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How did they discovery or create it?

The image on the slide inspired the scientists, as they saw that something was trapped in the vacuum cleaner and came up with an invention called the
transport tubes. inspairt

One of them thought that if the tube was big enough, it could carry bigger things, it could carry PEOPLE!

Why was/is it important? enaf

It is important because it would become a new means of transportation for people to access in an easy and faster way to move from one place to another,
also, we can generate less noise, pollution, and chaos in the city.

It is still useful nowadays?

Of course, in fact, it is an invention that would serve in the long term or even in the course of the years would be part of a new technological model of air
transportation for the world population, in addition, it is and would be very useful to move from one place to another in a few minutes and even seconds.

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