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A Paragraph About Myself

My name is Amal Alsaadi. I am 19 years old. I am from Yemen, but

I live in Saudi Arabia. I study at Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz
University. I used to be a vegetarian for a year and a half, and it was
one of the best experience I have ever done. I am interested in
science, especially chemistry and astronomy. I get anxious a lot so I
meditate because it helps soothing me very well. My father passed
away almost 5 years ago. He was a political person. He appreciated
his country so much. My mother is a kind woman. She used to play a
lot of games with me when I was little. I have 4 sisters and 3
brothers. My sisters and I are close. I always wanted to become a
lawyer so I can help making the world a better place, until I realized
that it wasn’t the only way to achieve my dream. We can help
making the world a better place no matter how different our career
path is.

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