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July 2010
Executive Summery

1. Project Title: Merkato Child and Family Charitable Society (MCFCS)

2. General Objective : The major objective of MCFCS is to promote and enhance

the well being of disadvantaged children living in 13/15 and 14/21
Kebeles of Addis Ketema Sub-city of Addis Ababa Administration

3. Types and Number of Beneficiaries: Disadvantaged Project Enrolled Children and their

- Direct: 13,659 - Indirect: 70,000

4. Area of Operation: Addis Ababa City Administration, Addis Ketema Sub-City,

Kebele 13/15 &14/21

5. Duration: 3 years

6. Time of Commencement (Date of Agreement): As soon as the project

Agreement is signed

7. Implementing Agency: Child and Family Charitable Society (MCFCS)

8. Contact Person:
Name: Legesse Diriba
Position: Project Manager
P.O.Box 50668 Addis Ababa,
Telephone, 0112131829/0112763539,

9. Donor: ChildFund Ethiopia/Sponsors

10. Total Budget:

Direct Project Cost: Birr 12,180,300.00

Capital Cost: Birr 430,000.00
Administration Cost: Birr 3,989,700.00

Total: 16,600,000.00(Sixteen million Six Hundred Thousand Birr)


AIDS: Acquired Immunity Deficiency Syndrome

AIMES: Annual Impact, Monitoring and Evaluation System
AMM: Anthropometric Measurement
ARH: Adult Reproductive Health
ART: Anti Retroviral Therapy
ARI: Acute Respiratory Infection
BCC: Behavioral Change Communication
CBO: Community Based Organization
CDD: Control of Diarrhea Disease
CDF: Community Development Facilitator
CEDP: Child and Family Development Project
CBRHA: Community Based Reproductive Health Agents
CIF: Child Information Folder
CSO: Civil Society Organization
ECCD: Early Childhood Development and Primary Education
FG: Focal Group
FP: Family Planning
GO: Government Organization
HDI: Human Development Index
HBC: Home Based Care
HCT: HIV Counseling and Testing
HIV: Human Immune Deficiency Virus
HTP: Harmful Traditional Practice
IEC: Information, Education and Communication
ICFDP: Integrated Child and Family Development Project
IGA: Income Generating Activity
KABP: Knowledge, Attitude, Behavior and Practice
KAP: Knowledge, Attitude and Practice
KG: Kindergarten
MCH: Maternal and Child Health
MCFCS Merkato Child and Family Charitable Society
NGO: None Governmental Organization
ORT: Oral Re-hydration Treatment
OVC: Orphan and Vulnerable Children
PASDEP: Plan for Accelerated and Sustained Development to End Poverty
PHC: Primary Health Care
PLWHA: People Living With HIV/ADIS
PRRP: Participatory and Review and reflection Process
PRSP: Poverty Reduction and Strategic Paper
PSS: Psycho Social Support
RH: Reproductive Health
SACA: Saving and Credit Association
SCO: Saving and Credit Organization
SRW: Sponsor Relation Worker
STI : Sexually Transmitted Infection
TOT: Training of Trainers
UN: United Nations
USD: US Dollar
UNICEF: The United Nations Children's Fund
UNCRC: UN Convention on the Right of the Child
VCT: Voluntary Counseling and Testing


PROJECT SUMMARY……………………………………………………….………………….……….….… 6

Project Designing Process…..……..……..…………………………………………………………….………..6

Description of the Project …..………………………………………………………………..….…….…….…7

Primary Health Care (PHC) and Child Survival ………….……………………..…………….……………7

HIV/AIDS Prevention, Care and Support………………………………..…………………………………… 9

Early Childhood Care and Development and Education …………………….……………………………..10

Economic Empowerment/IGA…………………………………….……………………..………….………. 11

Guidance and Counseling Service for Needy Enrolled Children …………………….….…..……..……….13

Target group and Beneficiary Selection Criteria………………………………………….……….……….. 17

Organization and Management……………………………………………………….…….……………….. 19

Organization Structure of the Project………………………………………………….…………………… 21

Participation of Counterpart Institutions…………………………………………..………….…………… 22

Monitoring and Evaluation……………….……………………………………………………….………….22

Project Sustainability Strategies………………………………………………….………………………… 22

Key Assumptions…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 23

Project Input and Costs…………………………………………………………………………………………24

Merkato Child and Family Charitable Society (MCFCS) is planning to implement integrated
children and family development project in Addis Ketema sub-city of Addis Ababa City
Administration with in Kebele13/15 and 14/21.

The project is aimed at promoting and enhancing the healthy growth and development of
disadvantaged children. . During the next threet years, the project will implement a number of
integrated development activities pertinent to the education, early child hood care and
development, health, HIV/AIDS, and income generation to serve 11,169 project enrolled
children, and their families as direct beneficiaries. Besides these indirect beneficiaries constitutes
more than 70,000 communities of the target Kebele will benefit from the development facilities
through the assistance of the associations, schools and health institutions to mitigate the existing
challenges and emerging issues. Similarly the existing capacity gaps of the grass root statures
and the target communities, inadequate basic infrastructures and social services, the presence of
large number of very poor house holds, and absence of coherent Community Based Organization
that could support and facilitate community’s self development process etc has necessitated for
the design of the project for the next three years. During this project phase, emphasis will be
given to HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control Interventions and Capacity Building and Promotion
of Income Generating Activities. Furthermore, building the capacity of Kebele Level
Government Sectors in supporting their effort in organizing Saving and Credit Cooperatives,
Constructing Sanitation and Hygiene Infrastructures; Networking with like minded CSOs and
Government Sector are also another area of its focus. In all sectors, the already constructed
infrastructures will be handed over to concerned beneficiary community or government line
offices upon fulfilling all the necessary preconditions.

It is proposed that the project will have a three years life that work over 36 months (until
December 31, 2011). In order to implement the envisaged project it entails a total three years
budget of Birr 15,600,000 (Fifteen Million Six Hundred Thousands Birr).

Project Designing Process

Merkato Child and Family Charitable Society (MCFCS) believe that the preparation of projects
intended to benefit a particular children can not be successful without the full and active
participation of the community and stakeholders especially the children and their families
selected as target groups.

During the project planning participatory review and reflection sessions with parent committees,
children and youths, intensive internal planning exercise by different sector office staffs, a two
days participatory review and reflection sessions on this internal planning exercises at the
presence of representatives from parent committee, key informant interview with respective line
offices’ representatives and review of government programs and lastly but not least is through
joint consensus building workshop. The federal government’s sectoral plan, the existing
development policies and strategies are also reviewed and effort is made to complement the
national poverty reduction program.


Project Goal
The over all goals of MCFCS is to promote and enhance the healthy growth and development of
disadvantaged children in the targeted Kebeles of Addis Ketema Sub City through improving
health, education, youth development through the implementation of MSE so as to improve the
income status of children and beneficiary families.

Implicit with in the project’s overall approach is an ongoing commitment to capacity building. In
the current project phase, more emphasis will be given in building the capacity of households,
infrastructures constructed so far by the project, grassroots structures and concerned line offices
to sustain the program activities and benefits in the absence of the project.

Project Purpose
The overall purpose of this project is to work on the following Core Program Areas and pursue
integrated multi-sector approaches which specifically have the following components.

1) Primary Health Care (PHC) and Child Survival,

2) HIV/AIDS Prevention, Care and Support,
3) Early Childhood Care and Development and Education,
4) Economic Empowerment for sustainable livelihoods and reduction of poverty,
5) Promotions of quality basic education and
6) Guidance and Counseling Service for needy enrolled children.

Project Objectives

The project has got six major objectives namely:

a. To improve the health status of the children and their families/guardians/caregivers,
b. Provide quality basic education,
c. Reduce the prevalence of HIV/AIDS,
d. To enhance the family and community or neighborhood environment in which young
children develop and enhancing the overall educational attainment of the enrolled
e. To enhance the economic capacity of project enrolled families and youth for sustainable
care and development of enrolled children,
f. Enhance children and youth participation in local community development process, and
g. Providing guidance and Counseling Service for needy enrolled children.

The details of the components, objectives, strategies and key activities are as summarized below.

1. Primary Health Care (PHC) and Child Survival

The overall aim of Merkato Child and Family Charitable Society (MCFCS) health program is to
improve the health status of the children and their families/guardians/caregivers with a greater
focus to poverty related diseases with the development and implementation of measures to
effectively prevent and control communicable diseases with active community participation.

This aim is similar to that of the government’s Health Sector Development Program (HSDP) that
considers health matters as a central input to economic development and poverty reduction.

Specific Objectives:

1) To increase the current immunization coverage (83%) of enrolled children and their
siblings, to 100%
2) To improve the accessibility and quality of MCH/FP information and services in the
target community by supporting 1 health center and 1 health post.
3) To enhance and promote the nutritional status of 660 enrolled children,
4) To improve access to basic health facilities/ services for enrolled children and their
siblings through the promotion of training for 60 grass root health facilitators
5) Improve coverage of environmental sanitation services and practices by constructing
4 communal dry pit latrines and constructing ---meters of drainage canals.


The following implementation strategies will be used to implement the PHC program:

 Complement implementation of the governance formulated "Health Extension Package"

that will enable to effectively prevent and control major communicable diseases,
 Support training and deployment of community based health agents accountable to the
health center in the target area,
 Raising community’s awareness through supporting community conversations sessions,
 Creating partnership with the nearby health institutions,
 Building the capacities of health facilities,
 Promoting better sanitary disposal mechanisms and linking it with economic
empowerment to use it as an IGA; and
 Strengthening school sanitation clubs to increase awareness on sanitation practices.

Key Activities

 Promote/support the immunization of under 5 children and Women (15-49)

 Train mothers on ORT and ARI management and treatment techniques
 Promote Reproductive Health (RH) practice using volunteer mothers/CBRHA
 Select and train Community Based Reproductive Health Agents (CBRHAs)
 Link CBRHAs with service providers
 Provide financial support to CBRHAs,
 Provide technical and financial assistance to enrolled mother families with <5
malnutrition children,
 Building the capacity of child health rendering unit of the nearby health institutions to
render sustainable basic health services,
 Provide medical support for enrolled children and under 18 yrs siblings,
 Assist the Kebeles in construction of sanitation center & communal pit latrines,
 Assist the Kebeles in maintenance of communal dry pit latrines,
 Organize/support environmental protection & sanitation clubs,
 Support Kebeles to undertake sanitation campaign,
 Assist Kebeles in installation of water stands,
 Assist project enrolled families in securing fuel saving stove, and
 Conduct program impact assessment.

Outputs/Short Term Results

To realize the project objectives and outcomes Merkato Child and Family Charitable Society
(MCFCS) will facilitate the realization of short-term development results –outputs. The
following are the major outputs.

 12,000 enrolled families and community members have been reached with PHC and
HIV/AIDS issues,
 The capacity of 6 Community based organizations and healthy facilities have been built
to sustainable,
 7500 enrolled and their siblings children have been supported with medication and proper
nutrition, and
 5 sanitation facilities and safe water schemes constructed (6 pit latrine and 3 water

2. HIV/AIDS Prevention, Care and Support

Specific Objectives

1) Increase the knowledge of HIV/AIDS preventive methods and reduce high risk behavior;
2) Create a supportive environment for 200 AIDS orphans and children affected and
infected by HIV/AIDS;

 Complement implementation of the governance social mobilization program on
 Intensify risk reduction on HIV/AIDS through BCC, and by sponsoring drams, trainings
and workshops,
 Mainstream HIV/AIDS in other Sectoral Activities,
 Enhance the capacity of community and school based Anti-HIV/AIDS clubs through the
provision of training and materials,
 Promote collaboration and local networking among organizations and Associations
engaged in the prevention and control of STDs, and HIV/AIDS in the target area,
 Involve youths as promoters of behavioral change through in school and out of school
Anti AIDS Clubs and build their capacity,
 Strengthen referral linkage to VCT center and health facilities,
 Strengthen community based home based care services, and
 Assist HIV/AIDS infected and affected families to build their economic capacity.

Key Activities

 Build the capacity of Schools Anti-AIDS clubs to provide one to one prevention
education on HIV/AIDS to the community,
 Promote & support HIV /AIDS blood test among enrolled families,       
 Build the capacity of CBOs and concerned government sector to provide care and
support for OVCs,
 Train, and deploy home based care givers,
 Care and Support for pro-poor and bed ridden PLWHAs,
 Technically assist home based care givers to deliver care and support effectively,
 Build the capacity of HIV/AIDS parents/guardians/caregivers of affected and infected
families to enhance their income by giving them priority on IGAs,
 Assist elder youth household heads of affected and infected families to enhance their
income by giving them priority on IGAs,
 Provide livelihoods support to OVCs, and
 Conduct program impact assessment.


 220 OVCs have been supported

 180 PLWHA have been supported with material, financial and psychological assistances

3. Early Childhood Care and Development and Education

The main aim of ECCD and education program is to enhance the family and community or
neighborhood environment in which young children develop and enhancing the overall
educational attainment of the enrolled children.     

Specific Objectives

1. To build the capacity of 70 parents and caregivers to improve their interaction with young
children and the quality of care their children receive by enriching their environment;
2. To enable 849 under 8 children embraced under ECCD program,
3. To reach 2033 community members with messages of fundamental child right issues,
4. To enable 2441 school aged enrolled children get access/pursue their
primary&/secondary education, and
5. Improve quality of education in 12 formal government and community run schools
through the provision of materials and training.


 Training parents and caregivers on how to improve their interaction with young children
and how to improve the quality of care their children receive by enriching their
 Conceptualizing child development scales to the context of specific project site, training
parents/guardians/caregivers and enforce its use to monitor, detect problems or
deformities and delays in a child development,

 Providing in service training to daycares center, kindergarten & pre-school teachers in
basic concepts of early child care and development methodology,
 Producing and disseminating information to create awareness of and demand for ECCD
services, targeting parents, community leaders and policy makers,
 Supporting school children by providing school materials and uniforms,
 Improve educational quality by providing tutorial classes and rewarding outstanding
students to motivate them to improve their academic performance,
 Assessing the reason for poor school performance of beneficiary children and take
appropriate action to improve their performance, and
 Improving capacity of the nearby primary and secondary schools through providing
various supports such as upgrading and construction of schools, provision of books,
teaching materials, student desks and so on.

Key Activities

 Build the capacity of parents/guardians/caregivers through training and awareness

raising sessions,          
 Assist parents to give ECCD service at home (for 0 - 3 yrs),
 Assist project enrolled children to get KG enrollment/center based ECCD service,
 Strengthen KGs/center based ECCD services,
 Train mothers, guardians and care givers on parenting skills and ECCD service at
 Provide financial and technical support to mothers, guardians and care givers involved
in home based ECCD services,
 Assist project targeted children in covering school fee and related costs,
 Provide financial support to project enrolled children who are attaining their education
in government higher institutions,
 Assist school children in acquiring school materials,
 Assist school children to purchase school uniform and shoes,
 Support Kebeles education team in running alternative basic education,
 Strength co-curricula activities in schools through school clubs,
 Assist educational institutions to improve their educational quality,
 Prize award to outstanding students for academic achievement,
 Encourage parents to follow up their children's school performance,
 Support or establish reading/study centers for children/youth,
 Organize educational visit to selected project enrolled children, and
 Conduct program impact assessment.


 350 children have got access to quality ECD,

 3500 have accessed to quality education,
 12 schools have been supported with different school facilities,
 6500 community members have been reached with awareness creation sessions,
 2400 adults have been involved in adult literacy program, and
 4000 different educational materials have been supplied to different schools.

4. Economic Empowerment/IGA

The major aim of this sector is to enhance the economic capacity of project enrolled families and
youth for sustainable care and development of enrolled children.

Specific Objectives

 Improve the income level of the 30% youths by 25% at the end of the project period,

 Facilitate access to working capital by promoting the establishment and strengthening of 3

saving and credit cooperative.

 Provide vocational and skill training programs to 250 project enrolled youths that enable
them to promote self employment and creating employment opportunities by different

 Provide leadership and management training for 70 executive committee members of SACAs

 Providing Reproductive trainings to fight the spread of HIV/AIDs and Sexually Transmitted
Infection (STI )


Enhancing the capacity of project enrolled families and youth to enable them to establish and
manage small-scale enterprises (Income Generating Schemes) through:
 Build the capacity of cooperatives through the provision of material, managerial and
technical support,
 Assist Kebele Administration in formation of marketing cooperatives that render service
to the target communities,
 Inducing and enhancing knowledge, attitude and skill/capacities of target communities
and grassroots institutions on savings and local resource mobilization & utilization,
 Assisting CBO owned IGAs,
 Organizing &/or facilitating and training of enrolled youths on vocational/skill training
leadership, management, and promotion of income generation activities,
 Creating access to credit facilities through cooperatives or other alternative and
appropriate channel to strengthen the capital base of saving and credit cooperatives as
well as self initiated youth programs, and
 Assignment of support staff for technical take off aimed at the establishment of self-

Key Activities

In order to enhance the capacity of project enrolled youths to establish and manage small-scale
enterprises the Merkato Child and Family Charitable Society (MCFCS) will be proposing the
following activities          
 Strengthen the already initiated assistance to older youth (>17 years old) to acquire
vocational skills,

 Organize/facilitate different demand driven trainings to beneficiary family and SACA
 Provide technical and financial assistance to older children who are organized in group
and run their own micro-enterprise, and
 Follow up and document status of youth trained in vocational skills.

In order to enhance target groups’ access to business development services the following
activities are proposed:
 Follow up & strengthen existing SACA’s,
 Promote saving among enrolled children,
 Build the capacity of Youth Centers located in MCFCS areas,
 Provide Life Skill Trainings to Youths,
 Provide Basic Business skill trainings,
 Provide working kits to youths which helps them to start their own business,
 Organize different youth Clubs in Governmental Schools(Red Cross Clubs, HIV/ADIS
Clubs, Science Clubs, etc) and
 Conduct program impact assessment.


 250 youths have been assisted to acquire vocational skill, and

 3 organized enterprises, which are managed by beneficiaries, have been provided with
seed /start up capital.

5. Guidance and Counseling Service for Needy Enrolled Children

The major objective of this sector is to provide Guidance and Counseling Services to project
enrolled children, siblings, and families so as to assist them to resolve their developmental
problems towards education, health, and income generation etc within the project operational
programs who are vulnerable to different social and economic circumstances..

Specific Objectives

1) To improve school performance of 2000 enrolled children and their siblings towards
by reducing the dropping out rate or absenteeism from school by 85% in the coming
three years,

2) To alleviate the risk factors in psychosocial development of 2000 enrolled youth by

half in the coming three years,

3) To reach and sensitize 10,000 family members, their siblings and the community with
issues related to the importance of guidance and counseling on HIV/AIDS, Family
Planning, Traditional Harmful Practices, Basic Primary Health Cares etc through
home to home visit

4) To alleviate the psychological and emotional problems of 250 orphan and vulnerable
children of the project beneficiaries and their siblings by 90%.


In order to provide guidance and counseling services to the needy children, the project is
proposing the following strategies.

These are:

Guidance: To help enrolled children build supportive relationship between the groups or
individual to solve different non-psychological problems MCFCS is proposing in providing
information to the target group through a counselor, or any subject matter specialist or social
worker of the project.

Counseling: to solve psychological problems of the target beneficiaries’ counseling services are
proposed to be rendered the victims by authorized specialists in collaboration with relevant line
offices and educational institutions.

Instruction: This service type my help by the project subject matter specialist/ by respectice
program officers/, counselor or community development worker so as to implement their
existing activities and the new counseling programs in the form of lectures, demonstrations, and
seminars to help the target group, which may include individuals or groups, gain knowledge on a
specific area of interest. Individual counselees, group counselees, peer leaders, tutors, club
members, parent committee, community-based organization (like Ider) etc. can be benefited from
this strategy.

Career Information: the community, family, friends, schoolmate and their own effort, will
influence the future of enrolled children. So, to help them to prepare for the future world of
work, this program is designed and implemented by the counselor, income generation subject
matter specialist and community development worker in the form of awareness creation training
program, consultation or assessing the needs of vocational skill of the enrolled children and their

Training of trainers (TOT): To cascade knowledge and skills and reach all enrolled children and
their families as well as communities in all aspects of the guidance and counseling services, a
ToT training is found to be important. The groups may be youths, parents or the same age
individuals. Each group takes the training from the office and transmits this training to others as
per the targets selected by the office. The counselor/l subject matter specialist/, or Community
Development Worker may give this TOT.

Establishing Referral Linkage: When the enrolled children are believed to require a
professional input outside of guidance and counseling office of the project, referrals are going to
be used by the office. Thus, problems or issues that are beyond the capacity of the office, such as,
health issues, legal issues, etc. will be referred to the concerned party or appropriate expert. A
psychologist only gives these services.

Key Activities

 Provided Counseling program to enrolled children and their families through different
approaches such as family counseling, group counseling, and one to one counseling,
 Provided Guidance Services,
 Provided different trainings,
 Organize panel discussions,
 Organize and facilitate different conference and seminars,
 Referral programs, and
 Conduct impact assessment.

Output/Short Term Results

 In the coming three years the following major outputs are expected to achieved,
 The drop out rate or absenteeism has been decreased from the current level to by 85%,
 Half has reduced the risk factors in psychosocial development of 800 enrolled youth.,
 To promote and create awareness in the community and the project families towards the
importance of guidance and counseling services for about 10000 family members and
their siblings in the coming three years, and
 The psychological and emotional problems of 250 orphan and vulnerable children of the
project beneficiaries and their siblings have been improved by 90%.

Expected Outcome

At the end of the project period, seven separate but interrelated results- Outcomes are expected to
be realized

Outcome1: the survival and health of children and the communities they live in have been

Outcome 2: Through project contribution to the city administration national effort, the incidence
and prevalence of HIV/AIDS and its impacts has been decreased

Outcome 3: Optimal development of early age and pre academic child has been ensured.

Outcome 4: The overall educational attainment of the target population has been improved,
through equitable distribution and development of social facilities

Outcome 5: Income status of beneficiary families have been Improved for sustainable child care

Outcome 6: the Emotional and Psychosocial problems of enrolled children have been improved
as result of the guidance and counseling services
Result Indicators

Primary Health Care (PHC) and Child Survival

 Number of CBRHAs received basic/refresher training,
 Number of mothers using contraceptives materials,
 Number and type of IEC/BCC materials produced and distributed,
 Number of sanitation facilities constructed,
 Improved health practices observed,
 Number of people attended clinic service in the target area,
 Improved knowledge and practices on safe sex and change of behavior,
 Immunization coverage of <2 children,
 TT2 coverage for women child bearing age,
 Number of mothers attended by health institutions or trained heath workers.
 Contraceptive prevalence rate, and
 The number of malnourished children within the Merkato Child and Family
Charitable Society (MCFCS)enrolled families.

1. HIV/AIDS prevention, care and Support

 Number of youths participating in HIV/AIDS events per year
 Number of youths who are practicing safe behavior with regard to HIV/AIDS
 Number and type of IEC/BCC materials produced and distributed
 Improved knowledge and practices on safe sex and change of behavior.
 Number of PLWHAs supported and recovered from their illness&/or economically
 Number of OVCs supported and &/or economically empowered

2. Early Childhood Care and Development

 Number and percent of children who score in the expected normal range of development
as measured by a standardized ECD screening scale
 Number and percent of children who master reading and writing skills after the first year
of formal education
 Number percentage of parents and guardians/caregivers improved their knowledge on
childcare and development as well as child developmental scales.
 Number of parents/guardians/caregivers who practiced child developmental scales.

3. Basic Education
 Number and percent of enrolled children by gender promoted to the next higher grade
 Number and percent of enrolled children by gender who start and complete primary
 Number and percent of out-of-school youths, and adults participated in ABE program
 Number and percent of children by gender and age participating in co-curricula activities
 Number and percent of parents participating in their children education

4. Economic empowerment for sustainable livelihoods and reduction of poverty

 Percentage of enrolled families who reported increased income.

 Percentage of project enrolled older youth who secured employment;
 Number of IGA leaders who applied appropriate audit and management skills; and
 Percentage of needy enrolled families accessed credit from various sources.

5. Guidance and Counseling Service for needy enrolled children

 Percentage of school drop out rate,
 Percentage student Repetition rate,,
 Percentage of reported risk factors in child development among enrolled children, and
 Percentage of family members addressed with the importance of child counseling


Target Beneficiaries

The target population is male and female population of Kebele 13/15 and 14/21 with in Addis
Ketema Sub City. As else where in different urban centers they are engaged in different
livelihood activities.

The primary target group of the project consists of 2,767 children who were selected from 2,033
families and are called project-enrolled children while siblings and families of the enrolled
children who are estimated to be about 6,369 make the secondary target group. The current
enrollement status will increase in future to secure more budget.

Enrolled children benefit directly from the health care, education and all other services of the
project. Siblings of enrolled children, benefit from medication services, supplementary feeding
and, indirectly from all other services. Parents of enrolled children also benefit from improved
health services, safe water supply, the parental training on primary health care and HIV/AIDS
prevention, education programs, and income generation activities. In addition, the communities
benefit from the project as owners of the project and improved welfare and development of their

Beneficiary Selection Criteria

Selection of the families for children’s enrollment was determined by combining both income
levels and family size of households. Age of the children, the maximum of which is 13 was a
common criterion applied for all. Selection criteria for enrollment of children were developed in
consultation with parents’ committees and in accordance with Merkato Child and Family
Charitable Society (MCFCS) regulations. Children were enrolled from the families who are
living in the project target area, and lack adequate resources to generate sufficient income to
support their children, and willing to be enrolled to the project and to comply with sponsorship
work requirements and procedures. Orphans living with guardians and children from dislocated
and displaced families living in extremely poor condition, and households at the lowest
economic levels, but have at the same time large family size were given priority.

Current Status Vs Target for the Coming Project Periods (January 2009 – Dec.2011)

Project objectives Current Target

status(base line)
Outcome1: the survival and health of children and the communities they live in have been
Increased coverage of fully immunizes children and mothers 83% 100%
Create access to MCH/FP information and service
 Knowledge 97% 100%
 practice 60% 80%
Promotion of proper nutrition 0.24% sever 0.1%
Improve access to basic health facilities /service 78% 85%
Improve coverage of environmental sanitation service and
practice 95% 100%
 safe water 37.6% 50%
 sanitary disposal
Outcome 2: Through project contribution to the city administration national effort, the
incidence and prevalence of HIV/AIDS and its impacts has been decreased
Increase the knowledge of HIV/AIDS preventive methods and
reduce high risk behaviors.
 Knowledge 90% 100%
 Practice 30 % 60%
create a supportive environment for AIDS orphans and children’s 95% 98%
affected and infected by HIV/AIDS
Outcome 3: Optimal development of early age and pre academic child has been ensured

Build the capacity of parents and care givers to improve their 60% 75%
interaction with young children and the quality of care their
children receives by enriching their environment.
ensure continuous and appropriate early child care ( psychosocial 34% 50%
care ,nutritional care ,stimulation and introduction to basic
Outcome 4: The overall educational attainment of the target population has been improved,
through equitable distribution and development of social facilities
Promoting education as a fundamental right in accordance with the 85% 95%
universal declaration of human right.
improve quality ,relevance and efficiency of education 60% 80%
Outcome 5: Income status of beneficiary families have been Improved for sustainable child

Enhance the capacity of project enrolled families and youth to 13% 30%
establish and manage small - scale enterprise ( income generating
Enhancing accesses to business development service through
Project objectives Current Target
status(base line)
a) Strengthen marketing service and 60% 75%
b) Iinducing and enhancing knowledge ,attitude and skill 50% 70%
/capacities of target communities and grass root
institution /cooperatives on saving and local resource
mobilization and utilization

Organization and Management

The Board of Directors is the highest decision making body of the Merkato Child and Family
Charitable Society (MCFCS). The Board will be elected from the community using the current
project structure. The Area Project Manager is responsible to over see the technical and
administrative activities of the Charitable Society based on the decisions authorized by by the
Board of Directors. The Board decides on annual plans, budget utilization and development of
policies and guidelines. Every program activities and finance related issues are executed after the
Boards’ approval. The Board has a mandate to recruit project staff, evaluate program
performance and take appropriate measures based on the regulations and policies of the Merkato
Child and Family Charitable Society (MCFCS) . The term office of each member of the Boards
of Directors is three years with possibility of re-election depending on the rules and regulation of
the organization.

The Project Manager is a professional and head of the Area Project Coordination Office (APCO).
The project staff consisting of technical or subject matter specialists in the area of sponsors
relations, finance, health, education and Income generation and health will back up the Project
Coordinator in the day-to-day operation of the project activities.

At the community level, there will be development workers mandated for playing great role in
timely preparation and execution of the plan. They will also mobilize the partner organization
notably the government bodies including Kebele Council and concerned Line Office (Health,
Education and Cooperative promotion and Small and Micro enterprise offices. The partner
organization will also collaborate in the implementation of the project through arranging the
appropriate experts when needed; and in administrative support, community mobilization,
project monitoring & evaluation.

The organization and management of the project will involve the following major issues.

Encouraging Community Participation and Grass Root Structure

There is a well-established system through which the target community members do participate
in Merkato Child and Family Charitable Society (MCFCS) project management. To empower
the community members at the grass root level, Merkato Child and Family Charitable Society
(MCFCS) has divided its area project into different localities, which in turn sub divided into
catchments. Catchments represent a settlement or village comprising of 150-200 households in
an urban setting. Communities at catchments level are further organized into Focal Groups
(FGs). A catchment could have 5 to 10 Focal Groups. All planning starts at Focal Group level.
Each Focal Group identifies its needs and priorities, and evaluate accomplishments. This
arrangement initiates more participation by the community, as every member is likely to have a
chance to speak in such a small group. The Community Development Facilitators (CDFs) use
the Group Leaders and Facilitators as contact persons and coordinators/facilitators of all
activities. At catchments level, there is Catchments Committee elected by the General Assembly
of all parents of enrolled children and all enrolled children above the age of 18 in the catchments.
The catchments committee comprises 5 to 10 parents depending on the size of the catchments.
CDF who works for the catchments serves as a secretary to the parent committee. The committee
reviews all requests and plans prepared by each Focal Group so as to rearrange and reprioritize
the requests and plans at catchments level. The Merkato Child and Family Charitable Society
(MCFCS) Board of Directors are the representatives of these committees elected democratically
to serve for definite times. The Board of Directors comprises all the chairpersons of the
catchments committees and they are nine in number including chairman, one vice chairman and
one secretary. The Area Project Manager is the member of the Board of Directors, but does not
vote on any issues.

Figure 1: Organization Structure of the Project 21

Area Project CCF Ethiopia Country

Committee Office



Area Project


Educatio Health Child

n & & Right
Finance ECCD Unit Nutrition Relation
unit Unit



Community Development Worker

Sponsor Relation Worker

Participation of Counterpart Institutions

Strong interaction and co-operation with the stockholders/ government organization including
Sub-city and Kebele Council, Offices of Health, Education, and Social and Labor Affairs helps to
plan appropriately, avoid duplication of efforts and address community need on timely basis.
Thus, Merkato Child and Family Charitable Society (MCFCS) Project activities will be
implemented with full awareness of these stakeholders. Modalities of co-operation including
duties and responsibilities will be prepared. Activities will be carried out to achieve the
objectives of the program based on the agreements outlined with these institutions.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Periodic & continues monitoring of the project activities will be performed by the area Project
Committee, project staff, national office and concerned line offices. The beneficiary communities
will have access to follow up of the project activities by looking at the progress made in their
respective Kebeles.

Area project coordination office will produce quarterly, annual and terminal project activities and
financial progress reports and submits to concerned Government Office at Kebele, Sub City and
to Donors.

The ChildFund( i.e the Donor) office will undertake bi-annual and annual evaluation of the
project through a team composed of different disciplines from its Program, Finance, Sponsorship
Department and concerned line offices at the sub city level. Corrective measures will be timely
made based on the findings of monitoring & evaluation of the project. The project will be audited
both by internal and external auditor at least annually.

Midterm and terminal evaluation of the project will be carried out by all concerned bodies:
Community, ChildFund, Site Committees, City and Sub-city level government bodies in order to
assess the effectiveness of strategies & implementation efficiency, achievements and impacts.

Project Sustainability Strategies

The project will encourage highly community participation. The bottom –up approach focusing
on the participation of the community has been made use of where the beneficiary community
was technically assisted to identify local problems and to prioritize according to their felt needs
taking local and outside opportunities into consideration. The project was designed at the
manageable scale and the implementation capacity of the community. The program of the
project falls with in the guideline of the government development policy, which would be
favorable for government cooperation and support.
Besides supporting social services like health and education, the project will also make efforts in
assisting the beneficiary families to achieve self-sufficiency and improving their level of income
that would have economic viability.
Women empowerment through a holistic approach of socio-economic intervention, awareness
building, education & training would be given emphasis in every process of project cycle to
enable the disadvantaged social groups (women & children) benefit from the project.
During the past implementation period Merkato Child and Family Charitable Society (MCFCS)
enable the beneficiary community to fully participate in all project cycle of phase I program.
The Board of Directors, selected among the community have fully involved in every decision
making process regarding the project and is the top decision maker on Merkato Child and Family
Charitable Society (MCFCS) related issues.
In a more consolidated & systematic manner, Merkato Child and Family Charitable Society
(MCFCS) will give emphasis & efforts to empower the beneficiary community members and
build the capacity of the local community to shoulder the responsibility of running the
development program in collaboration with concerned line offices.
In general to ensure the sustainability of the development project institutional and legislation
capacity, program & Information management capacity of the local community will be built.
Moreover, effective & systematic ways would be sought to enable the local government bodies
to collaborate with beneficiary families in the implementation of the project in continuous

Key Assumptions and Risks

The following are the most important assumptions made for the proper realization of the project
objectives. The detailed description of key assumptions and risks is included in the logical
framework of the project.
Assumptions It is assumed that the existing government policy and structure remained
conducive and stable over the project period
 Project success depends on the skills, energy and the will to succeed of government,
NGOs, community and community based organizations. It must remain an assumption
that these potential partners will be fully committed to and give full support to the
 The service delivery capacity of Kebeles and Sub Cities and their sectoral offices will
improve due to the decentralization process and allocation of more skilled labor and
budget. The macro economic condition of the country will remain favorable and create
conducive market for beneficiaries engaged in income generating schemes.
Anticipated Risks
The following are some of the anticipated risks:

 The general poverty situation of the community and the HIV/AIDS impact in the
target area may act as drawbacks to see significant economic changes
 High turnover of local government officials and continues change of institutional
structures may create unfavorable situations to the progress of the project.
 The collaboration of local administrative bodies at Kebele levels and the target groups
to protect and safe guard the project fund raising systems of child sponsorship is a
critical factor to secure fund from the donor agency.

Proposed Strategies to mitigate the anticipated Risks

1) To avoid or at least lesser the negative impacts of such risks, the project will make all
the necessary precautions by pursuing the strategy of:
2) Involving the members in all aspects of the group management including committee
selection; deciding saving and loan size; deciding to link with MFIs or continue by
them selves or share out their capital;
3) Continues advocacy works will be done among the government officials,
4) Beneficiaries will be empowered through providing with different trainings
5) To sustain the project outputs and impacts the capacity of government offices will be
improved to provide day to day follow up and support to the community and
community based organizations.

Project inputs and Costs

Human Resources

Basically, Merkato Child and Family Charitable Society (MCFCS) will implement integrated
development activities aimed to address children holistic development enrolled children and
reinforce government current efforts in the fight against poverty. Accordingly the Key project
personnel will be hired to work on the following core program areas. These are;

 Care and development of infants and young children,

 Quality learning opportunities and enhancing achievements in basic education,

 Leadership and livelihood skills for youth, and

 Child Sponsorship.

All the office staffs will be Ethiopian nationals, and their salaries will be paid from the subsidy
or grant that will be donated by ChildFund International whose head Office is Richmond
Virginia; USA.

Material Inputs

In addition to procurement of some additional office equipments and machines for existing
sectors as a capacity building effort, in the current project phase the Merkato Child and Family
Charitable Society (MCFCS) also foresees the establishment of the guidance and counseling
section, which needs to be equipped with office furniture and machines.

In order to facilitate close project supervision and provision of technical backups, the Merkato
Child and Family Charitable Society (MCFCS) will procure one four wheel drive on duty free
basis per the Government Regulations.

The type of material inputs and amount of financial resource is illustrated under the project
budget section of annex 2

Financial Inputs
In order for the project to be realized, it requires a total three’s budget of 15,600,000 (Fifteen
Million Six Hundred Thousands Birr). Based on the previous experiences and the problem
priority of the area health sector took more priority followed by the IGA and Education sectors
respectively. Although the counseling section was proposed to be established as separate
program/ sector, it has been reached on consensus at the management level that the activities will
be mainstreamed across the existing sectors that will be over see with the to be assigned

Sector wise Budget breakdown is indicated as follows:

Direct and Administrative Program Implementation Costs

1. Care and development of infants and young children:


2. Quality learning opportunities and

enhancing achievements in basic education: 4,371,000.00

3. Leadership and livelihood skills for youth 3,107,000.00

4. Child Sponsorship: 451,750.00

5. Capital budget 430,000.00

6. Administrative Cost 3,989,700.00

Total Program and Administrative Cost: 16, 600,000.00

Expected Income

In USD 1,229,629.63

(The Detail budget breakdown for project period is indicated on Annex 2)



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