~ l\ltlcs,
for top of tennis posts. • • • . P11tr, 35c.
No. L. "Auto-Loe" Patented R eel for T enni.• Posts. With rotchct GuyRopea l\nd {No. 1. Cotton ropes, plain pegs. • . • Set, 25c.
device, which make• it poasible to adiu1t hc1aht of net Ee:icohct1$v a nd Pegs f or No. 2. H eavy cotton ropc1, plain pctr•• :: SOc_
· 11..
Iock s automataca l t nc 5·00 . No, 3. H eavy cotton ropes, fancy peg,. 85c.
~ nt Pace sc · · · • · · ' · · · • T e nma P osts (No. 3 will an.... uwr for Backstop Po.~t11.)
No. R. Regulotion style, jopanncd linieh, wooden hnndle. " 1.50
Spalding "Eureka" Wet Tennis Markers Spalding Marking- Plate a
For permanently morking the angles of a court. M11dc of mnllcnblc
Potcntcd July 27, 1909 iron and ~"'intcd white. A act consists of diiht comer 11nd two T pieces.
For Grau or Dirt Court■• Uec11 liquid woter elnked lime. MakeFlclcan f No. 1. \Vith acpnr11te pine. . . • • • • , • . , • Set, $ 1.00
<;ut !inc. No brushes to clog and wear. $imp1O to operate. ow O
No. 2. \Vith wedge pins attached. • • . . . . . " 1.50
!,quid under instant contro l. Eoch, $10.00 Spalding "Newport " Scoring Tree
No. 10. Vertical
No. 25. style,
Hor:~ontal •h•lcemail
., for tank..
club u se.. , .lnrge
· · tonk.
· · · .. 26•00 · 11nd ·m d',epcn sable for c Iu b • con d uc1·'"II' 1m-
N o. N• A most use ru Idcv1ce •
- v portant toumnmenta, Sub1tanti11lly made nnd complete wtth everything
Spalding Improve d " W e t Spray" T e nnia Marke r , n cceaaary for announcing pro1trc•• of games and acts. Complete, $25.00
No. X. For Grau Court• Only. Simpl_e but effective.. Flow or liquid S palding Lawn T e nnis Umpire Chair
underinatant control from handle. Mnke• on orn lmoEofhu$~0 00 No. 1. Aauaed11tNcwportnndt1timportllnttournnmcnts. Each, $20.00
width. No ribbon ; liquid fiowe directly on whee • • · ac ' • Spalding T e the r Tennis Game
Spalding Dry T e nnis Markers No. 1. Tether Tennie Ball and Cord (regular tennis boll with twine
No. 3. For Dirt Court. Only No mixtnlr of mntcri11l.. U•~• marb1c

duat and alaked lime, etc. M ade aubstantialiy of iron, mcc~ ia:a$;00
The b eat dry tennis marker mnde. _ • • : • • • · • I ~f ' 1·00
No. 2. Same as No, 3, but smaller ai.ze 3 nd hiihtcr motcna • •
I :i,~~t·
knitted cover). • . . . . . • . • . . . . . . Each, $1.00
?·P. t~~t:~ ~~k. llho.;c 8' r~u,;d, · ~:eel
Made _apccinlly or playgroun use. . , . . . . .
Ea ch• $10.00
No. 5. Mark mg ropes for circle 11nd dividing line, with ataplca. Set, 1 .00
_Spalding Portable Mar~ing Tapes Sc $J 50 Spalding "Patent Angle" Steel Measuring Tapes
No. 3, For Single Court. I 00 1tap)e11 and/ms. . · · • · ,.t, 4:00 For )~ing out courts and all kinds of athletic fields. With thia tnpc one
- 4. For Double Court, 200 ataples an 14 p ine. co~piete with 200 person can easily secure accurate right angle,. Equal to any other for
0 ta6. For d~ ub_le Court, extra q uahlY canvoa,
4 Set $6.00 atraight measuring also. Mountings nickel-plated. Accuracy_guaranteed,
f 1
N' cs~a St;>;k~. • : : • • • • • • · • · · Per JOO, .50 No. A. 50 feet .. Each, $4.00 No. B. 100 feet. • l::.ach, $6.75
' . • ~...:.
!.l'JIEll~· A'ilE NO ·F~OT FAULT$
§)J»ail <dl ii In) g !LaWllll 1re ImImn § 0 § <qr\\lla®lmo
(Q)\\ll~nimg ~1m<dl <Gollfc §lffi<0>e®
Spalding Lawn T e nnis Shoes
No. BBH. H igh cut, black, finest quality kangaroo uppers,
sp ecial qu ality w hite oak soles, w ith officially approved
blunt spikes. Sewed welt. Ideal shoes fo r tennis on turf
courts. • . . . • . . . . . . . . • . Pair, $6.00
No. AH. High cut, r usset calf, with best red rubber flat soles.
Sewed welt and absolutely best grade material through-
out. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . Pair, $6.00
No. A . Low cu t, russet calf, with best red rubber flat soles.
Sewed welt. Qyality same as No. AH. • . . Pair, $5.50
No. CH. H igh cut, best white canvas, fine quality red rubber
flat soles. Sewed welt. • • . . • • . • • Pair, $4.50
No. C. Low cut, best white canvas, fine quality red rubber
flat soles. Excellent yachting shoes. . . • . Pair, $3.50
No. D. Low cut, white canvas, red rubber flat soles, not guar-
anteed. . . . . . . . . • • . • • • . Pair, $1.50
Spalding Outing Shoes
No. WB. Low cut. Imported English buck. Best quality
red rubber soles and heels. Hand sewed and strictly
bench made, Very dressy Summer shoes. . . Pair, $8.00
No. CG. Low cut, imported English buck. Reinforced with
C • No. CC

tan leather; suction rubber soles. . . . • • Pair, $7.50 _ __,.._ ~

Spalding Superior Squash Shoes ~-=:f::~::;ffiail'
-..;;;:::::::==::::=:=d No. BG. Low cut, imported English white buck uppers, and
flat rubber soles; hand sewed and superior quality throughout.
, ...., No.BG Best and most satisfactory Squash Shoes. Very dressy tennis
...._ and yachting shoes. . . • • • • . · Pair, $8.00

~~)~ No.leather,
Spalding Squash Tennis Shoes
AG. Low cut, drab calf uppers, reinforced with tan
and with suction rubber soles. . • . Pair, $5.50
We resole Spa.lding Rubber Soled Tennis, Golf and Squaah Shoe,. The
work is d one in the Spalding Shoe Factory, where the shoes are made.
Thia i, a convenience th at oth er manufacturers are unable to offer.
Send sh oes to n earest A. G. Spalding & Bros.' store.
Spaldin g Golf Shoes
No. 88. Fine russet calf, low cut; sewed welt. Spliced rubber
soles (new idea), full heels and studded leather toes. Most
up-to-date and best golf shoes made. Supplied r egularly
without box toe, but will be furnished with box toe on
special order. . . . . . . • . . • • . Pair, $8.00
No. 8. High cut, tan calf; sewed welt; English swing last, box
toes, Blucher cut, white oalc soles. Heavy enough to atta,~h
hob nails or rubber discs. • . • . . . • • Pair, $6.50
No. 6. Low cut, tan calf; sewed welt; ET)glish swing last, box
toes, Blucher cut, white oak soles. Heavy enough to attach
hob nails or rubber discs. . . • . • Pair, $6.00
No. 4 . Hi_gh cut, t~n calf leather, reinforced across instep,
b lunt spikes. P lam toes, no cap. Easiest fitting and most
comfortable golf shoes made. . . . , Pair, $6.00
No. 5. Low cut, tan calf leather, reinforced across inst.ep;
sewed welt; b lunt spikes; plain toe, no cap. • Pair, $5.50
No. 7. Low cut, tan calf, heavy w hite oak leath er soles; sewed
·;·_ •. ',J..._.. '•.·'b. ._
.• . < •
welt; fitted with special metal blunt spikes. . Pnir, $5.50
No. GB. Low cut, with suction rubber soles • sewed welt
-~:. ', ·, ,'"'". Ligh t drnb calf. Laced very low. • . • Pair, $5.00
No. AB. Same as No. GB, b u t h igh cut. " 5.00
'-..._..,. .. · ........
Hob Nails { No. MK. Iron.. · · • · bo:zen, 10c.
No. W . A luminum. . . " 15c.
Rubber Discs. For golf sh oes. • • . . . . ac , 7 c.
E h
An application every couple of w e eks of S PALDING "ORI.FOOT" will
b e found v ery b eneficia.l t? leathe r uppers, either tan or black , o f a.II
a.thlehc shoes. C an, 15 cents.
No. IS
Spalding Gymnasium Shoes
No. 15. Hi1rh cut, kangaroo uppers, genuine elkskin soles. Will not
slip on Boor, extra li1fhl. . . . . . . . . . . . . Pair, $5.00
SHOES No. 155. High cut, elkskin soles, and will not slip on floor, soft and
Bexible; women's and men"s sizes. . . . . , . . Pair, $4.50
No. 166. Low cut, selected leather, extra light and electric soles;
women's and men's s izes. • . . . . . . . . . . Pair\ $3.00
No. 90L. Women"s. Low cut, black leather, electric soles and corru•
gated rubber heels. . . • . . . . • . . . . . . Pair, $2.50
No. SSL. Women's. Low cut, black leather, with roughened electric
soles. . . • . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . Pair, $2.00 • No L
No. 21. H igh cut, black leather, electric soles. Sewed and turned, - · • -•~90·
which makes shoes extremely tight and Aexible. . . . Pair, $2.50 •
No. 20. Low cut. Othe~ise as No. 21. Sewed and turned. Pair, $ 2.00
No. 20L. Women's. Otherwise as No. 20. Sewed and turned.
Pair, $2.00
Spalding "Sprinting" Basket Ball Shoes
No. BBS. Flexible shank style. Improved patented pure gum thick
rubber auction soles. Absolutely guaranteed to give sab.faction with
reasonable use. Uppers of best quality black genuine kan1raroo
leather; light, flexible and durable. Strictly bench-made.
Pair, $8.00 $7.50 per pair.
vrecedecl by *
On orders fi>r /ii·c pairs, or more, price in italics,
will apply.
No. AB. High cut, drab calf, Blucher cut; heavy red rubber suction
soles. superior quality. . . . . . . • . . • . . • Pair, $5.00
No. BBL Women"s. High cut, black chrome leather, and rubber
suction soles. . • • . • . . . . • . • . • . • Pair, $4.SO
Spalding Special Canvas Top Baske t Ball Shoes
No. P. Special quality soft rubber soles. These soles absolutely hold
on the moat e)ippery floor. \Vom by aorne first clau teams.
Pair, $4.00 *
~43.20 Doz.
Canvas Top Basket Ball S hoes-Rubber Soles
No. HH. H igh cut, white canvas upper. Soles of white, best quality
Men's sizes, 6 to 12, inclusive. *
rubber, twice as thick as on rubber sole canvas gymnnsium shoes.
. • . . Pair, $2.25 $.!4.311 I>oz.
No. HHB. Boys', 2•~ to 5½, inclusive. Othe~ise same aa ~o. 1-11-1.
Pair, $2.00 $.I.CO Doz.
No. HHX. Youths', 11 to 2, incluaive. Othe~ise same as No. HH.
Pair, $ l.80 * .~
19. ! I Doz.
No. H. Men's, aame aa No. HH, but low cut. Sizes. 6 to 12, inclusive.
Pair, $2.00 $.!•J Duz.
No. HB. S oya', 2 1~ to 5'~. inclusive. Otherwise snme as No. H .
Pair, $1.75 $18.YO Doz.
No. HX. Youths', 11 to 2, inclusive. Othe~ise ae No. H.
Pair, $1.60 $17.2S Do:.
Spalding Canva1 S hoes with Rubber Spies
MEN'S-Si2.01, 6 to 12, inclu,ive.

No. IH. I lill'h cut, best quality white rubber solN. Men's of white
canvas wornen·• of black. • . . . . . Pa,r, $1.75 $1,~.90 Doz.
No, I. Low cut. Othe~iae aame a1 No. 111. " 1.50 16.W "
No. M. I li1eh cut. . . . . . . . . •
No. K. Low cut. • . , . . . . . •
.80 * 9.'l'J "
S,6i "
YOUTHS'-Size1, 11 to 2, inclusive.

No. lHX. High cut, bt'et quality white rubber eoles. Y 011tha of white

canvns mi11es' of black. . . • . . . Pn1r, $1.40 $14.U Do:.
No. IX. 'Low cut. Otherwise 1nme as No. II IX. " 1.25 JS.SO "
No. MX. High cut. • . • • • . • , • . .80 S.64 "
No. KX, Low cut, , , , , , • . • • • •70 7.56 "
BOYS'- Size1, 2 ½ to S ~ . inclusive,

No. lHB.High,cut, best qunlity white rubbt"r ~oles. Boy1' oF white
canvae g1rl1 of black. . . . • . , . Pair, $1.60 ~17.!.~ Do;:,
No. 18 . 'Lo"'( cut, Oth erwise a11me a, No. 1118, ·• 1.50 16•.!0 "
No MS. 1 ligh cut. . . . . • . • • , •
No. KB. Low cut. . • . • • ,
•75 *
111,~ "
8,10 "
N Spalding Lel\thcr Flexible Sole Gymnasium S h oe• Spalding S p ecial B owling S h oes
N~'JrL,E **
& lect.ed black leather, high cut. P~.1r, $1.50 116 ~o /~~=·
No. 148. Light drab chrome tnnned leather, with IPCCllll leather aoles.
N ·
8~t • lk1k1n, penrl color high cut 1.50
* ~ce e~tremel)r low down. • . . , • • • . . Pafr, $3.SO

N~· ~urne as No. PL, ex'cept low ~ut. :: 1.25 13.80 " Spalding Fencing S hoes
No' S arne aa No. BJ IL. but low cut. ., 1.25 1/1.~0 .. N L Wh" b '- k
No· L,L Sdl'cted drab color le-ather, high cut. .. 1.00 10. WI ., o. 1te ue1<1 in, red trimm1np. . , • Pair, $5.00
B · 0 5 • 5 nme as No. SL, except low cut. .90 9. 73 No. LW. Same aa No. L. in women a s ize,. . . " 5.00
uket Ball f:Quiprnen t liatcd on Paac 44. Athletic Shirt,, Tights, Spalding Clog Shoes
Trunk,, etc., on Paao 45. No. 1-0. Goatskin uppers. Specially 1ea1oned wood soles. Pail", $4.00
Canvas Gymnasium a nd A c robatic Shoes
No. FE. Extra high cut, beat quality canvas shoe, with leatherhaole. Made e specially for-acrobatic work. . . • . Pair, -$1.25 $13.:.0 Doz
No. E. Low cut, canvas a oe, canvas so1e. . . . . . Pair, 3Sc,
The m-ices printed i11, italics OJJ=site items marked 111ith
*. tt'ill be quoted only on order, f<>r five '1)aiirs or moro. Q
allowed on item, NOT •marked with.* 1tantit11 Prices NOT
r I

) ~

.. r,~
~_i~\ "I
I ,Q;;;?, , ri~ } ); No. OM.•

No. M
\f ~o!JII~
fltllllgs on l'lo. 50 Goals No. 2 No. T
No. PGl
§w, t&Il. <dl nml g n
a a (Q) ffi c t& Il OO
IB i&§11-te ~ 18) t& ItIt
The Only Official Basket Ball. Officially Adopted and Standard.
No. M. Made in four sections, with capless ends, and of the finest and most carefully selected pebble grain English
leather. Extra h eavy bladder made especially for this ball of extra quality pure P ara rubber (not compounded).
Each ball packed complete, in sealed box, WE GUARANTEE this ball to be perfect in material and workmanship and correct
with rawhide lace and lacing needle, in shape and size when inspected at our factory. If any defect is discovered during
and guaranteed perfect in every detail. the first game in which it is used, or during the first day's practice use, and if returned
at once, we will replace same under this guarantee. 1-Vc do not guarantee against ordi-
This ball must be used in all match nary wear nor again..~t defect in shape or size that is not discovered immediately after
games of either men's or women's teams. thefirst day's use. CJ Owing to the s-uperb Quality ofour No. M BASKET BALL. our
Ea h $6 00 e11Rlomers have grown to expect a season's use ofone ball, and at times make u1ireasonabl6
c • • clai-nl-8 under our guarantee, which we 1i,ill not allow. A. G. SPALDING & BROS,


No. E. Imported pebble grain leather case. Extra heavy No. PGJ. W elt raised seams, making ba ll very durable
guaranteed pure Para rubber bladd er (not compounded). and particularly suitable for outdoor or playground use.
Complete in box, with ra=hide lace and lacing needle. Supe- Regulation size. Best quality leather case. Guaranteed
rior to any except our No. M Official Ball. . . Each, $4.00
bladder. . • . • • . . • . . Each, $4.00
No. 01. For carrying an infla ted basket ball. Useful for SPALDING "PRACTICE" BASKET BALL No. 18
teams to carry properly inflated ball. • . . Each, $ 1.00 No. 18. Good quality leath er cover. Each ball complete in
SPALDING "OFFICIAL" BASKET BALL GOALS box with pure Para rubber (not compounded) bladder, guar-
No. 80. Officially adopted and must be used in all match anteed; rawhide lace and lacing n eedle. • . Each, $3.00
games. • • • . . . . . . . . • • Pair, $4.00
SPALDING BLADDERS- Guaranteed Quality
EXTRACT FROM OFFICIAL RULE BOOK- Rule IU. Goals. Made of pure Para rubber (not compounded) and are guar-
Sec. s. The ooal made by A. G. Spalding & Bros. BhaU
be t)io official goal. anteed p erfect in material and workmanship.
Sec. 4, The official ooal must be used in all match names.
No. 90, This is the only drop forged goal made, to the No. OM. For Nos. M, E an d PGI balls . • Each, $1.50
best of our knowled ge. We h ave gone to a great d eal of No. A. For No. 18 ball. . 1.00
trouble and expense to make it, so we can gua.rantee that SPALDING THUMB PROTECTOR
even under the heaviest and most severe use it will not N o. T • Substantial support that players will appreciate.
break. Same size bask et, an d b race same length as on
official goals. Extra heavy nets. This is the style goal Each, 50c.
that should be used in all large gymnasiums. Pair, $5.00 SPALDING BASKET BALL SCORE BOOKS
SP A LDING D ETACH ABLE BASKET BALL GOALS No. 1. Paper cover, 10 games. . • . , Each, 10c.
No. 5 0. May be detached readily from the wall or upright, No. 2. Cloth cover, 25 games. . . . • .. 25c.
leaving no obstruction to interfere with other gameR or with No. A. Collegia te, pnper cover, 10 gnmes. H l OC.
general gymnasium work. Same size basket, and brace No. B. Collegiate, cloth cover, 25 games. .. 25c.
same length as o n official goals. . . . • . Pair, $6.00 SPALDING REFEREES' W HISTLES
SPALDING PRACTICE G O ALS No. 3. Nickel-plated, special deep tone. . • Each, 75c.
No. 70. Japanned Iron Rings and Brackets. Complete No. 4. Hom whistle, nir.kel-plated, heavy metal. 7 5c.
with nets. . . . • . • • . . . . . Pair, $3.00 No. 2. Very reliable. Popular design: • . " 25c.
NETS SEPARATE FOR GOALS No. 7. Nickel-plated, heavy metal whistle. The most sat.
Heavy twine; hand knitted; white. . . • . Pair, SOc. isfactory and loudest of any. . • Each, S0 c.'
A. G. Spalding & Bros. s u pply the equipment officially approved for game of ••NEWCOMB," including ball, etc., as
noted below.
Ball, "Officia l." Each, $6.00 Quotations on outdoor equipment for "Newcomb" on ap-
Poata. . . . Pair, 20.00 p lication to A. G. Spalding & Bros,, Inc., Gymnasiu m
Guide and Rule Book. Copy 25 Eq u ipment Department, Ch icopee, Mass.
See Paae 43 for Buket Ball Shoe■, Paae 45 for Pants, Pads, Sleevele■a Shirt11, Knee T iah ta, e tc.; P age 3 3 for S tock inaa. P aae 34 for Be lts.
Paae 36 for J eneys, and P age 34 for Supporten.


No. 600D No. 601 "

No. 600S No. 12L


•:Il: •~:T•hU •r•

NI ~
8 071' Knee Pante.
·••••. . •~• < .,
Noa. 6 1 and 62 ~ .No. 1 Trunk.

§1P)~Il<dliirmg .Ailhlle{tftc §Jhft1rfts;o 1riiiglh\{t$ ~rm©! 1rT'iUl!Th~§

STOCK COLORS AND SIZES. OUR WORSTED GOODS, except as noted b elow, are carried in stock in Gray, White, Navy Blue,
Maroon, and Black . Supplied in any other plain color at no extra charge. S tock sizes: Sh irts, 26 to 46 inch chest. Tights, 28 to 42 inch
waist. SANITARY COTTON GOODS, except as n oted below, are carried in stock in Bleach ed White, Navy, Black, Maroon, and Gray.
Supplied in any other plain color at n o extra c harge. Stock Sizes: Shirts, 26 to 46 inch chest. T ights, 26 to 42 inch waist.
Striped Shirts and Shirts with Sash, Nos. 600S, 6ES and 6EJ? furnished Spalding W orsted Trunks
on special orders in any colors, no more than two colors m any one No. 1. Best worsted, Black, Maroon or Navy. . • • . . Pair, $2.00
garment, at no e~tra charge. . • No. 2. Good quality w orsted Navy or Black. Special colors to order. 1.00

Spalding _Sleevel ess Shirts- Plain Colors Spalding Juvenile Shirts and Tights
No. 600. Go(?d qu&hty worsted. . . . .
No. 6E. Samtary Cotton. • • . . . .
$1.25 $13.50 L!~z.
,50 5.40
Only sizes supplied: Chest, 26 to 30 inches, inclusive; Wais t.
24 to 26 inches, inclusive.
Spalding Striped Sleeveless Shirts No. 65. Sle!!vcless Shirt, worst~d, quality of No. 600. • $1.00 ~?'•
No. 600S. Good uality worsted, with 6-inch stripe around chest, c~r- No. 65S. Striped, worsted, ~uahty of No. ~S. • . • 1.25
0 66
ried in stock in following colors: Navy with White stripe; Black ~•th ~ - • ft'artcTr.Slheeve Shirt, worste~, quality of No. 60 I. . 1.25
Orange stripe; Maroon with White stripe; Black. with R~d stnpe; 64
o. • nc~ ,g ts, w~rsted, quality of No. 604. P111r, 1.15
Gray with Cardinal atripe. Sec note above rcirardmg ape~ial orders.
. . *
. Eac~. $1.~0 $16.fl0 Doz.
Spalding Running P ants- Fly Front, Laced Back
No. 1. White or Black Sateen.
Pair, $1.25 $13.50 Doz.
1amc colors as No. 600S. . . .
Spalding Sleeveless Shirts with Sash
No. 6ES. Sanitary_Cotton, solid color body, with 6-m. atnpearound chea ,
Each, 75c, $8.l0 Doz.
No. 2 . White or Black Sateen.
No. 3. White or Blnck Silesia. : : : :
No. 4. White, Bla~k or Gray Silesil!. . . . . ".
" 1 .00
. 75
.50 *
10.80 "
8.10 "
5.40 . "
No. 600D. Good quality worsted, sleeveless, with woven sash of d,f. No. ~4. Same quality as No. 4, but m Juvenile sizes, not over ?6 mch
ferent color from body. Supplied in any two colors, To oracr only;
not carried in stock. . , . . . , • • Each, $2.00 $.!1.60 Doz. * S"lwkaRi~tb.b ·
1 1
s· . ·
·d · · :d · ·f · · f. · · · • . · · • Pair, 45c.
on tripes own s1 cs o any o abo".e running pants,
No. 6WD. Sanitary Cotton, with w oven sash. Same colors as No.
600S. To order onl}'; not carried in stock. Each, $1.25 $13.50 Doz. * . 'b . . Pair, cxtra,_25c. * $2.70 Doz.
S,lk R, bon Stnpe around waist on any of ab9ve running pnnts.
No. 6EO. Sanitary Cotton, with sash stitched on. Same colors as No.
600S. . • • . . . . . . • . . . . Each, 75c. *$8.10 Doz.
. ,
S palding Boys Knee Pants
Pair, extra, 25c. ~.70 Doz.

Spalding Quarter Sleeve Shirts- Plain Colors

No. 601. G ood quality worsted . . . . . Each, $ I.SO $16.20 l??Z· ** No. ~B. Boys'.Leadefs' Pants. Blue Aannel, Y. M. C. A. Knee Pants,
s t npe down ~,des. · · · · · • ·. • • • • • . . Pair, $2.50
No. 6F. Sanitary Cotton. . . . . . •
Spalding Full Sleeve Shirts- Plain Colors
" ,50 5.40
No ..l~B ..BoyJ Kncl?[ants, same q uality as No. _4 Y. M . C. A_.Trous.-rs,
wit atnpe own
e~. • · · • • · · Pair, $1.00 $10.80 Doz.
No. 602. Good quality worsted. . . . . Each, $2.00 $21.60 JJ.?z·
No. 3D. Colors: Flesh, White or Black . . " 1.00 **
, Spalding Y. M. C . A. Tro~sers
No. 2. Men a Leaders. B!ue or Gray Oannel, stripe down aides, $3.50
. r \ IR

. . W oven Neckl a ce m
• Sh' t
ir • .
W c _w,11 furmah either Noa. 600, 60 I or 600S shirl8 on si;>ec,.al orders only,
No. 3. Flannel, good quality. . . . . . . . . .
No. 4. Flannel, medium quality. . • . . Pair, $1.75 $is 90
Id' L d . .
* ·
3 00
\ with necklace woven of different color to bodY of shirt, m stock colors Spa mg eotar s - For Gymnas.,1m Use, Wrestling , Etc.
only, for an extra charge of . . . . . . . . $1.00 per garment. No. 12L• .Co~bining athletic e,hirt and hunks. Good quality worsted.
Spaid' K T ' ht St k C I rs and Sizes Not earned m stock. Supph cd on s1,ccinl orders only, in any color.
N mg n ee 1g a- oc o O D Each $2 50
N~: !i 4 · ~o~d quality worated . , . , • P.~ir, $l.~8;
• an,tary Cotton. • , • • • • . · ·
,?z· Spalding Wrestling Full Tights- Not carried in st~ck. ·
Supplied on Special orden only, in any solid c olor
N Spalding Full Length Tights No. WA. 8 cat w o~ated, knit t? sha~c and put together by ha~d. R ein-
~~°!iAM Beat worsted, full fashioned. Stock colora : BlackhNavy Blue, forced at knees with strong 111lk lin1Sh worsted. . • . . Pair, $6.00
aroon. Other colors on special order, no extra c p:!f~·ss.oo Spalding Special Pads for Wres tling
No. 605. Good qual"ty
N 1
t d t k l
o. 3A. Cotton fullqualit Wh"t Bl k Flesh." 1 ,00
nnd •izca
q • **
wors c , s oc co ora Pair, $2.50 $21.00 D.~z.
To be Sewn on Wrestling Ti11hta.
N o. B • So ft tonne d. h orsc In'd e cover, h air· f e 1t padd"mg, . P ,ur,
No. 62. Covered with tan leathcr,.l'added. . . . . . .
· 75c.
" 50c.
Y-. 1 c, ac • k No. 61. C loth covered, padded w,th wool felt. . . . • , " 25c.
No. 3. Fmc . Ve .,, S paldmg Velvet
k N Trun s Blue or Maroon. S paId'mg S p ecia · l C omh'me dW rest1·mg S upporter and Belt

C Bl R oyal
NSpecial colors to .;rdcroIore: ac ' avY, P air $1.00 $10.80 Doz. No. WS. Mercerize~ silk e lastic, strong and durable. A really safe
Go. 4. Sateen. Black or'Whit· · · · • · "' .50 6.40 " supporter for wreatlmg. . . • . . . . . . . . • Each $2.00
P Yfflnaaium and Baaket Bafi Sh~e; li~t~d on Page 43. Running .and. Jumping Sh'?e• on .Pait.e 46. Canvas Top Rubber Soled Shoes on
age 43, See Page 32 for prices on Le tterin ll, Em~lems_. Etc. Sw1mmm1!" and Bathmg Su1ta hated on Page 35. Basket Ball Pants and
w,t,. * :"
Pads al W tli Mattresses liste d 1n our Fall and Wmte r Catalogue- sent on request to any address
Th.e :J>nces
. printed. in ,italics b d onlY on a,:d ers JOT, 1.h , , d
ozen or more. • Quantity pricea
so opposite
res ng items ,marked . 1. tir=. c QUO Ic
Jo."OT allowed on ~tems NOT ·markecl with.
* one-,.....,
l I
Spalding "Monitor" Sprint Running Shoes
Patent apolied tor.
No. 3-0. Lightest running ahoe made. Hand made spikes, Especially for No. 2-0
100 and 220 yards races. . . , , , . , . . , . . . P air, $6.00
Spalding Outdoor Running Shoes
No. 2-0. S p a ldinB "Olympic Championship" Short Distance Running
Shoe. Extremely light and glove-fitting. H and made steel spikes. Worn
by all ch al'{lpions for short distancea, especially 440 and 880 yards and
one mile races. . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . Pair. $6.00
No. 10. Fine quality calfskin; b ench made; light weight, hand made steel
spikes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pair, $5.0Q

No. 11 T. Calfskin; machine made: solid leather tap soles hold spikes
firmly. . . . . . • . . . . . . . . Pair, $4.50 1,s.60 D oz.
No. 11. Chrome leather, machine made. . . " 3.50 97.80 "

Spalding Long Distance Running Shoes

No. MH. Hi~h cut, but light in weight. Correct
Marathon S hoes. Leather soles will not wear
smooth. Well finished insid~ so as not to
hurt the feet in a long race, Black calfsk in
uppers, hand sewed. . . . • Pair, $5.00
No. MO. Low cut, Blucher style, otherwise
same as No. MH.. . . . , . P air, $5.00
Indoor Running Shoes
No. 111. Calfskin, special corrugated rubber
soles; w ith spikes. . . . . . Pair, $4.00
No. 112. Calfskin uppers, rubber tap soles, no
spikes, , , , , Pair, $3.50 $89.00 Doz.
spikes. . , . . Pair, $3.00 *
No. 114. Leather shoes, rubber tap soles, no
$9J.OO Doz,
Indoor Jumping Shoes
With or without spikes.
No. 2 10. H and madehcelfskin uppers, rubber
tap soles and rubber eels. • , Pair, $5.00
Spalding W a lking, Cross-Country,
Jumping and Hurdling Shoes
No. 14C. Spalding "Olympic C hampionshiP"
Distance Running Shoes. For distance races.
Low broad heels; Aexible shank; hand made
steel spikes. . • . • . . . • Pair, $5.00
No. 14H. Spalding "Olympic Championship"
Jumpin g Shoes, Specially stiffened soles. Hand
made steel spikes. A lso correct shoes for shot
putting, w eight and hammer throwing. $6.00
No. 14F. Sp a lding "Olympic Ch ampionship"
Hurdling Shoes. Perfect shoes for hurdling,
H and made steel spikes. Made to order only.
Not carried in stock. • . , . P air, $6.00
No. 14V. Spalding "Olym_pic Championship"
Pole Vaulting Sho e■• Theae are the 1ome
shoes we supply to the record holders for pole
vnultiog, Hend made steel spikes. Mode lo
No. 10 order only. Not carried in stock. P air, $6.00

No, 14W. Spalding "Olympic Championah ip"
W a lkin s Shoes. For competition and match
racea. Used by all chllmpibns. . P air, $5.00
No. 14J. SRaldinlJ Outdoor Jumping S hoe1,
Good qu11lity calfskin; portly machine mode.
Steel spikes. , . • • • • , Pair, $4.50
Juvenile Running Shoes
No.12 . Outdoor. Leather good qunlity: complet~
with spikes. Sizes 12 to 5 on\y, P11ir, $2. 75
No. 115. Indoor. Leather !{OOd quality; without
spikes. Sizes 12 to 5 only. • . Pnir, $2.50
Spalding Athletic Grips
No. 2. Beat quality cork, with elnst.ic bnnds.
Pnir, 20c,
No. 1. Selected cork, 1hoped to fit hollow o f
hand. , , • , . , , • . • • Pnir, 15e.
Chamois Pushers
No. 5. Fine chamois akin nnd used with run- No. 14W
ning, w alking, jumping, and o ther nthlctic No. 14J
ahoea. . . . , . . , . . . P air, 25e.

SPECIAL NOTICE- W e r ecommend for u se

on running and other athletic 1hoe1, to k eep
the leather r.liablc and in i:ood condition,
SHOES • • • • • • • • Ca n, 15c.
Don' t Put Oil on Rubber Soles

The prices p,-i1lted in italics opposite items
marked with will be q11otecl 01lly 011 orders
for one-half dozen or more. Quantity prices
NOT allowed. on items NOT marked with * No. 2
-i(Jl No. 5
's p A L D I N G E Q U I P M E N T
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No. 1118 ,. -4
; No
Pa •
No. 109
'\'a\llting Stanc!!.rclf
No. MS

Footer's Safety Hu.nlle

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No. 1B Toe Boord Ake-oH Boar
,t;·· ·••No. ~J

Spalding Championship Hammer Spalding Bamboo Vaulting Po les Spalding T oe Boa rd or Stop Board
With Ball Bearing Swivel Indoor and Outdoor Styles Used when dulling the 16-lb. shot, throwing
Paunted M oy lo, l!IOO Owing to differences in climatic conditions it is w eights an discus. Regulation 11ze 1 pamted
Guaranteed absolutely correct in weiaht. impossible to keep Bamboo Vaulting Poles from gray. • • . • • . . • • . Eacn, $3.50
No. 12F. 12-lb., no leather case. ~~h, ',4 .50 crackin!!'. All of our tests would seem to prove Spaldin g Lanes for Sprint Races
No. 16F. 16-lb., no leather case. 5.00 that poles with season checks may be accepted No. L. Sufficient stakes and cord to lay out four
No. L. Leather case, to hold .either 12 or 16 lb. as safe and durable, except where the season
hammer. . . . . . . . . Each, $2.00 I 00-yard lanes. • • • • . . Set, $1 5.00
check is wide open and extends through severnl
Extra Wire Hammer Handles sections on one aide. V cry frequently such Spalding
No. MG. For Championship hnmmera. Same split, or season checks can be entirely dosed by Official Batons for Relay Races
as used by Matt McGrath. . . Each, $2.00 placing the pole in a damp place for a day or ao. No. 1. Correct size, length and weight. Ea , lSc.
Indoor Bamboo Vaulting Poles
Regulation Hammer, with W ire Handle Tape wound at short intervals. Thoroughly Sp alding Official Sacks for Sack Races
Guaranteed correct in weight. tested before leaving our factory. Fitted with Sizes for men and boys ; strongly reinforced.
Ne,, 121H. 12-lb., iron, practice, Each, $3.50 No. special spike. Ea.
No. 161H. 16-lb., iron, regulation. "
Extra Wire Hammer Handles
3. 75
12BV. 12ft. "
l0BV. 10 ft. Ea., $4.00 No. 14BV. 14 ft. $6.00
5.00 No. 16BV. 16ft. 6 .00
No. MS. Men's Sack, reinforced. Each, $I.SO
No. BS. Boys' Sock, reinforced. " 1.00
No. FH. Reirulatton style. . . . Each.$ •75 Outdoor Bamboo Vaulting Poles Official
H ammer Throw Cage. . Complete, $200.00 Tape wound at short intervals. Thoroughly tested Harness for Three-Legged Racing
Spalding Rubber Covered Indoor Shot before lcnving factory. Rounded end wound No. 1. Conforme to official rulea. • Set, $2.50
P at. Dec. 19, 190$. Always full weight.
No.P.16-lb. Ea.$12.00 I No.Q . 12-lb. Ea.$10.00
with copper wire and soldered.
l00BV. I0ft.Ea.$4.00 No.104BV.14ft.$6.00
102BV.12ft. " 5.00 No.106BV.16ft. 6 .00
Official Steel Measuring Tape
No. 1118. 300 feet long; markine throughout
Spalding Indoor Shot- Leather Covered Special Note- W e h ave di,continucd makmg
in feet, inches and e ighths. • t::ach, $16.50
No. 3 . 12-lb. Shot, • . . • . Each, $6.50 Spruce V aulting Poles been use we find ourselves Steel Tape Chain on Pate nt R eel
No. 4 . 16-lb. Shot. . . . . . " 7.50 unable to recommend their use, owing to danger Lnat loot only in inches: balance in feet.
Regulation Shot, Lead and Iron of breakage and poHibility of serious injury lo Superior steel, about !~ inch wide.
Guaranteed correct in weight. uacr. No. 18. 100 feet long. . • • • Each, $5.00
No. 161.S. 16-lb., lead. . . . Each,$ 3 .50 Indoor Pole Vaulting Board No. 118. 200 feet long. • • • • " 7.50
No. 12LS. 12-lb., lead. " 3 .00
No. 1615. 16-lb., iron. • 1.75 No. 117. Made up of sectional blocks o f wood, Patent ''Angle" Steel Measuring Tape
No. 121S. 12-lb., iron. . I.SO p laced on end eo that the spike of the vault- For laying off base bnll rliamonds, tennis courts
No. 241..S. 24-lb., lead. 6 .00 in11 pole will not split them. Glu..d nnd n nilcd and all kinds of 11thlet1c fields. Enclosed in
No. 241S. 24-lb.• iron. • • . . 5.00 together: bound in by heavy wood frnme, hard lc11thcr cnsc.
made of ash, reinforced with corner irons. No. A. 50 feet long. mch wide. Ench, $4.00
Spalding Regulation 56-lb. W eight Complete, $16.00 No. B. 100 feet long, ½ inch wide. " 6.75
No. 2. Endorsed by all weight throw<"ra. Guar•
nnteed correct. Lend. . . . Each, $12.00 Foster's Patent Safet y Hurdle Spalding Referees' Whistles
Juvenile Athletic Shot and Hamme rs Short aide mea1ure1 2 feet 6 inches from the No. 7. N1ckel-plnted, heavy metal whistle. The
ground; lo ng aide, 3 feet 6 inches. Cnn be loudest of any. • • • • • • • Ench SOc
Weights guaranteed accurate.
No. 81H. 8-lb. Iron H ammer. . Each $2.50
changed Crom one height to the other in a few No. 4. I lorn whi s t I e, nickel-plritcd hen~
seconds. • . • . . Single I lurdle, $3.50 metal. . . . • • . . . • • Each, 75c.
No. 26. 8-lb. Leather Covered Shot, for' mdoor
and playground u,c. • • . . Each, $5.00 Rubber Training Shirts for reducing, etc., No. 3. N,ckcl-plated, apecinl deep tone. " 75c.
No. 5. 5-lb. Leather Covered Sho~ for indoor liste d on Page 30. No. 2. V ery re linble. • • • • • " 25c.

~o. s:~·
and playground u ■e. • . . . 1:.nch, $4.00
8-lb., Solid Iron Shot. .
o. 5 . 5-lb .• Solid Iron Shot. .
1.25 Spalding 7-Foot Circle
1.00 The diacu1, shot and we1ght1 arc thrown from
Spalding Stop Watch
Stem-winder, nickt'l-plnted cnse po, cclain din!
registered to 60 •cconda by I aeconds. •
Spalding Olympic Discus the 7-foot circle. • • • • . Each, $10.00
T'cf Spnlding Diacua i, recognized u the official
iscu~ • . • , . , , . Ench, ~S.00
Spalding Take -off Board
Ench, $7.50
Spalding Starters' Pis tol
Used for the running broad jump. Regulatton 32-cnliber, 2-inch barrel, patent c1cctin1_t device.
. Spalding Youths' Discus size; painted grey. • . . , Ench, $3.00
O~rn,lly adopted by the eublic School, Athletic Ench, $6.00
eairuc. . • . • . • • . . • Ench, $4.00

Competitors' For larser meets we 1111pply Competitors•

W Spalding Vaulting Standarcls Numbers Numbers ou Manila paper only In sets as follows:
ell made nnd measurements clearly nnd cor- Printed on n,a..,. Maftll• " 1 11..
No 109 W rcctly marked. 7. 1 to soo.
sru1.'no 16 . 1 to 1200. l'ER HT

Papt.r or Strong Uncn
· ch • . oodcn uprights, graduated in half 8. 1 to 400. 2.00 I 7. 1 t-0 1300. 6 .60
N~nll j"• jd!:h■tableto 13 feet. Complete. $15.00
NANI..._ LlllFlt
r.,-.. r-- a., 9. l to 600. 2.50 18. ltoltOO. 7.00
· • n 11raduations, 7 ft.high. " 9.00 No. 1 . 1 to 60. • .2G' 91 . 50 IO. l to 600 93.00 19. l to 1600•. 7 . 50
N Cross Bars No. 2. 1 to 75. .38 2 . 21J
20. 1 to lGOO. a .oo
o. 112. Hic~ory, . • . • . D o~n. $ 3 .oo No. 3 . 1 to 100. . 50 3 . 00I
I I.
1 to 70!!
1 to 800
3 . 50
4.00 21. 1 to 1700. 8 . 50
T 0 b Spalding Official Jave lin• No. 4. l w 150. ,76 4 . 50 13. 1 to 900 4 .60 22. 1 to 1800. 9,00
c thrtwnd- not for vaulting Vaulting Poles No. 5. 1 to 200. I .oo G.00 I 4. 1 to 1000 5 . 00 23. 1 to 1900. 9.GO
N iate . e 1sewhere on this page. No. o. l to~. I .215 7 .60 I"· 1 to llOO. G.GQ 24, 1 to 2000. I o . oo
o. 53. Swed11h model. Steel shod. Ea.• $5.00

OFFiclal ~a_ygrofLn
€a'No. l
o1 ~.
No.1 ..

e,~ No. t No. A

No. 6
Push Ball


. ~

....._="""' Quoits


N·o ,0-, <



The National Playground Ball Association of America have adopted the Spaldi71g Balls Nos. 17PB and 14PB as offiC'ial.
No. 17PB. Size\ 17 inches circumference. Specially wound so that it cannot be batted very far, making it possible to improvise ball grounds in a
apace that wou d be out of the question for the ordinary game. Srecial horse hide cover. Guaranteed to last a game. . • . . . Each, $1.00
No. 14PB. Size, 14 inches circumference. An ideal ball for genera recreation purposes and for games at picnics, outings, etc., where players on
account of lack of experience or practice, might not wish to use a hard ball. Special horse hide cover. Guaranteed to last a game, Each, $1.00
No. 12PB. Size, 12 inches circumference. Special oil-tanned leather cover. Guaranteed to I_I\St a game. , . . • • • • . • • " 1.00
No. 9PB. Size, 9 inches circumference. Made specially for use on municipal playgrounds. Horse hide cover. • . . . • . . • " 1.00
SPECIAL NOTICE-Bats, Bases, and Bod'I/ and Knee Protectors, suitable for use when playing "Play(ITound" Ball, listed on this page.
Spalding Official Indoor League Balls No. 0. Spalding Indoor Base Ball Bats. Selected second growth ash,
No. t. Size, 17 inches circumference. Adopted by the National Indoor in the best models. Handle wrapped with electric tape to {)revent
Base Ball Association of the United States. Special oil-tanned leather slipping. (Suitable also for Playground Ball.) . . • . Each, SOc.
cover. Guaranteed to last a game. • . . . . . . . ~fh, $1.00 No. 2. Regulation Bat. Same as No. 0, except handle and end not
. th · th me No I Ball 75 wrapped. • · · · • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Each, 40c.
N o. 2 . Sheepsk m cover, 0 erw1se e sa as · · • No. lA. Spalding Catchers' Protector. Well padded, Straps to go
Spalding National Guard Indoor Balls over shoulders and around waist. • . . . • • • • Each, $2.00
No. lX. Size, 14 inches circumferen1;e: Adopted by the N~tion!'l Spalding Indoor Bases. (Suitable also for Playground Ball)
Indoor Base Ball Association for use m annory games. Special - 011 No. 1. Indoor Canvas Bases, I 0-oz. duck, unfilled. . Set of 3, $2.50
tanned leather cover. Guaranteed to last a game. • • Each, $1.00 No. 2. Indoor Canvas Bases, 8-oz. duck, unfilled. . . Set of 3, 2.00
No. 3. Sheepskin cover, otherwise the same as No. IX Ball. " •7 5 No. 3. Indoor Rubber Home Plate. . • • . . . •• Each, .75
Balls Suitable for either Indoor Use or General Recreation Purposes No. 5. Quilted, Stiff Canvas, ·without straps. • • . . Set of 3, 1.00
No. 6. Horse hide cover, 14 inches. • • . . . . . . E~fh, SOc. No. 1. Spaldin!F Knee Protector. H eavily padded with she!'pskin.
No. 9. Sheepskin cover, 11 ¼ inches. , . • . • • • • 25c. It prevents bruised knee caps. • • . • • . , • • , P air, 75c
For complete Uniforms suitable for Indoor and "Playaround" Base Ball, ace Pages 28 and 29 of this CatalQeue.
§]J>~llcdlnrmg Volllley IPJ>Z\lll1$ §w,~llcdlnimg IHI~rmcdl ID>~Illl_$
Pl d out of doors or in the gymnasium, and partaking of the charac- Our leather covered balls are used by the best players m this country.
ter 0 '?~o
H.ames, tennic and hand ball .
No. PV. Pebbledleather. Ea.,$5.00 No.W. PracllceBa • ~.. $2.50
II E No. 1. Match, regulation size and w eight, leather cover. Eaf,h, $1.25
No. 2. Expert, leather cover. • • . . • . . . . . .50
No. RV. T,m smooth leather• • • • . • • • • · • 5.00 No. 4. Amateur, leather cover. • • . . , .25
No. WV. White smooth leather. . • . . • • • • • • 5.00 No. 6. Black rubber, beat quah~. • . . . . ,35
No. A. Guaranteed Para Rubber Volley Ball Bladders. • 1.00 No. 5. White rubber! a~most solid. • . . • .30
Red Ace, Irish Regu ation red rubber boll. . .35
Spaldinll' Volley Bal1 Net and Stan d ar d s BIRck A ce Irish Reirulation black rubber boll. .35
No. 2. Volley Ball Stan~ards, 8 ft. high. . Complete with net, $8.50 No. 0. Squash ball with" overspun" cover. .50
No. IV. Nets separate, without standards. ·
• o ~
fm fg, .l"il
...11 •
ew en
• re»
1ID <e W ~ §
· • Each, l.OO Spaldini; H and Ball Gloves and Mitt•
No.A. Gloves, Best leather. stitched front, special wr\st pod. P,~ir, $4.00
No. 1. G loves. Solid leather.molded palm. leatherwnat strap . ., 3.00
Ex elfent form of exercise for busineaa men. Improves the whole
c Coverin of selected tan leather .
No. 2. Gloves. Stitched paldm, popular style. , • • • , , ..
No. C. Gfoves. Full-fingere , • • • , , • • • • • • ..

~,ystem. g N 6-\b B II Ea $G 00 No. D. fingerless Gloves. • . • . • • • • , • • • .75
No. 9.
No. 10.
tan- ~-•
lb- B. Ila · •
$~-gg 12
N~: 13: 9. 1b: B:11:
No. 14. 11-lb. Ball.
.. ·• 8:oo
Rubber Training Shirts1 for Red,ucinll', etc., listed on Pago 30
W a t er Polo Balli lis~ed on Paso 35
No. 11. 4- . a . 5 •50
Spaldinll' Japanne d Iron Quoits $pnldin(t Rubber Quoits- For indoor or outdoor u se 00
Set of 4 $ 60 No. 5. Made of best Parn nhber. Four quoits to a set. . Set, $2.00
No. t. 4¼ inch diameter. I ½ lb. Se f • •75 No. 6 . Rubber, londed. We\gh 5 lbs. to a act. , . . Set of 4, 3.
No. 2. 4 1~ inch diameter. 2 lb. S ~0 f 4
4• •9 0 Spnlding Indoor Quoit Pins
No. 3. 5 inch diameter. i~~b. s!t ~f 4 • 1 :25 No. J. Floor plate, complt-te y,,i1h detachable pin.. . • • Poir. ~s,i
No. 4 .
6 inch diameter.
Wrought iron pins.
s. Pair: , 30 No •. Q. Sp.aiding Quoit Game. Metnl atnnd; mckel-plnted upn
pm nnd six gutta percha q11ob. • • . . . • • Coml!lete, $ 3 •2 5
Spaldinll' Official Iron Quoit• and Pins No. QR. Rings. • . . . • . .• . , • , • • , . each, •
No.O. Quoits. Malleable iron, 8½ inche~ diameter. Setof1, $10.00 1P1r"e1n1~1re<Ill Filli>etr Mega'fl"I\Jh\(OlI'M:~§
·nc. Steel. 36 inches long by I mch. • • • · Pair, Z.OO
No. X. Pl ~
~ all...11n•=d (Q)ffi<Cna\ll
!U},w No2.
No.1 11'. 22inchCone. ~ .• $2.00
30inchCone. 2.50
No.3. 40inchCone. Ea.• 4 ·00
$3 SO
,.;:vp wua~
. f • d. t Cover of hea~ pebbled cowhide.
No. O.
,Waterproof Cones. (For c h eering, etc.) C'-cl, $ .Z5
12 mch Waterproof Co"\e, . . . . . . . , ~. • SO
No. H. Mea1ure11s1Xd eetbm ,ame er. teed Complete $300.00 No. OX. 20 inch Waterproof Co11e. . . . . • . . . 1 ·50
Good rubbe r blad er, ut not guaran
O La · • • •
linder foot pump for inAatina push ball. Each, 10.00 No. CX.
C • •M
h I · h h d h ess
egap one, comp ete wit ea arn · ·
N o. • rire CY - 48

§PALDRNG A TIBILETil<C Lill&>RARY Giving the Titles of all Sp11.lding Athletic Library
Books now in p rint, 1rrouped for rc11dy reference
,roup 1.
No. l
Base nan
Sr,al.ding'a Official Base Ball
Group vu.
No. 7 Spalding's O{ficia.l Baaket
Basket Ball ATHLET1c Aux1uAmEs
No. 35i I ntercollegiate Offic=aJ H and-
Gu,de. Ball Guide. No. 314 Girls' Athletics. [book.
No. 1A Official B a,;e Ball Record. No. 7A Spalding's Official Women's No. 30'.i Y. Al. C. A. Official Handbook.
No. l e College Base Ball Annual. B asket Ball G1tidc. No. 313 Pub Ii c Schoo Is A thletic
No. 202 How to Play Base Ball No. 193 How lo Play Basket Ball. Leairue Official Handbook.
No. 223 How to Ba t . BASKET BALL AUXILIARY (i XIII AlhltllC
No. 232 : ~: : : i~h~ ases. No. 353 Official Collegiate Basket Billi roup • ACCOffiJ)IISbfflenfS
~~:: How to Catch . Group VIII. Handbook. Lacrosse No. 128 How to Row.
No. 225 How to Play First Base. No.8 Spalding's Official Lacrosse Guide No. 209 How to Become a Skater.
No. 226 How to Play Second Base. No. 201 Bow to Play Lacrosse. No. 178 H ow to Train for Bicycling.
No. 227 How oo Play Third Base. G X No. 23 Canoeing.
No. 228 How t.o P lay Shortstop. roup I • Indoor Base Ball No. 282 Roller Skating Guide.
No. 224 How t.o P lay the Outfield. No. 9 Spaldino'e Official lndo&r Balle Group XIV• Manlg Sports
( How 1x> Organize a Base Ball
Le [Cl b
X• Ball Guide· POIO No. 165 Fencing. ( By Senac.)
B ow :C,;ganize a Base B~Ii No. 129 Water Polo. No. 236 How to Wrestle.

How ~ Manage a Base Ball No.199 Equestrian Polo. No. 102 Ground Tumbling
N o. Club. Group XI. Mlscellaneous GahltS No. 143 Indian Clubs a nd Dumb Bells.
231 How toTrnin a Base Ball Team No. 248 Archery. No. 262 Me<licine Bull E xerci. , , .
How t.o Captain a Base Ball No. 138 Croquet. No. 29 Pulley Weight E xercises.
How to Umpire a Game. [Team
Technical Base Ball Terms.
No. 219 Ready l?cckoner of Base Ball
No. 271 Roque.
No. 191 ~~~fT~~n~~uash-RacQueta.
No. 191 How to Punch the Bair
No. 289 Tumbling for Amateurs.
Group Ggmnastlcs xv.
Percentages. No. 13 H and Ball. No. 214 Graded Ca Ii st hen i cs and
No. 350 How t.o Score. No. 167 Quoits. Dumb Bell Drills.
BASE BALL AUXILIARIES No.170 Push Ball. No. 254 Bamjum Bar Bell Drill.
No. 35.5 Minor League Base Ball Guide No. 14 Curling. No. 124 How to Become a Gymnast.
No. 356 Official Book National League
of Prof. Base Ball Clubs.
No. 340 Official Book National Play- ·
No. 207 Lnwn Bowls.
No 188 Lawn Hockey. Parlor Hockey.
Garden Hockey. Lawn Games.
No. 287 f'ancy Dumb Bell and March-
ing Drill!'. (Apparatus.
No. 327 Pyramid Building \' ithout
-Group II. ground Ball Ass'n. Foot Ball No. 341 How to Bowl. No. 329 P yrumid Bu i Id in g with
No.2 Spnldino'ROJJicialFootBall Guide
Group XII• Alhletlcs W:mJt:t, Choir!! and Ludder~.
No. 345 Official Handoook I. r.. ~. A.
No. 321 How to Play Foot Ball. No.12A Spalding's Official Athletic Gvm1ta~L , r Arcterica:
No 2A S~- 1din-Js Oiffi-:., Soc~- "'oot No. 27 College Athletics. [Rulu.
. Ball Guide....... ·~· .,_., No. 182 All Around Athletics. Group XVI. Pi1yslca1 CUl!ore
No. 335 How to Play Rugby. No. 156 Athletes' Guide. No. 161 10 Minutes' J,, . ,•rc-ise for Bus)·
F OOT BALL AUXILIARIES No. 87 Athletic Primer. Men.
No. 351 Official RuR'bY Foot BallGulde No. 252 How to Sprint. No. 149 Scientific Pt,jlµcal T •alllin~
No. 358 Official College Soccer Foot No. 2.55 How to Run 100 Yards. nn~ Care of the Body.
No. 174 Distance and Cross Country No. 208 Physical R<l
Group Iv. Ball Guide. Lawn Tennis Running. [Thrower. No. 185 Hint~ • uca t·10n an(siene.
. on Health. d H

No. 4 Spalding'" Official Lawn T en- No. 259 Bow to Become a Weight No. 238 Muscle Building. Lning.
11 is Ann1tal. No. 55 Official Sporting Rules. No. 234 School Tactics and Maze Run-
No. 157 How to Play Lawn Tennis. No. 246 Athletic Training for School• No. 2S5 H ealth by Muscular G)m-
Group VI HOCke1• No. 317 Marathon Running. [ boy . No. 213 285 Health Answers. [nntot1d!.
• • , • !.I No. 331 Schoolyard Athlc-tics, No. 325 Twenty-Mln\ltl• Exercises.
No. 6 SJ?alding II Official Ice Hork, 11 No. 312 Walkin~ for Jfrnlth and Com- No. "~q hulige~tion Trente,I by Gym.
No. 180 Rmg Hockey. [Gu de. petition. nnstic .

§pall<dlirmg "JR.e<dl Cover" §en-ies off A.ftlhllletilc llil~im<dllboollt§

No. IR. Spaldinir'• Official Athletic Alman11.c. • • • Price 25c. No. 35R. Exerciaea on the Parallel B11.ra. . . . . • • Price 25c.
No. 2R. Strokea and Science of Lawn Tennia. • • • Price 25c. No. 36R. Speed Swimming. . • • • • • • Price 25c
No. JR. Spaldin('a Official Golf Guide. • • Pr!ce 25c. No. 37R. H.ow to Swim. • . . • . • . : : • • Price 25c:
No. 4R. How to Play Golf. • • • • • • • Price 25c. No. 38R. Field H ockey. • • . • • • • • Price 25c
No. SR.
No. 6R.
Sp.11.l din1r'• Official Cricket Guide. •
Crick et and How to P lay It. • • •
Price 25c.
Price 25c.
No. 39R.
No. 40R.
How lo Play Soccer. • • • • • • • :
Indoor and Outdoor Gymnutic G11.mea.
Price 2 5c:
1 <: 25c
~o. 7R. Physical Training- Simplified.. Price 25c. No. 41R. Newcomb. • • • . • • • • • • Pric . '.l,.•
No. SR.
o. 9R.
The Art of Ska.ting. • • • •
How to Live 100 Y e11.n. • • •
Pf!co 25c.
Pncc 25c.
No. 42R. Lnwn Ten,n_i•:-in_ A-:u:-•::tr~&_li__11._
• I>
• ..;.•....;,•....;,•_.:,•_.:,:....:.,:_:....:,..,:_P.:,r,::ic:.:~:;,.2::,"~
~o. lOR.
No. llR.
S in1rle Stick Drill. • •
Fencin1r Foil W ork Illustrated.
• Price 25c.
Price 25c.
Amernca §
N atioimal ~~
No. 12R. Exerci.e■ on the Side Horae. • • • • • • Price 25c. Y ' •
• 13R. Horizontal Ba.r Exerciaca. • • • • • • . Price 25c. A book of 600 pngee, prof uaely illuetrnted with over I00
~ 0- 14R. Trapeze, Long H orse 11.nd Rope Exerciaea. Price 25c. full P!'lfe engrnvinga, nnd hnvinir 11xtun forcdul cartoons
N~· ~~RR. Exerci■es on th~ F lyin1r Rin1ra. • • Pf!ce 25c. by Homer _C. Onve_n port, the f11mous Amenc,,n nrtiat.
N • • T eam W and Drill. • • • • • • , Pnce 25c. No man 10 Amencn 1a bettt'r equipped to write on
N~· 1 ~: · Olymp!c Came,, Stockholm, 19 12. Pr!co 25c. fill the vnri~d phflsea of the _Nntional Cnme thnn is
N · R.1 W resthn1r. • • • • • • • • • • P r!ce 25c. A. C. Spaldmg. Ilia ob■t'rVl\hon 11nd experience begnn
N 19 R. Profeu ional Wreatlin1r. • • Price 25c. when the gl\me Wat y_oung. He irnmed fome na 6 pitcher
No. 20R· How to Play Ice Hockey. • Price 25c. forty year• ngo wmmng <\ record ftl plnyerthnt hns never
N~· 21 R· JHiu J itsu. • • • • • , • Price 25c. yd been t'qunlled. I le wns I\HOCll\tt'd with the mnnnge-
No: 22 R· Cow to Swina lndifln C luba. Prjce 25c. ment _o_r the r,n■hmc through ye11r• of 1tn1airle ngnan■t
N 23 24R• Det W ell I K eep W e ll. • • P r!ce 25c. prt-v1ulmg ev1l1. He opposed the gnmhlere nnd urged
N~: R· a:~b Bell Exerciaea. • • P "!co 25c. nncl introduced newer nnd hiith"r i,lf'nl, fdr the apo, t ~ ;;,/11111'!11111,.
No 25 R· 1un11. • • • • • • • • • • • • • P n ce 25c. Thia book should be- m the librnry or every fnther m '
· 26 • 0 fficial Handbook Na tion 11.I Tennia the lnnd. for 11 ■how• how h1a boy may he built up
No 27 R C A.li110
b ciation . • • • • . • • • • . , • P rice 25c. ph¥1ic111ly nncl mornlly throu1rh a h11rh-clnH Pnatime.
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h 1hould be II\ the hnnd• of t'V.,ry Ind in America
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"' atlo~~!{ea~
corft C t Pof u JT. 0,9

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