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Ashley Hall

Philosophy of Education

Education is important, especially now. We are in a society that is learning that everyone

is an important part of our community. Because of this, we all have to depend on each other and

that is something that can’t be learned from a textbook. I sincerely believe that education not

only comes from the textbook and PowerPoints provided, but also from the curiosity and

concerns of real-world experiences. When teaching, my main goal is to express to the students

that learning can be new and exciting while also filled with many discoveries if they let it. I want

my students to acknowledge that learning is built on many interesting backgrounds and facts that

can be filled with questions that will leave you wondering. My students will see that knowledge

is gained by being curious and optimistic about the information they’ll learn.

In my classroom, I will not only teach the information that needs to be taught, but I will

also hopefully plan my lessons and activities to get the students more engaged and excited. By

doing this, my student’s will be getting out from behind their desk and be incorporated into the

lesson. Examples of these activities could be rearranging the room, having more hands-on

projects, or even getting outside of the classroom by going outside or on a field trip. I also

believe that my classroom will provide students with more opportunities by giving them choices.

When doing projects, I will let them decide what medium to use whether it be writing a poem,

some sort of art piece, or maybe creating a video or website. I may also give them the option of

doing it individually or with a small group. Overall, I want my role to be not only a teacher, but

also as a guide and a helpful resource that students can come to with questions. I want them to

feel comfortable enough in their learning environment to ask me if they aren’t understanding the
information well enough and are curious. I want to help them realize that knowledge isn’t just a

requirement but something they can be excited and curious about.

Unfortunately, many times a student and their talents will often be overlooked due to the

importance of getting the core subjects taught and not focusing on each individual. I want the

students to feel encouraged and motivated to pursue their curiosities and follow their dreams.

Students will learn through these engaging lesson plans and activities that knowledge can not

only be obtained by reading through textbooks, but also through real world experiences. By

experiencing these activities and lessons, students will gain critical thinking skills as well as

problem solving skills either by working on things individually or within a group. Students will

discover what they are truly passionate about, and hopefully, this will motivate them to

participate in internships or community-based services and projects that will further along the

development of their individuality and passion. In my classroom, students will follow the normal

curriculum and will still be taught portions from the textbook. However, the addition of other

resources and hands-on activities will allow for the students to gain outside experiences which is

very beneficial and useful when going out into the real world.

In my classroom, I will see my students grow into unique and passionate individuals. I

see my students slowly starting to understand that the thirst for knowledge is not just a

requirement that needs to be met but that it is filled with new discoveries and curiosities.

Students will be able to engage and explore with their teachers and fellow peers about different

ideas and concerns in the world. All in all, I want students to be motivated and encouraged to

explore new ideas and questions. I want them to realize that knowledge is wonderful and

powerful and something that should not be dreaded, but to be excited about.

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